New lines for Hard News, Cagcast deals
Hey guys this is a comment for Cheapy. I hear you on Hard News and the Cagcast every week and I enjoy the deals you read which get me excited for all my purchasing needs. One improvement I may suggest, however, is that there should be a way to change up the same ol’ performance week to week to week. Deal here, deal there, yeah yeah they’re exciting, ok guys, see you next time!
I was thinking of some expressions you could use to spice it up a bit and get the viewers a bit more engaged.
Some closing lines:
"That's all for this week, Cheapasses!"
"We’ll see you next time when the Wii will be half price!"
"Save ya dollars till next time!"
"Saving money for yo’ broke ass! Keep it cheap!"
Or you can go with a yo mama joke-like routine (instead use a “that’s so cheap that…” punchline) and make things interesting as you announce each deal for the week. Here are my top 10 for now. Pardon the last one which is a rude (and cheap!) joke.
10. "That’s so cheap that my Jewish grandparents rolled over in their half price coffins."
9. "That’s so cheap I shit in my discounted, pre-soiled pants."
8. "That’s so cheap that I ate escargot, lobster and drank Don Perrion for a week and could afford 100,000 more."
7. "That’s so cheap that if it were any cheaper the retailer would ask if he could pay me for a rape fee."
6. "That’s so cheap that if it were digested I’d poop out one quintillionth of a peso."
5. "That’s so cheap that my refried bean toilet shitwater would get more on ebay."
4. "That’s so cheap that I paid it in full with my toenails and ass hair."
3. "That’s so cheap that I’d more likely get a $200 tip for farting at dinner."
2. "That’s so cheap that gamestop put together a buy two, sell them back to us for free sale."
And finally...
1. "That’s so cheap that Wombat bought it, returned it, then bought it at half price a week later and STILL COMPLAINED ABOUT THE PRICE!"
You get the idea. Use any that you like, even on the CAGcast! Thanks a lot for reading and I wish you many cheap deals!