Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

I was actually at work reading Court Of Owls when I got to the upside down pages. I was like... "...fuckin' iPad is glitching? How could Comixology have a glitched comic?!" Ended up googlin' the answer.
Ha, I never thought about what that would be like on a tablet. Did it auto-orient when you tried to flip it the right way? If so, I bet that was pretty annoying.

So you're the one just getting back into comics? Definitely get Batman & Robin from the comixology sale if it's still up. That first volume is what led to me switching almost entirely from Marvel to DC. I think I even enjoyed it more than Snyder's stuff.

Injustice: Gods Among Us is also a great read. It takes place in a continuity all its own, is very well written, and you don't even need to play the game to know what's going on.

Ha, I never thought about what that would be like on a tablet. Did it auto-orient when you tried to flip it the right way? If so, I bet that was pretty annoying.

So you're the one just getting back into comics? Definitely get Batman & Robin from the comixology sale if it's still up. That first volume is what led to me switching almost entirely from Marvel to DC. I think I even enjoyed it more than Snyder's stuff.

Injustice: Gods Among Us is also a great read. It takes place in a continuity all its own, is very well written, and you don't even need to play the game to know what's going on.
Yeah, the iPad kept rolling my screen over - I ended up having to lay it flat on the desk and turn it around that way. I thought it was a clever illustration of Batman's disorientation. It was annoying, but I appreciated it.

I bought the occasional comic when I was a kid, but I was never able to follow a series. Thanks for the heads up on Batman & Robin. I went ahead and picked that up. Am kinda tempted to grab Nightwing but I've read the first volume is very passable.

Will keep my eyes out for Injustice.

Just finished From Hell. It was an interesting read, but not something I'd recommend unless you really enjoy a true graphic novel. It reads more like a book as opposed to a comic.

Next up is Sandman.
The turning of pages in Court of Owls was an incredible piece of storytelling.  You just can't beat reading comics in an actual comic book, considering that's the format they're made for.

Brett Booth was the new artist on Batman/Superman.

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The turning of pages in Court of Owls was an incredible piece of storytelling. You just can't beat reading comics in an actual comic book, considering that's the format they're made for.
Agreed. Or things like those giant fold out pages that make one giant panel. Sandman: Overture was one of the last ones I remember doing that it reminded me once more how awesome JH Williams III is.

Speaking of which, Sandman: Overture. I Have no fucking idea what's going on because it's been years since I last read Neil Gaiman's Sandman, but I don't care because the art is that damn pretty.

Pretty damn sure that was Jim Gordan as the priest, not Bruce.
was the priest.

The art was actually pretty good in my opinion, first page aside.

Damian himself, though, was kind of unrecognizable. He has all of the brutality from his earlier appearances, but his dialogue is pretty out of character ("Holy crap, Batman!") and at one point he even stops by a church to hop into the confessional booth because... well, I don't know why, exactly, because it was pretty random.

I'm going to keep reading because it's only a four issue mini and I'm curious where it's gonna go, and also (though this is wishful thinking) I'm hoping decent sales will make DC consider bringing Damian back in one form or another. Plus there's always a chance that Kubert will find everyone's voices and improve his writing before the end. That, too, is wishful thinking.

I mean, there was a halfway decent twist:
apparently the Batman who dies in the beginning was Dick, not Bruce. Bruce is alive and well and was apparently posing as a priest, unless I'm mistakenly linking two separate "mysteries".
it reminded me of Batman Odyssey which was absolute shit. The art was downright atrocious in some spots and the story isn't making any fucking sense so far. I feel like not having this done by Grant Morrison is a crime to the readers since all of the characters are incredibly off base with how they should be characterized. Terrible place for Kubert to start with writing a Batbook.

Now that Mighty Avengers is going to be past Infinity, I'm curious to see where it goes. I thought I'd dislike the team and book since Greg Land is the penciler, but I've been surprised at how decent it is. I'm also curious to see how
Blade fits on the team since the creative team done goofed and told us he is Spider-Hero
. The only downside to this is that it is yet another Avengers book on my pull list.

By January/February, Avengers, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers, Young Avengers, Avengers Assemble and Avengers World will be on my pull list.

Just finished From Hell. It was an interesting read, but not something I'd recommend unless you really enjoy a true graphic novel. It reads more like a book as opposed to a comic.

