CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

What's going to happen to the CAGcast when Baby Wombat time comes around? Is going to be on pause, is Wombat going to be missing or just substituted? I would probably go insane without this podcast. Thanks for taking time to look at this.
Hey guys if full games came out on the xbox live market place and ps3 store would you buy more games? If MGS4 could be downloaded off the ps3 store would you have rather gotten it through there? Its alot easier then going to the store isnt it? I have a feeling xbox live market place wont do this because every big thing on the market place destroys it.
I'm not sure it's a good idea for the show to have Game Stop as a sponsor on the show. This seems like more of a bias problem than if you were sponsored by Microsoft or something, since the big idea behind CAG is getting the best games deals.

In the ad you guys talked about Game Stop like it was a great place to trade in games, but the "deals" they give out are terrible. There are MUCH better ways to buy and sell used games, without having Game Stop as a middle man taking most of the difference.

I'm not against having you guys talk about sponsors in the middle of the show, but Game Spot is a really bad choice.
Cheapy and Wombat,

I'm listening to the latest episode of Achievement Junkies and they mentioned the CAGcast. Specifically Nelson mentioned the CAGcast "starring Wombat and his co-host CheapyD". I seem to remember before episode 100 you guys talking about Wombat hosting the show one week. Is that still going to happen?


If Engrish were an actual recognized language in Japan, would it be legal to buy marijuana if you told the doctor that, as an American, you have a "Cadirrac?"
[quote name='Cambot']Cheapy,

If Engrish were an actual recognized language in Japan, would it be legal to buy marijuana if you told the doctor that, as an American, you have a "Cadirrac?"[/quote]
Whats engrish?
Hey Cheapy and The Bat,

You guys rock! I have been using the site for a long time but just started listening to the Cagcast like a week ago ( now I am hooked and have went back to listen to all the old ones)


I was watching some old lunch with Cheapy videos, and I came across the one of Cheapy drinking the Pepsi Ice Cucumber and thought that was intresting, has Pepsi released any other fun flavored sodas in Japan since that release, like Glacier Pear or Freshly rained on pea sack? Or did they see it was a flop and stop making weird flavors?

Also, can you send me a bottle of it? I will pay all the cost and Oh Wombat you don't look anything like how your voice sounds but are still awesome and we should hang out.

Hi Wombat, a quick question for you. Is The Incredible Hulk stronger than the Juggernaut? A friend recently told me that Hulk once defeated all of the marvel super heroes!? Is Hulk really THAT strong??

Since I grew up in Asia and hardly know anything about the American comics except ones made into the movies and games. What makes Hulk so special? My first impression of him is hardly anything but super human strength. :whistle2:\
Hey cheapy and wombat,

Just wondering what you guys majored in college and your career paths that followed after (before CAG).

Also wombat does the mrs. pull as much weight as you (work/financially). I believe cheapy has mentioned he doesn't do shit compared to his wife.

Anyway cast 123 was funny as always but then got boring later on

keep it up guys
CheapyD, do you think there will be a Halo 4? I don't mean halo wars rts or peter jackson's one but a real fps Halo by bungie. And do you think it will be on 360 or the next MS console?
[quote name='davidkibler33']Hey Cheapy and The Bat,
Oh Wombat you don't look anything like how your voice sounds.
Thats what I thought the first time I saw him. That and he looks like someone from a show I used to watch Don't remember the name at the moment
Dear Cheapy & Wombat

Do you think it's unreasonable to ask a friend or guest to wash their hands before picking up a controller and playing on one of your consoles? Most of my friends dislike the request and have even called me clean freak. What is your take on it?
Hey Cheapy, you should consider going back and playing Metal Gear Solid

I think that if you did you would like 4 a lot more. I hated MGS 2 and 3 because of all the cutscenes, but when I actually got my hands on 1 and played through the games in order of release, I liked the the series much more. Before you give up on 4's story you should try to find the first three games ( I think Konami released a pack of the first 3 for 30 dollars called Metal Gear Solid: essential collection) and play them.
Hey Wombat,
I remember when you first got the job for UGO and you weren't sure what to do the blog on, Cheapy suggested that you describe how you've always wanted to be in the video game business and this was your big break and such. Well, since you got an E3 ticket, you're at least on someone's radar in the video game world. What's next? What do you ultimately want to be doing in the video game business? Has the UGO blog helped you in getting there?
Dear Cheapy and Wombat,

I've been listening to the CAGcast for about two years and its one of the few podcasts of which i never miss a show no matter how backlogged I get on podcasts. Keep doing what your doing. But now on to my question...

