Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

I don't think it's possible to fully "get" Paprika. That movie was all sorts of weird. If you haven't already, be sure to check out Satoshi Kon's other works including Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers and Paranoia Agent.
[quote name='BattleChicken']i just finished school rumble (anime). I loved the show, hated the ending. I then looked up the manga, and read school rumble z.

Still a somewhat lame ending, but way better than the anime.[/QUOTE]
Yeah the anime doesn't have an ending. They started production on season 3 which would have finished the series but for whatever reason dropped it. You can find the final two episodes of season 3 streaming with English subs.

From my understanding, School Rumble Z is just a collection of side stories. If you want the real ending you need to read the main School Rumble manga. The volumes are still being steadily released by Del Rey, but you should be able to find the complete scanlation in the mean time. I've watched the full anime series but have only read the first two volumes... I need to eventually read the rest to find out how it ends.
I also saw the Gantz movie, and I thought it was good, though I can't say it was an entirely enjoyable experience. The whole audience in the theater was extremely obnoxious — people were talking during the movie and laughing during serious scenes; the English dub was absolutely awful; and, just like the anime, I still hate the indecisiveness of the characters. However, the action and special effects were fantastic, which is why I ended up enjoying the movie overall.

And today, I finished watching Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne. It wasn't great, but I enjoyed it enough. I liked that the episodes had a structure similar to Sherlock Holmes, and I thought it was cool that the story was told over a span of 65 years — it was interesting to see how the passage of time affected the characters. The incredible amount of sex and violence didn't really bother me, and I thought the whole idea behind the interactions between immortals and angels was kind of silly, but it worked, I suppose. The violence, though, wasn't as brutal and gruesome as I expected; maybe I have a twisted mind, but I expected something much worse than what was shown.
ok... just received Naruto Shippuden Vol 5 and Vampire Knight set...

have to say I'm disappointed... Viz has gone from using the thin pak sets with case for Shippuden to using a 3 disc dvd case with a slip...

so now the set is going to be a total mismatch...

vampire knight is the same way as well but since Guilty will probably be the same way it's not a big deal.
Wow, I haven't been in this thread in a minute...

[quote name='Razzuel']I also saw the Gantz movie, and I thought it was good, though I can't say it was an entirely enjoyable experience. The whole audience in the theater was extremely obnoxious — people were talking during the movie and laughing during serious scenes; the English dub was absolutely awful; and, just like the anime, I still hate the indecisiveness of the characters. However, the action and special effects were fantastic, which is why I ended up enjoying the movie overall.[/QUOTE]

As a big fan, I HAD to go see Gantz also. Basically, I agree with all of this except the dub being extremely obnoxious. The main characters were fine. Aside from there being no lip syncing, I didn't see it as a distraction at all, which is really all I ask for. There were a few minor characters that had the typical groan enducing anime voices, but those were very short lived.

And yeah, the indecisiveness of the characters really bothered me.
When they were fighting the aliens at the temple, at one point someone yells OPEN FIRE! Everyone stops running, turns, and points their guns at the alien... But then nothing happens and they go back to running. Big "UGH!!!" moment for me.
Also, the slow dramatic scenes killed a lot of the momentum the movie had from the fights.

And of course, the theater was full of annoying people. Sadly, the theater is like 3 minutes from my college, so I knew half of those people from anime club. And it's people like them that make me hate nerds. :lol:
I saw the girl who leapt through time yesterday. It took a little while for the story to really get going, but once it did it was very enjoyable.
Wow has Bleach really jumped the sharp, I could less about this new story arc. As for Naruto it kills me that I have to wait another week to find out what happens next.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I saw the girl who leapt through time yesterday. It took a little while for the story to really get going, but once it did it was very enjoyable.[/QUOTE]
About The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
it has been a while since I saw it, but did it ever explain how someone that pretty much popped out of nowhere managed to get enrolled into a school with out any questions asked? How would he come up with school records, or parental consent? It would make sense if they had met him in a park after school or something, but the fact he was a classmate kinda puzzled me when the plot twist was revealed.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time wasn't all that great IMO. Superb animation was responsible for most of its charm. It's a fun watch but nothing special.
[quote name='Indecisive Rattle']About The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
it has been a while since I saw it, but did it ever explain how someone that pretty much popped out of nowhere managed to get enrolled into a school with out any questions asked? How would he come up with school records, or parental consent? It would make sense if they had met him in a park after school or something, but the fact he was a classmate kinda puzzled me when the plot twist was revealed.
[/QUOTE]Nope, didn't touch it with a ten foot pole, and it was something that confused me, too.

