CONTEST: Win a Winning Eleven 7 (PS2) prize package

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)

1st Prize is a Winning Eleven 7 prize package which includes:
WE7 game for the PS2
WE7 poster
WE7 soccer jersey.

2nd Prize is CheapyD's used copy of Winning Eleven 6 (PS2)

Simply post on this thread any soccer experiences you may have and/or why you want to win this contest.

Contest ends 2/17/04 at 12:01 AM EST, the day of the release of Winning Eleven 7.

One entry per user, winner will be chosen at random.
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I wanna win because my brother is obsessed with Sega Soccer Slam and I wanna show him what a real Soccer game is like.
i have testicular problems due to being ran over by a bike and need something to comfort me while i lay on the couch and hold cold beers on my crotch eating cheetos...the view and martha stewert magazine can only go so far
I think I should win for what soccer has done to me. Back when i was a wee youngin, I was playin soccer, and I ended up slipping on wet grass, flat on my back, and broke my back. It took about 2 years to heal from that incident... I still love the sport, watch the World Cup religiously! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease help me get a new game! i haven't gotten a new ps2 game since Amplitude (march '03)

i was a coach for the c-squad back in high school. the c-squad was for all the kids who wanted to play soccer, but either couldn't or didn't want to make jv or varsity. bunch of god damn slackers, just like me. i sucked at soccer, but i was a hell of a coach. you can always make up for ignorance with push-ups and laps liberally assigned. when i was a wee sophomore on the c-squad we made t-shirts to support or scrimmage teams. on the back was the faculty coach's face, smiling apocalyptically. a beautiful thing. i still have the shirt ten years later.

oh and this year is my turn to buy the soccer game. my friends and i alternate. my boy jonny bought we6, it's now my turn to buy we7. and i, my brothers, am a cheap ass gamer. free sounds about right to me.
reprezent zent.
cheers on the gtn event the other night. i shouldn't have brought a girl with me though. the selection there was so damn nice.
I would like to win this game because I used to play soccer and enjoy the sport. I also used to have Internation Superstar Soccer '98 for N64 and I haven't had another soccer game since.... Plus I never win anything!
My most memorable soccer experience was when Keira Knightley's face adorned the screen when I was watching Bend It Like Beckham.

It should be illegal to look that fine.
Personally I love soccer and enjoy watching the world cup with my dad whenever it comes around. As a kid I used to play it every single day when I lived in Honduras (Central America). I also attended a pro soccer game in Honduras, although we had to leave early due to the rowdy crowd, they can get pretty crazy down there.
Man, do I love soccer. I've been playing for years. I remember one time I got the wind knocked out of me when someone kicked the ball in my stomach. Directly. :oops:
I've been playing on soccer teams since I was a youngin' . Cep't back then, I had to walk eight miles, IN THE SNOW, to play it, butt naked too. Nowadays people play soccer on "video games" ... pshhh. I think I deserve this game because of the many years of freezing my schtuff :shock: off (in the snow) while playing some good ol' soccer.

This game will help me feed my family of thirteen and help me put them through college. You wouldn't want to deprieve my children of their edumacation would you?
I want to win this contast, because I have never played any of the previous six installments.

And... becuase of my lack of knowledge of the sport. See, my girlfriend is Colombian and she played soccer in high school. Today, she likes to sit down and watch matches from her home country. I just recently got her into video games, so I figure let's put 2 and 2 together. If I win I would burn the game out playing with her and her brother (he is 17, and also likes soccer) From what I have seen the game is very good , which, I feel would allow us to play on a frequent basis. Oh and if I do win I will post a pic of my girl in her soccer uni ;)

Thanks for the oppurtunity Cheapy!
I've played soccer my whole life. Or football as it should be called. Ever since school I was in different teams. Now that I'm in college I only play on Sundays with some friends and family. I've had multiple ankle injuries(they're screwed up) because of my love for the game. Simply put, I just don't know when to stop. =p

I'm from Costa Rica, where we breath football. I love Real Madrid and Zinedine Zidane. My favorite players of All Time are Franco Baresi(Il Capitano) and Marco van Basten. Kaka will be the best in the world in a few years and Costa Rica will win the 2006 WC in Germany. :D

I own every Winning Eleven released. Over here in Latin America it's an obsession. Everyone plays it day and night because it's the greatest gift God could ever give us. =p

In short, the Winning Eleven games are the greatest form of entertainment ever created. 8)
I think I have the biggest leg (not the longest :cry: ) in the world. I am not fat at all but the legs are huge. I used to play soccer, and people always laugh at my huge legs (in a good way). I am fine with that because it actually helps with playing soccer, and my teammates think so too.
My soccer experience first started in the 3rd grade when we had a side out and I threw the ball in underhand and they told me only toss in overhead I was like your stupid I throw it in however i want, then I got in trouble and had to sit out the rest of the game haha.

