CAG Gaming Group - Call of Duty 4 Thursdays

Khondor, Shan and I just got done playing with this guy who played random George Bush soundbytes the entire game. We were lauging our asses off the entire time. He actually finished the match off with a conversation between GB and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Khondor went something like 22 and 9 and said we should have that guy in every match because Dubya's voice just makes him want to kill people.
Haha! I'm still laughing about that Hamster!! At one point I had tears (from laughing) and had to stop playing for a minute. You're right Khondor, I think I'm going to have to stalk him down here in CO after all ;) !
[quote name='xcoax']My internet and cable for that matter both went out last night while we were playing (thanks Comcast!) so that's why I cut out early last night with no warning at all. Having nothing to do I just went to bed early.[/quote]

Ah, that's what happened. We were wondering about you, Hamhog.

[quote name='Matt Young']Simon, you ass. You signed on much later than you said, and then you left as soon as I joined. But it was fun playing with Sean, Burp, Chase (briefly) and ShannaLynnadingdong. ;)[/quote]

It has been a while since Burp has been with us, hasn't it? 'Twas good fun, Burp. Welcome back.

Yeah, I got dropped from one of the ending games. It happens. I took it as a sign to get off ('cause I probably would have played to the end). :whistle2:#
Word on the street is that I get to join you tonight... It turns out I don't have to work third shift tonight like I had originally thought. I will probably hop on about Midnight EST and play until about 3 AM.

Sees yous thens
sorry about not being into the conversations much, but i enjoyed playing with you all finally. those matches of hardcore team deathmatch were great, i love going 60 and 18 for 2 rounds combined.
[quote name='mvp828']Word on the street is that I get to join you tonight... It turns out I don't have to work third shift tonight like I had originally thought. I will probably hop on about Midnight EST and play until about 3 AM.

Sees yous thens[/QUOTE]

I'll try to get on after I return home to play with you. Mattitude powers will activate!
fuck Microsoft and fuck EA. My franchise game just froze when I was up 94-7 and Matt Forte just set a new NFL rushing record for a single game. I also had 8 INT's of Delhomme. I can't even upload the highlights I made! :bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:
[quote name='MSUHitman']fuck Microsoft and fuck EA. My franchise game just froze when I was up 94-7 and Matt Forte just set a new NFL rushing record for a single game. I also had 8 INT's of Delhomme. I can't even upload the highlights I made! :bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:[/quote]

Wow; that's a map on COD I haven't played yet ;) ! Sorry to hear about that Hitman!! Time to write an evil letter and send lots of evil glares their way ... :evil:.
Well... I have now missed two nights when I should have played. I have been really sick the past few nights and have had a high fever. Unfortunately the answer was not more cow bell, but rather more sleep.

So far I am feeling better today, so I will hopefully be on tonight.
[quote name='mvp828']Well... I have now missed two nights when I should have played. I have been really sick the past few nights and have had a high fever. Unfortunately the answer was not more cow bell, but rather more sleep.

So far I am feeling better today, so I will hopefully be on tonight.[/quote]

Don't worry about it, man! Just get some rest and get better so that you can be at 100% for COD Thursday!!! :bouncy:

[quote name='mvp828']Well... I have now missed two nights when I should have played. I have been really sick the past few nights and have had a high fever. Unfortunately the answer was not more cow bell, but rather more sleep.

So far I am feeling better today, so I will hopefully be on tonight.[/quote]

Hey MVP! Hope you feel tons better!! Just take some time off work and have some gaming marathons (and sleep) and you'll be better in no time :bouncy: . Work is overrated after all... :cool:
[quote name='Shan82']Wow; that's a map on COD I haven't played yet ;) ! Sorry to hear about that Hitman!! Time to write an evil letter and send lots of evil glares their way ... :evil:.[/quote]

Sorry, had to vent last night. Recording podcast tonight, I can play after we record that (should be around 10-11 p.m. central.)
[quote name='mvp828']Well... I have now missed two nights when I should have played. I have been really sick the past few nights and have had a high fever. Unfortunately the answer was not more cow bell, but rather more sleep.

So far I am feeling better today, so I will hopefully be on tonight.[/quote]

What MVP neglects to mention is that the illness was caused after filming "Two Matts, One Cup." Apparently, Matt Young ate some bad seafood.


Wait for it.


(In all due seriousness, though, get well, MVP. You are missed. :grouphug:)

[quote name='MSUHitman']fuck Microsoft and fuck EA. My franchise game just froze when I was up 94-7 and Matt Forte just set a new NFL rushing record for a single game. I also had 8 INT's of Delhomme. I can't even upload the highlights I made! :bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:[/quote]

That sucks, Hitman. I have had similar instances with sports games. :bomb:
[quote name='SeanAmI122886']Played some PC TF2 today to play the new maps and modes.
Pyro has an awesome knockback attack with his weapon as an alternate fire now.

