Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

I'm not reading Damian (surprise!), but from what I hear about people's complaint's and everything I gotta the hell can they do a good conclusion when it's been three issues of ass sandwich? Like I have no idea how it can be redeemed when it's gotten stupider and stupider as it goes on. I'm just glad I stopped after issue one though and for those still reading it and picking it up, you truly are the real heroes.

Of the three new Marvel Series launched this week (Avengers World, Black Widow and All New X-Factor), I've gotta say that Black Widow is easily the best. What a fantastic issue. Let's hope it keeps up. I love this idea of given ongoing series to some of the weaker Avengers members and showing what they do in their free time.

I'm not reading Damian (surprise!), but from what I hear about people's complaint's and everything I gotta the hell can they do a good conclusion when it's been three issues of ass sandwich? Like I have no idea how it can be redeemed when it's gotten stupider and stupider as it goes on. I'm just glad I stopped after issue one though and for those still reading it and picking it up, you truly are the real heroes.
It's pointless wishful thinking, honestly.

I don't even know what's going on at this point.
Bruce Wayne was still in a coma (or at the very least hospitalized) after his fight with Damian, but was kidnapped by Joker - who at least FINALLY stepped out from behind the curtain to make things interesting!. Except it wasn't Joker, it was an impostor with long hair and sharp teeth who says "Sorry, nope, I'm not the Joker. He's long gone. Don't call me Joker." and then two panels later says "You can call me... THE JOKER!"

But this happens after Damian has a run-in with Jackanapes and a whole crew of talking bipedal animals who hijacked a schoolbus full of kids... oh, and one of them is a shark with a tommy gun. Now, maybe Jackanape's crew were pre-exisiting characters... I don't know... and maybe they weren't really able to talk, and Damian was just hearing them converse because of his brain damage. Either way, that is a set of characters that shouldn't have been used. Morrison would have been able to pull off this kind of weirdness and make it awesome at the same time, but Kubert? He can't even write a conversation between two human characters that sounds natural.

If nothing else, I can say that I haven't been able to predict where this story was gonna go. The ending should be... interesting, if not particularly good.

Seen a handful of articles about people in the mainstream all surprised that Marvel is bringing back Peter Parker. Apparently they don't understand comics, or the phrase "He's gone and never coming back" means that within 12 months everything I've done here will be removed and status quo will be restored.

Seen a handful of articles about people in the mainstream all surprised that Marvel is bringing back Peter Parker. Apparently they don't understand comics, or the phrase "He's gone and never coming back" means that within 12 months everything I've done here will be removed and status quo will be restored.
Seriously. I mean, there was never any doubt - none whatsoever - that Peter would be brought back sometime before or maybe a little bit after Amazing Spider-Man 2 released. It's just too predictable, because Marvel is obsessed with making whatever changes are necessary to force their comics (square peg) to match up with the various movies (round hole) even if it derails some of the storylines.

Occasionally it has good results, like Coulson becoming a character in 616. Other times it leads to incredibly forced alterations like Nick Fury Jr. not only coming out of nowhere, but also being handed the keys to the Marvel universe. Stuff like that is honestly why I quit reading Marvel.

Seriously. I mean, there was never any doubt - none whatsoever - that Peter would be brought back sometime before or maybe a little bit after Amazing Spider-Man 2 released. It's just too predictable, because Marvel is obsessed with making whatever changes are necessary to force their comics (square peg) to match up with the various movies (round hole) even if it derails some of the storylines.

Occasionally it has good results, like Coulson becoming a character in 616. Other times it leads to incredibly forced alterations like Nick Fury Jr. not only coming out of nowhere, but also being handed the keys to the Marvel universe. Stuff like that is honestly why I quit reading Marvel.
Says the guy reading Damian Son of Batman :whistle2:k

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Says the guy reading Damian Son of Batman :whistle2:k
...I don't get your meaning? Son of Batman isn't altering any status quo to fit a movie, it's just an extraordinarily shitty self-contained mini-series.