The only soccer game I vividly remember playing is Neo Geo's Soccer Brawl. SNK had sponsored a 3 day video game tournament at the University of Notre Dame my sophomore year there. After a couple of grueling days competing against tons of other students in various games, I ended up playing Soccer Brawl in the Finals vs some guy who was a pro at Soccer Brawl in the Student Union arcade. I spent about 2 bucks practing the night before, and I ended up beating him something like 5-2. :) I took home a brand new Neo Geo Gold System and got my picture in EGM. If you have the issue with SNES Turtles in Time on the cover, I'm in there near the Reader's section!

I'd like to win the big prize since I didn't make the cut to be on the high school team, and have been missing soccer ever since. My thumbs are much more coordinated than my feet ever were! I'll show that @sshole coach!

Oh wait, he won't care... :cry:
Just got signed up with CAG! This is really cool. My niece is a BIGTIME soccer player and fan. This game would be a Kickin' gift for her! Thanks for the consideration.
I want to win because soccer is the greatest game on Earth and I am to cheap ass to go buy WE7 until the price drops. All of my life, I have participated in soccer. I love to play on my Playstation almost as much as in real life. The Playstation also gives my two eldest children (8 and 5) a fighting chance at winning. If I won this game, it might almost make up for missing out on World Cup tickets when I lived in Japan. Yep, that sucked! Ciao, MO
My soccer memory is that I liked to play defense the best because it afforded me as much time to laze around as I wanted. Kick the ball away and then take it easy...
Why wouldn't I want to win the game?
I want to win becuase me and my brother love soccer games.

My best soccer memory is when I scored a hat trick (3 goals) in one game in my local soccer playoffs.
Although I'm not the best at the actual game, I have become quite fond of the video game version of the World's most popular sport. Most of my experience is with the FIFA licensed games, but I have heard great things about Winning Eleven and look forward to playing it--and a free copy of it would be even better.
Also, I make it a point to beat my friend at least once a week in FIFA. Another game to prove my gaming dominance is always welcome
I play soccer for my school, and hae been playing all my life. When I was younger, in u10-13 league, I was in the game and the ref was a kid(about 17 years old). I was playing defence(favorite position) and the other team was pressing in. They came near me, I steal the ball, then do whats natural, kick it. Well, i should have looked before I kicked because the ref was right infront of me and the ball nailed him right in the groin!

He bent over in pain, but the ball rolled back to me, KICK! The ball hit him in the butt and the kid fell over. Everyone stopped playing. At fisrt he laughed with everyone, but in a few seconds(when the pain registered) he started to cry. I felt bad for the guy, and I hope he can have children.

i would love to have this game, I hear great things about it and I could really use having a new soccer game! The last one that I got and enjoyed was World Cup for NES.
Well my favorite soccer experience was playing Fifa 2004 all night long until i was ranked 198 in the world with a record of 63-8-10. I was crazy, switching off sleeping time with my best friend. We are both the self-proclaimed kings of soccer video gameing. I would like this game because it is way better than FIFA or anything else gameplay-wise and i have been playing soccer games since World League Soccer on Super Nintendo.
1. I like free games.
2. My little girl just finished up her first season of soccer and I must say it's pretty fun to watch.
3. I really like free games.
I 'm always watching soccer on TV or lookin it up on the internet. My favorite team is Manchester United (my pops likes Arsenal), even though Beckham left. I played last years version of this game and because of it, I can't go back to Fifa anymore. This game is great and way more realistic and challanging.
My brother owns Winning Eleven 6 and is a huge soccer fan. My favorite experience is playing International Superstar Soccer '98 for the N64. It was my first soccer game I owned and was great.

