Crackdown - Gen. Discussion & Info

Is there an option to turn off the announcer? I thought I saw it before, but now I can't find it. I'm tired of being told to "Put my foot down" and how I will get "Skills for kills".
[quote name='radjago']Is there an option to turn off the announcer? I thought I saw it before, but now I can't find it. I'm tired of being told to "Put my foot down" and how I will get "Skills for kills".[/QUOTE]

You can't turn him off but you can lower the audio options to mute him.
I know I'm a little late but I just got this game in a trade about a week ago. I started playing 2 days ago and love it. So far I have cleared out all bosses on the first island, have around 280 agility orbs, and have my fighting skill up to 4*. This game is awesome. I do have a few questions though..

1) If I kill the main boss first will his other 6-7 guys still be around?
2) Also after clearing out the first island, there are no more gang members.. what happens if i clear out all 3 island before leveling up completely? Wouldn't this make it impossible?
3) Lastly, is there an advantage to still leveling things up after they are 4* (since it says this is max)?

4* is not the max. 4 -- is the max. You have 100 more to go.

Level up before you clear the final island, or you might have to reset gangs. You can level up Agility and Driving without gang members though. It is Firearms and Explosives you will have a problem with.

Main boss? There is no main boss. Each one is independent of each other.
[quote name='Staind204']1) If I kill the main boss first will his other 6-7 guys still be around?
2) Also after clearing out the first island, there are no more gang members.. what happens if i clear out all 3 island before leveling up completely? Wouldn't this make it impossible?
3) Lastly, is there an advantage to still leveling things up after they are 4* (since it says this is max)?[/quote]
1) The other remaining leaders will still be there. You'll notice, though, in the intel that each one has a specific task in the gang, be it recruiting, explosives, or vehicles. Pay close attention to that, since say if you're getting destroyed by rocket launchers all the time, taking out the leader specializing in bringing in explosives, will lessen the amount of explosives in gang members' hands.

2) You can reset the gangs once you beat the game and carry over your stats.

3) Like Corvin said, the max is "--". There's an achievement for it.
I've had this game for a little over a week, and it's massively fun, but am I missing something about online play? It seems crazy to have no online lobby for players, but instead just to list all the players, even those playing the single player campaign. I've tried to join a few games, but of course they're playing solo and refuse. Why can't they just have a lobby system like every other game?
[quote name='nuttyturnip']I've had this game for a little over a week, and it's massively fun, but am I missing something about online play? It seems crazy to have no online lobby for players, but instead just to list all the players, even those playing the single player campaign. I've tried to join a few games, but of course they're playing solo and refuse. Why can't they just have a lobby system like every other game?[/QUOTE]

Also what happens if you do let someone join the game? Do they just kill their own bosses or can they take out people you haven't yet? I don't really see the point..?
[quote name='SteveMcQ']1) The other remaining leaders will still be there. You'll notice, though, in the intel that each one has a specific task in the gang, be it recruiting, explosives, or vehicles. Pay close attention to that, since say if you're getting destroyed by rocket launchers all the time, taking out the leader specializing in bringing in explosives, will lessen the amount of explosives in gang members' hands.

Which sounds all well and good on paper, but in reality... run and gun is all you have to do. Doesn't really matter who you take out when. Maybe on the Psychotic level, but on tough you should have no problems.
Its co-op and the option to have it is the coolest if I could use it though. I would guess they would help you kill the bosses they haven't killed yet. You can also do rocket tag and the co-op checkpoint race. I also heard you can have one agent in the car the other guy is riding on the hood shooting at gang members so there are a lot of imaginative things to do with two players playing.
[quote name='Zurezo']I said it before. If anybody wants to play some co-op tonight let me know

XBL: Zurezo[/quote]