Have I mentioned how shitty it is? 'Cause, FYI... it's pretty damn shitty. I plan on getting most of my money back when I throw that steaming pile on ebay... hopefully. It's more likely to sit there for a while, so maybe...



Any of you guys interested in buying a GREAT new mini-series? It's called Damian: Son of Batman and is TOTALLY worth spending real money on. Really. I'll give you a good deal! :D

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Anyone know of any really good indies coming out in the next few months (new series anyway)? Been looking for some new stuff to collect. Been looking through Marvel/DC stuff so I know what's coming out there.

Finally finished my Fables collection. I ended up finally grabbing every issue out so far (excluding multiple covers, and just regular fables, no jack or fairest). Thank god for ebay lots, lol.

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The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (a mini-series)  just released its final issue. It's by the same writer who did Umbrella Academy if you're familiar with that.

This recent arc with Venom on Superior left me curious about something. Doesn't  joining with a symbiote reveal the identity(s) of previous hosts? That's how Brock first got knowledge of Parker and was able to target him on a personal level. Did "One More Day" retcon this ablity or just wipe the symbiotes mind as well? Once he gets the symbiote back should'nt Flash know who Spidey is?

Who knows, maybe this is how SpOck gets called out

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It's a Spider-man comic. Just...just stop thinking from there on. He's eaten a vampire's face, shed his human skin to be revealed to be some kinda Spider god totem, revealed his identity before the devil changed all that and...yeah, just stop thinking about it.

Oh you can talk about it, just don't think about it. Like how someone thought Norman Osborn boning Gwen Stacy and having twins was a GREAT idea.  The thinking stopped after the 80's for that character as a whole in the 616.

So what do you guys think of the latest Ant-Man news? Michael Douglas is Hank Pym, Paul Rudd is Officially Scott Lang. Having never had any attachments to any incarnation of Ant-Man, I think it sounds good. The only thing I wonder about is Wasp... assuming she's in the movie at all, will she be as old as Pym or changed to be closer to Lang's age? 

Anyway, I recently finished the latest issue of Batman/Superman. I'm definitely dropping the book after the annual, which at least sounds like it can be somewhat entertaining. I just don't get what happened... I loved the first arc but couldn't really get into the art, but then they changed artists and the story went to hell. I've read some of these last few issues twice and I still don't understand how that "game" and the mind control aspect worked. The whole thing seemed like a mess, and I'm not willing to stick around for a crossover with World's Finest.

My pull list should be having some shake-ups soon. I'm dropping Batman/Superman in favor of Injustice: Year Two - and Son of Batman is thankfully ending, opening up a spot for Red Hood and the Outlaws. I'll be dropping All-Star Western whenever they get around to sticking Jonah Hex back in the past, opening up yet another spot. As much as I love Forever Evil so far, I'll be happy when it ends because it has been a severe pain in the wallet.     

Wasp is possibly going to be Rashida Jones of The Office, Parks and Rec and costar of Paul Rudd's in I Love You Man. At least that seems to be the general consensus since she was cast about a little before Rudd was. Otherwise, casting wise, totally fine with it. I Kinda figured Paul Rudd was going to be Scott Lang though I'm surprised they went for such an age gap between him and Pym. Even than I know I'll enjoy it since...well, it's Edgar Wright. I Have no disliked a single thing he's done yet.

Wasp is possibly going to be Rashida Jones of The Office, Parks and Rec and costar of Paul Rudd's in I Love You Man. At least that seems to be the general consensus since she was cast about a little before Rudd was. Otherwise, casting wise, totally fine with it. I Kinda figured Paul Rudd was going to be Scott Lang though I'm surprised they went for such an age gap between him and Pym. Even than I know I'll enjoy it since...well, it's Edgar Wright. I Have no disliked a single thing he's done yet.
I remember way back when Edgar Wright said he was starting to write Ant-man, he said it would feature Pym and Lang and would mix two different eras of the Ant-Man legacy. I had assumed that after all of this time, and since the Marvel Movieverse expanded so much since then, that those plans would have changed... so I was actually surprised by this news! I would be more than happy with Rashida Jones as Wasp, 'cause she's pretty damn awesome herself.

