Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

Reading Harley Quinn #1 and man I hate Harley with bleached white skin, but I will admit I enjoy Harley's roller derby outfit far and away over her new 52 design.

So, I'm looking for a few opinions from you guys, if you don't mind. Comixology is having a DC graphic novel sale, and I'll definitely be getting Identity Crisis. I was just wondering about some of the other GNs:

Is Blackest Night enjoyable on its own, or do you have to have read the other Geoff Johns Green Lantern stories (Sinestro Corps War, etc.) to understand what's going on?

The first volume of Grant Morrison's JLA is a part of the sale. Is it recommended? I probably wouldn't be buying any further volumes since my monthly sub drains nearly all of my comic budget, so it'd have to be fairly self-contained too.

The Flash: Rebirth. Any good? I believe that I've heard some praise for it before, but I just don't know much about it. I am considering getting into Flash's New 52 series, so would I just be better off buying the first volume of that instead?

Reading Harley Quinn #1 and man I hate Harley with bleached white skin, but I will admit I enjoy Harley's roller derby outfit far and away over her new 52 design.
It's definitely a HUGE step in the right direction. I've only read the preview, though. Is the full issue any good?

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So, I'm looking for a few opinions from you guys, if you don't mind. Comixology is having a DC graphic novel sale, and I'll definitely be getting Identity Crisis. I was just wondering about some of the other GNs:

Is Blackest Night enjoyable on its own, or do you have to have read the other Geoff Johns Green Lantern stories (Sinestro Corps War, etc.) to understand what's going on?

The first volume of Grant Morrison's JLA is a part of the sale. Is it recommended? I probably wouldn't be buying any further volumes since my monthly sub drains nearly all of my comic budget, so it'd have to be fairly self-contained too.

The Flash: Rebirth. Any good? I believe that I've heard some praise for it before, but I just don't know much about it. I am considering getting into Flash's New 52 series, so would I just be better off buying the first volume of that instead?

It's definitely a HUGE step in the right direction. I've only read the preview, though. Is the full issue any good?
Blackest Night it's been awhile since I read it, but I think you can just pick it up and read it and you'll do fine. As long as you know or aware there are other ring's in the universe outside of Green and Yellow than I think you'll be okay.

Plus JLA by Morrison is totally worth it. It doesn't really get super heady like his stuff now and is just a damn good team comic.

Flash wise I think Rebirth helps alot more if you read prior Flash titles, specifically the Johns run seems to help the most. Even than it was a good mini series, but just personally I find Barry Allen so goddamn boring as a hero. Like his character is literally just do the right thing and not much inner conflict or whatever. So really if you want good Flash stuff read the stuff written by Waid, Morrison and Johns with Wally West, that was when I enjoyed the character the most.

As for Harley Quinn, issue one is literally nothing, but set up. With Harley getting a job and a new place and she has a talking beaver (yup, you read that right). Like it's too soon to tell if it'll end up turning bad, but I loved Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti's run on Power Girl before Winick shit all over it and took away the humor and fun from the book. Also Chad Hardin's art in is really good considering he still has work within the confines of the goddamn 52 redesign, but he tries to make it work so...based on team alone it has potential, but just first issue is nothing worth noting so far.

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You should get Blackest Night ASAP. DC's last great event. There are some really fantastic moments in the book. And some really fantastic pencils as well. 

So, I'm looking for a few opinions from you guys, if you don't mind. Comixology is having a DC graphic novel sale, and I'll definitely be getting Identity Crisis. I was just wondering about some of the other GNs:

Is Blackest Night enjoyable on its own, or do you have to have read the other Geoff Johns Green Lantern stories (Sinestro Corps War, etc.) to understand what's going on?

The first volume of Grant Morrison's JLA is a part of the sale. Is it recommended? I probably wouldn't be buying any further volumes since my monthly sub drains nearly all of my comic budget, so it'd have to be fairly self-contained too.

The Flash: Rebirth. Any good? I believe that I've heard some praise for it before, but I just don't know much about it. I am considering getting into Flash's New 52 series, so would I just be better off buying the first volume of that instead?

It's definitely a HUGE step in the right direction. I've only read the preview, though. Is the full issue any good?
I found Blackest Night pretty "meh", but isnt burdened with backstory you wouldnt understand by just reading it. My gripes were mainly "Now ______ is a ________ lantern!" in practically every issue.