Wombat, what are some of the baby names you and Mrs. Wombat are considering? If your taking suggestions might I recommend Suit, Sportcoat, or perhaps Jacket? It makes perfect sense, CheapyD and Wombat, Suit and Tai, or Tai and Jacket. I was just curious since you havn't mentioned a name on the show as of yet.

I wish you both you and Mrs. Wombat a healthy Baby Jacket, or Suit, or whatever you choose to name him/her. Also, Cheapy, happy birthday to Tai. It's hard to believe its been a whole year already since he was born. I watched your "Tasty Tai" video again on Youtube last week and laughed my ass off....again. He's adorable Cheapy.:baby: Thank you both very much for putting on such a great show free of charge each and every week. You guys deserve all the respect and diggs your show gets and then some. :applause::applause::applause:
Hey guys, what do think of the guinea pig that I tranqulized on Metal Gear Solid 4?


I thought it was pretty funny lol
"Thats what I thought the first time I saw him. That and he looks like someone from a show I used to watch Don't remember the name at the moment"

His voice reminds me of Chris Perillo from Techtv fame.
Cheapy, I like your new take on paid DLC. You seem to be willing to judge it on its own merits, but also bring up the valid point that publishers are shooting themselves in the foot by flaunting DLC before launch. I'm with you -- it's usually just going to piss people off by announcing DLC before launch, but doesn't add any measurable good.

To Wombat's point: Does he really believe that *all* DLC is trimmed from what the core game would have been? Seriously? If so, Wombat's considerably more out of touch with development than I'd realized.

The best time to make this extra content is when the they already have the team assembled making the game. So yeah, it's generally planned and made at the same time as the game itself, because that's by far the cheapest and best time to make it. But it weren't for the fact they could charge extra for it, in most cases, that extra content wouldn't have been produced.

And here's a little known fact: Microsoft requires that you have at least some of your DLC ready to go before the product's launch, even if you don't put it up for sale for a while. They do this so they can do QA (i.e. testing) on how it integrates into your game. This is a requirement for by Microsoft for certification of the base game.

Again... Wombat, stop getting upset about when you think the content was made or making blind claims that DLC is always cut out of what would be the core game's content. Start judging the games themselves and the DLC based on whether they're a good deal for the dollar or not. I don't see how you can think that's not the best way to judge these things.
Has the CAGcast affected your site traffic? Podcasts seem to really effect the sites I go to. Before I listened to the 1up, Joystiq, and CAGcast podcasts, I would never go to 1up, visit Kotaku much more then Joystiq, and only go to during holidays. Ever since I started listening to the podcasts I visit Joystiq much more then Kotaku, go to 1up for the articles, not just podcasts, and frequent CAG weekly. I'm guessing because actually "knowing" the site contributers/owners makes visiting the site better.
Cheapy you've said a few times now that you are OK with companies reworking the concepts of their competitors to make them better. That's all well and good in hardware but have you ever seen this done in software? Nintendo released Wii Sports and in spite of the MANY clones none are better. Scurge:Hive was a clone of Metroid in many ways but it wasn't significantly better. Have you ever seen a game copy a Nintendo concept and actually improve on it?

This one is more geared to ultra-Geek Wombat. Do you have a favorite Beast Wars era Transformer? Personally I've always like Rat Trap but I'm rewatching Beast Machines and Rhinox is climbing the ranks.

[quote name='maxgle']Hi Wombat, a quick question for you. Is The Incredible Hulk stronger than the Juggernaut? A friend recently told me that Hulk once defeated all of the marvel super heroes!? Is Hulk really THAT strong??[/quote]The hulk has no limit to his strength. The madder he gets the stronger he gets. So if he can get madder he can get stronger. He's not the smartest or best fighter but in terms of raw power you really can't beat him.
This one's for Wombat,
I am a huge fan of Rock Band and the way they distribute their DLC, but I think it could be even cooler. I wish that when you bought a track by a band, you would get some sort of t-shirt or something with the band's logo on it packed in with the song, or at least have the option to buy band shirts with the money you have earned in the game. Since I know that Wombat is a huge fan of extra clothing and accessories for games and that he attended a Rock Band event and might have a connection, I was wondering if he could make this happen. Thanks and keep the goodness that is the CAGcast coming.
I'm not exactly sure why I listen to the cagcast, but I do. Most of the time you guys just talk about shitting, but when Wombat said that someone who worked at McDonalds for $10 an hour in Japan *could* afford a $20 melon... they just had to work 2 hours... I just about shot soda out of my nose. Well, except that I wasn't drinking soda. Anyway... I think it was the first time I'd ever laughed out loud from your show and this brings up a good question: have you or Wombat ever worked at McDonalds, and if so, did you ever pee in the ice tea or otherwise "enhance" the fare? With all the talk of defecating and such, I figure that would be right up your "alley".

