Hey Cheapy, Wombat
About the show, I have a couple things to comment on.
1. I wouldn't drag politics out into such a long discussion. It's supposed to be a PODcast about gaming news in general. I can understand involving some things in your daily lives, but please....it kinda follows the rule at work. No discussing politics or religion at work, at least not while on the clock. I would greatly appreciate it if such topics were at least kept to a minimum. If I want to spend time listening to people talk politics, I think we all know what web site or news channel to tune in to.
2. Now, normally I tend to agree with Wombat, but regarding the "Average", argument, I would have to stand by Cheapy. I was listening to you two guys argue it out like some old married couple, but neither of you were really listening to the other.
Yes, "Average" when we're talking numbers does refer to something entirely different mathematically, but in Cheapy's layout of the 5 steps, the word "Average" takes on a different meaning entirely, where the "majority" of the public would understand the meaning. To Wombat's argument, it does sound as though Metacritic is using the word improperly.
3. Lastly the whole discussion about used games I find incredibly silly. Will publishers be able to stop it? No they won't be able to. What would happen if they did try? Such as removing selling rights to companies such as EBgames for example.......Simply put, the public would find a way as they always do. Ebay, Craigslist, Amazon market, you name it. Those used games will exchange hands one way or another. So, in general, people will continue to sell/buy/trade used games until one of two things happen.
a. Publishers, retailers work together, (cooperatively or otherwise), to make it so hard to buy/sell/trade used games where people won't want/be able to go through the hassle. Which would be pretty hard in itself to do, since people tend to go through a lot when it comes to their hard earned cash.
b. Somehow publishers, retailers make it more cost effective or so easy to purchase new games, that people won't want to go through the whole used game buy/sell/trade hassle. Which again, I doubt...."all those publishers in favor of selling us games for less, SAY I!".......*cricket* *cricket*...............
In summary though, I was a little dissapointed with this show. It sounded like you two were goin at it a little more than usual, and it seemed to you went into non-gaming related topics too much. I do look forward to future programs, and I really appreciate all you do. I have saved lots of money via your site.