I want to win this contest for him, he loves Winning Eleven 6 and probably does not even know 7 is coming out so I would like to surprise him.
Only time I really played real-life soccer was intramurals in college. "How hard could a header be?" I asked myself. I've hit headers all my life in videogame soccer, I said to myself. So the first time I tried a header, the ball hit me flush in the face. I've stuck to videogame soccer since.
Simply put-I loved last years game and am looking forward to 02/17/04! I'd love to win this package and will be keeping my fingers crossed!
OHHH>. my goood ness.. winning eleven 6 is like milky heaven to me and my college chums every time we play it .. its like we go to war.. my best friend always pics france and i always pic argentina.. and its increidble.

last night we were up to 5:30 in the morning playing and its addictive. if you don't have a soccer game.. get one.. we play this more than basketball and any other sport.

winningg eleven has easily become the top of the games that i have..

anyways last night it was a tied.. score.. 15 minutes left in the second half.. he tries to attack.. and kelly gonzales stripps the ball and long pass down to 2 attackers.. cladio and some other guy i can't quite remember.

the other guy heads it way.. from the right and claudio heads it to win the match.. oh. my goood.. what a gooall.. what a goallllll.. the room went crasy.....with winning eleven 7.. the gods shall decend to watch us battle to the death.. and truel then shall we say.. "we who are about to die sollute you".LOL (thats fron gladiator incase anyone didn't recognize)
Why I want this game...hmm, better way to say is why DONT I want this game. I have heard that Winning Eleven 7 is easily the best footie game EVER. More can I say than that? I loved Winning Eleven 6 and if, somehow, WE7 is even better, I simply MUST own this game. I have enjoyed soccer my entire life, however without have a local team to play on, I can only get my fix by playing soccer video games. WE6 was insanley awesome. And WE7 is better. This is a NEED for me to have. Please, I ask, no, I BEG of you, to please give me this game.
I'd like to win this package because I absolutely love the sport that I've been playing since I was 4 and I watch the Mexican, Argentine, and English leaugues. With this game I know I can edit my own game the way i always wanted.

A good soccer experience I had is when my first high school game in which team was losing 2-0 by the half and then one of our midfielders scored a goal from at least 20 yards. Then I got substituted in as a forward (Natural pos.) and scored one goal right away then I had penalty but missed so I was really devasted but I still kept my head up until we finally had a great run as the ball was in my control I ran as fast as I could to outrun the defender and by luck I just happen to barely see my teammate at the corner of my eye. as the goalie was trying to stop me I passed the ball right away and we scored for the tie. It made our rivals pissed off so much one of them fouled one of my teammates so hard he was ejected and later I scored another with pure ease and my friend even scored another for us so at the end the score was 4-2 as we scored 4 goals in the second half.
I was like 8 years old playing soccer and my coach put me as goalie. I never played goalie before, and when I tried to drop-kick the ball it went backwards over my head and scored for the other team. So I started crying and my coach put in a new goalie.
I want to win this contest simply because every I soccer isn't really my sport to watch nor to play(school or league). But it's actually quite entertaining playing on the console. After playing FIFA, I was pretty much hooked. It might be strange liking a soccer game but refusing to play or watch a REAL soccer game, but hey, that just proves that these games aren't too bad. So all in all, I want to win this contest because I love soccer video games, just something about them that keeps you playing and playing. At least scoring isn't as easy(in comparison to basketball).

NOTE: It's funny how some people's first posts come from this topic lol.
I want to win this contest because winning 11 is the best soccer game for consoles. Fifa was really good but after i played a friends winning 11 6 game ive switched from a fifa fan to 11 fan.