Morrison JLA was amazing. Still my favorite JLA run.
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Wasnt thrilled with Flash: Rebirth as the most interesting thing about the story was the world it was set in, and too much of fleshing out the world was done in all the side books. Not terrible, but not great. Enjoyed the animated movie more.
I Think you're thinking Flashpoint.

Anyone here read the mega man comic? just me? alright
I have since issue #1. I like it, but I wouldn't recommend it to a non-Mega Man fan, but I would recommend it for kids. You can tell Flynn is a huge fan of the series with lots of easter eggs and references. It's not a heavy read, and rather innocent, which is sometimes a nice change of pace. Still it's predicable as hell.

Paul Rudd is going to be Ant Man AKA either Scott Lang or Hank Pym. In short, fuck yeah. Totally down for that.
Back when the rumor was that he and JGL were both in the run for that role, I was hoping for Rudd to be cast. I'm quite pleased that it turned out this way - no matter which version he plays.

Anyhoo, thanks for the opinions guys! Identity Crisis and Blackest Night will be the two I definitely download. I may even end up downloading JLA, I don't know.

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I Think the rumor is that Tony Stark's version of Jarvis (or Skynet, whatever) is going to be Ultron, so technically Pym may not be needed. Though it being Disney I also wouldn't be surprised if Pym is bumped merely because he's best known for beating his wife in the comics. So who knows, I'm kinda hoping for Lang also so they can say he has a daughter and possibly opens the door for a Young Avengers movie.

Yeah. Even though I'm not overly familiar with the story, I'd rather they stay truer to it but oh well.
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I think you guys are missing the fact that is could be Thanos creating Ultron, or at least laying the groundwork to corrupt Jarvis/Stark. Everything is working towards Thanos, so this is probably another one of his trump cards.

My brother and his wife bought me the newer The Death and Return of Superman omnibus that DC put out. It's funny how comic book writing has changed just since the early 90's - half of every page is made up of thought balloons!

A few things were pretty unexpected. Superman: Doomsday led me to believe that Lex Luthor was around during this story, and instead his son (who I knew nothing about) is standing in for him. I also don't have a clue what's going on with the shape-shifting Supergirl, but I'm not too worried about the how's or why's just yet. 

I'm enjoying it so far, though. Comics seemed to have a lot more meat to them back then, because it takes me at least twice as long to finish one of these issues compared to a recent one - and the same is true with Knightfall. Seeing Superman and Doomsday have one long, multi-issue fight could have been boring but I thought it was executed pretty well and, I'll admit, I teared up a bit at his "death" despite knowing how temporary it was - not to mention it never happened at all, thanks to the New 52.

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My brother and his wife bought me the newer The Death and Return of Superman omnibus that DC put out. It's funny how comic book writing has changed just since the early 90's - half of every page is made up of thought balloons!

A few things were pretty unexpected. Superman: Doomsday led me to believe that Lex Luthor was around during this story, and instead his son (who I knew nothing about) is standing in for him. I also don't have a clue what's going on with the shape-shifting Supergirl, but I'm not too worried about the how's or why's just yet.

I'm enjoying it so far, though. Comics seemed to have a lot more meat to them back then, because it takes me at least twice as long to finish one of these issues compared to a recent one - and the same is true with Knightfall. Seeing Superman and Doomsday have one long, multi-issue fight could have been boring but I thought it was executed pretty well and, I'll admit, I teared up a bit at his "death" despite knowing how temporary it was - not to mention it never happened at all, thanks to the New 52.
Lex Luthors son is still Lex Luthor. A year or so before The Death Of Superman, Lex found he was going to die due to kryptonite poisoning. He faked his own death and cloned a new body (and inserting his brain) tricking everyone into believing it was his son nobody knew about. This plays out in later years with the clone sickness, creation of Bizarro, Fall of Metropolis, and finally Underworld Unleashed where he receives a new body.

Matrix Supergirl was from another dimension I brlieve.. Never read that story fully to understand. She shapeshifted into different people trying to find her place in the world when Superman finally helped her settle into Supergirl. Then Lex manipulated her into helping him protect Metropolis.

And I agree with the meaty reads. Its easy to see the old and new style of writers. Old school writers still cram in tons of stuff to read, and its funny to see it crop up when it does. New school usually gets to the point and dont flush out conversations between characters as much.
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Lex Luthors son is still Lex Luthor. A year or so before The Death Of Superman, Lex found he was going to die due to kryptonite poisoning. He faked his own death and cloned a new body (and inserting his brain) tricking everyone into believing it was his son nobody knew about. This plays out in later years with the clone sickness, creation of Bizarro, Fall of Metropolis, and finally Underworld Unleashed where he receives a new body.

