Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

I Decided to pick up some of the Before Watchmen comics  from my local comic shop since back issues were $1 last week on Black Friday. They're not bad, they add nothing to the story overall that I wanted to know or cared for or couldn't piece myself, but they're not "bad". Otherwise the art is pretty good on them, but they have no reason to exist.

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Got caught up on Thunderbolts, only one issue behind now. I'm happy with Soule's work so far, and I'm so glad Daniel Way doesn't have anything to do with Deadpool now. I was a little pissed about there being an Infinity tie-in (one that lasts five issues, no less!) but thankfully it was done in such a way that I don't have to know the story. The invasion is just a nuisance which interrupts Punisher's turn at leading the team. I don't really dig the art much, but it doesn't drag the book down for me. Looking forward to Ghost Rider's inclusion.  

I Finally saw the 60's X-Men's new costumes. Jesus Christ, really? This feels as bad if not worse then the costumes they were given around the 2000's during X-Treme X-Men or whatever.

Yeah, I don't even read X-Men but I do occasionally glance at the various previews... and those costumes are indeed terrible. Typically I hate all superhero costume changes until I stare at them a bit and they start to grow on me. That ain't happening this time.

wow that new spider man trailer was awesome

this was in it


And Amazing Spiderman 2 trailer wasn't bad, but the closing bit of dialogue by Electro/Jame Foxx was pretty damn corny. It reminded me of Spider-man 3 with the news reporter saying "This could be the end of Spider-man". Eitherway I'll see it since I did enjoy Amazing.

Is inhumanity an avenger book? I'll read that
Inhumanity is the leading issue in to the next event (Inhuman), which has sadly been delayed from January to April. Joe Mad is on art duty so I can wait since his stuff is always stellar.

I want a Doctor Strange monthly series. It's been way too long, at least 5+ years, since the last one. If Baldneto gets one, then Doc Strange deserves one. 

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Yeah, but you also love Jean Grey and Deadpool and don't read all the Avengers books.

Deadpool. I meant to say Deadpool. Don't know where that came from... :whistle2:

Anyhoo, is it that unusual to not read any Avengers books? 'Cause I don't either, mostly because I don't like how integrated they are with the X-Men nowadays.

Then again... I don't read Justice League either, typically, aside from Justice League Dark which is about as far from the JLA as you can get. Huh. I think I just realized that I don't enjoy most team books... wouldn't even be reading Thunderbolts if it weren't for Deadpool, Venom and Punisher... or JLD without John Constantine and Zatanna.

shots fired

Deadpool is what got me into comics or maybe it was nolan north and his funny liners in xmen rise of apocalypse I started to read xforce before of deadpool.

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That's funny. I find at least one Avengers book in the monthly top 10 lists and not a single Deadpool book. That is weird!

But in all seriousness, I never really read Deadpool because I'm never a fan of the creative teams on his books, though I did enjoy him in Uncanny X-Force.

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And of course every book in the top ten is an excellent read based on that fact.  Different people will like different books.  If he enjoys Deadpool but not the Avengers as much, so be it.

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My reply was mostly towards his comment of "Anyhoo, is it that unusual to not read any Avengers books?" and not of his personal choice. That's why comics are awesome. They're diverse and can appeal so many differing opinions.

I can have my deadpool and eat my jean grey too. I own one avengers comics thats because they gave it away during thor 2. So...

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That's funny. I find at least one Avengers book in the monthly top 10 lists and not a single Deadpool book. That is weird!

But in all seriousness, I never really read Deadpool because I'm never a fan of the creative teams on his books, though I did enjoy him in Uncanny X-Force.
To be fair, though, Deadpool has gone past his prime. We no longer live in a time where my favorite merc has at least five or six monthly titles. Ahh, those were the good old days! I could pick and choose which Deadpool books to buy depending on which ones Liefeld decided to stink up on any given month.

I'm down to, what, two monthlies? One solo and the other a team book where he only seems to exist to get his ass ripped off, beaten to a pulp and then promptly handed back to him while Punisher and/or Venom saves the day. At least Duggan/Posehn just gave him his greatest arc in a long time, if not of all time.

Anyone here read the mega man comic? just me? alright
Not yet, but I plan on starting with the issue where the Mega Man X back-ups start. I believe they said X would get his own comic depending on the sales bump they receive after that point? Which issue is that, by the way? I need to look that up, don't want to miss it.

Ah, so the Duggan/Posehn stuff is pretty good? I might have to pick up some of the TBPs with my eventual graduation/birthday/xmas gift cards this month.

I'm REALLY not liking the current format of Batman/Superman. It's a bitch to read on a tablet.

Star Trek: Khan is still kinda interesting though. I can't wait to see how they did the "white-washing." Hilarity is sure to ensue.