Here are some pics[/quote]

These are from the PC version, not the 360 version, right?
[quote name='SeanAmI122886'].......... Reread what I wrote..... PC TF2........[/quote]

Duh :) Last time I post on CAG while recording podcast :)
i was wondering, as i bought the goty edition a while ago on sale, is there anyway to push to play the new maps on a playlist or is it pretty much always random... i wish i could play china town more but i never get it, it seems :(
[quote name='orbit18']i was wondering, as i bought the goty edition a while ago on sale, is there anyway to push to play the new maps on a playlist or is it pretty much always random... i wish i could play china town more but i never get it, it seems :([/QUOTE]

It is pretty random, but the new maps get waaaaaaay more playtime than the old ones. If nothing else, I mostly wish I could not play the new maps most of the time.
[quote name='xcoax']It is pretty random, but the new maps get waaaaaaay more playtime than the old ones. If nothing else, I mostly wish I could not play the new maps most of the time.[/quote]

Agreed! Especially when you get royally stomped at Creek. :roll:!!
[quote name='Shan82']Agreed! Especially when you get royally stomped at Creek. :roll:!![/QUOTE]

I still say the Barn Prayer Circle would have worked :lol:

Time to cross the streams.

More new playlists:

"Hardcore Headquarters - No Patch Required

Testing is completed for Hardcore HQ. This playlist has standard HQ rules w/ Hardcore Settings. Limited HUD, Increased Bullet Damage, and Friendly Fire Enabled.

Hardcore Ricochet Playlist - Currently Testing

We’re currently testing this playlist now to see if a patch will be required for it or not. We should know soon. This is the No Teamkilling playlist. Any damage a teamkiller attempts to do to their team mates is reflected onto themselves only. Therefore, if they attempt to shoot an RPG into the ground at the beginning of the match; the only person who will die, is the Teamkiller. This eliminates the fear of being shot in the back by some asshole, but still encourages players to play tactically and not throw random nades, because if you accidentally hit a teammate, you’re only going to end up killing yourself and they’ll go unharmed. No Teamkilling, No Random Nades. This playlist will include the variant for Hardcore Teamdeathmatch, Hardcore Search and Destroy, and Hardcore HQ.

Sudden Death Sabotage - Currently Testing

Sabotage with no respawns. Fast-paced and intense Sabotage. No more hiding with the bomb until time runs out for sudden death. Increased XP per kills to encourage Team Deathmatch mentality. Defend your objective, while attempting to secure the bomb and plant on theirs. Once you’re dead, you’re dead. No second chances. We’re currently testing to see if this can be implemented without a patch.

Second Chance Search and Destroy - Currently Testing

Search and Destroy with 1 respawn each. This completely revamps your Search and Destroy tactics. No longer will lucky frag or well-placed claymore end your chance of victory. Each player has 1 respawn, creating longer more thoughout attack / defend strategies. Eliminate enemy players, and cut off their reinforcements while you defuse."
chase, is that for real? not the pic of course, but those playlist? we had just seen another thing about playlist recently, it would be strange to have them releasing this as well without actually releasing the other playlist first i would think. also, i don't know how i feel about many of those, the sabotage thing could go either way... one team heavily camps their spawn while the other has to move in order for the game to go anywhere. the second chance search is a no go for me, the best part of search is playing smart, respawning knowing where they could be or even defending and respawning near the plant is just crap. i also don't know how i feel about the hardcore ricochet playlist... i like the idea of only the teamkiller getting punished on 1 hand, but on the other hand, one well placed accidental could really turn the tides of a game... like a guy defending A gets hit by a grenade from his own teammate and it allows the person he was aiming for to plant the bomb, so i wouldn't like hardcore search as much for this. same goes for deathmatch if they are trying to spawn kill, one teamkill from a main guy holding down the spawn could easily be the difference in a game. i do however like the hardcore hq, no more random 3x frag and martyrdom since it can easily kill a teammate.
Chase, I really love that pic.

All, sorry for leaving all of a sudden during last night's match but had to deal with a crisis/emergency. Still up in the air whether I'll be on for a couple of nights..
[quote name='woodcan']Chase, I really love that pic.

All, sorry for leaving all of a sudden during last night's match but had to deal with a crisis/emergency. Still up in the air whether I'll be on for a couple of nights..[/quote]

GOOD LUCK WITH EVERYTHING, BROTHER! I hope it's all okay! :(
I don't know...I would actually LOVE the Marshmallow Man taking down the other team at a 20 kill streak!! :robot: (or maybe some transformers).