Matrix Supergirl was from another dimension I brlieve.. Never read that story fully to understand. She shapeshifted into different people trying to find her place in the world when Superman finally helped her settle into Supergirl. Then Lex manipulated her into helping him protect Metropolis.

And I agree with the meaty reads. Its easy to see the old and new style of writers. Old school writers still cram in tons of stuff to read, and its funny to see it crop up when it does. New school usually gets to the point and dont flush out conversations between characters as much.
Ah, I suspected as much! I wouldn't have guessed all of that mess about growing a new clone body (although it's comics, so I suppose I should've known) but I did have a feeling that it was the Lex Luthor - what with his outrage at Doomsday killing Superman and all. That's hilarious, though! Dude was definitely compensating for something with that wild Lion's mane and beard.

Nowadays writers seem to let the art do most of the talking, which I like. Example: Superman and Doomsday punch each other so hard that the force from the impact shatters every window on a skyscraper. That image alone would have been enough, but then they had a civilian under the shards of glass shout "Look at that! Those two hit each other so hard, all the glass is shattering! Whoa!"

So there's a lot of redundant dialogue, but it does have a certain charm to it.

That's one reason why I can't pick up old comics and read it. Comics from the 80s and 90s are riddled with thought bubbles.
Matrix Supergirl was from another dimension I brlieve.. Never read that story fully to understand. She shapeshifted into different people trying to find her place in the world when Superman finally helped her settle into Supergirl. Then Lex manipulated her into helping him protect Metropolis.
Yep, Matrix was from the Pocket Universe (one of DC's zillion attempts to fix continuity errors they had created). She was a creation of that universe's Lex Luthor (who was a hero), which is why she has a soft spot for Luthor and works with him.

Has anyone been reading the new X-Files comic? I'm considering dropping one of my currents subs to buy the X-Files Conspiracy crossover, but I'm assuming you have to have read the main series (which I planned on doing eventually anyway) to be up to speed. Last time I checked the Lone Gunmen were still dead, after all.

And thanks for the Supergirl info, by the way! I never knew about that version. It's a little odd, but interesting as well.

I read the first four issues of the new X-Files comic. It has some of the charisma and flair that the TV show had, but sometimes the characters felt really different from their TV counterparts. Also, the art is pretty bad at certain times. I'm going to buy the TBPs, though.

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I read the first four issues of the new X-Files comic. It has some of the charisma and flair that the TV show had, but sometimes the characters felt really different from their TV counterparts. Also, the art is pretty bad at certain times. I'm going to buy the TBPs, though.
Ah. Yeah, the art is what made me decide not to sub from the start. I saw the preview for #1 and really didn't dig the look. Mulder and Scully sounding like themselves is the most important part, though, so if they don't have that nailed down then I guess I'll keep skipping it.

I'll look for some reviews and decide whether or not to buy the first TPB. I still watch certain episodes of the tv series from time to time. The overall mythology was garbage but, dammit, I loved the show anyway.

So... is Marvel actively trying to ruin Wolverine? I was cool with so many stories being put out to build upon his origin, as bad as most of them were. I was even slightly interested (but ultimately couldn't invest) in the "killable" storyline despite the fact that Daniel Way did the EXACT SAME STORY (even down to the being afraid to shave bit) with Deadpool 2-3 years ago.
But taking away his claws, and replacing them with wearable versions?

Now I'm reminded why I only buy Thunderbolts and Deadpool from Marvel. I used to read Spider-Man and Wolverine comics religiously a few years ago - but while I somewhat regret not buying into the Superior Spider-Man storyline, their handling of Wolverine just looks terrible to an outsider looking in. Has any of it been any good recently? I'm genuinely curious.       

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So... is Marvel actively trying to ruin Wolverine? I was cool with so many stories being put out to build upon his origin, as bad as most of them were. I was even slightly interested (but ultimately couldn't invest) in the "killable" storyline despite the fact that Daniel Way did the EXACT SAME STORY (even down to the being afraid to shave bit) with Deadpool 2-3 years ago.
But taking away his claws, and replacing them with wearable versions?

