Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

I Think I finally have one complaint about about Injustice. Well, two actually. One is Superman is waaaay too apologetic about his nonstop killing. If he's committed to beating the shit out of people by now, he should have a firm grasp of "Yup, that just happened." Also poor Kyle Rayner...

And CaptainJoel, why you no talk comics with us more?!

Brad Meltzer is at my local library doing a book signing for a couple children's books he's writted. Both my wife and I are fans of his TV show Decoded (but not so much his actual writing). Unfortunately I wont be able to make it, but my wife is going and buying one of the books for our daughter.

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Recently read X-Files: Conspiracy #1. Having not read the main series, I'll just say that this particular mini-series seems to be off to a good start. They actually came up with a logical (well, "comic book logical" anyway) reason for why the Lone Gunmen would need to seek out the Ghost Busters, Ninja Turtles, and the Transformers. I'm not sure how The Crow will factor into it... but I'm eager to find out.

I will say that the art reminded me way too much of something that would have been in Cracked magazine or something similar. It borders on being fairly decent likenesses of the various actors in one panel to looking like bizarre, hideous caricatures in the very next panel. It didn't detract from the comic any, at least not in my opinion. I just thought it was occasionally hilarious - especially Mulder, who looked like a goblin more often than not.

So, the trailer for Son of Batman looks great. It's not a direct adaptation of Morrison's comic by any means, but I'm actually happy about that - if only because I very recently just read the comic for the first time. I will also never complain about added Deathstroke appearances.

Damian's voice is gonna throw me off for a while though, 'cause I've always heard it in my head as having a slight British quality to it to fit his attitude. All of the designs are great, though, and if I'm not mistaken that is pretty much Flashpoint Paradox Slade.

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Yeah, Son of Batman looks like it just took the concept of Bruce and Talia having Damian and just went a totally different route from there. So...I guess we won't get an insane run of Morrison-Batman stories turned animated features anytime soon. Mostly just because I'd like to see how they'd handle Batman RIP and it'd be awesome to have Battle for the Cowl turned into an animated movie, with just no Bruce, but all the Bat family members instead.

Yeah, it's interesting how WB animation isn't doing entirely original stuff anymore... yet they aren't doing direct adaptations either. I loved Under the Red Hood and Flashpoint Paradox, though I've hard both were quite different compared to the comics. Justice League: War is based on the first six issues of the N52 JL, but they've removed Aquaman in favor of Shazam. Son of Batman uses the basic concept, but like you said, seems completely different as well. 

I've very curious about the movie after Son of Batman, because it was stated to be set in the same universe as the Arkham games. I just can't help but wonder if it'll be another adaptation or a new story that actually ties in with the games. It'd be great to see something entirely original again... although now that I think about it, there's a chance that it could even be based on the Arkham Unhinged tie-in comics.

All-Star Superman (for the most part), Batman: Year One and to my understanding, Dark Knight Returns (only one that I've read, but haven't seen), all seem to remain faithful to the source material. I Think there's still direct adaptations, but I think Batman & Son kinda had to go the "super loosely based" route only because there's still a good amount of characters in the story that they couldn't fit in and just ends in such a way that I don't think they're ready to commit to the whole Batman-Morrison saga. At least that's what I'm assuming. Though I figure Aquaman was removed only to spotlight Shazam a bit more in Justice League: War, since Aquaman will have his own animated feature according to New York Comic Con last year.

As for the Arkham animated film, my bet is on just a retelling of the first game as not to confuse people or having to bring up much backstory.

All-Star Superman (for the most part), Batman: Year One and to my understanding, Dark Knight Returns (only one that I've read, but haven't seen), all seem to remain faithful to the source material. I Think there's still direct adaptations, but I think Batman & Son kinda had to go the "super loosely based" route only because there's still a good amount of characters in the story that they couldn't fit in and just ends in such a way that I don't think they're ready to commit to the whole Batman-Morrison saga. At least that's what I'm assuming. Though I figure Aquaman was removed only to spotlight Shazam a bit more in Justice League: War, since Aquaman will have his own animated feature according to New York Comic Con last year.

