CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

hi just a question do you or misses Cheapy watch an anime or buy anime games my latest purchuse was naruto accel from the anime catergory

did you finish resistance fall of man? cause i have lol kinda long game dont you think?
Question for CheapyD, (assuming it hasn't been asked before)
why do you like Robocop so much? There's obviously a fanbase for it, considering they make toys and collectible figures, but why Robocop? Why not Judge Dredd, Neo, or Darth Vader figures?

Second question for Wombat and Cheapy, if you HAD to change your screen names, what would you change them to? and why?
CheapyD, have you tried playing in Japanese Arcades and if so have you beaten any of them (Japanese gamers)? Here in Canada we have a mall that has the Japanese style sit-down arcade machines and when you beat them in such games as street fighter they get really pissed but only when you're non-Asian. Does the same thing happen there?
Dear Mr. Cheapy and Mr. Wombat,
What are your opinions on the recently released list of upcoming Wii games schedueled for a 2007 release? If you haven't heard of this, then this is what it is: Nintendo officially released financial documents, which said that the following games will be released for the Wii, in Japan, in 2007.
  • Donkey Kong Taru Jet Race (DK Jet or DK Bongo Blast, US) - June 28, 2007
  • Wii Health Pack -- 2007
  • Disaster: Day of Crisis - 2007
  • Mario Party 8 - 2007
  • Project H.A.M.M.E.R. - 2007
  • Wii Music - 2007
  • Super Mario Galaxy - 2007
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 2007
  • Battalion Wars II - 2007
  • Forever Blue - 2007
  • Mario Strikers Charged - 2007
  • Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - 2007
  • Mario and Sonic at the Olympics - 2007
I just wanted your opinions on this news.


congrads wombat on your birthday and your exciting gift from cheapy...
hey do i get anything...its my birthday on the 4th of May?

also I hear that Puzzle Quest is coming out for the xbox live arcade....I've been wanting it for the DS...should I just wait for the live version or should i just snatch it up for the DS?

oh and my 360 has the red ring of death...they shipped my coffin....=*(
hey CheapyD
have u ever considered doing a live show similar 2 the epileptic gaming show?
and a couple of podcasts ago u said that ur planning 2 give the website an update but that u havent found the right company, well may i suggest 2advanced studios
Hey guys,

Once again, love the show and especially Wombat's on-air birthday surprise!

Quick question: Becuase both of you live in apartments, I'm curious to know how you store your video games and accompanying peripherals. I — fortunately — have a loft in the house where I store most of my junk, but I can imagine that in an apartment, space is at a premium. Do you keep the games in their cases or do you have them in a wallet? Are there specific shelves you would recommend?
Was it just me or was that guy you interviewed smug?
I wouldnt have minded digitally strangling him with hands made of bandwidth and fingers made of data packets!

Yes this is a real question, thats why its going into the CAGBag.

I've been itching to get Oblivion for the 360 for a while, but I've been too damn cheap to pay the $60 for the game. Now, before I get chastised about how it is worth the full price, I still want to save money (That's why I joined this site). I know you guys aren't psychics, but I'm still wondering: Do you see a price drop for Oblivion (360) soon? Seeing as how the PC version is getting these great deals on the game itself and the expansions, the 360 shouldn't be too far behind.

P.S. My PC is far too underpowered to play Oblivion, so the PC version is out of the question.
More YMIJ-type questions:

What's your favorite place to window shop for video games in Tokyo?

Are there any "hidden gems" as far as stores that sell games that you could recommend for gaijin/travelers?

Do you visit the arcades much in Tokyo, and if so, what are some of your favorite or notable games that you've seen or played recently?

Do you travel outside of Tokyo much, and if not, where would you want to visit?

Aaaand finally, a CAG website question: would you consider writing editorials for the CAG site to supplement your comments in the CAG-cast?
Maybe you think that it's enough already with the Major Nelson insulting... But honestly the guy is such an egotist--he deserves it.

