Alan Wake General Discussion - Out May 18, 2010!

[quote name='Fjordson']Oh god, I just finished chapter 4 with that Verizon commercial. [/QUOTE]

Yeah, at first I didn't know what it was exactly and then it broke into, "Thousands of Apps..." and I realized it was a flat-out normal TV commercial without any attempt to fit into the game world. It was really... well... disgusting.

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Think I'm gonna have to break down and actually buy this one, because I am certainly going to want to play the DLC episodes. [/QUOTE]

I know there has been a little info released about DLC coming in July, but any idea exactly what its going to be? I heard the price is around $10 which is pretty high. But if they give a whole 1.5-2 hour chapter, I guess its worth it. There are currently 2 listed in the DLC. They really could just completely switch to episodic releases and I am already sold on buying them unless they half-ass it... In other words, this game could have strong DLC if they actually put in the effort to make it that way. Think that's the plan?
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Rented this from GameFly and really, really enjoyed it. The story is fantastic, and the combat is definitely something different and enjoyable. Think I'm gonna have to break down and actually buy this one, because I am certainly going to want to play the DLC episodes.[/QUOTE]

I have done the same as you. I believe the DLC comes out sometime in July. By then, I expect the price of the game to drop a bit. It seems like a lot of people on various online websites are just renting this game and not buying.
[quote name='Malik112099']Im playing on hard (halfway through episode 3) and i wanted to change the difficulty during level 2 but im glad you cant cause after i made it through (using planning and strategy) i felt like i accomplished something[/QUOTE]

I am relatively stuck on 3 myself, because I'm on hard. It's much worse in episode 3 on hard than 2.

[quote name='schuerm26']The combat is awesome. Controls are perfect. The one thing I am hoping for in Alan Wake 2 is more of a blend of exploring and combat. It felt a LOT to me like the first Uncharted. You always new when you were exploring and you knew when you were about to hit combat. A better blend would literally make the game perfect.[/QUOTE]
You do know that they built the game originally to be free roaming? They spent a lot of time on the engine so that you could go anywhere in brightfalls at pretty much any time. Then, as they were fleshing out the story they realized that they could not make an adequate horror story with proper pacing without linearizing it.

[quote name='wildcpac']I have done the same as you. I believe the DLC comes out sometime in July. By then, I expect the price of the game to drop a bit. It seems like a lot of people on various online websites are just renting this game and not buying.[/QUOTE]

Did anyone else notice that if you go to downloadable content in-game it gives you the names and teaser texts for the upcoming next two episodes?
I havn't picked htis up yet- I just have a question. The game comes with a code to download the first episode, right? Or did I have to preorder to get that??
[quote name='flameofdoom666']I havn't picked htis up yet- I just have a question. The game comes with a code to download the first episode, right? Or did I have to preorder to get that??[/QUOTE]

new copies come with the code, but DLC won't be available for 2 months or something. The normal price of the DLC is listed at 800 points.
[quote name='wakawakawa']new copies come with the code, but DLC won't be available for 2 months or something. The normal price of the DLC is listed at 800 points.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='thrustbucket']You do know that they built the game originally to be free roaming? They spent a lot of time on the engine so that you could go anywhere in brightfalls at pretty much any time. Then, as they were fleshing out the story they realized that they could not make an adequate horror story with proper pacing without linearizing it.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. Originally, Alan Wake was going to be a sandbox-type game, but I think they made the right decision going more linear.

Did anyone else notice that if you go to downloadable content in-game it gives you the names and teaser texts for the upcoming next two episodes?
Yep. "The Signal" and "The Writer" are the first two episodes. Here are the small blurbs about both:

- In this first downloadable content pack we find Wake tracing a threat unlike anything he's ever encountered before -- and yet one he's intimately familiar with. In order to make sense of it all, he must follow the Signal.

- Our second downloadable content pack, "The Writer", finds Wake in strange circumstances; now fully aware of the thing that opposes him, he must survive one increasingly nightmarish situation after another.

[quote name='guyver2077']anyone remember the original e3 2005 trailer[/QUOTE]

It has certainly been a long journey, hasn't it? I remember when I was really big into PC gaming and PC hardware. Everyone kept talking about how Alan Wake was going to be one of the first games to take advantage of quad-core processors.
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[quote name='confoosious']dude, why don't you keep your eyerolling to yourself.

