Animal Crossing: Wild World Thread #2!!

[quote name='Rozz']Wanna make some quick cash? Plant TONS of fruit trees. Dont worry if it takes up alot of village space; you can cut 'em down later. Seriously, you'll be rich in no time. Make sure they're not the original fruit you started out in your village with though.[/QUOTE]

Totally agree with this. And fruit grows back every three days, so you can cycle doing a third of the picking each day. That will help you manage.

Thanks for the empathy, guys! Promise I'll get back started as soon as some of this job searching is over (full-time stuff, so it takes a while).
you can also buy turnips and sell them....a big profit if you wait at the right moment[quote name='Blackout542']What do people usually do to get money? I want to pay off my 120,000 but at the moment only have 30k. Is there a quick way to get a lot of money? Right now I just fish and sell that. I'm not sure what else to do.[/quote]
Anyone around. I need to go into someones town to activate my wi-fi account. I picked the worst game to do it with. My only DS game so far.

If someone could help me please IM me and I will give you the info.
I'm going to McDonalds to try out the online part and does someone mind giving me their friend code so I can play online a bit?
Ok,I got a question...some guy called "Lyle" wanted me to buy "accident Insuarance",I payed 3000 bells but what does he mean by accident insurance?My Friend Code for Animal Crossing WW is:
[quote name='snakelda']Ok,I got a question...some guy called "Lyle" wanted me to buy "accident Insuarance",I payed 3000 bells but what does he mean by accident insurance?My Friend Code for Animal Crossing WW is:

If you fall when wearing the King Tut mask you will receive some money back (barely any) each time you fall in the mail.
[quote name='snakelda']Ok,I got a question...some guy called "Lyle" wanted me to buy "accident Insuarance",I payed 3000 bells but what does he mean by accident insurance?My Friend Code for Animal Crossing WW is:

basically you get money in the mail everytime youre stung by a bee.

im down to play online, my code is...

[quote name='snakelda']Ok,I got a question...some guy called "Lyle" wanted me to buy "accident Insuarance",I payed 3000 bells but what does he mean by accident insurance?My Friend Code for Animal Crossing WW is:

gives you money for bee stings

and when you buy a fake painting from Redd, just give it to Lyle
[quote name='snakelda']I tried going online but couldn't,they were on my friends list but I couldn't go in their town...[/quote]

what was the error you got?
well that just means that nobody has their gate open at the moment. if you check your friends list there should be a symbol. if its a green circle it means you can connect with them, if its a red triangle then they havent added your code yet.

if you want to add me i can open my gate and you can test it out
I'll be up for some wifi tonight if you're/anyone else is around.

edit: batteries low, closing gates now, sorry I didn't see you Metal, er Ramstoria.
i didnt see the post until now, i had my gates open for a few hours today too. i would be down to play late tonight, but for now i have to watch the sharks game and then heroes
i posted a link to a website called Animal Crossing Community
it's very cool. they have extensive tools to keep track of you catalog, town, friends, etc. They also have a forum specifically for "older" gamers so you dont have to play with a bunch of kids.
this thread has seen better days. well if anyone is interested... since joining the site, my online play has increased like crazy. i get to go to multiple towns a day and have met many many nice people. so if you want to get gaming online you should hop over there.
Yeah, the Animal Crossing thread has had a nice life... it's been around for 1+ year. I played the game for a full year and got burned out, now I'm just waiting for Animal Crossing Wii.
Wow...a bit dead here, but i finally re-bought a DS and this game...Anyone interested: Cengo, (town) Cabo, 2191-3887-5594

I might as well check out that AC Community site too I guess...
I also just got this game today at Walmart when shopping for a birthday present for someone :) I have been looking for it for forever and I saw it and had to get it... I hope someone will be my friend once I get it up and running!
I wish Wild World came with an in-game Calendar. Why are some of my trees becoming red? I don't think this AC has a Cherry Blossom fest.
[quote name='liza2']I wish Wild World came with an in-game Calendar. Why are some of my trees becoming red? I don't think this AC has a Cherry Blossom fest.[/quote]

