Dark Souls 3 - Only Embers Remain - The Ringed City DLC: March 28th

There were a couple bosses that stood out for me that I will remember, Wolnir, for one, not because the fight was anything excruciatingly hard but because even though I knew there would have to be something in that dark abyss I still jumped and peed a little when he appeared! : P Plus the Dancer really got me too, the music and odd vibe from it just really stuck with me; not to mention getting one of my favorite helmets ever from her after the fact.
Only two bosses stood out to me in Dark Souls III, but not so much because of them specifically. The Abyss Watchers had a fantastic soundtrack to their battle, but the fight itself was just a poor man's Artorias attempt. The second one was the optional boss, [customspoiler='He who shall not be Named']Nameless King[/customspoiler], had the best set piece of all the bosses. Plus, the lore behind who he is and his connection to Ornstein made it all the more epic to me. His battle though was one of endurance since I was very low SL when facing him (SL 40), but nothing really memorable.

As far as the randomness to bosses, I don't see it that way, but I can understand the frustration. Each boss had a wide array of moves that would only be performed once certain conditions were met. I noticed this when farming the Silver Knights that they would only do certain moves when x, y, or z happened. The bosses also had this "check system" during battle, and you could tell when they "rested" their moves waiting for the next input. I thought it was pretty clever on the devs part.

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Yeah, that boss was easily the hardest I fought and agreed best boss arena. Just getting onto the arena took me a few minutes of "uh, where do I go lol? Oh. . .you just drop onto it." Sad thing is, he's an optional boss so unless you knew what to do, you'd skip it entirely playing through.

To counter your point on RNG, gaming the system is one thing to bait bosses into a pattern that's easy to beat but I'd rather just master the combat system and be able to count on a static set of moves to dodge and counterattack. Point being, I want to feel like I mastered a fight, not "I got lucky".

Sooooo, with 60 INT and a solid staff, Magic is a completely viable option it seems. I am really enjoying it. Running with a Fire Scimitar to swap to for melee combat outside of the Farron Flashsword and am looking to hopefully main this build with a Painting Guardian's Curved Sword. (This is build three for me now haha oh how Souls games consume my life...)

What makes no sense to me is they put a stat cap on weapons, or at least the MLGS, at 40 so pumping any more INT is just for spells and that feels wasteful to me. I'm assuming the patch did nothing to balance anything but I've moved on anyway to Alienation (addicting once you start to master the flow of combat).

Does From maybe wanna tell us something? Because I'm not laughing. If what people have discovered is true, then I've lost all respect for From as a company given the complete silence in over a month since it released. If this is a bug, which it clearly is, then why ignore player feedback when they've clearly addressed notable issues already? Are they embarrassed? Did they think we wouldn't notice? Are they clueless? I doubt it.

I'm not even upset about poise being broken, it's the fact they would sit there and say nothing on the matter all while players wonder. I'm disappointed because they're better than that.

Yeah I have been keeping a keen eye on all the poise discussions and testing and it is really bizarre. I agree that they [From Software] are better than that and they should communicate to us SOMETHING. I for one never liked bulking up with heavy armor anyway myself and so I have not really been too bothered by the skewed stat but it still is pretty ridiculous. 

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I was just coming here to say how amazing Nioh is! haha I freaking love it. Feels like a beautiful love child of Ninja Gaiden/Onimusha + Souls + a hint of Diablo with the constant loot.

I want to play Nioh through to the end and really farm the crap out of it and level up but at the same time hate the idea of it just being a demo!

I'm really enjoying Nioh as well.  A nice breath of fresh air after I've been banging my head against the wall trying to get a single (let alone 30) Watchdogs/Darkmoon summon. 

I'm curious to see what Nioh was like back in 2004 when it was first announced.  Might have to look up some stuff when I wake up in the AM.

I'm really enjoying Nioh as well. A nice breath of fresh air after I've been banging my head against the wall trying to get a single (let alone 30) Watchdogs/Darkmoon summon.

I'm curious to see what Nioh was like back in 2004 when it was first announced. Might have to look up some stuff when I wake up in the AM.
I was curious too. I wonder if it was nearly as Souls inspired as it is today.

Regardless after putting in way too many hours into the Alpha I can honestly say that Nioh has skyrocketed to one of, if not THE most anticipated game for me for the rest of the year.

I read about that hacker this morning and just adds to the heap of shit DS3 is getting. I'm contemplating just getting Sins on PS4 to replay a real Souls game instead. Of course what we could really use is that Demon's Souls remaster to fill that empty feeling DS3 left. . .

I had heard Nioh was no good? Guess I'll have to check it out later.

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Hitboxes in PvP for this game have always been narrow when slicing vertically because it treats your character like a stick figure. Most players strafe for this reason when coming in for an attack and tend to swing horizontal with their attacks to ensure it connects. Latency above all is the biggest problem when factoring hitboxes so in a P2P hosting game like this, it's dogshit. I have fun PvPing in games like these, but I don't consider it serious PvP without dedicated servers and proper balance.