Next up is Sandman.
I would like to tackle sandman, but I have never started. My library has the 4 leather bound HCs. Actually I enjoyed a series called "The Sixth Gun" I think it is still running, but I read it as my transition from walking dead to dark tower. It is a supernatural western.

Now that Mighty Avengers is going to be past Infinity, I'm curious to see where it goes. I thought I'd dislike the team and book since Greg Land is the penciler, but I've been surprised at how decent it is. I'm also curious to see how
Blade fits on the team since the creative team done goofed and told us he is Spider-Hero
. The only downside to this is that it is yet another Avengers book on my pull list.

By January/February, Avengers, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers, Young Avengers, Avengers Assemble and Avengers World will be on my pull list.
How is Avengers Assemble?

I've read it off and on. I usually get the Spider-Woman and Captain Marvel-centric issues. I'm going to start reading it again after Infinity when Spider-Girl joins the team.

Avengers Assemble has been pretty hit and miss for me. Some issues are great and others aren't even worth touching.

As for Mighty, I'm kind of liking it, but there are some points where it just feels straight up stupid and the Land pencils are sooooo bad. The fact that they accidentally revealed the identity of Spider Hero is especially dumb. Though, the way it was worded it kind of seems so obviously spelled out that I kind of think it may've been a joke since they explained why you need to black out someone's shape to give mystery to the readers.

it reminded me of Batman Odyssey which was absolute shit. The art was downright atrocious in some spots and the story isn't making any fucking sense so far. I feel like not having this done by Grant Morrison is a crime to the readers since all of the characters are incredibly off base with how they should be characterized. Terrible place for Kubert to start with writing a Batbook.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's not say something that extreme! So far Batman isn't carrying a gun and getting repeatedly shot nor (or as one website called it "the worst krumping battle ever") having facial expressions that border on something happening to his genitals off panel nor is he trying to imitate a shirtless Robin Williams look or taking unexpected naps. It's only on first issue so I'm willing to give Damian at least some chance to win me back by second issue, but I doubt anything can hit Odyssey levels of insanity and acid trips.

Also DKR2 and All-Star Batman and Robin are still ahead of Damian in WTF?! as well.

Though yeah, Damian does feel like 80's era Jason Todd with the way he talks and his actions, which is a bad thing. A bad, bad thing.

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Yeah, Damian was trained to kill since he was born so a pile of bodies should not shock him. Also his expression was putting.  Plus I think you're thinking of this

God that expression still haunts my soul even when I look away...

Yeah, Damian was trained to kill since he was born so a pile of bodies should not shock him. Also his expression was putting. Plus I think you're thinking of this

God that expression still haunts my soul even when I look away...
Yep, Damian is definitely his father's son.


Dem lips.

Anyone been reading Earth-2? I just finished rereading this week's ish and I think Batman maaaay be Bane.

I would like to tackle sandman, but I have never started. My library has the 4 leather bound HCs. Actually I enjoyed a series called "The Sixth Gun" I think it is still running, but I read it as my transition from walking dead to dark tower. It is a supernatural western.
I'm on issue 10 and it's pretty good. It's a lot like the original Books of Magic...another great book.
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Actually I enjoyed a series called "The Sixth Gun" I think it is still running, but I read it as my transition from walking dead to dark tower. It is a supernatural western.
The Sixth Gun is great, it's what really expanded the types of comics I read.

I've read it off and on. I usually get the Spider-Woman and Captain Marvel-centric issues. I'm going to start reading it again after Infinity when Spider-Girl joins the team.
I'm with Joel the series has been really hit or miss for me too, but I really liked the Spider-Girl series (the twitter stuff was hilarious) so I'll probably investigate how she is integrated into the story. I really fear DeConnick is just going to write her like she has been writing a bunch of the other females in that series though where there is a very strong Sex and the City vibe. And I don't think I'd be as annoyed if it wasn't how she writes both Black Widow and Spider Woman and if it wasn't the voice she seems to want to default the characters to.

On the topic of Sandman I've read a bunch of it now, up to TPB volume 7 now, I like the series, but I find I enjoy the long form stories a lot more than the one-shot ones, some of the one-shots are interesting and fun, but sometimes they feel like they just don't have the time to develop and be awesome like the long story arcs do.
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I'm on issue 10 and it's pretty good. It's a lot like the original Books of Magic...another great book.
Around here we call Books of Magic "the original harry potter". I kid I kid. Yeah sandman is something I will have to have an open mind to read. I had to do the same thing when I read alan moore's swamp thing. I wasn't into the character, but I knew it was Alan Moore, so I had to read it. I ended up really liking the run.