It does, actually. There was a message on the bulletin board about it a couple weeks ago.
Could you tell me which one please? Thank you.
I think I found the post you refered to. But it seems there is not an in-game one. Unless I have not searched enough.
[quote name='liza2']Could you tell me which one please? Thank you.
I think I found the post you refered to. But it seems there is not an in-game one. Unless I have not searched enough.[/quote]

Sorry, I meant that there was a cherry blossom festival, not an in-game calendar. I should have been more clear in my original post. The month-by-month calendars linked in the first post of this thread has been the best resource I've found for AC calendars.
I've got a favor to ask of any of you CAGs. I've been housesitting/dogsitting the last week and a few nights ago one of the homeowner's lovely dogs decided to make a chew toy out of my copy of Animal Crossing. Needless to say I was rather unhappy. I really wasn't too concerned about replacing the game, but it was losing the 60+ (probably on the low side) hours that I had put into the game.

I've since gone and bought another copy, but I was wondering if any of you CAGs could help me pay off my house. I really don't feel like spending the countless hours it will take harvest fruit to pay off the loan. So, any generous people out there wanna help me out? I don't really have anything to give in return, except my gratitude. If anyone's willing, let me know and I'll post my new friend code.
Dah. I have been trying to get my wifi to work the past couple days (the most annoying thing is when I go to the gate to connect and it freezes :() I would help you if I could, jfunk... if I can figure this out soon I will let you know!
[quote name='shanyn']Dah. I have been trying to get my wifi to work the past couple days (the most annoying thing is when I go to the gate to connect and it freezes :() I would help you if I could, jfunk... if I can figure this out soon I will let you know![/quote]

the game totally freezes? or does it freeze for a moment and then give you an error code? or are you getting resettis BSOD? when you configured your wifi in the system settings did the test work?
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']the game totally freezes? or does it freeze for a moment and then give you an error code? or are you getting resettis BSOD? when you configured your wifi in the system settings did the test work?[/quote]

Yep - the game freezes. It has happened 3 or 4 times now, and I wait a good amount of time before shutting it off in case it were to come back to life... but the music stops playing and everything. No error code. I have to sit through Resetti every time which makes it that much more frustrating... and the wifi works in the settings. I have even tried a few different connections, the most recent being a wireless signal directly from my mac (so that I knew I was close enough to the router) but it froze then too :(
[quote name='shanyn']Yep - the game freezes. It has happened 3 or 4 times now, and I wait a good amount of time before shutting it off in case it were to come back to life... but the music stops playing and everything. No error code. I have to sit through Resetti every time which makes it that much more frustrating... and the wifi works in the settings. I have even tried a few different connections, the most recent being a wireless signal directly from my mac (so that I knew I was close enough to the router) but it froze then too :([/quote]

hmph, id email nintendo. you might have a defective cart. you could return it to the store you bought it at, but i think nintendo can pull your data off and put it on a replacement cart.
The game shoudn't be freezing. I've never had a problem with it.

This game consumed all of my time, so I stopped cold turkey around December. Thinking of booting it up again...I wonder how many weeds will be around and if the animals will have all moved out?

[quote name='Hollow Man']The game shoudn't be freezing. I've never had a problem with it.

This game consumed all of my time, so I stopped cold turkey around December. Thinking of booting it up again...I wonder how many weeds will be around and if the animals will have all moved out?


no animals should move out, unless there was one packed up when you stopped playing. but youll have plenty of weeds and cockroaches, but youll get a lot of interest from the bank.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']fuck,.... I'm scared to turn the game on and have a weeding marathon... roaches have mutated and eaten Nook >_
I did turn it on, spent a hell of a lot of time weeding, and Now I haven't played since I last posted! It's probably hell on wheels again!

I haven't played forever either. I still have like 3 house additions to get as well. I think I AC'd myself out on the GCN. Maybe I'll start again...
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']oh i still play daily, how could you guys stop!?[/QUOTE]

:lol: I played daily for a year straight... I probably got disappointed with my fishing skills never being able to get that damn fish.
When did you buy the game? I played AC on the GCN daily for a long time, and bought ACWW day 1 and played daily forever. It gets tired.
bread's done