So I'm thinking this--You know how he doesn't have a co-host to banter with--just him talking into the mic with maybe an interview or two interspersed. How about his podcast be nicknamed "The Vagina Clown Monologues". Catchy, right?
Hey what's up , long time listener first time poster. With the new SNK card game for DS having a bug that prevents you from accessing all of the games content, and with past issues like the boss in Bubble Bobble Revolution not showing up do you think that a customer should be able to a return a game that has such a terrible glitch in it? I remember when I bought Bubble Bobble from a Gamestop they gave me a hard time returning a new game and only offered to switch it for another copy. After explaining the situation to the manager and demonstrating how the boss never appeared he kindly refunded my money. My main question is if a game is unplayable due to a glitch in the programming should a consumer have a right to return it even though most stores have a policy against the return of new games?(btw I love the show)
[quote name='IAmBatmanShhhh']Hey what's up , long time listener first time poster. With the new SNK card game for DS having a bug that prevents you from accessing all of the games content, and with past issues like the boss in Bubble Bobble Revolution not showing up do you think that a customer should be able to a return a game that has such a terrible glitch in it? I remember when I bought Bubble Bobble from a Gamestop they gave me a hard time returning a new game and only offered to switch it for another copy. After explaining the situation to the manager and demonstrating how the boss never appeared he kindly refunded my money. My main question is if a game is unplayable due to a glitch in the programming should a consumer have a right to return it even though most stores have a policy against the return of new games?(btw I love the show)[/quote]

I was going to ask a different question but, damn this is a great one some I'm riding on his coat tails. It doesn't seem fair for the customers who bought the broken game but also what about Gamestop and the other big time distributors? It’s not their fault that they were given broken games to sell? Who is ultimately responsible for the customer’s satisfaction? The game maker or the game store who sold the broken game?
Since Guitar Hero 3 isn't too far away, do you think it would be out of the question that the game could use downloadable content originally released for Guitar Hero 2 and vice versa? These games don't change much after all.
This question is for Wombat:

The wife and I have some vacation time coming up later this month and are thinking of visiting New York. We already want to visit the Nintendo World Store and that cool Planetarium. Any recommendations on fun things to do that are uniquely New York? I remember you saying recently that you had a friend visit and just played games all the time, but surely there must be something fun to do in such a city.
This question is to both Cheapy D and Wombat. Do you guys have any guilty gaming pleasures? For me, I am still playing Warcraft 3 every single day, and for atleast an hour and a half every wednesday, which is when I listen to the CAGcast.

Keep up the great work on the CagCast
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,
Although the Wii isnt the most powerful system, it had these little touches that makes it feel genuine. For example today I was playing Super Paper Mario, and when I went to save the game a dialogue came up saying that the batteries in my controller are low, and that I should replace them. I know its not a great feature or anyhting but I was very surprised and glad that it did that. Ok well maybe it isnt something to be joyous over but hey, I think its a nice touch. I still wish the system was more powerful but hey the games are fun....when games come out for it atleast they are fun.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat especially,
In one of your recent shows you read off that a lot of people have been saying that Wombat doesn't add anything to the show and that he should be ousted. I could not disagree more. Even if Wombat does seem a bit immature at times, the show needs that. If it weren't for Wombat the show wouldn't be that entertaining. No offense to Cheapy, you are one of the best podcast hosts I listen to, but Wombat just adds that element of fun. So Wombat, for the record, you are not annoying or too immature, although calling Major a Vagina-Clown was hilarious, you did repeat it too much. The show needs you Wombat, without you it would be too serious. I love listening to you guys cause I have a great time doing so and it always lifts up my spirits when i am feeling down.

And also, you are right in a sence about Major being a spokes person for Microsoft, but I have to admit that if you want the best source of 360 News his podcast is the thing to listen to. I mean come on I would never expect to hear the latest Wii news on a show entitled "XBox Live's Major Nelson" but maybe thats just me.
Hey guys - a couple of questions if you will...

- A couple of months ago, Cheapy mentioned a device that he had procured that allowed you to draw Japanese characters/Kanji on it, and it would translate them for you. I had a search of the forums but couldn't turn up much - could you put a link ot the manufacturer's site/Amazon for this wonderous piece of technology?

- I occasionally dabble with podcasting, and as someone who has tried a few different recording procedures, I was curious as to the CAGcast methodology. What programs/techniques/hardware do you guys use?

As an aside, I've been listening to the show for about a year, and I couldn't imagine the CAGcast without Wombat. Keep up the fantastic work, and I'll keep listening/digging/making my purchases through your associate links. :)
Few questions:

1. Still plan on getting back in shape for the pool cheapy? How much do you normally bench, and how fast do you normally run a mile?

2. Besides gaming, what other hobbies do yall get into? Fishing? guitar? skate boarding? Just curious.

3. After seeing wombat for the first time in real life on the unboxing video, how tall are you? Im saying 5'9", but certainly not over 6'. And wombats voice does not match what he looks like, I thought he would look more like Joe Pesci.