Now I'm reminded why I only buy Thunderbolts and Deadpool from Marvel. I used to read Spider-Man and Wolverine comics religiously a few years ago - but while I somewhat regret not buying into the Superior Spider-Man storyline, their handling of Wolverine just looks terrible to an outsider looking in. Has any of it been any good recently? I'm genuinely curious.
So...comic book Wolverine's powers are that he looks like a short Hugh Jackman now basically?

So...comic book Wolverine's powers are that he looks like a short Hugh Jackman now basically?
I guess.

In other news: Deadpool is getting married. It was pretty obvious from the get-go with those teasers Marvel was putting out, but it's still not something i expected to be done. Should be interesting, particularly with Duggan and Posehn involved.

I'm just not sure how I feel about the main series and the digital series leading in and out of each other once Deadpool Infinity launches. Supposedly you won't have to read both to stay informed, but we'll see about that.

Now I'm reminded why I only buy Thunderbolts and Deadpool from Marvel. I used to read Spider-Man and Wolverine comics religiously a few years ago - but while I somewhat regret not buying into the Superior Spider-Man storyline, their handling of Wolverine just looks terrible to an outsider looking in. Has any of it been any good recently? I'm genuinely curious.
For Superior Spider-man, not really. They did reintroduce Spider-Man 2099(in the present now) back in the Marvel Universe although about 3-4 months ago. They're basically doing a retread right now where
the Venom symbiote has bonded with Parker/Otto, thus making him Superior Venom. Which they're at the point where the Avengers are going to intervene

As for Wolverine, I read the issues where he lost his healing powers. Although it's in the most moronic way, even that "Curse of the Mutants" story did a better way to explain shutting down his healing factor. Haven't got to them
removing his claws yet
, although it'll probably be in a stupidly explained way too.

At this point, it seems like they're trying to see how low they can go with these two. Althought some consider the late 90's to be bad for both series(Ben Reilly as Spider-man, Wolverine losing his adamantium), I still prefer that compared to what they're doing right now.

The cover to Forever Evil #4 is a reminder why I don't enjoy Finch's artwork, not a bad issue otherwise, but I do like how they're taking their sweet ass time in having the Justice League make a comeback.

Also fuuuuck I enjoyed the hell out of Injustice #12, though I still wish they'd just settle on one artist instead of constantly switching off, which is the only downfall in the book.

Avengers #24 felt like it should've been a free comic book day comic with a quick threat that's easily disposed of and only the last two pages matter. New Avengers #13...what the fuck happened to Bianchi's art? He use to draw so ridiculously pretty, but Jesus it's like he wrapped his hand over someone else's and tries drawing that way. His art distracted me from what the fuck was going on in the book, which was already confusing as is.

I enjoyed Bianchi's art just fine in NA13.INH, but you can tell there has been a drop off to his former stuff. However, these books have all been hit with delays and substitutions because Fraction dropped Inhuman for some reason and they had to replace him and delay the event nearly four months. 

I'm digging Forever Evil (which has also been hit by delays) and if anything should come from this event, it needs to be a Geoff Johns-scribed Lex Luthor/Bizarro book.

I may also drop Justice League Dark even though it's been by far my favorite Justice League book. I absolutely hate it when DC does these mini-events that take place across multiple books. The Blight event sounds interesting in theory, but I don't read Constantine or the Trinity of Sin books. I'll either drop it or wait until the event runs its course. 

I ended up cancelling my JL 3,000 sub in favor of X-Files Conspiracy after all. Once I saw those tabloid variant covers, I knew I at least had to own the first one mentioning the return of the Lone Gunmen. I can't buy all of the variants, of course, because that would be insanely pricey... but I may get the one for TMNT if it is as great as the ones for Conspiracy #1 and Ghostbusters: Conspiracy #1. They are absolutely beautiful.

For Superior Spider-man, not really. They did reintroduce Spider-Man 2099(in the present now) back in the Marvel Universe although about 3-4 months ago. They're basically doing a retread right now where
the Venom symbiote has bonded with Parker/Otto, thus making him Superior Venom. Which they're at the point where the Avengers are going to intervene

As for Wolverine, I read the issues where he lost his healing powers. Although it's in the most moronic way, even that "Curse of the Mutants" story did a better way to explain shutting down his healing factor. Haven't got to them
removing his claws yet
, although it'll probably be in a stupidly explained way too.