Keep up the good work, and stay out of McDonalds!
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, do you guys ever buy used games because I think I remember Cheapy saying that he got Heavenly Sword used a few CAGcasts ago and if you don't you should because we can't call you CheapyD for nothing. Also Wombat do you think you will be available to do the CAGcast on the week that Mrs Wombat has the baby? BTW Hope it all goes well man.
with all these companies leaving the E.S.A. and now crave entertainment is rumored to be next what does this really mean? no more video games at all no more E.S.R.B. sticker. please explain this to me.
Two questions. First off, I was playing through Rumble Roses XX (for the gameplay of course), and I came to the realization the game has some of the most ridiculous achievements I have ever come across in a 360 game. A couple of weeks into the game, and I have 70 achievement points. And the achievements include buying all the outfits for each of the girls, which is just insane. What games do you consider to have hard to impossible achievements?

Secondly, for Wombat, what the hell is up with The Red Hulk? I have long been a reader of Hulk and She-Hulk through most of their iterations, yet I have no clue as to what this Red Hulk is all about. He uses guns, has a mean streak in him combined with some wicked intellegence. And we know it is not Bruce. Can you fill me in a bit?
Cheapy, I have a question in regards to CAG 2.0. I emailed Ship but am not sure if he is working on this part of the upgrade or not so I figured I would post here as well. In regards to the "post your collection" feature: I am really hoping that an "export to excel" feature is added so I can download my list to my pda and see it as an excel file. I would also like to know if the catalog tool will have support for inputting whether or not the game is complete with box and instructions, a strategy guide, and the value of the game. I am very interested in this but will only take the immense amount of time it will take me to input everything if I get some features such as the ones I listed. Thanks
Another question for Wombat, I was planning on buying a PS3 in the near future and I know from listening to old Cagcasts that you have a hdmi dvd player that does 1080i, and I have heard that the ps3 can do some dvd upscaling, and i was just wondering if you have ever compared the two? and does the ps3 only upscale with hdmi? Love the show guys keep it up
I am saving up money to buy the same macbook that wombat just got. But I am also wondering if I should buy a nintendo ds or the psp. Should I wait until after I buy the macbook, which could take awhile, or get one now to enjoy. And which system would you rather have if you could not have the other psp, or ds?

Thanks guys, But I have to say I hate the show because every week i listen to it and waste and hour and a half sitting around and doing simple stuff when i could be finding the cure for cancer.............. ;)
Cheapy, since you loved reading the first Mass Effect book while pooping, do you plan on buying Mass Effect: Ascension when it comes out on July 29th or eventually?
Hey guys, love the show. I got a question for Cheapy. It's a two part question; living in Japan what do you believe to be the Japanese stance on Americans? Are they generally accepting of them? Also, living in Japan have you ever been a victim to any racist remarks or actions (IE Japanese customer service treating you poorly specifically because of your race/nationality or since you and your wife are of a different race, have you ever had any situations where you where criticized for it)?

Keep up the great work, and stay up for those MGS cut scenes or I will be forced to throw another earth quake your way...
E3 predictions... whose going to have the Best E3 .... Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony?

As a gamer, when Sony releases their 2.40FW update... are you compelled or tempted to perhaps do more gaming online via PS3? [for free]. Answer that as a gamer, because as show hosts you guys are obligated to Play games via XBL so that you can talk about them on the show. As gamers you are not you're not obligated to do or pay for anything... other than the console... of course.

Somewhere in CAG 2.0, once Sony releases 2.40 w/ the gamercard and trophys, will CAG ever do a leaderboard of trophies earned by CAG members... i

We know that the Wii is... number one.. worldwide, but who the hell is number 2 and 3. Xbox rules US, but Sony takes Japan and Europe... plus, psp, and ps2 all over the place.

Cheapy.. in japan how is the PS2 market, as compared to the US market for Ps2 consoles and games.

Graphically.. is MGS4 the best on a console... today?

Months after having your fill of GTA IV... will you purchase the DLC for GTA IV, and/or are you willing to even go back to the game now?

I love the show continue to keep up the good work...
one last thing.. in the beginning of the show... how about knocking out some CAGBag questions, because in the end of the show, you guys are both tired, and skimp on the questions. Knock out about 3 or 4 questions, talk about your personal lives, then on with the show, then in the end of the show knock out a couple more questions.