I got the LE because it sounded like it would be fantastic. I also loved Max Payne. Just because I'm having second thoughts about it doesn't mean I'm some sort of moron for buying the LE. Oh yeah, I got it for $60.

So basically ... fuck off. Thankfully other people in this thread are helpful.[/QUOTE]

Don't let the smiley face upset you, it was an opinion which I am entitled to, enjoy your game, wrapped in cellophane while others actually play it. :roll:

- Jason
Just finished the game.... holy hell-yeah awesome. This just scratched an itch for a game I didn't even fully knew I had. Really great experience... I could go on with more praise but will hold it back for fear of spoilers. Even though recent games have had very underachieving DLC, I think this game has the setup to really go strong with a few more episodes. 64 days until we find out but damn, I am really looking forward to that. Well worth the purchase... games like this need the $$ to keep going.
I'm only through the first chapter but loving it so far. I wish I could read more in the thread but I'm afraid of spoilers!
Beat the game the other night and really enjoyed it. Was kinda disapointed that
there wasn't some kind of big battle at or during the last episode. With the amount of weapons they gave you I was really expecting one.
Favorite episodes were 4 and 5 (partly because of the cool set pieces during them) whereas episode 3 I didn't like that much cause it felt like it went on forever.

After going back and replaying the portions of episode 3 and 6 for the 2 extra achievements (Meet the Deadline and Gunless Wonder) the game almost seemed easier skipping a lot or most of the fights then staying and killing all the taken (though not for a lack of firepower). I'm chalking this up though to it being because I was playing on normal still.

Still plan on going back and replaying on nightmare and finish getting the rest of the collectibles.
[quote name='StarKnightX']Beat the game the other night and really enjoyed it. Was kinda disapointed that ...[/QUOTE]

I agree with you...
the tornado chases you the whole game, giving some of the tensest moments and then the culmination is standing there just lobbing flares into it while it spins. Seems like a huge missed opportunity for a chase scene...
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[quote name='faceturd']I agree with you...
the tornado chases you the whole game, giving some of the tensest moments and then the culmination is standing there just lobbing flares into it while it spins. Seems like a huge missed opportunity for a chase scene...

I actually died a few times at that part stupidly cause I didn't realize you had to get right up to it to hit it with the flares. Kept getting knocked off the ledge trying to hit it where the box of flares was located.:lol:
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']

It has certainly been a long journey, hasn't it? I remember when I was really big into PC gaming and PC hardware. Everyone kept talking about how Alan Wake was going to be one of the first games to take advantage of quad-core processors.[/QUOTE]

yup. i remember that too.. wanted to really see it push my pc.. but o well
[quote name='Fjordson']Oh god, I just finished chapter 4 with that Verizon commercial. I haven't really minded any of the product placement, such as the energizer batteries, but that particular instance was pretty bad I think. That segment is one of the most intense in the game up to that point and then all of a sudden there's a Verizon commercial? I was thinking it was going to be another cool Night Springs episode or something else to fit the mood.

Other than that, chapter 4 was the best yet. The climactic battle was really great.[/QUOTE]

Verizon commercial? WTF? I just beat chapter 4 and didn't see anything like that. :/
[quote name='Enclave Soldier']Verizon commercial? WTF? I just beat chapter 4 and didn't see anything like that. :/[/QUOTE]

You could always just chapter select it since it appears about maybe a 1/4 of the way into the level if that.
As your escaping the lodge to go meet up with Barry the T.V. is hanging on a wall on your left. It plays a nissan commercial first (I think) followed by the Verizon commercial.

Sorry if that seems kinda vague but that's the best I can do off the top of my head without rechecking the level myself.
[quote name='Enclave Soldier']Verizon commercial? WTF? I just beat chapter 4 and didn't see anything like that. :/[/QUOTE]

fuck. i missed it too
[quote name='Kissfuldreamer']I hope the game drastically picks up, I've only just beaten Episode I, and I thought it was alright.[/QUOTE]

Stick with it... Episode 1 is heavy on intro... even Episode 2 holds back a little bit to introduce more combat... but it lets you loose as you progress close to Episode 3.

[quote name='StarKnightX']I actually died a few times ....:lol:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I stayed there for like 5 minutes
trying to hit the large objects swirling around in a circle to clear the jump completely but it never let me. What can I say, that box of flares was such a position of safety I didn't want to leave.