At this point, it seems like they're trying to see how low they can go with these two. Althought some consider the late 90's to be bad for both series(Ben Reilly as Spider-man, Wolverine losing his adamantium), I still prefer that compared to what they're doing right now.
See, I've heard mixed reactions about Superior Spider-Man - but I heard enough positives that I actually regret not following it, although I've got about 7 or 8 Amazing Spider-Man hardcovers (from the end of The Gauntlet to The Return of Anti-Venom, I think? Plus Spider Island.) that I still haven't read.

I've heard nothing really about Wolverine, except for how ridiculously bad the shaving scenes were after he lost his healing factor. Did I make the right call by avoiding it then? Like I said, I was initially curious but then I just ended up spending the money elsewhere. Sabretooth's involvement is what nearly pushed me back into buying Wolverine comics.

I didn't know about the Deadpool wedding. I wonder if they will try to go semi-serious with it, or is it going to be an April Fools thing.

Looking at the promo image for it I'll toss out a few possibilities (if they are going serious)

- Elektra (Red Hulk and Venom are there, but no Punisher or Elektra)

- Outlaw (she seemed to be one of the only characters in recent history to actually like DP) 

- Copycat (other character to genuinely like him, but she has probably been dead so long they wouldn't bring her back)

- Death (always a possibility, but I feel like they've kind of played this one out enough for the time being)

I didn't know about the Deadpool wedding. I wonder if they will try to go semi-serious with it, or is it going to be an April Fools thing.

Looking at the promo image for it I'll toss out a few possibilities (if they are going serious)

- Elektra (Red Hulk and Venom are there, but no Punisher or Elektra)

- Outlaw (she seemed to be one of the only characters in recent history to actually like DP)

- Copycat (other character to genuinely like him, but she has probably been dead so long they wouldn't bring her back)

- Death (always a possibility, but I feel like they've kind of played this one out enough for the time being)
Supposedly the image/cover has absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming story and is solely meant as a spoof for the Spidey/MJ wedding event.

The bride's bouquet is still interesting, however, considering it takes up the image of a skull. And even though the characters in the image were supposedly drawn without any real purpose, there supposedly is a large number of (currently) dead characters in the stadium. I haven't been keeping up with the Marvel universe so I really couldn't point out who.

Supposedly the image/cover has absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming story and is solely meant as a spoof for the Spidey/MJ wedding event.

The bride's bouquet is still interesting, however, considering it takes up the image of a skull. And even though the characters in the image were supposedly drawn without any real purpose, there supposedly is a large number of (currently) dead characters in the stadium. I haven't been keeping up with the Marvel universe so I really couldn't point out who.
Even when trying to keep up with the Marvel universe I don't know who is dead or alive. Maybe the image has nothing to do with what actually happens but it seems strange with no Punisher/Elektra with the current Thunderbolts run and their "love triangle".

Speaking of dead characters. Puck is currently with the X-force. Wasn't he dead and trapped in hell. Last I saw he failed escaping hell but maybe had taken over with the Devil's (or was it Wolverine's) magical sword. Also wasn't Sabertooth trapped down there (or was that one of the clones).

Looking at the image closer, maybe Copycat is in there, unless it is another greyskinned mutant girl I don't recognize.

Maybe it will be DP's first wife who may or may not be his wife since he may or may not be Wade Wilson. She was resurrected and came back with magical powers during the first DP series. I'm joking with this since she hasn't been seen, mentioned or ever spoken of since. I think they have steered away from that origin story anyways.

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Sales and Statistics of 2013 are out. Image had the best selling single issue (Walking Dead 115) and Graphic Novel (Saga volume 1), but Marvel led in both dollar and unit share by 3% over DC. 

Even when trying to keep up with the Marvel universe I don't know who is dead or alive. Maybe the image has nothing to do with what actually happens but it seems strange with no Punisher/Elektra with the current Thunderbolts run and their "love triangle".

Speaking of dead characters. Puck is currently with the X-force. Wasn't he dead and trapped in hell. Last I saw he failed escaping hell but maybe had taken over with the Devil's (or was it Wolverine's) magical sword. Also wasn't Sabertooth trapped down there (or was that one of the clones).

Looking at the image closer, maybe Copycat is in there, unless it is another greyskinned mutant girl I don't recognize.

Maybe it will be DP's first wife who may or may not be his wife since he may or may not be Wade Wilson. She was resurrected and came back with magical powers during the first DP series. I'm joking with this since she hasn't been seen, mentioned or ever spoken of since. I think they have steered away from that origin story anyways.
Yeah, it's tough to know what Deadpool's exact origin is now after The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. I seem to recall that even T-Ray may not have ever existed, and was just one of the many simulated memories that was implanted into Wade's head.