I might take you up on that.
So after I defeat all the bosses and that good stuff, is there anyway to go back and fight some gang members without losing all my stats?
Yea just reset the gang members and fight em all now with 4 star ratings on everything.^^ I know you can turn the crime on or off when you beat the game but can you do this after you reset the gangs, I don't see the option. Got 4 more achievements done, race elite as one of them, still having a blast with the game.
I (like many others) got this game primarily for the Halo 3 beta. I got it through the MS retail program so the game only cost be around 10$ shipped. I played the demo and never thought much about the Crackdown game. I finally started playing it the other day and haven't put down my controller since. I'm a mere casual FPS fan, but I find this game lots of fun. It gives enough challenge to be fun, but not enough to be frustrating. I haven't played the co-op, I'm waiting to max my stats first. To anyone that is on the fence about this game, do yourself a favor and buy it.
[quote name='dahermitt']I (like many others) got this game primarily for the Halo 3 beta. I got it through the MS retail program so the game only cost be around 10$ shipped. I played the demo and never thought much about the Crackdown game. I finally started playing it the other day and haven't put down my controller since. I'm a mere casual FPS fan, but I find this game lots of fun. It gives enough challenge to be fun, but not enough to be frustrating. I haven't played the co-op, I'm waiting to max my stats first. To anyone that is on the fence about this game, do yourself a favor and buy it.[/QUOTE]

It's actually more fun to go through the game with someone on the same level as you instead of waiting until you are maxed out. That way you can both reach the same levels, and jump the same height and hunt for orbs together.
[quote name='Zurezo']nutty - I just sent you a freind request.

Mex, you want one?[/quote]
Sorry for the late response but sure.
[quote name='Corvin']The "turn crimes on/off" option is no longer in the game. The "reset gangs" option took its place.[/quote]

Ah I wondered about that, that makes more sense. I'm glad they didn't take away the turn down narator's voice, man he got annoying.
If you are into the achievements it is definitely worth the $10. The new racing mode alone adds 6 hours to the game. Plus there are new rooftop races and the like.
I just beat the game. I got most of the achievements I could (dont have DLC) except the orbs , races, and rooftops. I was going to do the rooftops but the ones near the agency just piss me off because i dont even know where to go. BTW the ending was pretty cool.
I just playing this game again, Trying to do the Time Trails on the Hardest setting, way hard but Good Times.

So is the DLC Worth it if you like this gamme.
I liked all the added features the DLC brought but I'm playing Dirt right now. I'll come back to this game though, have had tons of fun wtih it.
While playin today I noticed an ad for 300 dvd. There is no way that it was put in there when the game was released back in March. That is when the movie hit theatres i think. So my question is how often do they change?
I don't know the answer to your question but that is a pretty cool idea. Sure they are getting paid to do it but I like in-game ads like that (on the billboards, etc) because it makes games more realistic.
I think it's really cool. I know people will hate it and call it capitalism-gone-crazy, but it's just cool to see a 300 ad right around the time of its release.

It's just cool.
In an interview with develop magazine, Realtime Worlds producer Phil Wilson chats about Crackdown's growing pains, its somewhat awkward path to market, the game's image and how much they really needed the Halo 3 beta code. Wilson also goes on to talk about how they would love to make the Crackdown community grow by creating tools that'd allow players to share videos and experiences. But the most startling factoid Wilson points out is that they are not working on a Crackdown sequel and are instead focusing their efforts on two other projects, one being the cops and robbers MMO All Points Bulletin. So, sadly, no Crackdown sequel will be headed our way for the foreseeable future.

Though that doesn't mean we'll never see one...I hope that they make a sequel, it was a blast!
I loved the game, dispite a lack of story, and how fast it can be completed once you find where the bosses are. But i still liked killing the bosses, and everything else. I want a Crackdown 2 and would buy it right away.
I still need to finish this. I got sidetracked with my new son back in July and never went back to it. I was having fun with it though.
I finished the storyline...have some orbs to pick up and to fullfill some of the achievements

allegedly msft was too slow to ask for a sequel...They took to long to decide, well after the release of the game...and then when they did decide, the studio had already started work on 2 other projects.
Yea that's a shame, I've enjoyed the storyline, just messing around the city and trying to get all the achievments. I usually pop this game in whenever. It's too bad because the ending set us up for a sequel too.
bread's done