Also, when you were walking through the darkness and lighting up the words to create objects did you listen to the phones? I couldn't hear what any of them said?
Finished up episode 5 last night. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but every episode I play ends up being the best one yet. I'm pissed, though. According to my stats I missed a single radio show and I have no clue as to which chapter it's in. I really wish Remedy had broken up all the collectibles by chapter.

Other than that, I'm in love with this game. I really regret not buying the limited edition.
Favorite episodes were 4 and 5 (partly because of the cool set pieces during them) whereas episode 3 I didn't like that much cause it felt like it went on forever.

I agree on Episode 3. A couple of the "run through the forest, kill the taken" parts could've been trimmed. The level felt overlong.
I think Episode 1 was a great introduction to the world. Episode 2 was an amazing introduction to the mechanics of the game (the first time you go through the woods is so memorable). Episode 3 was amazing in terms of atmosphere and story. Episode 4 had really cool locations. I'm now at the start of Chapter 5.
[quote name='Enclave Soldier']Verizon commercial? WTF? I just beat chapter 4 and didn't see anything like that. :/[/QUOTE]

If you pay attention, there is a ton of advertising, The Ford car outside the police station in Chapter 2, I think it's a Ford Fusion, the Energizer batteries, Alan's Verizon branded cellphone...I'm only in Chapter 3 so I'm sure there's more to be found.

I honestly don't mind it at all, gives it more of a realistic feel to it.
One thing im running into on hard is that they are giving me way more batteries than ammo. I dont need batteries....its rare that I use them. I have enough flashbangs and flares most of the time along with construction lights here and there that i rarely tough my batteries. I need fucking ammo! Also, the pump action shotgun is a beast!
This has undoubtedly been asked 100 times before me, but really trying to avoid spoilers.

I have a sealed copy of the LE and the Regular. Is the LE going to retain any of it's value or am I better off sticking with the Regular for now and picking up the LE in a few months when I can find it for $30 or $40?
I have been to the future, and yes it will!


In all honesty, no one's always a gamble, check eBay pricing to see if it's higher or on par of what you paid.
Yea yea I know, I gambled last with Demon's Souls and that worked out, but not sure if I'm feeling this one. Although I am absolutely in love with the case, so I think I might just keep it anyways lol.
[quote name='tooshorty6432168']
I have a sealed copy of the LE and the Regular. Is the LE going to retain any of it's value or am I better off sticking with the Regular for now and picking up the LE in a few months when I can find it for $30 or $40?[/QUOTE]

I'm struggling with this as well. I have a copy of the LE sealed, but I don't know what I'm going to do. I really would like to play the game, but I've got so much else to play right now, I won't get to it for a while. So the question ultimately boils down to whether the LE will sell out or drop significantly in price (bought the LE for $60 through It's really hard to say right now. We'll have a better idea in the coming weeks if some retailers are sold out.
[quote name='BingoBrown']I'm struggling with this as well. I have a copy of the LE sealed, but I don't know what I'm going to do. I really would like to play the game, but I've got so much else to play right now, I won't get to it for a while. So the question ultimately boils down to whether the LE will sell out or drop significantly in price (bought the LE for $60 through It's really hard to say right now. We'll have a better idea in the coming weeks if some retailers are sold out.[/QUOTE]

Yea exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm playing through 3D Dot Game Heroes and Red Dead Redemption at the moment and soon Super Mario Galaxy 2, so I'm just not opening Alan Wake and may have to take advantage of Best Buy's 30 day return policy if I see the price drops a bit on Amazon.
[quote name='faceturd']Yeah, I stayed there for like 5 minutes
trying to hit the large objects swirling around in a circle to clear the jump completely but it never let me. What can I say, that box of flares was such a position of safety I didn't want to leave.

Also, when you were walking through the darkness and lighting up the words to create objects did you listen to the phones? I couldn't hear what any of them said?

Yep , did the same thing I did there.:lol: As far as the phones , I didn't stop to try and listed to any of them. Figured they'd be just there for looks. Might check into that when I do that level again on nightmare (or just load up that part of the level , since it's its own sublevel).

[quote name='Fjordson']According to my stats I missed a single radio show and I have no clue as to which chapter it's in. I really wish Remedy had broken up all the collectibles by chapter.[/QUOTE]

Probably missed the same one I did. Broken down by level and sublevel:
1-2 has 1 , 1-3 has 1
2-1 has 1 , 2-2 has 1
3-1 has 3 , 3-2 has 2
4-1 has 2.