Robocop: Last stand is just dumb as balls. I'm reading it just for the morbid curiosity of Miller's zany Robocop story.
Ah, so the Duggan/Posehn stuff is pretty good? I might have to pick up some of the TBPs with my eventual graduation/birthday/xmas gift cards this month.
Their first arc (zombie presidents) is rife with the growing pains of two guys who are trying to get used to writing a mainstream monthly comic. It goes on way too long and, as big a fan as I am of Deadpool, I almost bailed. The jokes/puns are hit or miss. #7 was the beginning of their genius, and also a "lost issue" where Deadpool is inserted into Iron Man's Demon in a Bottle story. They've done several of those kinds of issues and, though they seem skippable, they always introduce something that ties in with current day Deadpool in a huge way. They're also freakin' hilarious from start to finish.

Their latest arc - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - is amazing. Not only did they start to take Deadpool back to some of his more serious roots, but they also sorted out his convoluted origin. Plus Wolverine and Captain America are heavily involved for a very logical reason, as opposed to being there for the sake of cameos. The story involves the Weapon Plus program and some of its loose ends.

Did you guys see the Batman #28 teaser Snyder tweeted earlier? That's certainly a, uh... interesting design. It does look pretty sweet in that pic though. I haven't been reading Zero Year, but it seems kind of weird to delay its conclusion so you can ship a comic full of supposed spoilers a month early.

Unless people are losing interest in Zero Year, which I kinda am.

And I'm fine with Nightwing blue's returning, but future "spoiler" issues always suck because they are just big dumb marketing ploy's and never feel like the event's live up to what you expect since within a year or less it goes back to normal. I Hope to be proven wrong, but things like when DC did it with Infinite Crisis and Final Crisis type stuff never live up to the big hype they try to make with those. Just let me read the story and see how things play out as opposed to preset motions that they never get to where my imagination wants.

Man, that got more aggressive than I wanted it to.

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Zero Year has been awesome (and sales really haven't faltered either) but this does seem odd. However, in Snyder I trust so I'm all for it.

Anybody else reading Justice League 3,000? I thought it was pretty underwhelming.
I'm not exactly a fan of this JL being clones of the originals, if they are clones. I suppose they set that up as a mystery but I can't really say that I'm invested... though I'll give it another shot and see if it starts to get more interesting. A commenter on IGN made a guess that this Batman is actually a clone of Tim Drake and that Superman and Flash are clones of Superboy and Bart but, eh, I don't see it going in that direction... though it would be interesting, I suppose.

I enjoyed the latest Justice League too, which I picked up because of Owlman's origin. I know a lot of people groan about Earth 3 being full of mustache twirlers but, personally, I find that to be wildly entertaining.

Haven't read my other comics yet. I keep putting off Batman/Superman because I really hate the format gimmick they have going on with it right now... I'm probably going to end up dropping it in favor of Superman/Wonder Woman, 'cause I told myself I wouldn't keep buying both. Depends on how the latest issues of each ended up being.

I suppose I'll stick with Batman/Superman until the end of this arc. The annual actually sounds pretty interesting, mostly because I've never thought about what kinds of interactions Red Hood would have with Superman's supporting cast - let alone Supergirl. Apparently Batgirl and Steel will meet too.

Superman/Wonder Woman is the definite keeper, though. It's moving pretty slow but I've enjoyed every issue immensely, and Zod's new design is pretty sweet. I'm looking forward to seeing how they'll continue to use him and Doomsday.

Charles Soule is replacing Matt Fraction on Inhuman, which is odd because Fraction dropped off both Fantastic Four and FF to write Inhuman. No reason or statement has been given as to why this change has been made, but it would certainly explain the delay from January to April for the book. 

Also, Charles Soule will now be writing so many books (Swamp Thing, Superman/Wonder Woman, Inhuman, She-Hulk, Thunderbolts and many more). His Swamp Thing stuff is leagues ahead of his other stuff and I never thought I would say that to anybody following up Scott Snyder on a book. 

Something I've been wondering recently is why there are not more good art prints on comics. I look at the covers of Fables, American Vampire, Saga, etc and wonder why they don't sign and sell them in limited edition runs of 500 or something.

This time of the year especially with all the Christmas shopping. I picked up a print from Fairest about a year ago. I remember there was one from one of the covers of Fables (Rose Red) and I completely forgot about it and can't find anything about it anymore.

A perfect example would be with the current TMNT run. I wish I had an awesome print of one of the covers with Shredder. Really like the current design.

If these do exist and I'm in the dark, please point me in the right direction. I'm running out of places for statues so I can use wall space for prints.


The one I managed to find online last year was Fairest #3 cover

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You might be able to find them at comic cons and stuff. I would love to have some prints of American Vampire or Saga. If you find anything, let us know. 

You might be able to find them at comic cons and stuff. I would love to have some prints of American Vampire or Saga. If you find anything, let us know.
That will make comic-con an even bigger headache. Though I did manage to get some Turtles stuff signed by Eastman this year.

Speaking of that. I saw that SDCC registration is now early 2014. I'm gonna have to call into work sick that day now.

Good luck. That site is always hammered/crashing the moment passes go on sale. They really need a more efficient system. 

bread's done