Wombat - for gamestop money sake... "you love to trade in your old games!" pssssh! lol
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Keep up the great work, and stay up for those MGS cut scenes or I will be forced to throw another earth quake your way...[/QUOTE]

Haha good one, Cheapy I agree you need to watch the cutscenes but I recommend playing through the previous MGS games first.
Cheapy and Wombat,

I've been a writer for various online gaming sites for nearly a decade, and I have to ask if you miss the old E3 in any fashion. Last year was the first year that I passed on going to E3 (despite having invites) since it made the move to Los Angeles. I know it was a loud and obnoxious setting, but in an odd way I miss it. Do you think there's a place in the industry for that type of expo ever again? Could you see something like PAX growing to the old E3 levels of craziness?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

After watching Wombat's UGO video at the Rock Band event, I noticed that the guy from Harmonix mentioned something of a surprise that may be in store for E3, so what do you guys think it could be? The long-awaited Nirvana album? Something that's yet to be announced?

With the World of Warcraft track for Guitar Hero III now out, do you guys see videogame theme songs being another possible avenue for Rock Band and Guitar Hero DLC? Not just from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, but maybe even third party developers with upcoming games as a promotional tool or videogame bands like The Minibosses?

Do either of you try out licensed games whose license doesn't appeal to you at all purely because the gameplay interests you and vice versa? Are there any guilty pleasure games that you find to be fun, but the license attached to it isn't exactly what you're into?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

Have either of you found a "go to" game(s) for this generation of consoles? A game(s) where you just have the urge to pick up and play again despite not having played it in a few weeks or months.

If you haven't, what were your "go to" games last generation?

With CoD4 and Halo3 somewhat having an advancement/ranking/and in CoD4's case almost RPG-like aspect to their multiplayer, do you embrace this new RPG/FPS hybrid model or do you want to just lose without consequence? Do you think these ranking encourage "boosting" or purposely playing in a way that is conducive to ranking up, but not to fun team play? If you were working on CoD6 (by Infinity Ward) or Halo4 what model would you want to implement?
Cheapy and Wombat,

Sorry if you've answered this already, but I'm having trouble remembering if you've talked about this or not. Did either of your wives play games at all before they married into your gaming lifestyle? My wife never touched a game before we got married, but now she has her own DS, a good collection of games, and plays quite a few console games. Her favorite console game is Pikmin 2. If your wives played games before, has the frequency of their gaming increased during your marriage?

By the way, I love the podcast, I don't know why it took me so long to register here and become a more active part of the community.
Cheapy, we need more impressions for MGS4. Did you play it more and do you like it more?

Wombat, what did you think of the new Hulk movie?
Cheapy-- It seems like Natalie can't make it through an entire episode of achievement junkies without mentioning you at least once. What is the deal with that?
I've got one question for you guys, and I'm not sure if it has already been asked or not, (I did a quick search and didn't find anything), at any rate here is the question:

What do you think about the retail prices points of Xbox360 and PS3 games. From my understanding Xbox360 are still using DVDs and PS3 are using Blu-ray discs as their format. If that is the case why is it that Xbox360 games are the same price of PS3 games if the media is different? Shouldn't they be cheaper than PS3 games since blank Blu-ray discs are so bloody expensive when compared to blank DVDs?

I'm just curious what your thoughts are on the matter.
Long time CAGcast listener, just registered in anticipation of CAG 2.0.

Anyways, I got two questions:

I'm sure you are aware of the amount of ridiculous lawsuits in the United States and I was just wondering if you have heard about any lawsuits in Japan that you thought were dumb. Also, do you talk to your wife about any cases she is working on? Does she have any strange courtroom stories for us?

Secondly, I was wondering if either you or Wombat are fans of Blizzard and have been following what has been developing at the past few days; any speculations or hopes about certain games?

Edit: Blizzard just announced that the game is
Diablo III.
Any feelings about it?
Alright maxgle, you asked the Hulk question what makes him so special and could he defeat the juggernaut.

Technically I would say yes, The Hulk is invincible while Juggernaut is not. Hulk once beat Superman to pulp.

Other heroes with class 100 strength The Thing? She-Hulk, Colossus of the Xmen, Strong Guy, and so on...Wombat no one likes Namor, quit being a fanboy, he hasn't been popular since the 1940s

What makes Hulk special? You forgot to add these bits Wombat. He's got the intelligence of Bruce Banner whereas "Juggs" is just dumb. Hulk once held up an entire planet (Marvel Secret Wars). And he's green.

Enough of my nerdy side:

Okay comic book question for Wombat:
Do you remember Grey Hulk in the 90s? He battled Green Hulk who had merged with Banner at the time. Was the Grey hulk Banner's evil side?
Also, Wombat did you ever read the DC vs Marvel comics if so what was your favorite fight?

And Cheapy and Wombat, in your guy's opinion what is the worst superhero movie that has come out so far? The Flash? Fantastic 4? Batman and Robin?
bread's done