CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

With the recent releases of good-to-great games like Daxter, Syphon Filter, Mega Man Powered Up, Metal Gear Acid 2 and Field Commander, do you feel like the PSP is finally finding its groove? Where do you see the PSP at the end of the year?
[quote name='Temporaryscars']So uh....where's the show? It's been more than 10 hours.[/quote]

I think he meant they were going to actually record the show in 10 hours. I'm sure Cheapy is going to have to take some time adding music and other shiz.
Cagbag: Xbox Live acade edition

1. Do you think companies hold off on content in order to get the buyer to not trade-in their game as well as make a few extra million?

2. What would you think of a promotion that gave away 100 marketplace points for each 20z of a certain soda purchased (code would be under the cap)?

3. Would you rather Microsoft cut the marketplace points bullshit and just say how much something is in actual cash or stay the disney dollar way it currently is?
From reading reports that video game sales are down (it looks like 31%) and that if this is a trend, do you think that it is because of the high end cost of the xbox 360 and its games? or that there just haven't been many quality games released on any system the last few months?
Cheapy: Have you ever seriously thought about changing the name of CAG? Not on any moral grounds of course - I think it's just fine and most reasonable people shouldn't have a problem with "ass" in the name (don't they use it on network TV nowadays?) But from a business standpoint, in this age of hyper-sensitivity and ultra-P.C., do you think any potential advertisers/sponsors might be staying away because of the name?

Would be a shame if it happened though - CheapSkateGamer doesn't just cut it. :)
Please choose which one you would like to answer, if any :)

1) What is your take on games like Psychonauts or Beyond Good and Evil which receive critical acclaim but suffer from lackluster retail sales? What's to blame - marketing? retail shelf space? release timing?

2) We all know that game ratings and reviews help guide our purchases, but do we place too much emphasis on the opinions of others? Does reading a review before trying a title actually affect your opinion of the game?

3) Many have stated that if EA should go out of business they could take the entire industry down with them, inferring that if companies such as EA fail to turn a profit that gaming is no longer a profit center. How much credibility do you attach to these statements?

4) Microsoft has claimed many times that they strive for a game industry with only one hardware platform. Their belief is that our divided market actually hurts developers by splitting their profits and further confuses gamers when making purchasing decisions, and that having only one platform would stir more direct competition and produce better games as a result. Can our market survive with only one gaming system (a la the days of the original NES)? Has Microsoft's monopoly with Windows actually helped or harmed PC game development?

(pronounced sigh-you-foxx-two) :)
Wombat lamented in the last cagcast about the number of reviewers that EGM now has and that there can be no 'Ebert Effect" (I think that was his theory of knowing a reviewer to be able to tell if you care about that person's opinion). HOw credible do you find the reviews when one takes into account the "ebert factor" along with the 3 ultra-mini-tiny-uberbrief reviews of a game?

I think the 'ebert factor' kills an already suspect review system--thoughts?
[quote name='AshesofWake']Have you ever even thought about changing the name of the site, just because of the "ass" in the title?[/quote]Look 4 posts up ;)

I answered this one on today's CAGcast...kind of.
What are the differences between Oblivion on the 360 and PC? Is there marketplace points for the PC version? Is 42 really the meaning of life? Why is EA allowed to put out two of every (sports) game every year? Will you guys come visit me and CAGcast from my basement?
Don't you think the PS3 rumors are starting to get out of hand?

For example, about the tightly controlled PS3 at E3. Wasn't that pretty much the same deal with the Xbox 360 at the E3 before its launch? Why the doublestandard?

Secondly, it seems that people keep jumping on what the PS3s price will be. I'm kind of sick of all the talk, and don't want to hear anything until its official.

Lastly, maybe this console war won't be much of a war after all. It seems many of the Xbox 360 titles will be making it to the PS3, and vice versa. Sure, there will be titles that don't make the cut, such as certain American games for Xbox 360 and certain Japanese games for PS3, however, it seems that ports might pick up with this cycle of console. Thus, might the console war not really matter in the end, or at least, between two consoles that will be getting many of each others games?
Do you guys think there is any point in buying budget games? For a majority of the $20 games, they are low quality, so why not just wait a year to get a game that will be $20 and will be much more enjoyable? The only $20 games I've enjoyed are Phantom Dust (which is a real gem) and the ESPN 2K5 games. Have you guys bought a $20 game recently?
•What do you guys think of the Revolutions' new name, Nintendo's "Wii"?
(I'm sure you will cover this regardless)

•Also, what do you think about Computer Gaming World's decision to drop numberd review scores? They claim that readers simply look at number scores and this new change will force people to actually read what they think of a game.
^CGW talks about this in the new May issue (their second without # scores)

Hey Cheapy and Wombat. I have a two questions.

1) As I write this the Revolution's name has been changed to the Wii. It seems to have garnered a pretty negative or at very least confused reaction from the gaming public. What do you think the impact of a game systems name has on the success of the system?

2) This question is for Wombat. What is your connection to CAG? Are you a co-creator of the site? Or are you just a buddy of Cheapy that is just enjoying the success of his friends site?

Anyway guys, great site and thanks for being not only game minded but still act as normal people. No big corporate nonsense, just two guys having fun with this and hopefully making a good profit and impact when it's all said and done.

Do you think MS and Sony are making a mistake by underestimating Nintendo? Do you think it's possible that the Wii will surprise everyone and possibly make a run at being the number 1 system in sales this time around?
Hi Guys,

I've got some questions regarding whether or not to buy a PSP

1) Is there any truth to the rumors that have been permeating many message boards, including the CAG boards, that Sony is going to release an 'improved' PSP in the near future?

