Battlefield Bad Company 2; Vietnam (1200 points) out; plus 4 new free maps

i could be wrong but i thought it crashes everytime you get off the computer no matter what.

[quote name='benjamouth']I've tried to pull the UAV back when it's been damaged so I could repair it, but I don't think I landed it carefully enough and it blew up anyway :cry:

EDIT - In case anyone cares (see my sig)[/QUOTE]
[quote name='KaneRobot']Is there a "rule" about spotting? While playing as non-recon, I'll sometimes have my crosshairs lined up on an enemy (both hipfire and down the sights), and I'll be jamming on the back button repeatedly, and they won't be spotted. It doesn't appear to be a distance issue.[/QUOTE]

They put a 'cool down' on the spotting so you can't spam it like in the demo.

I think it's determined by button presses, so after like 3-4 presses in a certain time period you can't spot for a few seconds.

This is why sometimes your crosshairs are right over a guy and your hitting the button and no arrow is appearing over his head.

I had to retrain myself to spot more judiciously. You have to get your crosshairs near the enemy and just press back once.

It's more fair, but I think they nerfed the spot a little too much.

In the demo, I spammed back soo much I pretty much got 10 or 20 points every time an enemy was killed. lol
I think the issue with snipers comes particularly when attacking and they sit in one spot doing absolutely nothing. They get maybe one or two kills every 5 minutes and don't bother spotting enemies. Those are usually the games that my team ends up losing badly.
Proposal: When CAGs get together on defense, a Recon (with shotgun or thompson) should spam motion sensors while an Assault resupplies them.

Points for everyone, and I'd be willing to be the Recon.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']I think the issue with snipers comes particularly when attacking and they sit in one spot doing absolutely nothing. They get maybe one or two kills every 5 minutes and don't bother spotting enemies. Those are usually the games that my team ends up losing badly.[/QUOTE]

AYE!! I will even agree with this since it's true and sad honestly.

[quote name='wowimsocute']Proposal: When CAGs get together on defense, a Recon (with shotgun or thompson) should spam motion sensors while an Assault resupplies them.

Points for everyone, and I'd be willing to be the Recon.[/QUOTE]

My Auto Spot scope works amazingly for spotting. :D :D, Hopefully we can get a good CAG game going, did we decide when what night we were going with?
[quote name='wowimsocute']Proposal: When CAGs get together on defense, a Recon (with shotgun or thompson) should spam motion sensors while an Assault resupplies them.

Points for everyone, and I'd be willing to be the Recon.[/QUOTE]

You can only have 1 motion sensor out at a time.

and how are you guys getting the auto-spotter recon perk to work? I've had it on for the last probably 5 hours of gameplay and i'm pretty sure it's never auto-spotted anyone ever. Neither while sniping or by rushing.
[quote name='Flak']What's the deal with the UAV's minigun? I can't get it to fire. RB does nothing for me.[/QUOTE]

You need to pick a certain vehicle specialization equipped. It looks like a cog/gear with three bullets next to it. It enables secondary fire on vehicles.
I just played a rush game that lasted an hour. The map was 'Valparaiso' I think. There are like 5 sets of A and B mcom stations. My team was on defense, we eventually lost, and I ended up with about 15,000 thousand points just in awards.
Do vehicles exploding just not produce any splash damage? Blown up a ton of vehicles only to have the occupants bail shortly before explosion and be standing right beside it as it blows and taking no damage. Not exactly the most realistic thing heh.
[quote name='drbutchevil']Do vehicles exploding just not produce any splash damage? Blown up a ton of vehicles only to have the occupants bail shortly before explosion and be standing right beside it as it blows and taking no damage. Not exactly the most realistic thing heh.[/QUOTE]

Usually I don't die, but on rare occasion I do. However I think that might be caused more by the explosive damage that destroyed the tank than the explosion of the tank itself.
Man, some people are complete idiots playing this game in Rush. One M-COM station left and there's a lonewolf (my only squad member) nowhere close to the station, gun trained on an empty field. Or I get stuck with a lone teammate who does nothing the whole game, but stay on the UAV. It'd be alright if he was getting something done, but our tickets just keep going down.

That said, even on the losing team, it's amazing watching when another team has their shit together. Especially when they're on the attack and a Blackhawk circles around constantly. Good stuff.
I played a game earlier tonight where only my friend and I were non-snipers and the rest of team was sniping (it was a smaller game, something like 7v7). I switched to being a sniper just to mess around since I realized it would be futile to try and arm bombs with no support, and began to dominate the other team by myself for the next 5 minutes. Sigh, that is why I dislike how there are so many snipers in this game; when you can out do your entire team in the span of 30 seconds, you know they aren't doing much to benefit the team.