As for the Arkham animated film, my bet is on just a retelling of the first game as not to confuse people or having to bring up much backstory.
Yeah, All-Star Superman was pretty much just a very condensed form of the comic version right? Or so I've heard. I'm the opposite of you with DKR - watched the movie, haven't read it completely. I do know that they removed all of Batman's internal monologues. It makes a few scenes (like the "this is a good death..." race car scene) seem a little more random without them, but I loved it regardless.

I'm shocked that they're giving Aquaman his own animated movie. I guess they got over their fear of doing non-Batman/Superman/JL movies. Hopefully it sells well enough to warrant other solo animated projects, although honestly my greatest wish is that they would release a Young Justice movie to properly end the series. I'm sure they could rework it so that knowing all of the history isn't NECESSARY. I'm just dying to see The Team work with the Justice League to take down Darkseid and The Light/Vandal Savage.

And I'd actually be cool with the Arkham project being a retelling of the first game... as long as they don't make any bad choices with the casting. I really don't like the guy they've hired to play Batman in Flashpoint Paradox, War, and now Son of Batman. Ideally they'd get Conroy, Hamill and everyone else back.

Started reading East of West. That comic is fantastic. It's hard to really describe the comic without ruining any plot points but it follows the four horsemen after pretty much in a post apocalyptic world. Death from the four horseman is pretty much a badass cowboy.

My goals this year is to collect all of Manhattan Projects, Mind Mgmt and if possible all of Saga. It's crazy how much Saga goes for now. Saga #1 goes for more than #1 of Fables on ebay which is insane (I own all of fables too).

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Yeah, All-Star Superman was pretty much just a very condensed form of the comic version right? Or so I've heard. I'm the opposite of you with DKR - watched the movie, haven't read it completely. I do know that they removed all of Batman's internal monologues. It makes a few scenes (like the "this is a good death..." race car scene) seem a little more random without them, but I loved it regardless.

I'm shocked that they're giving Aquaman his own animated movie. I guess they got over their fear of doing non-Batman/Superman/JL movies. Hopefully it sells well enough to warrant other solo animated projects, although honestly my greatest wish is that they would release a Young Justice movie to properly end the series. I'm sure they could rework it so that knowing all of the history isn't NECESSARY. I'm just dying to see The Team work with the Justice League to take down Darkseid and The Light/Vandal Savage.

And I'd actually be cool with the Arkham project being a retelling of the first game... as long as they don't make any bad choices with the casting. I really don't like the guy they've hired to play Batman in Flashpoint Paradox, War, and now Son of Batman. Ideally they'd get Conroy, Hamill and everyone else back.
Yeah, All-Star Supes just basically took all the non Lois and Luthor related storylines (Bizzaro and Jimmy Olsen) and just focused on the rest of the comic, but changed some dialouge and scenes in the last 10 minutes, but still overall was just a condensed version of the series.

Plus I wouldn't mind a continuation of Young Justice, though I'd also like the seasons to be on goddamn blu ray. In anycase, the Aquaman movie seems to be the only one that's been confirmed. The rest of the ones rumored or hinted at from cons last year include Sinestro Corps, Green Arrow and Superman: Red Son.

I Think Conroy for Arkham Asylum animated makes sense, since he was the voice, but Hamill has stated that he's retiring from being the Joker unless they do The Killing Joke as an animated movie (which would blow my goddamn mind if they did it page for page), though Bruce Timm has stated that's one of the one's he wants to do and after Dark Knight Returns there isn't much in the way of stopping it. So that's only way we'll hear definitive Joker again.

Started reading East of West. That comic is fantastic. It's hard to really describe the comic without ruining any plot points but it follows the four horsemen after pretty much in a post apocalyptic world. Death from the four horseman is pretty much a badass cowboy.

My goals this year is to collect all of Manhattan Projects, Mind Mgmt and if possible all of Saga. It's crazy how much Saga goes for now. Saga #1 goes for more than #1 of Fables on ebay which is insane (I own all of fables too).
It's always a weird nice feeling when I know my comics are worth money despite me possibly never selling them. Though yeah, East of West is awesome. I Think I enjoy Hickman's Image stuff more than his Marvel stuff, it's too bad he didn't have more of a hand in writing God is Dead because it had potential, but goddamn you can tell he just gave the writer a concept and didn't do much else.