The interesting thing is that, with Pym being so old and presumably has had a long career of inventing, he could still very much end up having some involvement with Ultron's creation in Avengers 2 if they wanted him to. Even if Douglas himself doesn't appear, Pym could at the very least get a mention.

Oh, and in other news... Wally West will be making a comeback!

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Jesus, finally with Wally's return. There's one big character that's been missing since the 52 relaunch. Now I'm curious how they're going to...well, just explain the mere concept of Wally West with the goddamn fucked up continuity that is the new 52. I Never really got too far into "The New 52" with Barry Allen as Flash, but did they ever even dwell into the concept of the Speed Force yet?

Can't tell you anything about the relaunched Flash comic, but I can give a massive HELL YEAH to Wally's return. I WILL be buying that annual. Don't have a clue how they'll bring him back, but that blue costume is interesting. Not even sure if I like it or hate it yet, it's just weird. Almost looks like he's entirely made of energy. (I'm assuming that's Wally and not Barry on the cover)

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All I remember about the relaunched new 52 Flash was the cover where it looked like Barry Allen was going to get gang raped by the gorilla's of Gorilla City. Oh and Barry still being the most boring character ever. EVER. Plus I'll pick up the annual as well, but I'm just afraid they're going to have no idea what to do with him after the story is done.

All I remember about the relaunched new 52 Flash was the cover where it looked like Barry Allen was going to get gang raped by the gorilla's of Gorilla City. Oh and Barry still being the most boring character ever. EVER. Plus I'll pick up the annual as well, but I'm just afraid they're going to have no idea what to do with him after the story is done.
It's very possible. If he doesn't stick around in the main universe, and ends up being from an alternate universe, I wouldn't mind them doing a separate Flash series featuring Wally in his own timeline. I'd buy it every month if the quality is there. I doubt they'd do that, though, unless it's as a mini series sometime later.

It's very possible. If he doesn't stick around in the main universe, and ends up being from an alternate universe, I wouldn't mind them doing a separate Flash series featuring Wally in his own timeline. I'd buy it every month if the quality is there. I doubt they'd do that, though, unless it's as a mini series sometime later.
Ugh. I Wish Barry Allen was dead or stuck in the Speed Force still.

Ugh. I Wish Barry Allen was dead or stuck in the Speed Force still.
I won't go that far, surely the character has his fans. He'll probably earn some new ones once the tv series starts up too.

Speaking of tv (awesome segue!) apparently the Gotham tv series will, in fact, chronicle the younger days of Bruce Wayne. It may occasionally feature time skips to age him up more rapidly and the very last episode will feature him donning the cape and cowl for the first time. I'm... actually disappointed by this, if only because I LOVED the concept that Kevin Smith and Paul Dini brainstormed and eventually planned on pitching to Geoff Johns.

I'm also worried because they said that the show will feature the origins of the most famous batman villains too, and they specifically mentioned Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman and - most horrifying of all - the Joker. I really don't want them doing an origin for Joker, unless it's something that only barely references him like a series of criminals taking on the monicker of Red Hood.

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I'm pretty saddened because the show will no longer be centered around Gordon and the rest of Gotham PD. I'll still watch it, though.

I won't go that far, surely the character has his fans. He'll probably earn some new ones once the tv series starts up too.

Speaking of tv (awesome segue!) apparently the Gotham tv series will, in fact, chronicle the younger days of Bruce Wayne. It may occasionally feature time skips to age him up more rapidly and the very last episode will feature him donning the cape and cowl for the first time. I'm... actually disappointed by this, if only because I LOVED the concept that Kevin Smith and Paul Dini brainstormed and eventually planned on pitching to Geoff Johns.