Also, I've not spotted Copycat yet in that image, although there are two versions - the first had a lot of color errors on the various character's costume. Scarlet Spider was wearing Peter's classic red and blue, for example.

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Yeah, it's tough to know what Deadpool's exact origin is now after The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. I seem to recall that even T-Ray may not have ever existed, and was just one of the many simulated memories that was implanted into Wade's head.

Also, I've not spotted Copycat yet in that image, although there are two versions - the first had a lot of color errors on the various character's costume. Scarlet Spider was wearing Peter's classic red and blue, for example.
I found a list of who everyone was online and who I thought was Copycat was Black Swan from the one of the recent Avengers storylines.

I also always think T-Ray is named T-Pain. Deadpool should have to fight T-Pain.

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Saw an article that the Ultimate line is staying around, which I'm glad to hear. That is the line that got me into comics a few years back and wasn't looking forward to losing it. I've kept up with it even through the crap it's peddled over the years. Have the complete universe either in TPB or Hardcover, depending upon which version it was sold. Also seeing Miles stick around is good.

Saw an article that the Ultimate line is staying around, which I'm glad to hear. That is the line that got me into comics a few years back and wasn't looking forward to losing it. I've kept up with it even through the crap it's peddled over the years. Have the complete universe either in TPB or Hardcover, depending upon which version it was sold. Also seeing Miles stick around is good.

Saw an article that the Ultimate line is staying around, which I'm glad to hear. That is the line that got me into comics a few years back and wasn't looking forward to losing it. I've kept up with it even through the crap it's peddled over the years. Have the complete universe either in TPB or Hardcover, depending upon which version it was sold. Also seeing Miles stick around is good.
It helped me get back into comics. The first graphic novel/comic I bought since I was a little kid was Ghost Rider: Vicious Cycle back in '06 or '07, whenever the movie came out. Then I bought the first Ultimate Spider-Man tpb, got hooked, and ended up buying the following six after that and then volume one of Ultimates. That's where I stopped, though, and didn't really jump into monthly comics until One More Day/Brand New Day started.

I don't know, eventually the Ultimate Universe just... started to look like a slow-motion train wreck to me. I always intended to jump back into it, but then Jeph Loeb dove in and... well, I couldn't even be bothered to keep up with the wikis anymore.

There have been times that I've wanted to punt the entire line out the door, but for the most part Ultimate Spider-man has always kept me with it. It's been the most consistent title throughout the line, even with the changeover in Spidey's. My biggest complaint with is that it starts off some universe wide story that could have real promise then they just drop the ball, of course it's not like the main line is devoid of that. Just frustrating to see.
I'm interested to see where they go with the three new books: Miles Morales - Ultimate Spiderman, All New Ultimates, and Ultimate FF. I'm more interested in the All-New Ultimates as it's going to be the teen super heroes and it'll be fun to see what they do with that considering half of the roster was introduced/involved with Ultimate Peter Parker at some point. Anytime you can get Kitty away from the at times god awful Ultimate X-men, it's a good thing.


I'm more excited for new Doop series since I LOOOOVE X-Force/X-Statix. To this day it's still my favorite X anything from Marvel.

Just finished reading Detective Comics #27.


Anyone else DYING to see Snyder flesh out some of the stuff he showed off in "27"? I mean, DUDE... just the concept itself is crazy but awesome at the same time, despite likely negating Terry McGinnis' existence - but then they go and show us something like a Mad Max-style Batman and Robin? Or Batman and Robin (featuring the black Robin which Snyder teased and completely overhyped considering he was, sadly, in one panel) on hoverboards? I want to see MORE of those two eras especially, but hell, I'd be interested in reading all of those incarnations they showed.

Gothtopia was surprisingly good too, particularly the art. I loved how Batman's suit was so similar to the Arkham Origins version, just obviously much lighter in color. And am I the only one who cracked up at Catwoman functioning (and dressing up) as his Robin? Catbird is a terribly stupid name, but I wouldn't mind if the concept stuck around.    


Son of Batman #3. Just when I think the mini can't get any worse, Damian suffers brain damage and starts holding complete conversations with a cat on a regular basis.

One more issue. One more issue. Still a chance for a somewhat decent finale... but as soon as I read it, these four comics are going up on ebay. No way in hell are they staying in my collection.

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bread's done