Peace out
Hey guys,

When is the site getting the pimiping up it deserves? As much as I enjoy the old skool cheapness of the current design when compared to other gaming/podcast sites it is sadly lacking in sexiness.
Cheapy, I've known you're a fan of Stern for a while, and last week you brought up Opie and Anthony(which I despise, but anyway). You seem to be a fan of talk radio. I was wondering if you are a fan of Phil Hendrie. He's awesome if you haven't listened to him. But yeah. Thanks anyway. Keep up the great work /kiss ass.

Now that MS is cracking down on users outside of the USA dloading USA content, movies and such. How has this affected you CheapyD? Have you been under the radar?Let me give you MS quote:

"...unfortunately we are legally required to ensure that all content on Xbox Live is only available for download in the country in which it is licensed. If we don't we may not be able to continue providing quality content. We're not trying to stop people getting the content they want - we're trying to ensure that we can continue to provide great content on Xbox Live, and bring that content to other countries in the future. I should also point out that licensing agreements like this are standard practice in the entertainment industry."
Not really gaming related,
But Wombat, curious of your take on the Marvel movies, specifically SM 3.

Maybe at Wombat's Burrow for your fellow true believers ?
hey CheapyD, have you seen that Japanese show where a comedian plays a bunch of old games but he never beats them? i heard about this show on the Retronauts podcast on 1up and i was curious if you knew anything about it?
Hey guys,

I was wondering about your feelings for the future of the PSP. I've never felt the urge for one, but the combination of a redesign, God of War, and now potentially on original entry of Final Fantasy as opposed to a port has piqued my interest. Can the PSP get a "lite" makeover and some quality games and turn it around?
Do you think Nintendo artificially lowers supply of DS/Wii products to bring up demand/hype? Or is the low availability part of the profit minded thinking that Nintendo works by? No need to immediately create new factories or air ship units, increasing costs. I see no reason why there is still a shortage of DS in Japan, Wii shortages at this stage in the Life cycle are hardly realistic considering the technology the Wii contains
In response to criticism about Wombat on the CAGcast, I think I have found a very solid comparison. Probably the most popular video podcast ever (they're #1 on Digg big surprise) , Diggnation starring Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht is a podcast where they talk about some of the popular articles submitted to Digg. Just like the CAGcast one host is the owner of the site the show is based on (Rose/CheapyD) while the other is in the entertainment industry (Albrecht/Wombat). Both Albrecht/Wombat annoy their cohosts by asking for free stuff or making them do something (Albrecht forced Rose to leak some Apple stuff while Wombat always offers suggestions for the show that result in more work for Cheapy). Both Rose and CheapyD lost their street cred supposedly (Rose by not doing hardcore illegal shit anymore and Cheapy buying non cheap games). There are a shitload more similarities but the most important one is the off-topicness. Wombat will fill us in if his wife is naked and Albrecht said he'd take a sperm control pill up the ass. Without these two, the show lose alot of the personal touch (which is apparent when the CAGcast does interviews). I like to watch/listen to both of these podcasts BECAUSE of the homely feel. Sure I could get the same important info from other podcasts but I choose these podcasts because they feel more personal. Somehow when Diggnation does a live show or when Wombat talks about Nutrisystem the balance of news and entertainment is perfected and I'm content with it as it is right now on these great podcasts. Wombat keeps the CAGcast balanced and despite his sometimes moronic rants is an essential part of the CAGcast.

Is there anyway to implement a thorbahn3 button for the CAGbag thread? Just a little check box that will change a person's name to 'thorbahn3' in this thread so there's a chance you might read and answer that question?

Just a suggestion.
Cheapy--in previous CAGcasts you mentioned that you were excited about Xbox Live's video service because you are starved for entertainment. Have you checked that you can't download certain marketplace content any more?

Have you found a way to circumvent this region protection? By the way, for a corporate-speak explanation as to why this was done, fast forward the latest Vagina Clown Monologue (#224) to 1:05:55. Can't you spoof your IP address somehow to beat this?
Cheapy are you excited to go to E3? How long are you staying on your visit?
What are you most looking forward to doing on your trip to the states?
I have question for CheapyD.

CheapyD have you bought US PS1 game on PSN yet ? If you have , does the download US PS1 game be able to play on Japanese PS3 ?