I'm also worried because they said that the show will feature the origins of the most famous batman villains too, and they specifically mentioned Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman and - most horrifying of all - the Joker. I really don't want them doing an origin for Joker, unless it's something that only barely references him like a series of criminals taking on the monicker of Red Hood.
I Always thought it was spelled "segway".

Anyways, the Gotham series in terms of a Joker based origin I think they'll for the most part base a whole season on basically the Year Zero storyline with the Red Hoods terrorizing Gotham and the last episode will be the exact same as the comic their leader at Ace chemicals and replace a young Batman fighting him with a young Gordan and yeah. Next thing you know episode ends, Gordan talks to his girlfriend or police partner or whatever and explains what he's learned, cut back to sewage or whatever where the Ace chemicals has been dumped and pasty white hand rises up followed by manical laughter and into credits and people excited for next season. Done.

And Barry has ONLY worked for me in Arrow in the past few years since his reintroduction as a mainstay character. Otherwise I wish he was dead. D-E-D. DEAD.

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I'm pretty saddened because the show will no longer be centered around Gordon and the rest of Gotham PD. I'll still watch it, though.
Yeah, we seem to be among a minority of people who were cool with a non-Batman Gotham tv series. It had the potential to be very similar to Law and Order, sure, but I'd be giddy as hell nonetheless about some of the easter eggs they'd have. It wouldn't be random no-name criminals. It'd feature criminals like Joe Chill, Boss Zucco, the Falcone family, the Sionis family, maybe a few unsolved murders which occur that seem to have strange ties to the Court of Owls poem. You know, stuff like that. We knew from the beginning that the pilot would even involve the murder of Martha and Thomas Wayne.

I Always thought it was spelled "segway".

Anyways, the Gotham series in terms of a Joker based origin I think they'll for the most part base a whole season on basically the Year Zero storyline with the Red Hoods terrorizing Gotham and the last episode will be the exact same as the comic their leader at Ace chemicals and replace a young Batman fighting him with a young Gordan and yeah. Next thing you know episode ends, Gordan talks to his girlfriend or police partner or whatever and explains what he's learned, cut back to sewage or whatever where the Ace chemicals has been dumped and pasty white hand rises up followed by manical laughter and into credits and people excited for next season. Done.

And Barry has ONLY worked for me in Arrow in the past few years since his reintroduction as a mainstay character. Otherwise I wish he was dead. D-E-D. DEAD.
Yeah, that's pretty much the kind of thing that I'd accept. I just don't think that The Joker should ever exist before Batman does. I'm perfectly fine with Red Hood, either as one criminal at a time who takes up the role, or the Zero Year version where they exist as an entire gang. I'd just prefer if none of them ever took the chemical bath until Batman is in action.

I've never had an opinion about Barry one way or another, I just prefer Wally because of the various cartoons. The Arrow version is definitely good though.

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I don't really know that much about Flash since I didn't read anything of his until the start of the new 52, but I will say I absolutely LOVE the artwork Francis Manapul has done for the series, it is one of my favorite comics as far as visuals.  And unlike I guess the general consensus in here I actually like Barry Allen too, and I've generally enjoyed all the storylines for him in the new 52, plus I like the brewing love triangle they have going on with him, and I also think Barry Allen is kind of cute (at least the way Manapul draws him).

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Yeah, that's pretty much the kind of thing that I'd accept. I just don't think that The Joker should ever exist before Batman does. I'm perfectly fine with Red Hood, either as one criminal at a time who takes up the role, or the Zero Year version where they exist as an entire gang. I'd just prefer if none of them ever took the chemical bath until Batman is in action.
By now Joker is so iconic as the biggest Batman villain (or hell, might as well say the biggest villain in DC's stable) that I doubt they'll show him. Best they'll do is have him work in the shadows after his "origin" and you never see his face. Kinda like Inspector Gadget and CLAW or more on topic, like the Birds of Prey first episode. Remember that? No one does.