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Yeah, All-Star Supes just basically took all the non Lois and Luthor related storylines (Bizzaro and Jimmy Olsen) and just focused on the rest of the comic, but changed some dialouge and scenes in the last 10 minutes, but still overall was just a condensed version of the series.

Plus I wouldn't mind a continuation of Young Justice, though I'd also like the seasons to be on goddamn blu ray. In anycase, the Aquaman movie seems to be the only one that's been confirmed. The rest of the ones rumored or hinted at from cons last year include Sinestro Corps, Green Arrow and Superman: Red Son.

I Think Conroy for Arkham Asylum animated makes sense, since he was the voice, but Hamill has stated that he's retiring from being the Joker unless they do The Killing Joke as an animated movie (which would blow my goddamn mind if they did it page for page), though Bruce Timm has stated that's one of the one's he wants to do and after Dark Knight Returns there isn't much in the way of stopping it. So that's only way we'll hear definitive Joker again.

It's always a weird nice feeling when I know my comics are worth money despite me possibly never selling them. Though yeah, East of West is awesome. I Think I enjoy Hickman's Image stuff more than his Marvel stuff, it's too bad he didn't have more of a hand in writing God is Dead because it had potential, but goddamn you can tell he just gave the writer a concept and didn't do much else.
I don't believe Hamill for a second. I'm sure he'd come back for any Batman project if it piqued his interest enough. Still, ever since Arkham Origins I've come to think of him as less necessary as Joker. Troy Baker's Joker voice isn't quite as refined as Hamill's (which I suppose isn't fair to compare, given the many years of experience he has with the character now) but it is pretty damn close.

Conroy, though, is unbeatable. The only person that comes close to being as good is Bruce Greenwood from Young Justice and Under the Red Hood. Like I said, I really don't like the latest guy they've been using regularly. The guy they used in Year One was outright terrible... in my opinion, anyway.

I agree wholeheartedly about YJ on blu-ray. That show was absolutely beautiful at times, and it's a shame that it hasn't been given the best treatment. As for the continuation, it would preferably be an animated movie... but I'd also settle for a comic mini-series as long as they got Greg Weisman to properly write it and put Chris Jones back on the art.

Then again Conroy is only known for Batman, while Hamill...Jesus, without a doubt he's my favorite voice actor. Meaning for the longest time he's said Arkham City was last forray as the Joker (outside of random small things like doing it at cons or I guess Robot Chicken) and well, he's got enough fantastic voice work under his belt that I can see him not really looking back in having to play the character again anytime soon. I Mean, he plays Skips the skipping yeti on Regular Show, that alone just amazes me knowing that he's played so many characters I enjoy.

Also wasn't knocking Conroy, either, but all I can think of him for better or worse is literally just Batman. Meaning he is the quintessential, definitive Batman in my book and I can only think of him as just that.

And don't know how, but I got more than usual amount of comics this week...

-Animal Man #27

-Avengers #25

-Batman #27

-Batman and Two-Face #27

-Batwoman #27

-Black Widow #1

-Dead Body Road #1

-Deadly Class #1

-FF #16

-Green Lantern: New Guardians #27

-Harley Quinn #2

-Justice League #27

-Walking Dead #120

-Wonder Woman #27

Last week was super light, but goddamn all of sudden this week and next week seem ridiculous. Also wasn't Forever Evil "suppose" to come out this week?

Yeah, I'm definitely not looking forward to my next comics bill. I'm enjoying Forever Evil but, shit, I really need it to end. 

Anyhoo, just watched Justice League: War. I know N52 Superman is a lot more arrogant and hotheaded than before... but was he this "punchy" in the JL arc this was based on? Dude's role was basically to punch EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in sight while smiling, awkwardly stare at Wonder Woman, break someone's neck (where have I seen that before?) and then punch more things. What the hell? Plus George Newbern did voice acting in this movie... as Steve Trevor, not Clark. The hell?!

Jason O'Mara is still a terrible Batman. Flash was great but underused overall, Sean Astin as Shazam was fantastic casting in my opinion, WW's actress unfortunately slanted more towards the bad side... and Green Lantern's lines absolutely made the movie for me. Cyborg was okay too, though the dramatic dialogue with his dad could've been written a little better. 