I find that some arcs deserve a revisit when you get older. Dark Knight Returns was something I didn't appreciate the first time I read it. When you are older and can put politics, culture, the setting and apply those things to the story with a better understanding, they become much more enjoyable.

Man, DC's Twitter spoiled the Earth-2 Batman's identity and I'm so incredibly disappointed...

It's Thomas Wayne. I mean, I liked him a lot in Flashpoint, but it feels so weird to have him be Batman in a universe where he has a grand daughter in her mid twenties and he's probably pretty fucking old. Between this and the addition of the Outsider to the main DCU it seems like DC is heavily attached to the characters that Johns thought up for Flashpoint.

You know, Brian Azzarello has been killing it with Wonder Woman, y'all. I mean, it's true I've always been a sucker for a good ol fashioned Greek myth but Diana has been more entertaining to me than she has been in YEARS. I think DC, in spite of all their terrible choices since DCNu began, has at least finally managed to have all three of the Big Three have truly excellent books and writers.

Now if they could just fix almost every other book they have on the shelves...
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Man, DC's Twitter spoiled the Earth-2 Batman's identity and I'm so incredibly disappointed...

It's Thomas Wayne. I mean, I liked him a lot in Flashpoint, but it feels so weird to have him be Batman in a universe where he has a grand daughter in her mid twenties and he's probably pretty fucking old. Between this and the addition of the Outsider to the main DCU it seems like DC is heavily attached to the characters that Johns thought up for Flashpoint.
I Feel DC goes through these phases where they got to make note of each interpretation of their characters as either a possible outcome or just have to bring into the current world. Like Kingdom Come with the Kingdom or that version of Supes showing up in JS or how Batman Beyond made cameo's in Countdown and in the Morrison Batman.

You know, Brian Azzarello has been killing it with Wonder Woman, y'all. I mean, it's true I've always been a sucker for a good ol fashioned Greek myth but Diana has been more entertaining to me than she has been in YEARS. I think DC, in spite of all their terrible choices since DCNu began, has at least finally managed to have all three of the Big Three have truly excellent books and writers.

Now if they could just fix almost every other book they have on the shelves...
Rucka's run on Wonder Woman was pretty solid, even his Blackest Night tie in with her was a damn good read and all the more reason the Superman-Wonder Woman union left such a bad taste in my mouth. Though Azzarello's run is good as well.

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You say the big 3 all have great books. I must be missing the good Superman book.

And DC has plenty of other great books out. Animal Man and Justice League Dark have been consistently great since the beginning. As has Swamp Thing. Speaking of Swamp Thing, Charles Soule has been doing something really fantastic with his current Seeder arc. I thought it couldn't really get better than Snyder on the book, but man, I was wrong.

You say the big 3 all have great books. I must be missing the good Superman book.

And DC has plenty of other great books out. Animal Man and Justice League Dark have been consistently great since the beginning. As has Swamp Thing. Speaking of Swamp Thing, Charles Soule has been doing something really fantastic with his current Seeder arc. I thought it couldn't really get better than Snyder on the book, but man, I was wrong.
I'm not denying that Animal Man and Swamp Thing are great -- they absolutely are. I haven't read Dark but my friend loves it, and he has pretty good taste in these things. But you can't deny that the vast majority of the DCNu books have just been disappointments. Hell, look how few of the actual original 52 books have survived to this day. Says a lot.

And while I haven't been reading it, I've heard lots of good things from folks about Superman Unchained. I don't know if Action Comics is as good as when Morrison was first writing it when DCNu started, might not be. I do know that Superman/Batman has been fantastic.

Rucka's run on Wonder Woman was pretty solid, even his Blackest Night tie in with her was a damn good read and all the more reason the Superman-Wonder Woman union left such a bad taste in my mouth. Though Azzarello's run is good as well.
Yeah, I've heard good things about Rucka. One of these days I'll get around to reading it in a trade or something. But yes, the Supes-Wondy pair is terrible. First of all, it's the most boring and obvious superhero union ever, Kingdom Come aside. Second of all, Superman has never appeared in her book and she's never mentioned him or any other superhero besides Orion, so it feels so random.