2) Considering the current PSP library, do you think it is worth shelling out the 200$ (or 160 if you use the coupons in the forum) to get one?

Thanks guys, love the show

Just a quick remark. I unfortunately just watched 5 back to back episodes of the 1up show because I had nothing better to do at work on a Saturday night(I monitor people for sleep apnea). That show is garbage and tries to be too cool for its own good. You and Wombat have more integrity than any of those ego maniac dorks on that show. I laugh everytime I listen to you guys with your quick pro quo, and almost fell asleep watching their poor excuse for a podcast that has little relevance to video gaming. Looking forward to next week' s show.

Wii want a revolution.
Hey cheapy, everyone is always talking about how much more successful arcade games are in Japan than in America, but you rarely ever hear about the games. Have you played anything really fun lately or had any other interesting encounters at a Japanese Arcade?
I have another question...well more like comment/information. Wombat, please update your humor from Kobe pages to D.Wade pages. Unless you are talking about the hatred between each other from both "super stars". Did either, well I guess CheapyD might not be able to see it, not an international film release knower of everything. So probably Wombat again, did you see Silent Hill? Good? Did you pee in your pants, even just a little, during the movie? Also, do you guys think I should get into the aviation feild? I ask because in a few weeks I am proabably going to be signing up for classes to do this sort of thing. I am not really interested in flying a plane, but fix one. I was thinking of air traffic conteroller, but I hear there are more ATCs than jobs right now. Pretty random, huh? Another thing, could you both please do a voodoo dance to make Chris Pronger turn inside out and not be able to play hockey any more? Thank you.
Spawn campers - Elite Tacticians or Cheap ass bitches?

(I just finished playing GRAW with a guy who had NO CLUE what he was doing was cheap, hence the question.)
I have a super awesome question.

How come you guys pronounce "Mario" the way you do. Is it supposed to be that way or is that your guys' preferred pronunciation of it? You guys say it with a long "a" while I thought it was a short "a".

So, which is it?
Is the gaming world running out of inovations and what are some of the crazest 360 stories you know. Check my threads.
Are you going to do anything about this wombat?

Which game company representative do you think is most "in touch" with what gamers want - Sony's Ken Kutaragi, Nintendo's Satoru Iwata, or Microsoft's J Allard?
Hey guys,
So Cheapy do you foresee any exclusive codes or promotions for CAG in the near future say when E3 rolls around? Wii (pun intended) would really appreciate it! Also ive been wondering how did Wombat get the gig for Co-Host? Did you have an audition and if so how many grueling painful weeks of drills and excercises did it require?
Wombat brought up a good point in last week's CagCast. Aside from rabid gamerism, is there really a reason to buy a next gen system if you don't own a High Def TV? I suspect Wombat's friend would probably play his 360 more often if he had a decent TV to play it on.
[quote name='whoknows']I have a super awesome question.

How come you guys pronounce "Mario" the way you do. Is it supposed to be that way or is that your guys' preferred pronunciation of it? You guys say it with a long "a" while I thought it was a short "a".

So, which is it?[/QUOTE]
They're from New York. ;)

With launch game info trickling in on both of the remaining two consoles (Wii, PS3), what games would either of you have to see to feel an obligation to pick either system up at launch? Are you interested in any of the proposed launch games? How do you feel these preliminary launch lists compare to the Xbox 360's launch games?
What are the biggest differences between game retail stores in Japan and America? Are taxes higher? Is the used market as big?
Sorry guys, the Pre-E3 CAGcast has been canceled for this week. We just couldn't get our schedules to work out.

However, I am thinking that we might do a CAGcast Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, each day after the show.
[quote name='CheapyD']Sorry guys, the Pre-E3 CAGcast has been canceled for this week. We just couldn't get our schedules to work out.

However, I am thinking that we might do a CAGcast Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, each day after the show.[/QUOTE]

Rabble, rabble, rabble!
[quote name='CheapyD']Sorry guys, the Pre-E3 CAGcast has been canceled for this week. We just couldn't get our schedules to work out.

However, I am thinking that we might do a CAGcast Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, each day after the show.[/quote]

Rubbish thats Rubbish! We better score some freakin sweet deals for me to let this slide. Dont worry cheapy your off the hook...this time.
Will you guys do an 18 or older "E3 Gone Wild" edition of the Cagcast with naked women? That would be hawt.

Edit: Some mod needs to fix Jakescape's sig...
CheapyD and Wombat why no RPG love? Not counting Oblivion of course.
RPGs are my favorite type of games but they also make me feel way older then I should feel. It was cool to play as a 15 y/o saving the world when I was 15 but now that I am in my mid 20's it makes me feel older then I should feel, ohhhh shit did I just answer my question for you.

Bad spoo, bad bad spoo, no soup for you, come back one year.
Hi Cheapy,
Not really e3 related, but its been awhile since we've seen a big exclusive cag deal such as cag15 at Do you foresee any upcoming deals at online or even B&M retailers? Also Wombat, I was just wondering how did you get the gig as co-host? Did you have some sort of grueling and painful auditon process or are you just a lucky friend of cheapy?
This would be more of a post-E3 question, but let's try this:

After knowing the full specs and capabilities of the Wii and PS3, what would be the "break the bank" games for each system...meaning, if you could make a game that would take advantage of everything the systems had to offer (wand controller, 1080p, blu-ray), and would cater to the majority of gamers today, what would they be?
CheapyD and Furry sidekick,

Now that Sony has laid it all out on the table do you feel lied to?
Last year it was,
Six USB system ports, Dual HDMI, Memory Stick Duo slot, SD and flash card slots.
Phil Harrison criticizing 2 SKUs, Killzone 2 gfxs. Also calling the wiimote a gimmick but adding it.
bread's done