It was nowhere near as good as Flashpoint Paradox, though I'd say it was about on par with Justice League: Doom from what I can remember - which is to say that it is fairly forgettable. 

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Yeah, Forever Evil has been dragging. It's a good read, but goddamn it keeps building things up and we've got four issues out and abunch of tie ins and really nothing to show for it so far besides the events of the first issue.

And I wasn't expecting much from JL: War since it wasn't a good story to begin with. Did the movie even have the scene where Batman takes off his cowl for no reason to try and rescue Superman from Apokalips? Because that scene in the comic drove me INSANE with how he basically does it from out of no where and it seems so un-Batman to just reveal his identity for no reason.

I Think I finally have one complaint about about Injustice. Well, two actually. One is Superman is waaaay too apologetic about his nonstop killing. If he's committed to beating the shit out of people by now, he should have a firm grasp of "Yup, that just happened." Also poor Kyle Rayner...

And CaptainJoel, why you no talk comics with us more?!
Sorry, I was gone for a couple of weeks and I just finally caught up with all my comics this week.

Now that I have....

Forever Evil is badass. Still going where I want it to. Same can be said for Cataclysm and Superior Spidey. Been reading Inhumanity tie ins and while I initially was excited by the premise, I'm becoming sick of it rather quickly. It's just not keeping my attention very well. The Superior tie in was well written and gorgeously illustrated, at least. Catching up on Deadpool since I was gone was major fun. Especially since they decided to add Scott Adsit (Pete from 30 Rock) in as an agent of Shield. That goes right up there with Professor Posehn, Colbert for President, and Hawkeye wearing mc chris shirts on the list of coolest things I've seen in comics.

I also watched Justice League: War earlier and I liked it. Green Lantern's voice acting was the worst, though. Justin Kirk's delivery was almost always off and his voice just did not fit well at all. Darkseid's voice acting came in a close second because of the heavy effects they put on it just made it sound like absolute horse shit. Overall, they did a great job adapting the first arc of New 52 JL (as well as including CM without making him feel shoehorned in) and I look forward to more. Especially if they can keep away from the Flashpoint art style. This looked miles better. Also, O'Mara has his moments of being a good Batman in this. I think that he should deliver a better performance in Son of Batman (which I am so goddamned excited for that it hurts).

And yes, Batman did have that moment where he takes off his mask to rescue Superman.

Outside of the usual stuff, I've been re-reading X-Force/X-Statix. I really wish Marvel would get serious about their animated movies and adapt it. I really think it would be a big hit and possibly even spawn a tv show. they even explain why in the JL:War would Batman ever take off his cowl? Or it kinda just happens and they figure you have to accept it?

Outside of the usual stuff, I've been re-reading X-Force/X-Statix. I really wish Marvel would get serious about their animated movies and adapt it. I really think it would be a big hit and possibly even spawn a tv show.
Still the best X anything from Marvel in the past decade or two. I Always wonder if Marvel didn't just yap their mouths to all media outlets about future big events if we'd have gotten "Di Another Day" story as intended. Plus I'd rather it be an Adult Swim type of cartoon series. I'd love to see the Allred's style animated and brought to life. That and that series had such fantastic one off issues and mini's that spawned off from it, that I'd love to see get the spotlight. Things like the Wolverine & Doop mini series animated would blow my brain out my goddamn skull.

Oh and welcome back.

Speaking of Posehn, he was on Comedy Central's @midnight a few days ago. they even explain why in the JL:War would Batman ever take off his cowl? Or it kinda just happens and they figure you have to accept it?
He gives a speech about how he and Green Lantern are the only "normal guys" out of the bunch, then removes his mask and tells Hal about his parents being murdered as well as his real name. Then he starts putting civilian clothes on for his Superman rescue.

It was a definite WTF moment. If it were anyone else, you could chalk it up to him feeling like it was only fair to reveal his identity since he knew Hal's name already... but this is Batman we're talking about here. they even explain why in the JL:War would Batman ever take off his cowl? Or it kinda just happens and they figure you have to accept it?