Also all this talk of Gotham PD as a show reminds me of how we never got that Powers TV show that kept getting passed around studio to studio.

Meanwhile, NBC has ordered a pilot for Constantine AKA Hellblazer. David Goyer of Dark Knight fame is writing and co-producing alongside Daniel Cerone who wrote on Dexter. This has potential, especially since NBC can release something uncanny like Hannibal.

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By now Joker is so iconic as the biggest Batman villain (or hell, might as well say the biggest villain in DC's stable) that I doubt they'll show him. Best they'll do is have him work in the shadows after his "origin" and you never see his face. Kinda like Inspector Gadget and CLAW or more on topic, like the Birds of Prey first episode. Remember that? No one does.

Also all this talk of Gotham PD as a show reminds me of how we never got that Powers TV show that kept getting passed around studio to studio.

Meanwhile, NBC has ordered a pilot for Constantine AKA Hellblazer. David Goyer of Dark Knight fame is writing and co-producing alongside Daniel Cerone who wrote on Dexter. This has potential, especially since NBC can release something uncanny like Hannibal.
Yup, I'm beyond excited for the Constantine show. I'm not a fan of Goyer by any stretch of the imagination but I still think it'll be good, so long as John is blonde, british, and smokes a minimum of eight cigarets per episode. Having Zatanna as a recurring character wouldn't hurt either.

I don't really know that much about Flash since I didn't read anything of his until the start of the new 52, but I will say I absolutely LOVE the artwork Francis Manapul has done for the series, it is one of my favorite comics as far as visuals. And unlike I guess the general consensus in here I actually like Barry Allen too, and I've generally enjoyed all the storylines for him in the new 52, plus I like the brewing love triangle they have going on with him, and I also think Barry Allen is kind of cute (at least the way Manapul draws him).
I've not read a single full issue of New 52 Flash, but the art in every preview I've read has been consistently amazing. If my pull list wasn't already so long I would have definitely been reading the series for that one reason alone.

I got a few graphic novels for Christmas, and one of them is Volume 1 of the New 52 Earth 2. Liked the focus on the new interpretations of the Golden Age heroes. I love DC and am a big mark for Superman and Batman, but also appreciated the chance they took on doing something a little different. Looking ahead, though, I notice that they introduce a new Batman and bring Superman back as a villain. They really couldn't resist going back to the well, could they?

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So who would Ant-Man's villian be in the movie? Since Ultron is picked for Avengers 2 the only others I can think of are Egghead and Whirlwind, both of which are kinda lame.

You know, I was talking with a friend about this last night. What if AIM and one of their villains (MODOK, for example) are in it. MODOK seems like a villain Edgar Wright would be interested in. In other Ant-Man news, Micheal Pena is in talks for a role in the movie. 

AIM was in Iron Man 3. They could revisit them and do it properly, but the idea seems spent.

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AIM and other groups like them (Hydra, etc) never really go away, though. They always change leadership and remain around. 

AIM was just mentioned in the latest Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. alongside HYDRA, so that at least gives an impression that they have played a larger role in the MCU world than the "think tank" mentioned in Iron Man 3.

I got a few graphic novels for Christmas, and one of them is Volume 1 of the New 52 Earth 2. Liked the focus on the new interpretations of the Golden Age heroes. I love DC and am a big mark for Superman and Batman, but also appreciated the chance they took on doing something a little different. Looking ahead, though, I notice that they introduce a new Batman and bring Superman back as a villain. They really couldn't resist going back to the well, could they?
Yeah, I get the feeling that DC editors wanted Superman and Batman both to become more prominent to maybe boost sales. They even got the writer of the Injustice comics to take over writing duties for Earth 2. It's funny because Superman is the guy's favorite character and he joked that DC has so far only let him write about evil versions.