Looking at the list , the one I'm probably missing is
in a ranger station tower while your heading towards the andersons farm in episode 4. Since most of the others on the list I either know I got or were supposed to be pretty hard to miss that's the only one I can thing of that I might have passed.

Full list of collectibles for anyone interested:

Edit:Stupid me , I forgot that , at least for the radio shows , there is a episode/chapter listing in the game. Main Menu , Extras , Radios. Combine this with the previous info and it shouldn't be hard to find the one your missing.
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[quote name='BingoBrown']I'm struggling with this as well. I have a copy of the LE sealed, but I don't know what I'm going to do. I really would like to play the game, but I've got so much else to play right now, I won't get to it for a while. So the question ultimately boils down to whether the LE will sell out or drop significantly in price (bought the LE for $60 through It's really hard to say right now. We'll have a better idea in the coming weeks if some retailers are sold out.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='tooshorty6432168']Yea exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm playing through 3D Dot Game Heroes and Red Dead Redemption at the moment and soon Super Mario Galaxy 2, so I'm just not opening Alan Wake and may have to take advantage of Best Buy's 30 day return policy if I see the price drops a bit on Amazon.[/QUOTE]

If it's worth anything I had a hard time finding the LE locally. It's a nice LE if you enjoy the game.
I just finished Episode One. I don't want to stop playing. This game's really good.
Anyone else having a problem getting "The Poet and the Muse" out of their heads? Geez. I listen to it all the time. The rest of the soundtrack, including the other stuff by Poets of the Fall, was pretty damn good, too.
I just started Episode 2. So far so good. There's 6 episodes?

Could you imagine how annoying it must be to have a gf who is afraid of the dark? She better be awesome in the sack.

edit: wow, this game just got a lot better in episode two!
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[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Anyone else having a problem getting "The Poet and the Muse" out of their heads? Geez. I listen to it all the time. The rest of the soundtrack, including the other stuff by Poets of the Fall, was pretty damn good, too.[/QUOTE]

Haha, yeah, that song is amazing. That's how you reshape destiny.
So , restarted the game on nightmare and beat the first episode. Noticed some things I hadn't before (or simply forgot about) as well as just thinking about some other things story line wise.

During the nightmare in episode 1 you can see missing posters that show Wake's picture on them. Next , the otherworldly light that helps Wake during the beginning nightmare is the same voice as Thomas Zane. Coincidence? Not likely , since the last detail from the nightmare is the voice's "poem" which mentions the same thing that Wake kinda mentions at the end , about it not being a lake but an ocean.

A lesser detail , when your at the sheriffs office at the beginning of episode 2, is there any relevance to the 4 missing people posters there , since they are a collectible?

Thinking about the beginning of the last episode , based on the manuscript you get from Zane , does that mean that Zane really is Wake's father or that's just what the reality is now since Zane changed things? It would kinda explain some things if that were true , such as how Wake also got touched by the darkness , and adds some accuracy of sorts to the story Wake tells Alice about the clicker at the beginning of Episode 2. That it always did have power , even if Wake never really realized it.

Last thing , although it's more just musings than anything else. Was there any real purpose to Agent Nightingales character other than to be a pain in the ass? He kept talking about how Wake needed to be stopped , but for doing what? Was he pretty much only there because Wake wrote him to be there in the manuscript or am I missing a bigger detail about him.

Who else here is kinda interested in reading an Alex Casey book now after playing this game?
[quote name='StarKnightX']So , restarted the game on nightmare and beat the first episode. Noticed some things I hadn't before (or simply forgot about) as well as just thinking about some other things story line wise.

During the nightmare in episode 1 you can see missing posters that show Wake's picture on them. Next , the otherworldly light that helps Wake during the beginning nightmare is the same voice as Thomas Zane. Coincidence? Not likely , since the last detail from the nightmare is the voice's "poem" which mentions the same thing that Wake kinda mentions at the end , about it not being a lake but an ocean.

A lesser detail , when your at the sheriffs office at the beginning of episode 2, is there any relevance to the 4 missing people posters there , since they are a collectible?

Thinking about the beginning of the last episode , based on the manuscript you get from Zane , does that mean that Zane really is Wake's father or that's just what the reality is now since Zane changed things? It would kinda explain some things if that were true , such as how Wake also got touched by the darkness , and adds some accuracy of sorts to the story Wake tells Alice about the clicker at the beginning of Episode 2. That it always did have power , even if Wake never really realized it.