Thank in advance ^___^
I would very much like to know how mods decide what posts and threads to delete, merge or move. I have found it very irritating lately that threads that I created that I found to be valid as well as posts I have made have been moved, merged or just plain deleted without a word said. For example yesterday I read the thread about Sony now making point cards to buy PSN stuff on their network. I made a remark that this was another copying of Microsoft strategy. This was not flamebait or anything of the sort. I have every console Sony has made but I will be the first to admit they make some pretty bonehead moves. This just seems to be another where they will force you to buy more points than you need just like Microsoft. I have no idea why this post was deleted but then I never have any idea. In addition I have made some deal posts I have felt to be good deals but have been deleted by mods. I think other people have missed out on some good deals from my posts because some mod felt the thread was not worthy or too related to something else and it was merged where it would not be seen by many people. It makes me not want to post on the site and I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way. Please answer my questions unless you decide to delete this post.
Oh one more question.

Do you think with HOME coming will there be a live CAGCAST you know in HOME ? Now that Wombat and you have PS3.

I don't know but what do you think ?
Cheapy, it's well known that you make a decent amount of money off CAG; from ad clicks, to purchases we make through CAG's affiliates.

My question is: Do you have any plans on taking this net income and putting it back into the site? What improvements, if any, do you have planned?

Perhaps add more servers, or upgrade them. Hire someone to redesign the site/forums. Those being just a few examples of improvements that would be most welcomed.
Cheapy I know you said you were going to update the site soon. When do you think you will get this started and what did you have in mind for the redesign.
I have a question for you both... (Cheapy and Wombat) looking at the games that are out today, and coming out later this year... what games do you think will last making gamers come back to them 10 - 15 years later... (like Double Dragon and Streets of Rage) ?

Whose your top 5 developers of today, and why?
First time posting - love the podcasts, just discovered them the other day. What's up with the game The Outsider?
I saw some May 07 release dates on ign and gamespot but theres practically no information on it -yet it looks pretty cool. Any info?

Getting the PS3 seems to have given you a new, positive attitude. The last episode was one of the better ones in a long time. You seem to be a "new man."

Can you go into more detail on your new system rituals? Do you just stare at the box for a few hours or days? Do you smell the box (that UPC hole in the Nintendo systems boxes is sweet)? Do you feel up the system, or spend time reading the instruction manuals? Do you prefer to play a game first or mess around with the dashboard/interface?

yours truly,
Cheapy and Wombat .. has a game ever caused you so much frustration and anger that you recall throwing a controller or breaking something? If so, what was the game and the cause of the violent reaction?
Do you ever play an old game and wonder how they got away with certain things?
For example, in Streets of Rage 2 you can select a young black kid who beats the crap out of thugs while possibly wielding a knife. Something about a knife wielding child in a current generation video game would garner some backlash I'd think.
I was wondering what you guys thought would be the smarter buy first? An HDTV or a 360/PS3? I remember in an older CAGcast that you guys said you thought an HDTV is needed to make the 360 worth the purchase. Well, now it's a lot later, the 360 has more games, and I was wondering if you still felt that way.

And secondly...

With the new generation of consoles downloadable content is a very big aspect of games. Games are regularly coming out with the idea of cashing in on the marketplace very soon afterwards. Also you now have some games that you end up having to patch after you buy it because of bugs, and just a ton of downloadable games in general. For those of us on dial up, is this the generation where we just end up screwed out of a good deal of entertainment? Or is it still very possible to get your money's worth without downloadable content?

Thank you sirs, keep up the great work.
Hi guys. I just started listening to your podcast a couple weeks ago and I must say parts of them are quite entertaining. I was just wondering if you guys had any interest in Calling Alll Cars since it is finally available in the PSN store. You two don't appear to have any system bias (unlike many websites I have visited), so I would like to hear your thoughts on the game. I'm still on the fence so give me a push.

Btw, if I was in a parking garage on level 23 with my wizard, that's my business.
I've dragged myself away from my 360 and the Halo 3 beta to ask whether or not you two wonderful fellows are jealous?

Well are ya?

(I got it early due to the "family and friends" thing)

Last Wednesday I was excited for the spring update, like I'm sure most of us 360 owners were. Most people didn't show much enthusiasm for the msn feature that was added, but I was one of the few who were looking forward to it. Only to find out after I downloaded the update I couldn't use the msn feature because my windows live ID said it was a child ID! Naturally I called customer support to get this issue fixed and it appears because I signed up for Xbox Live using a Gmail address I am not allowed to use the msn feature. What do you think about this choice by Microsoft since we can not change our Live ID's?
bread's done