I got a few graphic novels for Christmas, and one of them is Volume 1 of the New 52 Earth 2. Liked the focus on the new interpretations of the Golden Age heroes. I love DC and am a big mark for Superman and Batman, but also appreciated the chance they took on doing something a little different. Looking ahead, though, I notice that they introduce a new Batman and bring Superman back as a villain. They really couldn't resist going back to the well, could they?
What can you expect? They were the biggest heroes of their world. At least Batman is a totally different character and Superman is a bad guy.

I Don't know why, but I keep forgetting Walking Dead is a big deal. I Was reminded this when I saw the biggest selling issue of this year according to Diamond Distributors is Walking Dead #115 and the 5 or 6 of the trades are in the top 10 best selling hardcovers/trade paperbacks.  That show I dare say has done more good for Image Comics than the Avengers film did for Marvel Comics.

Walking Dead was topping charts before the show even started. Avengers books were doing the same thing before the movie as well. Sales only went up in both cases.

I wouldn't say the show really did great things for Image comics as a whole. Saga is the only other series that is really selling out for Image and Invincible will too when it launches, but a lot of their other series sadly don't sell nearly as well. Their unit and dollar shares have remained relatively the same the past few years. So, yeah, the show easily boosted the numbers of the Walking Dead, but it didn't really shoot Image up into contention with the big 2.

Yeah, noticing that now that they only have about 8% share while Marvel and DC have about 30% each. Though I am still impressed at how well the first trade of Walking Dead continues to sell on a constant basis. I Think I'm mostly surprised because everytime I wear a Walking Dead shirt (I Have two, *spoiler: I'm a nerd*) in public I immediatly get approached by people who WANT to talk about the Walking Dead, but only the show and have little to no idea of the comic. So when I say "Ezekiel's got a tiger!" they stare at my blankly and want to talk about Daryl and his bow instead. Life is hard.

Though I'm happy Saga is catching on and hey comic book sales were up for two years in a row! We're one of the last few supporters of actual print media! Eat on that Time and Newsweek and every source of "relevant" information!

Walking Dead was topping charts before the show even started. Avengers books were doing the same thing before the movie as well. Sales only went up in both cases.

I wouldn't say the show really did great things for Image comics as a whole. Saga is the only other series that is really selling out for Image and Invincible will too when it launches, but a lot of their other series sadly don't sell nearly as well. Their unit and dollar shares have remained relatively the same the past few years. So, yeah, the show easily boosted the numbers of the Walking Dead, but it didn't really shoot Image up into contention with the big 2.
The stats back this up. In case anyone is interested (data goes back to 2002)

Overall market share:

Top Selling Comics:

Top selling Trade Paperbacks/Graphic Novels:

Yep, there's defiantly more love for the WD show than any other WD medium. I feel like a hipster when I tell people the comics and video game are way better. I might come off as a snob but it's true. I let some girl at work borrow my Compendium. She said she loves Daryl and was upset to learn he wasn't in it. I think she only read a few pages in and returned it to me.

I Find it weird that with the rise in comic book based movies and TV shows that I can finally be the guy that says "The book was better". Though I haven't watched The Walking Dead TV series all the way through, because it's so slow after reading the comic, but...I really want them to kill off Norman Reedus AKA Daryl in the show. It seems the show is almost dedictated to him now since he has such a large fan following (especially ladies) and the show shouldn't be centered or focused on one character being the biggest part. He is basically the Katniss to my Hunger Games or James Caan to my Rollerball...the good one. Though with AMC having Breaking Bad end and Mad Men also reaching it's conclusion, I wouldn't be surprised if they just kill off Michonne and basically have Daryl follow all her beats...minus the sleeping around with other black guys motif I guess.

I Find it weird that with the rise in comic book based movies and TV shows that I can finally be the guy that says "The book was better". Though I haven't watched The Walking Dead TV series all the way through, because it's so slow after reading the comic, but...I really want them to kill off Norman Reedus AKA Daryl in the show. It seems the show is almost dedictated to him now since he has such a large fan following (especially ladies) and the show shouldn't be centered or focused on one character being the biggest part. He is basically the Katniss to my Hunger Games or James Caan to my Rollerball...the good one. Though with AMC having Breaking Bad end and Mad Men also reaching it's conclusion, I wouldn't be surprised if they just kill off Michonne and basically have Daryl follow all her beats...minus the sleeping around with other black guys motif I guess.
So you don't watch the show much... yet you want the best-written character to be killed off? That's... kind of dumb.