[quote name='panzerfaust']The Girl Who Leapt Through Time wasn't all that great IMO. Superb animation was responsible for most of its charm. It's a fun watch but nothing special.[/QUOTE]I actually thought the animation wasn't that great, and was surprised when I first started watching it. I mainly enjoyed
all of the time leaping and how those leaps had consequences.
Finished Fruits Basket anime, and overall I enjoyed it.
The first half of the series is great and has a style and sense of humor similar to Ouran. After the halfway point the series takes a downturn. Any episode that doesn't involve Tohru-Sohma interaction is annoying, like anything involving the Yuki stalkers... maybe those are just too shoujo so although I couldn't enjoy them others might. I can see why people didn't like the ending; the confrontation in the final episode between Tohru and Akito is anticlimactic and rushed. They should have spent more time on Akito's past.
Not sure what to replace Fruits Basket with, will have to check the backlog.

About 10 episodes into Ranma 1/2 and liking it. It's an old series but this is my first time watching it. Also finished 6 volumes of Hayate the Combat Butler and it is very funny (with zero fan service!).

Oh yeah, loving my digital anime setup with 10x2TB raid 5 nas storage (named "Tachikoma") of all my anime dvds (~14TB after overhead and dual raid). Highly recommend it to anyone with a large collection of discs who hates having to get up to switch them.
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I say a pretty cool thing yesterday. Went to a second hand store that carries anime and this whole family came in and were talking anime. The mother knew as much as her kids. I'd say the mother was mid-late 40's as was dad and their girls were late teens-early 20's. The dad had some knowledge but not as much as the rest of them. The mother was talking about how much she like Fruits Basket, X, Wolf's Rain, Bebop, and all other kinds of anime things in a southern twang of a voice.

The only problem I had was that they were blocking the view of the DVDs. I guess the family that watches anime together, stays together. :)

Now, that being said, the store had both semesters of Great Teacher Onizuka and they are legit copies. Must be hard to find because the price was over $50 for both. Are they worth buying at that price?
I finished up Negima yesterday. It's a pretty average show, and the English voice acting is HORRIBLE. I damn near wanted to rip my ears off, which is saying something since I enjoy watching anime with english dubs.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']I finished up Negima yesterday. It's a pretty average show, and the English voice acting is HORRIBLE. I damn near wanted to rip my ears off, which is saying something since I enjoy watching anime with english dubs.[/QUOTE]
I'm currently rewatching Negima. I don't think the English dub is too bad, but I agree with you that it is an average show. If you liked the anime at all you should check out the manga, it is infinitely better. Also make sure not to watch Negima season 2 as it is an abomination. The spring/summer movie is average although mostly fanservice.

Rewatched spring/summer, it has a creepy amount of fanservice, especially considering the characters are in middle school :/ So if you liked season 1 of the anime (even if just a little), skip all other anime incarnations and go straight to the manga.
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[quote name='panzerfaust']The Girl Who Leapt Through Time wasn't all that great IMO. Superb animation was responsible for most of its charm. It's a fun watch but nothing special.[/QUOTE]

I completely disagree.

It's hard to get time travel right, and not only did The Girl Who Leapt Through Time do that, it used time travel well cinematically. Achieving a good balance between comedy that is actually funny and drama that is meaningful is no easy task either. There were a few implausibilities, but so much was done so well.

I found it at one of Best Buy's anime clearances, and hadn't seen it at that point, so I didn't pick it up (it was $17, which was too much for a sight-unseen movie for me). I have been kicking myself ever since.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']
Now, that being said, the store had both semesters of Great Teacher Onizuka and they are legit copies. Must be hard to find because the price was over $50 for both. Are they worth buying at that price?[/QUOTE]

GTO is out of print, as far as I know, so they'll only get harder to find and more expensive. Funi had rescued them a while ago, but I held off hoping it would get cheaper/repackaged (which doesn't seem to be happening...). If it's about $50 for the entire show, I'd definitely get it, but of course I know I really like it.
I'll just say that I find GTO to be one of the most beautiful series ever. I rewatched it about a year or so ago and it held up completely.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Now, that being said, the store had both semesters of Great Teacher Onizuka and they are legit copies. Must be hard to find because the price was over $50 for both. Are they worth buying at that price?[/QUOTE]

Around $50 for the complete set is less than what I paid for it years ago, and I second the notion that it holds up quite well. The protagonist is kind of a ridiculous (with what he can accomplish physically), but he handles so many situations in unexpected ways.
[quote name='Indecisive Rattle']GTO is out of print, as far as I know, so they'll only get harder to find and more expensive. Funi had rescued them a while ago, but I held off hoping it would get cheaper/repackaged (which doesn't seem to be happening...). If it's about $50 for the entire show, I'd definitely get it, but of course I know I really like it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='thirdrose']Around $50 for the complete set is less than what I paid for it years ago, and I second the notion that it holds up quite well. The protagonist is kind of a ridiculous (with what he can accomplish physically), but he handles so many situations in unexpected ways.[/QUOTE]

I meant $50 per season (so $100 total). Either way it still seemed like it was worth it since it is OOP. I traded some stuff an only had to pay $20 total for season one and two.