Most importantly, Geoff Johns clearly has no idea at all what happens in Wonder Woman and didn't even care to find out. She always acts like either an idiot or a bitch, she's practically hysterical any time Superman is in trouble and she angrily tells him to murder his enemies like she does hers, when she has never, not ONCE, killed anyone ever in the DCNu, nor has she ever even considered it for more than a few seconds. Her enemies are all related to her, for one thing, and for all intents and purposes they're IMMORTAL so she couldn't even if she tried.

Superman Unchained has been largely boring. I think Snyder is the best writer in the business right now, but he can't write a compelling Superman. Hence why Batman and Wonder Woman are going to be in a lot of future issues. 

Gosh, Superman is such a tough gig... Wonder Woman may be "almost impossible" to adapt to bigger screens, but it seems it's also almost impossible to tell a compelling Superman story. 

IDK if I ever said this before, but I highly recommend RONIN (Frank Miller). The art is a little off since it is when his style was changing, but the story is good.

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Some thoughts on Marvel's February Solicits:

-Young Avengers is ending. While that sucks, I think the idea of the Young Avengers has run its course, unless the original creative team comes back, which will never happen. I think it is time to split these characters up.

-I really dig the outfit of the new Ms. Marvel. Pretty nice stuff.

-Hickman possibly working towards a fight between the Avengers and the New Avengers to finish out his Avengers era.

Remember when Frank Miller wasn't bat shit insane and had some idea on how to write comics and can draw in ways that didn't look like a parody of Sin City despite creating it? Those were the days.

Basically all his stuff before the 2000's minus a few misfires I consider to be great. Hell his Born Again story in Daredevil is what all Daredevil stories are compared to still. Though once things like like Dark Knight Strikes Again, Holy Terror came out that was...yeah, though I did enjoy 300.

So, uh... what does everyone think of DC's Five Years Later announcement? I honestly hope it is, in fact, just some sort of weekly comic. I would be pretty pissed about a sudden time-skip in all of the books I'm currently reading.
Looks like we're also getting at least one story featuring a black Robin. I'm surprised this hasn't been done before, honestly, with all of the elseworlds stories out there.
Also, anybody else read Superman/Wonder Woman? I gave the first issue a shot but was ready to put it down halfway through... and then
Doomsday popped up out of nowhere and suddenly they gained my interest. The super relationship troubles are dumb as hell to read but if they balance it out with something like Doomsday then I just may keep buying.

So I finally quit being lazy and decided to catch up on Infinity. The last one in the set I had read was Avengers Assemble #18, so basically at the beginning. Holy shit.

Remember when Frank Miller wasn't bat shit insane and had some idea on how to write comics and can draw in ways that didn't look like a parody of Sin City despite creating it? Those were the days.
Yeah, I remember those days. His run on Wolverine was great. Between his(and Claremont's) Wolverine and Weapon X, it's a toss up as to which series is best Wolverine storyline and amongst the best comics ever.
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So, uh... what does everyone think of DC's Five Years Later announcement? I honestly hope it is, in fact, just some sort of weekly comic. I would be pretty pissed about a sudden time-skip in all of the books I'm currently reading.
Remember when I posted earlier about DC having to revisit certain Elseworld's character's or universes? I Think this is going to be one of those events. Plus if it is an actual time jump than blech. I Remember One Year Later and how little consequence or effect to anything that dumb time jump had. It just feels like lazy writing in them wanting to get to point A to point B, but don't want to do any set up because so many writers lack the scale or ability to build something up. So if it's a full on event with all the titles hence forth, I will be picking up alot less DC titles.

And so far this week I've only read new Walking Dead. Okay, Kirkman. I'm eager to see where this goes or if we'll get another Tyrese style brutal death in the coming issues.

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Remember when I posted earlier about DC having to revisit certain Elseworld's character's or universes? I Think this is going to be one of those events. Plus if it is an actual time jump than blech. I Remember One Year Later and how little consequence or effect to anything that dumb time jump had. It just feels like lazy writing in them wanting to get to point A to point B, but don't want to do any set up because so many writers lack the scale or ability to build something up. So if it's a full on event with all the titles hence forth, I will be picking up alot less DC titles.

