Search results

  1. Paco

    Fleamarkets of 2014. GO AMERICA!

    Found this on the first.  After the death of Uncle Phil, I found a Republican looking for a government handout as my first flea market purchase of 2014.
  2. Paco

    This man wants to grow up to be a Maxi Pad.

    Meet Pad. This is his bio "Pad Gardner," as he calls himself, works at a movie theater in Panama City, Florida. A former theater major, he's a huge Twilight fan and an ardent gay-rights supporter. He loves vampires and werewolves. Next month he's doing a walk across America to raise awareness...
  3. Paco

    Is this paranoid?

    Watching netflix on the PS3, and it crashes. Hard crashes. Can't access XMB, can't shut it off through controller and pressing the power button doesn't shut it down either. Holding it down also does nothing. I shut off the surge protector and wait a minute then turn it back on. test the PS3...
  4. Paco

    Does this look suspicious to an insurance company?

    Ok I just recently sold a logitech harmony remote control. The item was fully tested and working before I listed it and AFTER I listed it. I package it up and then send it to the people who bought it. They receive the remote and contact me saying the remote is not working. Since it was...
  5. Paco

    Obama celebrates fewer men graduating from college

    Because men don't need dat der edumacayshun. Here's a great choice quote too.
  6. Paco

    Shake Yo Ass gamers! Zynga is in the toilet! GOOD NEWS FOR ALL!

    Story about good times right here.,0,2862927.story
  7. Paco

    Ebay Auctions. Xbox 360 arcade stick

    Some auctions I have going on. Custom Xbox 360 arcade stick Chef Nintendo Game and Watch
  8. Paco

    Found something really Hood Rich on Tuesday

    Check it out. Still works. Even bigger then my other one! Click link below to check it out
  9. Paco

    Ebay Vintage Ms Pacman Coleco Tabletop Game baby is thirty years old and still works great. Gameboy Advance SP+ with over 60 games or so.
  10. Paco

    Share your fleamarket language that you use to negotiate.

    I'm a veteran of many fleamarkets and yard sales. Everyone develops their own techniques and some have been posted by CheapyD I believe. However, I'd like to have some more hands on and personal stories and or skills that people have used in person. Some of my personal favorites are "Five...
  11. Paco

    All CAGS Vote for The Mana Knight to be in The Tester Season 3! VOTE FOR MANA!

    As you all know, The Mana Knight is one of Sony's biggest supporters. This man has spent tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands on Sony products from the five Playstation 3s he owns, the Xbox 360 that he did a 360 on and walked away from to play his PSP GO, and rumor has it that...
  12. Paco

    Get to know the CAG PS3 Online users!

    We've all made up stories or had he said/she said crap about certain users. It's all in good fun, but how many of us actually know the vast majority of people in the PS3 forums? Let's get to know each other with internet stories and through conversation. I'll start. IAmTheCheapestGamer...
  13. Paco

    Duke Nukem Forever Demo is NOW UP on all platforms!

    If you registered for first access, you should have an e-mail about now. Demo is now up and live! I'm at 73% download and I'm just waiting. Fourteen years and it's finally real. A piece of true gaming history.
  14. Paco

    It's real and it's BEAUTIFUL.

    Someone finally got a copy of Duke Nukem Forever in their hands. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. They of course had to cover up his face with the Forever Alone face so they could make the joke Duke Nukem Forever Alone.
  15. Paco

    Post Office Insurance, is this normal?

    I sold a Neo Geo Gold System box for 90 dollars. I package it carefully and it gets damaged on the way over there. I file a claim and the buyer files his part. Now i get a call back and the post office told him if the claim is accepted, they have to take the entire package and then destroy...
  16. Paco

    Fun with auctions.

    So what do you do when someone buys a certain item? I'm thinking of doing something for the more wacky items and I started it off with this.
  17. Paco

    The Official PSN Tetris. New and Old welcome!

    Tetris for the PSN finally came out. It's got some great multiplayer that is lag free, has nice mic support and lots of modes including a pretty damn good team battle mode which includes attackers and defenders. Anyone up for some games? Just add your name here so we can get some good games...
  18. Paco is great. People who buy adult diapers also frequently buy Call of Duty.

    Should I even be surprised?
  19. Paco

    So Texas is considering withdrawl from Medicaid. Medicaid? Fuck that Socialism. Medicare? NOW THAT"S GOOD. But seriously weren't they supposed to secede from the union?
  20. Paco

    GoW Collection - a test for future HD remastering efforts. Even more to come? Part that's interesting.
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