Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

So now that everyone knows Xorn is jean can she stop wearing that mask? I want to see her beautiful face.

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Well, I have probably 70% of the 3d covers released... most of them being Batman ones... haven't missed any that I wanted, they've all been on my pull list for a loooong time to prepare :D The good thing about loving your LCS and being a loyal customer, held every issue I wanted for me at cover price.

In other news I've been spending $70 a week on comics this month, and a chunk of HeroClix buys too. Love the 1966 Batmobile clix!

Anyways, Infinity, just wow. Loving it. Issue 3, Blackbolt, yea.

I Spend like $15-$32 a week on comics and I think that's a bit much.

And agreed on Black Bolt, I think the best part in all of Infinity is still the Illuminati stuff. Especially Namor and Black Panther. Though even with it basically all happening in three books it still feels like too much shit is happening. First few panels alone of Infinity #3 could've been the basis of a single issue all in itself.

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So many Jean Greys these days. Over the last few years there been the Jean Grey living in Wolverine's head, Age of Apocalypse and now past and alternate future. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few clones somewhere. The one thing with the past X-men I'm waiting for is for Angel to know what happens to him. I remember like 8 months ago he was like why will nobody tell me what happened to me.

Pretty interested in seeing what goes on with the DC universe with Owlman and the rest of the evil counterparts showing up. Its been a long time since I read that and then watched the movie based on that universe. The one thing I didn't like was the Harley Quinn comic. I thought that made her seem much more evil then she should be. Maybe I'm stuck in still in the animated series, or even the Harley Quinn comic, but outright just killing kids seemed like way too much.

She can be bad, but not that bad. She should be like in the Taskmaster or Constrictor of bad. Bad but with a code to a point or something. Like how Constrictor said he wouldn't hurt kids a month or two ago and would stop anybody he would try.

I'm trying to get into comic books.  I've only read Y The Last Man and started on Chew.  I've stayed away from  DC and Marvel just because their is so much of it I wouldn't know where to start.  I was checking out the Marvel Unlimited subscription which seems like a good way to get a sampling of what they have, but according to their site I would not be able to use this service on my Android tablet.  Does anyone have any experience with this subscription on Android 10" tablets.

So many Jean Greys these days. Over the last few years there been the Jean Grey living in Wolverine's head, Age of Apocalypse and now past and alternate future. I'm sure I'm forgetting a few clones somewhere. The one thing with the past X-men I'm waiting for is for Angel to know what happens to him. I remember like 8 months ago he was like why will nobody tell me what happened to me.

Pretty interested in seeing what goes on with the DC universe with Owlman and the rest of the evil counterparts showing up. Its been a long time since I read that and then watched the movie based on that universe. The one thing I didn't like was the Harley Quinn comic. I thought that made her seem much more evil then she should be. Maybe I'm stuck in still in the animated series, or even the Harley Quinn comic, but outright just killing kids seemed like way too much.

She can be bad, but not that bad. She should be like in the Taskmaster or Constrictor of bad. Bad but with a code to a point or something. Like how Constrictor said he wouldn't hurt kids a month or two ago and would stop anybody he would try.
I'm wondering if they'll bring back Court of Owls Owlman to meet Earth 3 Owlman.

And my interest in Harley in the new 52 immediately ended once I saw her redesigned outfit. It was just...unnecessary. That and how little she really has to do with Joker in the core Bat series.

I think she just killed those kids looking for a thrill. Not to be outright evil. I liked that Harley issue quite a bit. Not as much as I would have liked old Harley, but y'know.

The Harleq Quinn issue was horribly cliched and poorly drawn. I'm still looking forward to her ongoing, though.

So far, the only two issues of villain's that have blown me away were The Riddler and Arcane. Arcane was so fucking good and that 3D cover :drool: . The Joker issue by Kubert wasn't all that bad either.

Also, hot damn Infinity keeps getting better. Thanos vs Black Bolt. Let's do this.

I really need a recommendation for something like Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade.  My daughter LOVES it but I don't know what to get her next.  She isn't going to be interested in standard comic book stuff (and she's not quite old enough) but I'm hoping if she reads a couple more like this one it will get her into the others.  It looks like there were plans for a sequel (Cosmic Adventures in the 9th Grade) but for whatever reason it didn't happen - bummer.


Arcane was so fucking good and that 3D cover :drool: .
Don't rub it in, dude.