Last thing , although it's more just musings than anything else. Was there any real purpose to Agent Nightingales character other than to be a pain in the ass? He kept talking about how Wake needed to be stopped , but for doing what? Was he pretty much only there because Wake wrote him to be there in the manuscript or am I missing a bigger detail about him.

- Zane definitely is the "light" that guides Wake through certain parts of the game. If you notice when he finally appears in this diving suit, the helmet is extremely illuminated.

- At this point, without some insight from the developers, the relationship between Zane and Wake is like trying to decide if the chicken or egg came first. Considering the power of the lake, it's hard to tell what the actual reality was before Zane and Wake altered it with their writings. When Wake is being given that "tour" of the facilities by Dr. Hartman, the Anderson brothers refer to Wake as "Tom." This could be because Wake resembles Zane (like a son resembles his father), Wake is a reincarnation of Zane, or the Andersons are just batshit crazy and confused. Again, though, for whatever reason they think he is Tom, that could have all been influenced by the writings.

- Nightingale's purpose has really perplexed me, as well. One thing I have thought about is his appearance at the end of the game. He seems to be surrounded by darkness and looking quite cold and distance. Has he become the new bearer of the Dark Presence? Perhaps there needs to be one? It could be part of the necessary balance that forced Alan to sacrifice himself for Alice.
The Alan Wake Files did a decent job of touching base on Nightingale's personality and possible reasoning behind his investigation of Bright Falls and Wake himself. In fact, 60 - 75% of his dosser comprises the book including transcribed interviews with various characters. I recall a document in the book stating he wasn't on official business as depression and chronic drinking due to the death of his partner led to him being discharged from the force.

His personal notes of course didn't divulge the circumstances leading to the death in detail, but did seem to imply the Dark Presence was involved in some way. If so then this is a text book case of guilt ridden obsession in my opinion. An emotionally battered man determined to redeem himself in the eyes of his partner by catching or killing whomever or whatever was responsible for introducing him to his demons.

Clay (the author and man killed outside of the cabin by the Taken in Alan's first nightmare) certainly felt the same way often wondering why he took interest in certain articles and books including DP esque dispatcher calls/reports, Barbara Jagger's obituary in the paper and a rare set of the few remaining pictures of Diver's Isle containing mysterious ink blots. He's also one of the few convinced Nightingale was a completely different man before his partner's demise.

I could quote a few notes or an interview if you guys want. I'm starting to fall in love with the storyline of this game as in order to fully understand it
we first need to establish which writer's reality is the genuine article: Alan Wake or Thomas Zane?
FYI all the 10 or so standard trailers (except the launch trailer, TGS interview, Building a Thriller dev diary, and 6 prequel episodes on the marketplace) are on the LE disk. It shows the development of this game as there are trailer from 05/06, then nothing until last year.

The avatar items exclusive to the LE are that ugly (IMO) coat and scarf from the 05 trailer (I wish it was the current style instead.) To unlock the avatar items, you don't have to watch everything on the disk like I thought from the description, just install the commentary to your HDD, then switch on commentary in the game options (you can turn it right back off.)

To those talking about the ad placement, don't forget Alice is driving a Ford Focus with Sync from Microsoft in Chapter 1.

LE is really nice. My only gripes are the shortness of the soundtrack (10 songs, 37 minutes) and one of the themes is the exact same one from the pre-order cards. I know I said my peace about other soundtracks this gen a couple of pages back, but for another example the digital soundtrack with the Gamestop exclusive edition of Red Dead is 19 songs, but it's really crappy music (and I like country but it's not good, I'd say there's 2 or 3 good-decent songs on the whole soundtrack.) It makes me wish even more the Alan Wake soundtrack was longer as it may be short, but it's really awesome.

You can watch all the content on the LE disk and not get spolied on anything, unlike other CE's (Mass Effect 2 for example.) The Taken noise is actually a mix of the processed sounds of a baby and a kitten crying. I'm going to read the book tomorrow but by skimming it I don't think there's any spoilers in that either.

After reading the obomination the Fable 3 LE is going to be (wasn't getting the game at all but it's a really pathetic LE) I would definately support good CE's and get this one.

