Search results

  1. discordman

    GameStop TIV/Promos XXVI: Values available on Android/iOS app. Games with guaranteed $40/$30 and more!

    As a former employee, this is actually (usually) an accident. The system prompts insurance on every purchase and it can go unnoticed quickly if you're not paying attention. I would just mention it, get a refund, and have it at that unless you notice it multiple times.
  2. discordman

    Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7

    The winners are announced in the comments section. Twitter contests are DM'd to the winner for privacy reasons.
  3. discordman

    XBL Deals: 10/7 Terraria, Zeno Clash, More 50% off (Gold) | FREE Gold Games: 10/1 Clash of Heroes, 10/16 Halo 3 | Activision Sale | RCR 33% off | MORE

    Ah, yes. I follow wrestling games rather closely. WWE '12 is one of the worst wrestling games in existance. WWE '13 has bugs, but none are too overbearing, as the gameplay is much more polished and the story mode is rather awesome. If you would like, you can check out my own review here. Hope it...
  4. discordman

    Free Signature (Sig) Designs for CAGS!

    Very awesome work. Here is an odd request. Big fan of deadly premonition, animal crossing, and xena. If those can be blended in a nice darkish sig, that would be awesome. Haven't had a new sig in years, so I will try to drop something your way when I am able.
  5. discordman

    BundleInABox Capsule Computer Bundle - 7 games for $2 (Blackwell Series + More)

    I am so glad I seen this topic. Let me introduce myself as a Senior Editor with Capsule. If you won a contest and didn't receive a reply, please send me an email right now at [email protected], and I promise you I will look into it. Now, as for the Bundle, the prizes are...
  6. discordman

    [Dead] 100% free mouse pad from Free Shipping!

    Thanks a lot! Got my Deadly Premonition pad coming!
  7. discordman

    XBL Deals|7/4 Only- Witcher2, OrangeBox, More | 7/5 Only-Hitman:Absolution $10, More | ME3: Omega | BL2 DLC (Gold) | FREE Defense Grid (Gold) | MORE

    Just a quick question. Got the rewards, but is there an exclusive for all three punchcards, or is that the couch?
  8. discordman

    Gamestop Weekly Ad 5/15-5/21 (Some Price Drops)

    GameStop can not win with anyone. If they have a great sale, all we see is "Enjoy your gutted copy", and if they don't match BB or Amazon, it's "Typical GameStop BS". Without their used product and trade-ins, I personally wouldn't have played a good 60% of the games I have this generation. Sure...
  9. discordman

    Win Injustice: Gods Among Us (360/PS3)

    Hello Again, everyone! Over at Capsule Computers, we are giving away a copy of Injustice: Gods Among Us to one lucky person. All you have to do is simply leave a comment on the article found here answering “If you were a Super Hero, what would your Super Power be?” (along with the platform of...
  10. discordman

    Free game (DL) when you register 3DS XL & Pokemon MD: GTI or Luigi's Mansion: DM

    I bought Luigi's mansion, but have no use for the code due to an older XL model that I owned since launch. Maybe an XBLA code or points...XBLA time, or something of that manner if someone needs it and wants a trade.
  11. discordman

    XBL Deals|7/4 Only- Witcher2, OrangeBox, More | 7/5 Only-Hitman:Absolution $10, More | ME3: Omega | BL2 DLC (Gold) | FREE Defense Grid (Gold) | MORE

    I myself am hoping for a 9.99 price on Mortal Kombat, but if not I am content. El Shaddai, Resident Evil Code Veronica, Tomb Raider Legend, Resident Evil 5, Civilization Revolution, LFD2, and The Orange Box thus far. Will I play them all this year? I don't think so. Good to have though without...
  12. discordman

    Old Thread, New Thread Linked in First/Last Posts

    Just traded in a Old 360 for $55 base. Odd that it seems to be down $5 elseware. Refurb was $28 however.
  13. discordman

    XBL DotW Sales 2013 | 1/1 EA SPORTS (Gold) | MORE! | Now-Wiki

    He means that version was on sale during June during the low-tier GOD sale.
  14. discordman

    The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

    Pre-ordered at Best Buy and asked the manager what are the odds of not getting it. He said all pre-orders come first, no questions asked, so I am hoping that is enough.
  15. discordman

    Best Buy: Unadvertised 3DS game price drops/clearance - YMMV but shouldn't

    Captain Planet makes Punch Time Explosion a buy for me at that price.
  16. discordman

    Club Nintendo's 2012 Platinum and Gold Prizes

    For those who are complaining, think of it like this. As of now, this program is what Nintendo gives us as an incentive to buy new. You already got your reward as it is (the points in general), and this is just gravy. Nintendo could make you enter an online pass to unlock levels 6 and up in...
bread's done