@SteveMcQ: I definitely agree. The other team in the game I just mentioned were pretty coordinated, and it was cool to see these squads of three suddenly pop up in the back of the base when we were defending, or watch as they laid suppressive fire on a building as one of them charged towards the entrance. We got wrecked because our team did nothing, but it was cool to watch them work.
Anyone interested in getting a private match going sometime? Would like to try and do some of the weirder achievements, particularly Demo man. Could do etu brute etc.

Need 8 for a private match, if interested send me a message!
well it looks like my squad mates arent going to be playing much so i need some cags.
a few of you are on my friends list already. if you play a bit fr me or message me. i play midday and later evenings (9p+ mtn)
So much for unlocking all multiplayer stuff before I get FFXIII. I was pretty close only needing a tiny bit more on Medic and a bit more on Recon. Oh well, I'll finish that when I finish FFXIII.
[quote name='drbutchevil']Do vehicles exploding just not produce any splash damage? Blown up a ton of vehicles only to have the occupants bail shortly before explosion and be standing right beside it as it blows and taking no damage. Not exactly the most realistic thing heh.[/QUOTE]
I've only died to whatever destroyed the tank (rocket/shell/C4). I've stood next to plenty of tanks and survived, especially repairing as an engineer.
Yea I'm still running into teams that are full of idiots. Last night was a great example. It happened to be on the demo map (Port something?) and EVERYONE of my teammates was a sniper AND located on sniper hill while we were attacking. We got absolutely destroyed. I tried going in as an assault class to change it up, but no. These people were hell bent on being snipers and doing nothing. Meh whatever. I just some people to play with I guess.
yeah.. if I'm not playing with CAGs, I'm playing with clueless idiots and it frustrates me to no end, making me second guess my purchase of this game.
[quote name='TC']Anyone looking for someone to play with send a friend request. I'm not great, just looking for fun people to run with. Just got the game and playing medic.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='TC']I'm well over 100 revives. Number of times I've been revived you ask? Zero.[/QUOTE]

Just putting this out there again. Feel free to send me friend requests.
[quote name='TC']Just putting this out there again. Feel free to send me friend requests.[/QUOTE]

I also sent, however most of the time it seems like I get lucky and get to play against the clueless idiots.
[quote name='HydroX']Request sent.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='FrankySox']I also sent, however most of the time it seems like I get lucky and get to play against the clueless idiots.[/QUOTE]

and One4Deuce. I've accepted all your requests. :applause:
Added Cub and Hydrox. If I missed anyone go ahead and add me. Played with Apathy, MSUHitman, and drbutchevil last night and we did pretty well, I think we won every match while I was in there. Also played with Rico & Bloodbath a few days ago, mostly won there too if I remember correctly. Squads certainly make all the difference.

Need to get that friend-knifin' achievment too, if anyone is looking to do that.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Added Cub and Hydrox. If I missed anyone go ahead and add me. Played with Apathy, MSUHitman, and drbutchevil last night and we did pretty well, I think we won every match while I was in there. Also played with Rico & Bloodbath a few days ago, mostly won there too if I remember correctly. Squads certainly make all the difference.

Need to get that friend-knifin' achievment too, if anyone is looking to do that.[/QUOTE]

drbutchevil destroyed me quite a bit last night while I was on the opposition. Every time I spawned in Valparaiso he was right there inside our spawn to take me out again. Frustrating. lol
i sent requests to kane, franky, tc, and hydrox how many can you have in squad? i usually play with 4 is that it?
[quote name='paz9x']i sent requests to kane, franky, tc, and hydrox how many can you have in squad? i usually play with 4 is that it?[/QUOTE]

4 per squad but we can make squads and invite other people into our games as space permits (up to 12 per team).

I know that if we have more than 4 that want to play we hop into an XBL party so we can all communicate.
I have been putting together squads with CAGs since release. Add me if you want in on future games.

GT: Rico21745

I'm a maxed out medic (all unlocks available for the class). I'm pretty sure I've got a lot more than 100 revives/heals.
I'd love to play with some quality squads, it's getting old joining teams of snipers that don't do anything but camp and mortar.

My GT is Dunedude, hit me up.
[quote name='SteveGo']I'd love to play with some quality squads, it's getting old joining teams of snipers that don't do anything but camp and mortar.

