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  1. T

    CheapyD gets his hands on a DS Lite

    Here's another image of the DS lite, albeit with not as good focus as CheapyD's picture. This was taken in Shinjuku, use the gaijin hands to approximate size. :)
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    New Year's Day in Japan

    Tongue is pretty good with some sesame seed oil with a little salt and pepper. If anyone is interested in trying it here, you can usually get it at any Korean BBQ place - the kind where you BBQ yourself like in the previous picture posted - in the US (at least that has been true for me...
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    The Wacky Japanese Video Thread

    Yatta is from a comedy show, so no it's not an actual group of musicians.
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    Welcome to the YMIJ Forum...Feedback welcome here!

    Hey Cheapy - I'm going to Tokyo for the first time for a week in mid-Feburary. I'll be staying in the New Otani which I guess is in between Shinjuku and Akasaka (Chiyoda?). I was curious if you have any recommendations for places to eat or izakaya to check out while in Tokyo? I've been...
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    Doom 3 out NOW @ Best Buy

    God damnit... what a waste of a drive. They are not selling it at the Best Buy in Emeryville, CA yet.
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    Greetings from Japan!

    Congrats man. Post some pics if you don't mind sharing your life with us forum people.
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    Xbox next- Backwards compatible?

    Touche - I didn't realize there were nVidia specific shader functionality. I would have thought they would be using HLSL which is supposed to be Microsoft's vendor independant shader language but if not that only compounds the backwards compatability issue even more (including potential legal...
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    Xbox next- Backwards compatible?

    I just wanted to point out that while I'm sure you had good intentions when you wrote this post, technically it is wrong. Libraries such as DirectX and XNA (still unclear what XNA really is) are only beneficial to software developers. Instead of having to worry about how to fill in a triangle...
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    [Dead] ESPN NFL 2005(PS2) pre-order only $19.99 at!!

    Just want to throw in that I think both Madden and ESPN/Sega NFL are good games but I personally think ESPN is more fun. Yeah - too bad this deal wasn't on Xbox :)
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    Soul Calibur II XBOX

    What's the best reason to get Soul Calibur for Xbox? Well, if you have an HDTV and component cables for the Xbox it displays in 720p which kicks the shit out of either of the other two consoles presentation. It looks like a PC game.
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    A question for Republicans

    Sorry this isn't exactly an answer to your question but, Typically I agree with most of what Republican candidates have to say - especially with regards to economic issues, not always with social - but I think it's clear that Bush doesn't really know what he is doing. That said, Kerry doesn't...
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    Is Gitaroo Man really that hard?

    It's not that bad. The final stage is kinda hard though.
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    Hey look, a thread that isn't bashing EB!

    Ok chaps, bottom line - if you don't want to deal with any retarded situations don't buy pre-owned and don't go into the store! The whole system is a joke - every disk I have seen someone buy pre-owned has been scratched to all shit. I'm sure EB makes the majority of their profits from preowned...
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    CONTEST: Win an Ikaruga prize pack from [Winners announced]

    I met up with a friend nightly for a few weeks to practice 2-man Ikaruga on Normal mode in an attempt to beat it with 3 continues. Unfortunately we were unsuccesful as after reaching level 4 my friend would die very often which eventually led to some yelling as I astutely pointed out that he...
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    Favorite FPS ever

    Damn is everyone who posted like 17 or younger? Don't take that in a bad way, just curious because of the games that have been listed. I feel like a granpa saying it but the best FPS experiences I ever had were with Doom 2 by playing it on BBS' and DWANGO (before the Internet was big) in...
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    CONTEST: Win a Winning Eleven 7 (PS2) prize package

    My best soccer memory - playing soccer for 6 years when I was a kid. Why I want to win - so I can play this game that is supposedly very good.
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    Final Fantasy X Help

    Sounds like you need to be higher level. Fight the monsters inside the cave and level up more. If you haven't ever just stopped and leveled up for a while (hours) near a save point then I'm not surprised you are having troubles with a boss. If you having problems with that fight, wait until you...
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    Any one get rid of games and then regretted it later??

    I sold my Sega Master System to buy a NES, which I wish I never did. Ah well, I was a kid back then, it'll never happen again. But how I miss Alex Kid in Miracle World.
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    Who else has reached their limit for EB's AFF25 coupon code?

    I only used it once or twice and it says I can't use it anymore.
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    PSP price rumors

    I welcome any competition into the handheld market with open arms. I love the GBA SP already, but if someone else wants to come in and challenge it all the better. In the end the consumer will win and we will have more options and higher quality products. Too bad the Ngage bombed so hard or...
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