I've mentioned this before but I really have to reiterate it. I've read all three issues of Superman: Unchained. Does anyone understand what's going on at all? Cause I sure don't. I might give it one more issue but it doesn't seem to be grabbing me.
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The Harleq Quinn issue was horribly cliched and poorly drawn. I'm still looking forward to her ongoing, though.

So far, the only two issues of villain's that have blown me away were The Riddler and Arcane. Arcane was so fucking good and that 3D cover :drool: . The Joker issue by Kubert wasn't all that bad either.

Also, hot damn Infinity keeps getting better. Thanos vs Black Bolt. Let's do this.

Man you are making me regret giving my Arcane 3D cover to my friend because it was the last one. I hated The Riddler one. Maybe its because I don't know much about him. So far havent read any 3D that I liked.
Don't rub it in, dude.

I've mentioned this before but I really have to reiterate it. I've read all three issues of Superman: Unchained. Does anyone understand what's going on at all? Cause I sure don't. I might give it one more issue but it doesn't seem to be grabbing me.
I understand what is going on, but I don't see a point to any of it. Snyder is the best writer in the business, but he writes a so-so Superman. Honestly, I'd be more inclined to buy a Lex Luthor book by Scott Snyder. That seems like a much better character for Snyder to get his writing talent on.

Don't rub it in, dude.

I've mentioned this before but I really have to reiterate it. I've read all three issues of Superman: Unchained. Does anyone understand what's going on at all? Cause I sure don't. I might give it one more issue but it doesn't seem to be grabbing me.
You probably just don't get it.

It's clearly not for you.

I understand what is going on, but I don't see a point to any of it. Snyder is the best writer in the business, but he writes a so-so Superman. Honestly, I'd be more inclined to buy a Lex Luthor book by Scott Snyder. That seems like a much better character for Snyder to get his writing talent on.
You probably just don't get it.

It's clearly not for you.

battle of the atom

So future jean is really past jean in the present trying to stop her past self to stop her future self knowing full well present jean is dead.

mind blown

I'm sad because they won't let Jean Grey stay dead where she belongs.
Death in the X-Men comics is worse then...


You know, no one is as bad as X-Men in trying to kill someone off and I don't think anyone has come close. Has there ever been any X-Men member that wasn't presumed dead?

I haven't read any Infinity stuff yet, only some preludes. But a question about Thanos and I'll put it in spoilers for those that haven't read The Thanos Imperative.
Do they ever explain how he and Starlord escaped the Cancerverse? I'm guessing it'll get glossed over like they do every time a character comes back from an uncertain death.

I'm kinda lost on Avengers, it's all moving very fast and jumping around a little too much. I missed the first 2 issues but I have read everything since, however I'm still confused on what exactly is going on. Lots of new characters. Can anyone give me a quick synopsis? 

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I honestly think it's best to read Avengers in conjunction with New Avengers. Some things will make a bit more sense. I have a feeling that after Infinity, it will all make sense. Jonathan Hickman has a very peculiar approach to his books.

As for Thanos and Starlord:
it's mentioned briefly in Guardians of the Galaxy a few times, but I have yet to read Thanos Imperative so I couldn't really say.

I'm not having problems following New Avengers, it's pretty clear. But Avengers is just all over the place with so many new characters it's hard to tell were Hickman is going with it.

I'm 6 issues in with Guardians of the Galaxy and I don't remember them mentioning anything yet. Maybe I skipped something however the last issue had Starlord
meeting Thanos. Maybe the next issue explains some things.

Man, The Wake is crazy good. I'm surprised it's only on 4th issue with as much shit that's happened. I Kinda want a movie or a TV mini series out of it since it's relentless in all the things that happen.

Sean Murphy is such a talented artist. His work on The Wake is as close to perfect as I've ever seen in a comic book. It's right up there with his stuff in Joe The Barbarian.

I'm very pleased with Midtown; I got my Villain's Month shipment in today and, Forever Evil #1 aside, they are all 3D covers. The effect is pretty underwhelming on some of them - Zod and Joker are the biggest disappointments. But then there are the covers like Brainiac's - whose hands seem like they're reaching right for you - as well as Riddler's, and even Harley's. I'm very impressed with the ones that turned out so well.

  I hate myself for forgetting to pre-order the Darkseid issue though. I hear his cover turned out pretty good too.