My GT is Dunedude, hit me up.[/QUOTE]


i primarily play engineer or medic but ive been trying recon a bit. i usually take the siaga and try and cause havoc with c4 or tank mines.
[quote name='HydroX']drbutchevil destroyed me quite a bit last night while I was on the opposition. Every time I spawned in Valparaiso he was right there inside our spawn to take me out again. Frustrating. lol[/QUOTE]

My problem is I am trying to level up other specs. I decided to pull out the ole M16/M4 last night a bit and shoot some people. But iirc, you got me quite a few times too =p
[quote name='reddjoey']Call me slow, but I can't find where to check my stats online.

Any help?[/QUOTE]

They took them down for now,

[quote name='reddjoey']flames?[/QUOTE]

noob. ;)
Am I a rare breed? The only class I have that I've done nearly nothing for is the Recon class. My Medic is maxed out, Engineer is getting close and I'm working on Assault.
@One4Deuce: I'm the same way. I have one gun left for those three classes, but I JUST got the SVU (the third unlocked weapon) recently, and I've already played the game for about 22 1/2 hours online.

I pulled off a double headshot with a single bullet as a sniper tonight on Isla Inocentes. We were playing defense and there was a sniper over to the left of the main ridge by the road. I lined up the shot I needed, and right when the bullet hit the sniper in the head, an engineer crossed right behind and got hit in the head as well. I freaked out when I saw that, stopped playing for about 5-10 seconds, and turned and started yelling at my roomates, "HOLY CRAP!" Definitely something I'm proud of. :D

I also happened to hit level 22 tonight with 22 1/2 hours clocked on multiplayer (hooray college!). Unfortunately I'm going to be busy the next day or two with writing my chem lab reports and then I'll be gone for nearly all of spring break. Hopefully I can catch some some of you guys online if I happen to get on during the first part of spring break or after it.
Sent out a few friend requests randomly from this thread. I figure if each of us has a few CAGs on our list we can fill out a squad or private match pretty easily.

Would like to get 8 for a private match to get a few of the achievements done, so if you are down for that sort of thing let me know. Got a few guys interested so far, prolly try to knock those out this weekend.
I've got BF:BC and BF:BC2, neither of which I've played yet. Anyone have thoughts on whether I should bother to first play BF:BC, just trade it in and jumping into BC2, or maybe just hold onto it and play through it some other time?
Feel free to add me. I've only played a couple of matches online, and I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm fairly competent at shooters.
Played some games last night with HoweTM (not in his squad though.) We won like 6-straight games. It got to the point where it was 8 on 5 and when we were attackers we would win in 10 minutes but when we were defenders it would take 30-60 minutes to take out all of their respawn tickets.

The last game I played it was on that really expansive desert map with the town, and they actually took out the first two points with under 10 tickets left so we had to retreat into the town. We were having problems with the tanks so someone asked if anyone had the mines unlocked so I switched from RPG's to mines with the explosives packet attachment.

I got about 6,000 XP in that game and must have taken out 20 tanks/humvees with mines as everytime I spawned, I spawned with 6 mines and just spread them all over the roads leading to the first fort, then the roads in town and leading into town once we had to retreat. The people controlling the vehicles had to swerve around so much to dodge the mines that if I didn't get them, they ended up crashing the vehicle into a house or wall and have to abandon it before it got blown up.
Tossing my gamertag out there again. Add me up, I've been on a fair bit more cause I'm on Spring break this week, play with me!

Also if anyone wants to get together and boost Demolition 2.0, let me know. It's one of the only Online achievements I know I won't be able to get, so let me know!

Hope to hook up with some more CAGs :D
[quote name='Flak']What's the general rule of thumb for collapsing? Is it taking out all the walls on the bottom floor?[/QUOTE]

i just tried to take out about one side of the walls supporting the roof/next floor.
[quote name='bigpimpin24']Tossing my gamertag out there again. Add me up, I've been on a fair bit more cause I'm on Spring break this week, play with me!

Also if anyone wants to get together and boost Demolition 2.0, let me know. It's one of the only Online achievements I know I won't be able to get, so let me know!

Hope to hook up with some more CAGs :D[/QUOTE]

Will add you as soon as I get home. I've actually been looking for some people to play this since nearly all of my friends play the PC version, and finding decent random squads has been pretty hit and miss.

Anyone out there looking for some one to play with, throw me an invite
. :D
bread's done