[quote name='bojay1997']I am really curious what kind of value you guys put on figures. Considering all the crappy figures like the one from SFIV CE and several others, I have no desire to ever get another limited or collector's edition with one included. Even the original Bioshock CE Big Daddy was a piece of junk. Do you have these things around your room or house? It creeps me out when I visit friends with action figures in their home, unless they have kids of course.
I would much rather have items like a really nice art book (which based on the description and size, this seems to be the nicest one ever to come with a CE game), a CD soundtrack and especially a piece of vinyl which is something nobody has done before in a CE game and frankly has a value outside of game collecting. I like that all the items are tangible and artistic and actually fit with the mythology and items in the game world. It's not like some weird cheap figure and a making of DVD or some ridiculous item that has no application to playing the game like those absurd goggles which cost $70 in CoD MW2.[/QUOTE]
Theres nothing wierd about collectible figures. A lot of people collect them. And having them in your gaming room makes even more sense and adds to the atmosphere. Likewise for being so "cheap" they certainly came out very good.
You're incredibly nieve if you think having 'the art from bioshock the videogame' on your coffee table, posters from the game on your wall + a vinyl record makes you any less strange. I can just see you whipping that sucker out during a small gathering with friends for some cool tunes, right

? All of that is the stuff that either gets junked or ends up burried in the basement after the 'wow i'm so cool' factor has worn off.
It would of been a nice gesture had the price remained close to $50-$60 mark but at $90-$100 you're just flushing money down the toilet. I'll pre-order it with the hopes that it is trully limited and i can make some money off it, but thats the only thing i'd want it for, otherwise its going to rot on a shelf long after i've beaten the game. Welcome to reality.