Still the best X anything from Marvel in the past decade or two. I Always wonder if Marvel didn't just yap their mouths to all media outlets about future big events if we'd have gotten "Di Another Day" story as intended. Plus I'd rather it be an Adult Swim type of cartoon series. I'd love to see the Allred's style animated and brought to life. That and that series had such fantastic one off issues and mini's that spawned off from it, that I'd love to see get the spotlight. Things like the Wolverine & Doop mini series animated would blow my brain out my goddamn skull.

Oh and welcome back.

Speaking of Posehn, he was on Comedy Central's @midnight a few days ago.
I agree on literally everything. I really wish we could have seen Di Another Day as originally intended. It would have been great. The show would do amazingly well on Adult Swim. I hope one day that something happens with it.

And I know! It was great!

He gives a speech about how he and Green Lantern are the only "normal guys" out of the bunch, then removes his mask and tells Hal about his parents being murdered as well as his real name. Then he starts putting civilian clothes on for his Superman rescue.

It was a definite WTF moment. If it were anyone else, you could chalk it up to him feeling like it was only fair to reveal his identity since he knew Hal's name already... but this is Batman we're talking about here.
I still think it was stupid. Mainly because Supes had already spoiled his identity.

I wish Superman hadn't seemed so douchey in this.

Forever Evil is alright. If not for Lex Luthor, the series would be a bust. And nothing has really happened since issue #1. Johns is pulling a Bendis and dragging this shit out. 

Don't judge Inhumanity yet. It's barely gotten started. Plus, the delays are partly Fraction's fault because he wanted to drop the book to focus on more creator-owned titles, so Marvel had to scramble to get a new writer (Charles Soule). And speaking of Soule, Swamp Thing is the best DC book on the market. 

He gives a speech about how he and Green Lantern are the only "normal guys" out of the bunch, then removes his mask and tells Hal about his parents being murdered as well as his real name. Then he starts putting civilian clothes on for his Superman rescue.

It was a definite WTF moment. If it were anyone else, you could chalk it up to him feeling like it was only fair to reveal his identity since he knew Hal's name already... but this is Batman we're talking about here.
The hell? Batman is not a normal guy when compared to Green Lantern. Hell, if there was a goddamn comparison between the both mentally, GL would be the only normal guy among the two. That's one scene that should've been left out since it can never make any sense.

And so far favorite thing I read this week is Deadly Class. That one is definitely going in the pull list.

Is that the new Remender Image book? I thought about getting it, but decided to pass since I already spent 50+ this week on comics.

I also managed to get a copy of All New X-Men 22.NOW (the first chapter of the Trial of Jean Grey cross over with GotG) that came with a giant three foot X-Men poster. Pretty rad. 

Yup. It's the new Remender hotness. The art and layout by Wes Craig make it worth it alone, but the concept and setting (which first issue relies heavily on lower income areas of Reagan's America in the 80's) has me interested in seeing where it'll go.

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The hell? Batman is not a normal guy when compared to Green Lantern. Hell, if there was a goddamn comparison between the both mentally, GL would be the only normal guy among the two. That's one scene that should've been left out since it can never make any sense.

And so far favorite thing I read this week is Deadly Class. That one is definitely going in the pull list.
Yeah, there truly is no way to make sense of it. It seemed to be intended as a "take away your ring, strip away my armor, we're the same" kind of speech but... even that doesn't work. Bruce still has all his crazy skills and martial arts prowess out of the batsuit. Hell, you could even argue that he could perform BETTER without an armored suit on. That's not even taking his mind and general thought processes into consideration, like you said.

Then again, dude could have just been trying to get Hal to slow his roll. He did get pummeled and broken just before Batman's speech, and was trying to go off on a lone suicide assault. I guess he was just pointing out that neither one of them were unbreakable. He could've done that with his mask on, though. *shrug*

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Hal Jordan came back to life because of Parallax and was The Spectre and his soul was brought back to his body by Ganthet. Bruce Wayne escaped death and went through time and space and back to his normal life because he's motherfucking Batman.

Plus Batman tried fighting Superman hours, maybe minutes earlier. The more we discuss this the less it makes sense.

