[quote name='formerroadie']I would like to see the matching system not just match me with people who have games from my want list, but also match my haves list with others want lists. This way, I can see whom I can trade with. Currently, it doesn't work out very well.[/QUOTE]
This is a great idea
[quote name='wakasm']That's my issue. There IS a buy price. But people haggle even after saying you will pay that amount.
After going through this a few times - my major feedback:
There needs to be a second round of approval.
Step 1: Initiate Trade
Step 2: Person Accepts / Rejects Trade
Step 3: You accept FINAL TRADE!!!
Currently, if you initiate a trade, if they say yes then you are stuck with that trade. There needs to be a final step that allows you, the initiator, to agree. (Possibly with a profile option to always just agree). This way, I could initiate with 4 people who have a buy it price for $35.00 - and the first person to respond, I can finish the trade and cancel the others.
Without this extra step... I either have to monitor the trades every 2 seconds and hope two people do not say "OK" at the same time, otherwise I am stuck buying 2 copies of the same game.
I'm sure I am the minority, but I am not interested in trades... just paypal! I am also not interested in haggling with people who list their games lower, then reply with "Well, 6 other people also want to buy this game... what can you offer to make me choose you!"
Let me initiate with potential sellers, and choose the person who responds the quickest without locking me into trades.[/QUOTE]
You would then run into the problem of all those others that accept your offer being in limbo about selling their game to others as they wait to see if you will actually buy their game. Of course I guess the same is true now where buyers are left in limbo until the seller responds. Is there any time of time limit on when the offers expire?