Also, Flesh, hope everything is ok!! :)
Wouldn't sudden death sabotage just be one round of search and destroy with the bomb starting in the middle? I could see that being a very slow and boring game as rushing to the bomb would basically be suicide.
[quote name='xcoax']Wouldn't sudden death sabotage just be one round of search and destroy with the bomb starting in the middle? I could see that being a very slow and boring game as rushing to the bomb would basically be suicide.[/QUOTE]

that is basically what i was trying to say with my post about it.... if one team just camps their spawn and throws grenades at the bomb from there a few seconds into the game, it would wipe out 2-3 of the other team... then given that they want a deathmatch mentality by making it sudden death that way, that leaves the other team ahead in score and makes the people left have to rush into their spawn (usually suicidal).

i could see it being fun if both teams made a rush for the bomb and there were no grenades, but we all know that won't happen which means the team with the easier spawn to defend will likely camp it which then basically makes it search and destroy.

edit: i didn't even notice that post from flesh... i hope everything is alright man, good luck with whatever it is.
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I love team fortress for the humor, but I just wish I could find a class I was really good with. Playing the medic all the time is boring.
[quote name='xcoax']I love team fortress for the humor, but I just wish I could find a class I was really good with. Playing the medic all the time is boring.[/quote]

Have you adjusted your sensitivity settings? After I did that I really came to enjoy the game. Oh, and I think I do pretty well as a Scout. I was in the same boat as you; settling for Medic because I didn't do well in any other class. But then one day, a beam of light broke through my window, pierced my heart, and told me how the world works. Now I have the whole world... in my hands. I have the sun and the rain... in my hands. I have the whole world in my hands. :wave:
I much prefer Facebook. Plus, it has become a home-base of sorts (blame the JPAG podcast and people). That, and I like the interface. Well, the original interface. The new interface makes me want to fling babies into a NASCAR race. It's fucking terrible.

Anyhow, I hope all is right with Flesh. :whistle2:(

Also, my 360 hates me. I am already en route to picking up a PS3 for SOCOM (and other titles; just because), but, man, if my 360 commits seppuku, I just may become so incensed at Microsoft's shitty hardware that I'd ditch the console.

For fuck's sake my N64, SNES, PS1, and PS2 still work (and they were all from their respective first-generations). Microsoft's (possible) oversight (in regards to my console) is infuriating (I'm selfish; sue me). I figured, "Shit, the console gods have treated me kindly. I will not have to worry about my 360 killing itself."

But here I sit, figuring my 360 is sharpening its dagger and waiting to kill itself soon or during play of one of the many games coming out this Fall and Winter.

And really, considering Las Vegas' shitty service, the last thing I want to do is pay to repair my console -- only to have it destroyed by a lazy asshole delivery-person. I'd tip him his own bloody sack if that happened.

Perhaps I should just wait and invest in a 60 GB model? Shit, I could just wait and buy an Arcade model and just stick on my fucking hard drive.

Time to play the waiting game. God damn Microsoft.
Wow Chase! What a vent!! ;) Do you feel better now (j/k)? I haven't had any problems with the 360 (fingers crossed/knock on wood) yet, but have heard the many horror stories...! I think, at this point though, I would not be able to ever give it up for good (at least not in the near future) even if it was sharpening it's dagger at me ;) !

Facebook is definitely my preferred mode of communication with friends, but that could just be that I have never had myspace (yet) as my computer does not allow me access to myspace (or youtube for that matter...darn work computers!). With my new computer (when I eventually find one), I may try out some myspace action though! :)
[quote name='chasemurata']

And really, considering Las Vegas' shitty service, the last thing I want to do is pay to repair my console -- only to have it destroyed by a lazy asshole delivery-person. I'd tip him his own bloody sack if that happened.

hahaahahahahahahahaha.... Greatest qoute ever!!
Sent a friend request...please save me from foul-mouthed 12 year olds. The singers are out of control. Is CAGCOD4 signed-on on nights besides Thursdays? I usually play Mon-Wed from 6:00-8:00pm CST.
I've not been playing much lately, but there's usually some guys on every night. Not so much the times you're playing though, tends to be later (like 10-midnight EST sometimes later).

Last I checked the CoD4 list wasn't being updated anymore, so you may want to send some friend requests to some of the regulars (pretty much anyone who posted on the last page other than me!).
Yeah, sending a request to the CAGCOD4 account is a worthless endeavour as it hasn't been updated in three months. Do like dmaul said and send some of the people posting in the last pages a friend request. I'll definitely accept one.
I also play quite a bit so feel free to hit me up with a request. Also, I would just like to make my future absence known...

Due to work and what not, I will be limited to day time gaming from now until the 29th or 30th. There is a chance that I play this Saturday night or this Sunday if I end up not working. Other than that see ya during the day or on the 30th.
bread's done