I finished reading Wanted for the first time, I liked it overall. Although, based off it and Kick Ass, Mark Millar's writing seems a little too mean spirited for me.

Millar is actually capable of writing things that aren't overly cynical and have a positive message. Superior was basically his love letter to Christopher Reeves and the Superman films. Though for better or worse, Lenil Francis Yu was the artist on that one and he loves drawing tig ol bitties.

Otherwise 1985 is only other one I can think of. Supercrooks and The Secret Service are somewhere in that middle ground.

I Think it's possible to get past Lenil Francis Yu's ways of drawing women and enjoy that book. So I can endorse Superior and say give it a shot. Old Man Logan is basically a post apocalyptic western in a Marvel universe where the villains have won. If you enjoyed that sentence I just typed then I think you'll enjoy it, especially if you're a fan of Wolverine.

Old Man Logan is good. But Ultimates/Ultimates 2 will always be Millar's best work. Ultimates 2 is probably the best-written and developed comic from start to finish.

Yeah, there truly is no way to make sense of it. It seemed to be intended as a "take away your ring, strip away my armor, we're the same" kind of speech but... even that doesn't work. Bruce still has all his crazy skills and martial arts prowess out of the batsuit. Hell, you could even argue that he could perform BETTER without an armored suit on. That's not even taking his mind and general thought processes into consideration, like you said.

Then again, dude could have just been trying to get Hal to slow his roll. He did get pummeled and broken just before Batman's speech, and was trying to go off on a lone suicide assault. I guess he was just pointing out that neither one of them were unbreakable. He could've done that with his mask on, though. *shrug*
I remember you asking about the X comic heres a pic its dr.cain finding X I assume so it should be out soon hopefully


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I remember you asking about the X comic heres a pic its dr.cain finding X I assume so it should be out soon hopefully

Ah! Cool, thanks.

Yeah, I just subscribed through Atomic Empire. The February issue is the debut of X, so that'll be my first one. I don't know much about the original Mega Man but I'm hoping I'll be able to follow along with that part of the comic easily enough. Hopefully it won't be right in the middle of a story arc or something.

What I love is that from now on (or at least for the issues solicited so far) you can choose between a Mega Man cover or a X cover for each issue. I've gone ahead and selected the X covers. Really looking forward to it.

What I love is that from now on (or at least for the issues solicited so far) you can choose between a Mega Man cover or a X cover for each issue. I've gone ahead and selected the X covers. Really looking forward to it.
I mean you could get both. support archie comics. Not much to know. uh mega man is good, dr wily is bad

this is my favorite mega man cover reminds me of battle angel alita


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I Got an odd question that's been bugging me. I Haven't read any of the big X titles outside of Uncanny Avengers and I got to ask does Cyclops now shoot giant X shaped optic blasts at people because of his new hood, visor, mask or whatever you call it? A part of me is hoping he does and then says a one liner. Something like "X gets the square" or "Survey says...".

Eh, I gave up on AvX by the 4th issue so spoil away if you want. If you want to tell me it's because he's super ecstatic now from having his head hit by Thor's hammer and wants to share it with the world with giant X shaped optic blast wounds, I'd totally believe you as well.

I don't want to spoil too much but iron man tried to stop the phoenix force from entering earth he created a device to drain its power or something but instead it split into 5 people but since then the phoenix force has been extracted from them fucking with their powers each of them either got stronger or weaker, cyclops obviously got stronger because of it

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I was never a big fan of him but hes been pretty interesting these couple of years

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I Haven't read a story with Cyclops in a while, but I'll gladly take douchey Cyclops over younger Cyclops merely for the fact that his costume's color wasn't dependent on the first Skittles color he got out of a bag.

Really want to like Harley Quinn. I Enjoy the art by Hardin and I loved Conner and Palmiotti's Power Girl, but fuuuuck the writing feels so half assed with no real direction. Two issues in and I want to drop it, but I want to give it one more issue out of blind hope that it'll suddenly turn around. Can anyone write Harley Quinn besides Paul Dini? ANYONE?

Also I feel more excited about DC's live action TV projects a billion times more than Man of Steel 2/Batman vs. Superman/Justice League or whatever they're calling it.

bread's done