[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']I'll just say that I find GTO to be one of the most beautiful series ever. I rewatched it about a year or so ago and it held up completely.[/QUOTE]

Sounds good.
Finished Spice and Wolf season 1, and it is the best series I've seen in some time. Holo (the wolf) is an amazing character, and her interplay with Lawrence (the male protagonist) is both fun and engrossing. I didn't think an anime that focused on economics could be this interesting; I never knew what was going to happen next. The English dub was also exceptional, I hope they dub the rest of the series.

Not sure what series to start next, it will be hard to follow Spice and Wolf :)

Started Kaze no Stigma, two episodes in it seems like a mindless action series with nice art.

Received the Dragon Ball Movie Complete Collection that Funi just released. I don't think I've seen any of the movies before, and I enjoyed rewatching the series a few months ago. Was hoping they would put them all on one or two discs since DB movies are always short, but instead each movie gets its own disc and thinpak. Still cheaper than buying the movies separately.
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[quote name='lilman']Received the Dragon Ball Movie Complete Collection that Funi just released. I don't think I've seen any of the movies before, and I enjoyed rewatching the series a few months ago. Was hoping they would put them all on one or two discs since DB movies are always short, but instead each movie gets its own disc and thinpak. Still cheaper than buying the movies separately.[/QUOTE]
I've been thinking about picking this up.Have any insight on it like how good the dragonball movies are and video wise it isn't like they did those orange boxsets they had or is it more like the dragonboxes?
[quote name='Magiblaze']I've been thinking about picking this up.Have any insight on it like how good the dragonball movies are and video wise it isn't like they did those orange boxsets they had or is it more like the dragonboxes?[/QUOTE]
I can't speak for how good the movies are since I have never seen them. I'm guessing what you are asking for in the orange vs dragon box comparison relates to the aspect ratio, in which case this set is more like dragon box in that it maintains the original 4:3. These movies are old, the first coming out in 1986, so don't except hq animation. I skimmed the first movie and there is noticeable graininess, frame shifting, and random artifacts common to animation of that time. Japanese and English dubs included as well as English sub.
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[quote name='lilman']
Started Kaze no Stigma, two episodes in it seems like a mindless action series with nice art.

I finished that one not too long ago. All things considered, I thought it was pretty good!

It gets a bit more story based further in, but it's absolutely heavy on the action.
I just noticed that The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is going to be released on blu-ray. Will this be worth picking up (true hd)? I already have the DVD, and will only think about upgrading if it isn't an upscale.

I'm actually pretty surprised that this movie is being released on blu, seeing as how much Bandai sucks.

Also, is Bandai going to be throwing out any more blu surprises at us? Possibly Code Geass and Haruhi?
Finished up Ennies Lobby and going into the Thriller Bark Arc of One Piece. In just 6 months I've seen around 7 years of one piece episodes.

I haven't seen any of the movies. Are they good?
i'm with rodimus, i also wanna hear about the OP movies.

man i loved enies lobby. thriller bark is ok but what comes after it is pretty crazy.
Awesome, I'm looking forward to it. Enies Lobby was great but halfway through those re-cap fillers got annoying so I skipped them. What I noticed the anime started doing was all the constant flashbacks scenes. It gets tedious and starts dragging. The earlier episodes didn't do this. I guess they took a lesson from Naruto on how to waste time.

The two movies I'm interested in are Alabasta and Chopper Plus both retellings of their respected arcs.
What the hell is going on with Bleach? I am trying to give it as many chances as possible but I am just read to drop it all together.
Started watching Hell Girl, it's pretty good!

Got Summer Wars and FLCL blu rays on the way, won't get them for a few weeks though. :(
I finally got to watch FLCL yesterday.

The show definitely marches to the beat of its own drum, even including a South Park reference. It's a bit odd and unique, yet still incredibly enjoyable. Definitely worth watching.
[quote name='Razzuel']I also saw the Gantz movie, and I thought it was good, though I can't say it was an entirely enjoyable experience.


Good God that dub was awful, its like they weren't even trying. As for the movie itself it gets a thumbs down from me for changing just about everything that made Gantz good to begin with.