Look, the writing on the show is sloppy at best. Most of the characters have improved recently but they still have the stigma of some horrible writing that sticks to them. Rick has been an indecisive, sometimes psychotic idiot that is taking a cringe-inducing amount of time to step up as leader. Carl was a shoot-first, ask-questions-later badass in season three but people will always remember as being the stupid kid that killed Dale by luring a zombie to the farm - not to mention he spent most of this recent season being the obedient kid again who makes poor decisions. Nothing about Michonne has been overtly terrible, but she was stupidly silent during season three when muttering a sentence or two would have solved everyone's problems. I could go on and on.

Do you know why Daryl is the favorite? He gets very little screen time. He spends most of his time on the show in the background or off at the edge of the scene, usually giving someone a dirty look or getting ready to stab or shoot something/someone. He has made no dumb decisions, hasn't done anything that got someone "good" killed to my knowledge. He started out being evil by association because of Merle but then he started actively contributing to the group but again - outside of an odd episode or two - there hasn't been as much focus on him as there has been for most of the other characters. He gets to do a lot of cool stuff once in a while and then fades back into the background.

That's all it is, really. The writers just haven't decided to ruin him yet. It'll happen eventually. There's no reason to hope for an actor to lose his job in the meantime.

Daryl's OK as a character, but people only love him because he has that badass mentality that just attracts viewers. By no stretch of the imagination does that make him a well-written character. And let's be honest here, Daryl is only popular because Norman Reedus is playing him. Had it been someone else, he wouldn't be nearly as popular. If anything, Merle was the better character of the two but in the end, he was just a simple plot device for Daryl to show some silly emotion.

Daryl's OK as a character, but people only love him because he has that badass mentality that just attracts viewers. By no stretch of the imagination does that make him a well-written character. And let's be honest here, Daryl is only popular because Norman Reedus is playing him. Had it been someone else, he wouldn't be nearly as popular. If anything, Merle was the better character of the two but in the end, he was just a simple plot device for Daryl to show some silly emotion.
Could that really be true, though? I personally don't think Norman Reedus is a particularly good actor. I don't even know if I'd consider him to be in the top 3 on the whole show.

Anyhoo, looks like Lobdell is ending Teen Titans. I'm surprised DC isn't allowing it to continue without him, although it sounds like it'll be relaunched somehow at some point down the line. Maybe as Young Justice? I suppose it would be too much to ask for Greg Weisman to be put in charge of a N52 YJ book with a somewhat similar cast to the cartoon... I'd read the hell out of that, though.

The cover to the first post-Forever Justice League book has Lex Luthor and Captain Cold joining Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Shazam and Aquaman as members of the Justice League. Superman and The Flash are notably missing.

Daryl's OK as a character, but people only love him because he has that badass mentality that just attracts viewers. By no stretch of the imagination does that make him a well-written character. And let's be honest here, Daryl is only popular because Norman Reedus is playing him. Had it been someone else, he wouldn't be nearly as popular. If anything, Merle was the better character of the two but in the end, he was just a simple plot device for Daryl to show some silly emotion.
This is pretty much my mindset for my disinterest in that character.

And Lex in Justice League and no Supes means...Bizarro in Justice League instead? I Mean even if Bizarro were to get killed in Forever Evil, it's not like Lex can't clone another.

This is pretty much my mindset for my disinterest in that character.

And Lex in Justice League and no Supes means...Bizarro in Justice League instead? I Mean even if Bizarro were to get killed in Forever Evil, it's not like Lex can't clone another.
That would be nice. The Lex/Bizarro scenes are massively entertaining so far. It'd be a shame to lose that dynamic.

bread's done