Animal Crossing: Wild World Thread #2!!

there's a holiday gift from nintendo today, login to niwifi even if you don't visit someone's town and it should be in your mailbox soon!

added and/or pmed most before me in the last 5 days.
please add me too and see you around!
Awesome... I hadn't played for a while and turned it on today to find Sahara walking in front of my house :) that's only the second time I've seen her in playing tis game for over a year.
Hey guys, anyone wanna play on Friday evening or on the Weekend? I still have yet to connect wifi. I got a garden of red roses and white roses I'm thinking of giving away or selling for a reasonable price. I'm also anxious to get Nookington's as well. Oh yeah, I got a whole town full of pears and peaches, I stopped collecting them, but you guys can get some from mine. Oh yeah, anyone have Tatami Floor I can buy off of them?

Oh yeah, my code is AC: 3222-0463-5368
I'll play, just make sure I'm on your list :) I got to check to see if you are on mine, I think I already added you, I'm not too sure.

Just name a time that is most convient for you (make sure you post your timezone so I can convert to CST.

I'll buy the flowers as I'm currently planting them around my town everwhere. I can also give you foreign fruit if you need any. As for the floor, that doesn't ring a bell, so I have no clue if I have that in my catalog.
I just got the game and would like to get more fruit...I currently have pears and a few apples.

3995-1996-3468 Cthulhu from R'lyeh
I don't really need any foreign fruits, but yeah jh, i'll be willing to connect tonight, around 8PST tonight, even earlier if you want, i've got nothing to do in the evening. Also, this morning turnips were at 374 for me, so if anyone wants to sell some in my town, i'll be happy to let you in, of course for free, also if the price stays that high in the afternoon. Also, anyone willing to sell golden items? so far i only have axe and shovel. Oh yeah, the tatami is one of the floor/walls you get from Sahara. And it seems that they cannot be bought from Nook in Catalog because they apear as not for sale.

Oh, yeah, oleander, i'll give you as many fruits i have if you want, kinda too lazy to harvest em now since I'm mostly dealing with turnips.

EDIT: Unfortunately I checked turnip prices again and it dropped down to 174.
So that's 10:00 my time. Done deal. I might be on starting at 9 (7 for you).

As for golden tools, I only have a shovel. Trying to work on a perfect town so I need more flowers.
[quote name='halu102']Oh, yeah, oleander, i'll give you as many fruits i have if you want, kinda too lazy to harvest em now since I'm mostly dealing with turnips.[/quote]
Thanks! I should be able to get on at 8PST...
Cool guys. Well, I opened my town up early and added just Jud and Oleander so far. If you want to hit me up on AIM as well for easier communication, it's halu102. Look forward to the meeting :p

Actually going to Jud's for a bit.
Hi...can I play, too?

Randy in NEVER

Fairly new to the AC Experience, but I've got a TON of oranges...don't want a case of scurvy, do you?

I've added Mr. Anderson, Craven_Fiend, Oleander, J35u5, and iheartmetal. Please add me back!
[quote name='bmachine']Hi...can I play, too?

Randy in NEVER

Fairly new to the AC Experience, but I've got a TON of oranges...don't want a case of scurvy, do you?

I've added Mr. Anderson, Craven_Fiend, Oleander, J35u5, and iheartmetal. Please add me back![/QUOTE]

Sure thing. I've finally got back into playing after a hiatus. Jud, are you still aorund?
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Sure thing. I've finally got back into playing after a hiatus. Jud, are you still aorund?[/quote]

Always up for a game :D

By the way, Randy, you're on my list. Just pick a time and I'll try to be there.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Sure thing. I've finally got back into playing after a hiatus. Jud, are you still aorund?[/quote]

Don't fear the Reefer? or Reefer Madness? :rofl:

Damnit I need to get back into this game and you needs to get a 360 and Live, pronto.
my girfriend and i both had new neighbors move in today, and we both got tiffany the rabbit. so i wonder if the date has a factor as to what neighbors move in. so if some people would post who moves in on what days, maybe well see something.
No idea...I just try to get their pictures and when I do, tick them off so they'll move out and I'll get a new character.
I've had this game for a while but just started to play it today. It's pretty cool so far. Do you ever get to the point where you are just "done" with the game?
[quote name='Blackout542']I've had this game for a while but just started to play it today. It's pretty cool so far. Do you ever get to the point where you are just "done" with the game?[/quote]

No, not really. You bascially have to set your objectives to when you think you're done.

For example: Get all house upgrades. Full Catalog. Every fruit. Every unique/rare item. Etc.
[quote name='yukine']No, not really. You bascially have to set your objectives to when you think you're done.