Pick me !!
I Love soccer. The speed the intensity and the games. I love soccer games. The good ones are enjoyable but the best ones are amazing conveying the same sense of speed and intensity as can be found at the soccer field. I play soccer every thursday with my friends for hours. Ive been to a worldcup. And i follow womens soccer as well. The reason i want this game is to add to my kingdom of soccer paraphinalia and games. Pick me please!!
I want to win because I love soccer so much and I also love video games so it = a perfect match
I use to play soccer when I was 15. During one game, i accidentally got a fowl that cost our team the game so one of my teammates dads just walked up to me, kicked me in the crotch, and left.
Anyway, I hope to win this contest because I love "football" (aka soccer) and I have been playing Konami soccer games since ISS 64. As for soccer stories I played soccer for six years before quitting to play ice hockey. Then is college I started playing intramural soccer again but as a goal keeper. My first game back I played to a 1-1 tie against the eventual tourament winners. Made 7 saves. My second game posted by first win ever as a GK with a shutout. Since then, I can't get enough football in my life.
I've always been terrible at soccer but I played it a lot when I was a kid, mainly because I avoided football and baseball like the plague. I had a friend in middle who was a huge enthusiust of the sport, though. After, one game in particular, he ended up doing major damage to his knee. He was stuck on crutches for two years while they did exploratory surgery on his knee. He used to hobble around, hitting people in the groin randomly and they couldn't do anything because he was crippled. I think it was the best time of his life. He even invented a bizarre dance where he would lift both legs off the ground and walkin circles as if on stilts. We would try to trip him as he did this but this only led to us being repeatedly hit in the crotch. He still plays soccer, despite the fact his knee swells with fluid to about the size of a softball by the end of the game. As long as it keeps him happy I have no objection. I just hope he doesn't get put back on crutches again. I still want to have children someday.
I have always hated watching soccer on TV, until in 2000 the US women's team beat China in a shootout (you know, when Brandy Chastain took her shirt off). For some reason I watched that game from beginning to end. I think the fierce, competitive nature of that game drew me in. Since that game I have not watched another soccer match on TV. Why? I think soccer as a spectator sport suck. But playing it is fun as heck. Soccer video games I do not have too much experience in. Heck, no experience. I think if I won Winning Eleven 7 I would come to appreciate the fine nature of soccer. But maybe not. In either case I know I would enjoy WE7 because I'm not watching it, I'm playing it.
I remember playing soccer in high school gym class. I was damn good. I loved impressing my classmates, teachers (and even myself) every time I played, even though I was a sports-lovin' tomboy who excelled in many sports. The fact that I'm female probably added to the allure, for this was LONG before the days of women's pro basketball and soccer leagues. I definitely had the respect of the girls AND the boys. I remember one boy excitedly saying "you scored a hat trick!" And even though I had NO idea what that meant, I giddily high-fived him anyway (never a hockey fan, it would be years before I learned what that term meant!)

Now it's 20 years later...and I'm far removed from my tomboy days....but I will always fondly remember the admiration of my classmates at my athletic prowess. Forever an outcast in high school, playing soccer was one of the few ways I times treated (and felt) like a "star"...
when I was young my mom would usually tell me that I never do anything. I always wanted to play soccer tho so I was like "mom. if you have a problem then you can put me in AYSO. I would like that!" so she said fine...

but she never did...
I was born in Europe where soccer is sometimes more important than family,work,washroom breaks and any type of social life. I have watched all games with all the major european teams - Man U, Real Madrid etc. I have alot of soccer memories for example when i scored 4 goals in 1 game for my indoor team, and when i received a red card for kicking the ball at the opposing teams coach. When I'm not playing on the field i play soccer video games and I can say that the Winning Eleven series blows any other soccer games out of the water. I bought Winning Eleven 6 the day it came out and I still have not stopped playing it.With all the improvements that are going to be in Wiinning Eleven 7 I cannot say how much I need to own this game, and it would help if i got it free like the cheap ass that I am. What more can I say GOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLl!
When I was 10, my parents let me play soccer for the YMCA. I played for 4 years and I was a pretty good goalie/defensemen, since we couldn't play one position for the whole game. I was tough, one game it was raining, the ball was kicked at me I went to pick it up and my teammate, the defensemen at the time, was also trying to help me by kicking it away, but he didn't see me diving for the ball. He dived to kick the ball away, but I had my arms wrapped around it, so his cleets got me in the face, it hurt like hell, but I was only out for a few minutes, and I luckily wasn't bleeding either. He was really sorry, but I told him it was okay, and to just let me have the ball when I am going for it.

I want to win this contest because I haven't played soccer in a league since then, only in gym, and I've been looking to get a soccer game recently, and WE7 seems like a perfect game to get back into the sport with.
i want this game to see if it's the real deal. I thought Fifa 2002 and 2003 are the best, but it could be proven wrong if it's what people say so.
I had to play megaman soccer as a winning this contest will help me reconcile my fear of soccer(or football for our worldwide friends)
Honestly the only reason why i want to win this soccer game is because my friend says there so good and i want to see if he's right the only soccer game i played was for dreamcast
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