[quote name='Shimrra']What the hell is going on with Bleach? I am trying to give it as many chances as possible but I am just read to drop it all together.[/QUOTE]

It is getting out there that's for sure.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Been picking up some older stuff lately. Figure 17, Golgo 13: Queen Bee, and Cybernetics Guardian.[/QUOTE]

Figure 17 is a great show that almost nobody else has seen. Good choice.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Figure 17 is a great show that almost nobody else has seen. Good choice.[/QUOTE]

I got it for a great price from this second-hand store I go to. $10 for the legit complete set. Seems like the going price online is at least $40 most places.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Been picking up some older stuff lately. Figure 17, Golgo 13: Queen Bee, and Cybernetics Guardian.[/QUOTE]

Didn't care much for Queen Bee. I thought the original Golgo 13 was much better.
[quote name='Rodimus']Didn't care much for Queen Bee. I thought the original Golgo 13 was much better.[/QUOTE]

I actually haven't watched any Golgo 13 movies. My main familiarity is from the old NES game. Now that I think about it, the NES game was probably my first exposure to something relating to anime.
the NES game was soooo awesome...i played it over and over again...

the movie features a hilarious sex scene with a girl going nuts all over golgo while he just blanks moves a bit never changing expression. a gif of it would be awesome.
Golgo 13: The Professional & Crying Freeman were 2 of the first animes I ever saw (without counting stuff like Voltron & Speed Racer) I must have been 10 or 11 at the time, so imagine my surprise from watching Looney Toons to to all the crazy sex scenes in Golgo 13 and an assassin killing people half naked in Crying Freeman.

We had some Independent Channel that aired Anime movies every Sarurday night. Each weekend was something different. I also remember watching Robot Carnival, Castle Cagliostro, Dirty Pair, Zillion, Crimson Wolf and several others I'm forgetting the names to.
Last night I finished watching The Garden of Sinners. It's a series of seven movies based on the novels by Kinoko Nasu, the founder of Type-Moon and creator of Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night. The Garden of Sinners, told mostly out of chronological order, is mainly about a highly-skilled, knife-wielding woman named Shiki Ryougi. That's not a very good summation of the series' story, but it's hard to distill the overall plot of The Garden of Sinners into a clear, concise sentence without breaching each movie's plot. Most of the movies can be thought of as self-contained murder mysteries, but each movie builds on each other to create a rich, overarching tale.

At first, the movies weren't enamoring me like I was hoping, even though they're beautifully animated and scored. The main problem is that the story is cryptic — deliberately so most of the time. The first movie, Overlooking View, wasn't quite what I was expecting, since it's out of context, but watching each subsequent movie was like adding another puzzle piece to an incomplete puzzle, slowly revealing the true nature of the overall story. However, The Garden of Sinners still hadn't captivated me just yet, that is until I watched the fifth movie, Paradox Spiral. Paradox Spiral is a departure from the rest of the movies, in the way the story is told and the content of the story itself. I was blown away by the fifth movie — it was explosive. Paradox Spiral could stand on its own as an amazing film were it not for its connections to the rest of the series. It's by far my favorite movie out of the series; and it completely changed my opinion of the series from simply enjoyable to completely amazing. The seventh movie reinforced my change in opinion because of its incredibly powerful and emotional narrative and conclusion to the whole series.

Technically, these movies are astounding. Each movie has the animation quality of a film, rather than a TV show, and the the background art looks absolutely stunning. The score by Yuki Kajiura is also impressive; the background music is appropriate and emotionally evocative, and each movie ends with a fantastic theme song by Kalafina, a band formed by Yuki Kajiura, that pertains to each movie's particular plot.

The Garden of Sinners is unlike anything I've ever seen, and it's such a rich and complex story, that I'm already looking forward to re-watching the whole series. I can't recommend it enough.
Whats the difference between the Evangelion : Angelic Days series and the Shinji Ikari Raising Project? I know that they are both based on the end of TV series alternate reality and that Angelic Days was also based on the game Girlfriend of Steel 2 , but what are the actual differences between the two series (while avoiding spoilers please)? On a related note is Campus Apocalypse any good? I've heard mixed things about it.
[quote name='Rodimus']Golgo 13: The Professional & Crying Freeman were 2 of the first animes I ever saw (without counting stuff like Voltron & Speed Racer) I must have been 10 or 11 at the time, so imagine my surprise from watching Looney Toons to to all the crazy sex scenes in Golgo 13 and an assassin killing people half naked in Crying Freeman.

We had some Independent Channel that aired Anime movies every Sarurday night. Each weekend was something different. I also remember watching Robot Carnival, Castle Cagliostro, Dirty Pair, Zillion, Crimson Wolf and several others I'm forgetting the names to.[/QUOTE]

I remember in the mid 90's there used to be this channel called Network 1 (N1) that would show anime.

I remember that was my first exposure to Dirty Pair, Fist of the North Star, and a few others. It was coming through on a UHF channel and some nights it would be clearer than others.
bread's done