For example: Get all house upgrades. Full Catalog. Every fruit. Every unique/rare item. Etc.[/QUOTE]

my girlfriend just completed her musuem. i am shocked because i dont think im even close, i missed a lot of fish and bugs.
I've been taking a break from playing (will be back soon, depends how quickly I get through Zelda) but I'm close to completing a few goals. I finished my Museum a while ago and only need a few things to finish my catalog. The big one is villager pictures, I'm over 120, once that's completed, I'll feel real close to "done".
Trying to get pictures. I have 2 from Blaire (she asked that sibling question twice), should I give one away or keep it? I currently have around 8 I think.
I'm a total noob but what do fruits do? I just started playing them and have been picking them off the trees and selling them to pay off my mortage.
[quote name='Blackout542']I'm a total noob but what do fruits do? I just started playing them and have been picking them off the trees and selling them to pay off my mortage.[/QUOTE]

really, thats pretty much what they are for. but fruit thats not native from your town is worth more money. there are 2 ways to get other fruit. 1. go to another town or 2. send one of your neighbors a fruit in the mail, they almost always send a different kind back. picking fruit can be very lucritive but it also takes time to plant and pick all the fruit.

other things you can use fruit far is sending them to neighbors as gifts, which builds your relationship with them or giving them to a character like Wendel, who will in turn give you a rare pattern.
What's the thing with the pictures? When can I start that and what is it about?
A friend of mine was on the edge about buying a DS, and I told her she'd love this game, and let her try mine...however, she didn't seem to get it at first. I reasoned that part of the game's charm is working your way up from scratch, and since I hadn't played this in almost a year...I decided to nuke the town, in order to convince her.

The good news? She totally loves it, and bought her own copy and a DS. The bad news? I MISS SKELETOR NOW! :( :( :(
[quote name='Blackout542']What's the thing with the pictures? When can I start that and what is it about?[/quote]
Once you become good friends with a villager, they will sometimes give you a picture of themselves. I send lots of letters or run errands and give them what they ask for(bugs, fish, shirts). I had to trade and get some from friends, otherwise it'd take me till they ran out of villagers.
Ok cool.

How do I start beefing up the museum? I am at a lost right now, lastnight I just learned how to fish, LOL.
[quote name='Blackout542']Ok cool.

How do I start beefing up the museum? I am at a lost right now, lastnight I just learned how to fish, LOL.[/QUOTE]

basically any fish, bug, fossil or painting you find bring to the museum where you can donate it. it will then be on display for anyone that comes to your town. eventually when you complete the museum you get a model of it, which is one of the rare items in the game. along the way youll also get a couple other rare golden items too.
What do people usually do to get money? I want to pay off my 120,000 but at the moment only have 30k. Is there a quick way to get a lot of money? Right now I just fish and sell that. I'm not sure what else to do.
I made most of my money during the summer months, when there are more valuable fish and the large beetles that frequent the palm trees. For this time of year, fishing is still the best way to make money. When there's a flea market, you can sometimes sell items for 2-3 times what Nook pays, depending on your friendship level with the villager shopping. Non-native fruit trees can also be good for a small boost every few days.
Good way to make about 8-9K a day is shovelling rocks. Each day one rock, if hit with a shovel, gives out money bags. Before you hit any rock, make a hole two spaces away and one hole one space diagonally away:


Get snug in that little hole nook you just made and then shovel away. When you find the money rock, tappa tappa tappa as fast as you can and you can make about 9K. Its easy money.
you can make some good money fishing and bug catching (not this season though) and its quicker than the fruit thing. but i have 200+ trees planted so its money anytime i need it really. i usually make about 300,000 every 3 days (when i pick it regularly).

the other thing is, dont be afraid to buy a lot of turnips, the more you buy the more you make. ive invested over 1 million in them and its paid off. so maybe take 20, 50, 100k and buy all turnips. if you check your prices a few times a day, or ask people on the board youll be sure to make some big bucks.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']Good way to make about 8-9K a day is shovelling rocks. Each day one rock, if hit with a shovel, gives out money bags. Before you hit any rock, make a hole two spaces away and one hole one space diagonally away:


Get snug in that little hole nook you just made and then shovel away. When you find the money rock, tappa tappa tappa as fast as you can and you can make about 9K. Its easy money.[/quote]

Wow that sounds good for this time of year. I'll try it when I get home today, thanks.
Since my copy was stolen in an apartment break-in (along with 40 other DS, Cube, and GBA games, a digital camera, videocamera, and a little cash), I need to get back into this and hopefully pop online with people. The only thing that has been stopping me is that I don't quite feel like starting over, but if people will be up for some semi-regular meetups, I'm game.
[quote name='AHEADAMUS']Since my copy was stolen in an apartment break-in (along with 40 other DS, Cube, and GBA games, a digital camera, videocamera, and a little cash), I need to get back into this and hopefully pop online with people. The only thing that has been stopping me is that I don't quite feel like starting over, but if people will be up for some semi-regular meetups, I'm game.[/quote]

Damn, did you leave the door unlocked?
[quote name='yukine']Damn, did you leave the door unlocked?[/QUOTE]

Nah, I live in the South Side of Chicago, and there's a fair amount of break-ins. The deadbolt was actually busted through the door frame. Probably a crowbar or something similar.
[quote name='AHEADAMUS']Nah, I live in the South Side of Chicago, and there's a fair amount of break-ins. The deadbolt was actually busted through the door frame. Probably a crowbar or something similar.[/quote]

Interesting, I know someone around Chicago who just had their home broken into recently. I believe they had a DS and all of their games to it stolen... while they were in the house sleeping!
[quote name='AHEADAMUS']Nah, I live in the South Side of Chicago, and there's a fair amount of break-ins. The deadbolt was actually busted through the door frame. Probably a crowbar or something similar.[/quote]

Yeah that sucks man!!

I will get on that wifi thing as soon as I build my town up more.

That money trick is great!! I make 8k a day the last 3 days I've done it.
Wanna make some quick cash? Plant TONS of fruit trees. Dont worry if it takes up alot of village space; you can cut 'em down later. Seriously, you'll be rich in no time. Make sure they're not the original fruit you started out in your village with though.
bread's done