And so far this week I've only read new Walking Dead. Okay, Kirkman. I'm eager to see where this goes or if we'll get another Tyrese style brutal death in the coming issues.
I'd be particularly upset about what effect a time-skip would have on Snyder's Batman. It'd just be odd to go from Zero Year, back to the 'present' and then suddenly cut to five years later. I say this, of course, while being quite behind on Snyder's stuff. Just bought the Death of The Family hardcover with that nifty acetate dust jacket which you can remove to show Joker's mutilated face.

The only benefit it might have is, post-time-skip, maybe Green Arrow would finally have his damned beard. That would almost be worth it! :p

I've been trying to find a way out totally. No way the stars all align for it. I even break my no new books mandate once a month.
I'd be particularly upset about what effect a time-skip would have on Snyder's Batman. It'd just be odd to go from Zero Year, back to the 'present' and then suddenly cut to five years later. I say this, of course, while being quite behind on Snyder's stuff. Just bought the Death of The Family hardcover with that nifty acetate dust jacket which you can remove to show Joker's mutilated face.

The only benefit it might have is, post-time-skip, maybe Green Arrow would finally have his damned beard. That would almost be worth it! :p
As long as Arrow is on the air, I doubt he'll get the beard back. Though then again I'm not reading the comic, but can't deny I am enjoying Arrow more than I thought I would, especially the new season.

Plus was eyeing that Death of the Family hardcover as well despite owning nearly all the individual issues, but yeah that cover looks goddamn sweet.

Remember when Frank Miller wasn't bat shit insane and had some idea on how to write comics and can draw in ways that didn't look like a parody of Sin City despite creating it? Those were the days.
Well my friend that knew him personally from Darkhorse said "Frank went Hollywood", so yeah his behavior did change. I only met him once, but he was mostly quiet, though he did laugh at the fact that I had him sign an Eternal Warrior number 1. (It was limit 2 and other than my sin city hardcover it was all I could find on short notice at the convention). He said something like "Where did you find this?"

On a related note I watched the animated Dark Knight returns part 1 last night and I thought it was a great adaptation.

The Injustice annual was...surprisingly awesome. The "Best Team Up Ever" and really just the second half of the book were hilarious and overall was just a fun read.

As long as Arrow is on the air, I doubt he'll get the beard back. Though then again I'm not reading the comic, but can't deny I am enjoying Arrow more than I thought I would, especially the new season.

Plus was eyeing that Death of the Family hardcover as well despite owning nearly all the individual issues, but yeah that cover looks goddamn sweet.
I started reading Green Arrow because of Arrow. Jumped onboard at #17 when the new creative team started because everyone said it was garbage prior to that point. With that said, I love it. I always liked the character, though, from various cartoon appearances and whatnot. The current comic is a lot more trippy and spiritual than the series, and Count Vertigo was a little underwhelming (though leagues above the TV version) but overall it's very good. And they just introduced Diggle!

And yes, Arrow has been consistently amazing this season. When the show first started I really only watched it because it was based on a comic book and I try to support anything like that... and then it gradually got better and better with every episode. Love it.

Oh, and I'd recommend grabbing that DotF (Batman Vol. 3) hardcover while you can. Only the first shipment of them has the awesome cover, supposedly, so prices could get quite high eventually. I'm just guessing, of course.

I started reading Green Arrow because of Arrow. Jumped onboard at #17 when the new creative team started because everyone said it was garbage prior to that point. With that said, I love it. I always liked the character, though, from various cartoon appearances and whatnot. The current comic is a lot more trippy and spiritual than the series, and Count Vertigo was a little underwhelming (though leagues above the TV version) but overall it's very good. And they just introduced Diggle!

And yes, Arrow has been consistently amazing this season. When the show first started I really only watched it because it was based on a comic book and I try to support anything like that... and then it gradually got better and better with every episode. Love it.

Oh, and I'd recommend grabbing that DotF (Batman Vol. 3) hardcover while you can. Only the first shipment of them has the awesome cover, supposedly, so prices could get quite high eventually. I'm just guessing, of course.
I Think when I first started watching Arrow I thought it was stupid, but then I realized it's basically an actual comic book come to life. Everything is over sexualized (I can't think of a single episode that doesn't have Oliver shirtless and working out) and the action and drama is so over the top that I grew to enjoy the show. Though yeah this season I'm surprised at all the characters they're introducing or things being brought up since it opens up almost a more grander universe.

As for DotF hardcover, oof. Was afraid of something like that, I think I'll let whatever my comic shop's Black Friday sale is going to be determine that now.

bread's done