As far as reading goes, I'm finally catching up on Justice League Dark - and then I'll move on to Trinity War. The fact that JLD is my second favorite comic of the moment is a testament to the quality of the writing, because I came into it only knowing two of the characters - John Constantine (who I only knew from the movie, so you could argue that I in fact DID NOT know him) and Zatanna. I really wish there was a chance for the movie to get made, but that project was destined to be stuck in limbo the moment Del Torro was attached to it.

So I've read Pandora #1 and the first two parts of Trinity War and, so far, I'm not impressed. I don't think Superman's little misfire came across as the "oh shit" moment it was supposed to. 

Quick question: exactly how essential is it to read Justice League of America before going into Forever Evil? I know The Outsider and his group are supposed to be heavily involved there... but I've been trying to save some $$, so are there any villain's month issues that could fill me in on any backstory about them that I've missed? I suppose I could also resort to wikipedia if it comes down to it. 

So I've read Pandora #1 and the first two parts of Trinity War and, so far, I'm not impressed. I don't think Superman's little misfire came across as the "oh shit" moment it was supposed to.

Quick question: exactly how essential is it to read Justice League of America before going into Forever Evil? I know The Outsider and his group are supposed to be heavily involved there... but I've been trying to save some $$, so are there any villain's month issues that could fill me in on any backstory about them that I've missed? I suppose I could also resort to wikipedia if it comes down to it.
I Jumped into the first issue of Forever Evil #1 without reading any of Trinity War and I did okay. I Think either you'll have more an appreciation of how Forever Evil begins from reading all of Trinity War and seeing it lead to this or you'll be pissed off beyond words knowing you bought all the issues and been chewing on nothing, but fat, but only for this to be the real meat of the story. That seems to be the consensus among my friend's at least.

And really for the villain's month single issues, just pick and choose between either favorite writers or villains and you'll do fine. They're all one shots so they're not that essential, but just give you nice back story on what a villain is doing during Forever Evil or just their new 52 origin. Hell you can skip them honestly and I don't think you'll get lost with Forever Evil, only thing you'll really be missing in the end is some good stories and some that were passable.

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I Jumped into the first issue of Forever Evil #1 without reading any of Trinity War and I did okay. I Think either you'll have more an appreciation of how Forever Evil begins from reading all of Trinity War and seeing it lead to this or you'll be pissed off beyond words knowing you bought all the issues and been chewing on nothing, but fat, but only for this to be the real meat of the story. That seems to be the consensus among my friend's at least.

And really for the villain's month single issues, just pick and choose between either favorite writers or villains and you'll do fine. They're all one shots so they're not that essential, but just give you nice back story on what a villain is doing during Forever Evil or just their new 52 origin. Hell you can skip them honestly and I don't think you'll get lost with Forever Evil, only thing you'll really be missing in the end is some good stories and some that were passable.
That's about what I figured. I pretty much did stick entirely with characters I was already familiar with for villain's month - except for Joker's Daughter, which was trash, but luckily mine went for about $35 on ebay which pretty much took care of the cost for my September comics.

I just added Secret Society and Lobo to my October shipment. I liked what I read of the Secret Society preview, and even though I only know Lobo from Superman TAS as well as Deathsroke's last doomed ongoing (thanks a lot, Liefeld!) I was still curious about the "new" Lobo.

I just added Secret Society and Lobo to my October shipment. I liked what I read of the Secret Society preview, and even though I only know Lobo from Superman TAS as well as Deathsroke's last doomed ongoing (thanks a lot, Liefeld!) I was still curious about the "new" Lobo.
Oof. You're a braver man then I am. That new Lobo design looks waaaay too Cyberforce and no where near the character that decapitated Santa Claus.

Trinity War became useless once Geoff Johns and DC spoiled the ending. It's probably best to skip it and go straight to Forever Evil.

Now that Villain's month is over. Here are all the Villain's issues I got (all 3D covers!):

Arcane - Really well done. Probably the best issue of the month for DC IMO

Creeper - Kinda boring. I was expecting something different and got something boring.

Darkseid - Typical origin story. Nothing new given to the character's mythos.

Harley Quinn - Love the script, hated the pencils. I look forward to her monthly ongoing series.

Joker - I'm now a Kubert fan after reading this. Fantastic read.

Riddler - Second best of the month. Probably because Snyder helped with the script. I look forward to seeing more Riddler in Zero Year.

There a few others I might pick up based on IGN and Newsarama reviews, but I picked up the ones I only had the greatest interest in.

