dashboard feature: instant atmosphere
I'd like to walk in the room, turn on just my 360 and hear some music. I would like to see a feature that lets you setup your 360 to start playing a song, artist, album or playlist straight through or on random when powering on.
fantasy acheivement:
weekend warrior (or how i learned to stop socializing and love the joypad): minus 100 points
awarded in any game by playing more hours than not on Sat and Sun evening
Me likey PGR4. Thanks for the shows -JC
edit: can't wait to accept my prize on the first live CAGcast!
I would like to see the IPTV included in the Dashboard update. I have a 120GB hard drive and cable is not available at my house. I am very interested to see if you can subscribe to just one channel for a flat fee.
I would like PGR4 if I win!
Dashboard update: Internet Browser or RSS Feed Reader
Achivement: Monogamy - Play a game at least once a day for 10 days straight and play no other games for that period of time.
Achievement: You killed [random internet celebrity]! for any game (I'm gunnin's for ya, Cheapy)
Dashboard Update: Ability to buy achievement points. I don't want it, but it's free money on Microsoft's part, plus you can weed out the losers that care about points and the ones that just play a lot.
Achievement: CAGsplosion! - 50 pts - Kill someone with a rocket luancher in Halo 3 while listnening to a CAGcast.
Dashboard: a way to open the disc tray while there is a game inside it. That way my lazy ass can just make my brother change out the discs while i'm playing.
Either COD4 or PGR4 would be awesome.
Achievement: Seriously, You're Still Playing This? - Play Gears of War on Live a year after its release, when Halo 3, COD4, and many other great games are out.
Dashboard Update: A more organizable friends list (groups, aliases, etc.).
I want COD4! So I won't have to go to CC for that one deal! Hehe.
Fantasy Achievment: 5 nerd points each time you get to talk to "Max" at xbox support to wait for a coffin
Dashboard update: Subscription plan for XBLA pay X amount extra to your Gold membership and be able to download and play full XBLA games as long as you are logged in to your account
What would I like in the new dashboard update is to preivew pictures and Themes before buying the wrong theme or pic witch you don't want,witch happen to me several times
for a fantasy achievement:Teabag At least 1000 players on Halo 3
Dashboard update: Along with many other people, I'd LOVE to get 16:10 monitor support (1650x1080). I run my 360 and PS3 to my monitor, for HD, and have to "suffer" with the edges of the screen cut off. Not a huge deal, but using the native resolution would make things look a lot nicer.
If I happen to win, I hope it's PGR4! (I already have CoD4)
May as well throw in an achievement too...
Achievement Unlocked (50g): Get to the Choppa! - Got to the choppa!