In terms of rarity of the LE, I haven't looked around any BB's in St. Louis, but almost all the Gamestop's only got enough for pre-orders, and only about 1/5 of the Kmart's in the country got them, and only 2-3 per location for the ones that did. SHC-Gamer posted a list a couple of weeks back, I'm sure if you PM him he can send you the list. No Target's, Walmart's, or Toys R Us's got them at all. Not sure about Fry's as they aren't in my area.
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[quote name='Malik112099']One thing im running into on hard is that they are giving me way more batteries than ammo. I dont need batteries....its rare that I use them. I have enough flashbangs and flares most of the time along with construction lights here and there that i rarely tough my batteries. I need fucking ammo! Also, the pump action shotgun is a beast![/QUOTE]

Definately don't watch the E3 2009 demo walkthrough, as back then the max ammo for the magnum was 120 bullets. That was an eye-opener when I was watching the LE bonus disk content.
[quote name='reddjoey']If it's worth anything I had a hard time finding the LE locally. It's a nice LE if you enjoy the game.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='MSUHitman']In terms of rarity of the LE, I haven't looked around any BB's in St. Louis, but almost all the Gamestop's only got enough for pre-orders, and only about 1/5 of the Kmart's in the country got them, and only 2-3 per location for the ones that did. SHC-Gamer posted a list a couple of weeks back, I'm sure if you PM him he can send you the list. No Target's, Walmart's, or Toys R Us's got them at all. Not sure about Fry's as they aren't in my area.[/QUOTE]

Interesting. I didn't realize that it wasn't carried by many B&M stores. I guess the real question then is how many copies the online retailers like and Amazon got.

I'll probably end up holding on to the LE, I just wish I could know that it is the right decision to make. Ah, the life of a CAG.
Got this a couple days ago for my birthday but I haven't taken it out of the shrinkwrap yet because I've been so wrapped up in Red Dead. I'm dying to play it though, so I have a quick question- can you only save at the end of chapters or can you save anytime? I'm thinking if it's only after chapters, I might be better off not splitting my limited gaming time between this and RDR, or at least alternate days between the two games.
[quote name='StarKnightX']Yep , did the same thing I did there.:lol: As far as the phones , I didn't stop to try and listed to any of them. Figured they'd be just there for looks. Might check into that when I do that level again on nightmare (or just load up that part of the level , since it's its own sublevel).

Probably missed the same one I did. Broken down by level and sublevel:
1-2 has 1 , 1-3 has 1
2-1 has 1 , 2-2 has 1
3-1 has 3 , 3-2 has 2
4-1 has 2.

Looking at the list , the one I'm probably missing is
in a ranger station tower while your heading towards the andersons farm in episode 4. Since most of the others on the list I either know I got or were supposed to be pretty hard to miss that's the only one I can thing of that I might have passed.

Full list of collectibles for anyone interested:

Edit:Stupid me , I forgot that , at least for the radio shows , there is a episode/chapter listing in the game. Main Menu , Extras , Radios. Combine this with the previous info and it shouldn't be hard to find the one your missing.[/QUOTE]

sweeeet thanks
[quote name='Danimal']Got this a couple days ago for my birthday but I haven't taken it out of the shrinkwrap yet because I've been so wrapped up in Red Dead. I'm dying to play it though, so I have a quick question- can you only save at the end of chapters or can you save anytime? I'm thinking if it's only after chapters, I might be better off not splitting my limited gaming time between this and RDR, or at least alternate days between the two games.[/QUOTE]

You can't save manually, but there are rather frequent checkpoints so you can stop whenever you want.
[quote name='Danimal']Got this a couple days ago for my birthday but I haven't taken it out of the shrinkwrap yet because I've been so wrapped up in Red Dead. I'm dying to play it though, so I have a quick question- can you only save at the end of chapters or can you save anytime? I'm thinking if it's only after chapters, I might be better off not splitting my limited gaming time between this and RDR, or at least alternate days between the two games.[/QUOTE]

The episodes are around 2 hours maximum and I think it helps to play them in those chunks so that you can experience the whole episode story-arc to completion.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Interesting. I didn't realize that it wasn't carried by many B&M stores. I guess the real question then is how many copies the online retailers like and Amazon got.

I'll probably end up holding on to the LE, I just wish I could know that it is the right decision to make. Ah, the life of a CAG.[/QUOTE]

I want the LE, but I don't want to pay the MSRP for it. I want it for $40 :D

Even God of War III: Ultimate Edition which was deemed 'rare' has had many discounts and such. I will try my luck.
bread's done