I really need a recommendation for something like Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade. My daughter LOVES it but I don't know what to get her next. She isn't going to be interested in standard comic book stuff (and she's not quite old enough) but I'm hoping if she reads a couple more like this one it will get her into the others. It looks like there were plans for a sequel (Cosmic Adventures in the 9th Grade) but for whatever reason it didn't happen - bummer.

I realize I'm responding to this late, but check out Zita the Space Girl. I think it fits what you're looking for.

Oof. You're a braver man then I am. That new Lobo design looks waaaay too Cyberforce and no where near the character that decapitated Santa Claus.
I figured my lack of any significant connection to Lobo would at least let me enjoy the story, even if the replacement turns out to be as terrible of an overhaul as it seems. We'll see.

I'll dive into all of my villain's month issues once I finish reading Trinity War, which will be tonight. I got further into TW after my last post and, man, Constantine #5 alone has already made the crossover worth reading for me.
John Constantine as Shazam/Captain Marvel? I don't care how brief it was, that was AWESOME.

Joker's Villain Month issue seems to be very polarizing, you either love it or hate it. Since Joker's Daughter has been my only Villain's Month read so far, though, that definitely set the bar low enough that I don't think I'll be too disappointed by anything else.

I can't believe one person alive bought Joker's Daughter. I saw the issue in the store at the counter and literally laughed out loud. One book you can judge by its cover.
I can't believe one person alive bought Joker's Daughter. I saw the issue in the store at the counter and literally laughed out loud. One book you can judge by its cover.
Hey, I can't claim to regret the purchase: the damn thing paid for my monthly comics AND left me with some profit when I sold it. But yeah, it was unbelievably bad. At first when all of "Joker's Daughter's" dialogue seemed completely nonsensical, like random words strung together, I thought it was to prove a point and establish that she was extremely mentally unstable. And then every other character in the book had the same terrible dialogue and I realized, oh, it's just bad writing. Not to mention her "origin story"...
she's a teenage cutter who ran away from home and found Joker's face floating in some water.
That doesn't exactly pique my interest in this "character" if she can even be called one at this point.

So, I finished up Trinty War and... eh. I don't regret buying into it, and it had its moments, like when
Grid separated itself from Cyborg. That was brutal and unexpected, at least to me.
Whether or not I regret choosing to follow it instead of Battle of the Atom, I don't know. I could only afford one at the time, and Marvel is definitely quicker than DC when it comes to releasing Hardcovers for their books.

So my question to those following Battle of the Atom: how involved is Future Deadpool in the whole thing? I assumed he was going to mostly be a background character used for only the occasional joke. Was I right or wrong?

Forever Evil #2 wasn't bad, but man, I think I really don't like David Finch's art style. Something about the way he draws faces just bugs the fuck out of me and also is it me or is anyone taking any chance they can to draw White Rabbit in whatever panel they can?

I like Finch's work on books that have much darker atmosphere and coloring like Forever Evil or New Avengers. That's his comfort zone. It's when he starts penciling books outside of that zone that you see his glaring weaknesses.

Mighty Avengers #2 was pretty awesome and quite possibly the best Infinity tie-in to date.

He reminds me a bit too much of Marc Silvestri and I was never really a fan of his is what I think the problem is. Though I'm still goddamn putting down some goddamn hope that what happened to the Titans in Forever Evil leads to Wally West in some capacity.

Wellp, the Riddler's issue was pretty much everything I would want from a Riddler story. Riddles, revenge, and a longing for Batman to reappear so he can get another chance to prove he is the Bat's intellectual superior. I haven't been reading Zero Year so I have no idea how significant of a tie-in this was, but I liked it regardless. 

I liked Doomsday's as well, although... it wasn't at all what I expected. It was more of a spotlight on Supergirl, her Dad, and even Zod. I love Doomsday's redesign though, those tusks are beyond badass and give him that amazing sillhouette artists will surely have fun with. He might be my favorite villain overhaul. I also like how they show that Lara was the ass-kicker, not Jor-El, unlike what was shown in Man of Steel.

Batman/Superman in general is pretty good, but I can definitely see why people complain about the art. I don't dig it as much as I did when I was looking through the previews - it's alright in small doses, but I'm already wishing for a new artist to take over.

I picked up Ultimate spiderman 1,2,3,5,and 6 at a community sale. IDK if those are still desirable, but I am happy to find them for 50 cents each. They all appear to be first prints.

bread's done