Souls games have always been a joke for PvP.

So I picked up Dark Souls 2 from the universal drop on PS4 and my god, now I understand just why everything felt so off. The controls and dodging in DS2 are SO MUCH BETTER than 3. After playing them back to back, I'm honestly scratching my head thinking wtf happened? Does poise affect things like iframe invincibility or something because DS2 seems far more clean in terms of what connects, but I'm also noticing enemies are less cleave heavy and it's easier to strafe dodge quite a lot versus DS3. I know I had plenty of frustration with fights in DS2, but they stemmed from my own screwups versus just how punishing 3 felt.

Maybe it's a matter of they slowly let Souls games become too easy and then just dialed it up hardcore. All I know is I'm having fun again just playing through 2 and I see plenty of other players running around so I can't wait for some PvP. :D

That's the Blizzard MOBA right? Two of my least favorite things in gaming right there haha.

I'm mainly just killing time until Uncharted to get my MP on. ;)

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That's the Blizzard MOBA right? Two of my least favorite things in gaming right there haha.

I'm mainly just killing time until Uncharted to get my MP on. ;)
Not sure why this game is always referred to as a MOBA. Definitely not. It is basically Team Fortress 2 x100 and with 21 classes instead of 9.

My initial reaction was it is basically Shadowrun + Team Fortress 2 + Pixar movie + Awesome hahah

Not sure why this game is always referred to as a MOBA. Definitely not. It is basically Team Fortress 2 x100 and with 21 classes instead of 9.

My initial reaction was it is basically Shadowrun + Team Fortress 2 + Pixar movie + Awesome hahah
Best FPS game in a long time, its so fun lol

Seems balanced also, most characters have 2-3 hard counters besides Pharah.

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Ah ok. I wasn't a fan of TF2; tried it and didn't like it.

I'm still having fun playing through DS2 again but Uncharted drops tomorrow so it'll be time to shelve this series for a while. I hope they remaster DS and DS1 because those games deserve another day in the sun considering how badly they botched DS3. I want my two favorites on PS4 dammit! :bomb:

Ah ok. I wasn't a fan of TF2; tried it and didn't like it.

I'm still having fun playing through DS2 again but Uncharted drops tomorrow so it'll be time to shelve this series for a while. I hope they remaster DS and DS1 because those games deserve another day in the sun considering how badly they botched DS3. I want my two favorites on PS4 dammit! :bomb:
One of my buddies, a fellow CAG, LinkinPrime, has always been so against the series. He said he just could never get into them and he would repeatedly try and hate it. He saw all my videos for 3 and said he wanted to try again and so he Redboxed it and then the next day went and bought it and has been playing hours every day haha he finally saw the light! : P

That being said though I feel like now that he has a better grasp and appreciate for Souls games that if he went back to revisit 1 and 2 that he would absolutely love them. The visuals however are what are putting him off from DS1 and so a remaster would definitely help that issue.. plus I would love to be playing that with updated graphics and 60fps myself! : P

Lol, he once temp banned me here for calling his 'precious' Halo, "Failo". Can't be sure but Cheapy may have revoked his moderator status over him being a typical ragey fanboi for that lol. Ah memories of good times. ;)

Speaking of streaming, my buddy Luz is doing his typical interactive stream for DS3 if anyone is curious. He's actually a really entertaining streamer by most accounts in that he gets heavy into the lore and roleplay of RPGs. I've gamed with him in the past; he joined our guild back in 2008 for Tabula Rasa and Age of Conan. Really nice guy with a hardcore edge.
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I think I messed up not buying the collector's edition.

I was planning to wait until I was done with finals and hope it was overproduced like DS2.

3 million shipped isn't all that great anymore but still a success I'm sure. I'm wondering just how much sold on hype and promise of "final souls game" though.

Had to start a second play through, not NG+ but a second play through for things I forgot and with a different build.  Not sure how quickly I'll get through it with Uncharted waiting for me this weekend.  

I decided upon that after I accidentally hit Patches and had to put him down and got Greirat killed as I forgot about
giving Siegward his armor to save him
 among other things.  That and I did not get to play enough with Watchdogs.

I finally platted this game. It was such a struggle. I was only summoned 4 times through two play-throughs as a BotD. Luckily two of them netted me a Well Kept ear. I ended up farming the rest via the Silver Knights in Anor Londo. I started to unequip my Avarice helm before resting at the bonfire. I would then equip it after resting. I was running 497 discovery. After I started doing this I began to earn an ear every 7-8 runs. Before I started doing this I would get an ear every 25-30 runs. My nephew is the same SL as me and he was summoned close to 15 times over a three hour period last night. I just don't understand the mechanics of being summoned. 

Official word on poise is "working as intended". Sorry From, it isn't and your game is worse for it. Furthermore, brushing off fans with an explanation of "different" and "situational" is a huge fuck you.

Luckily, the next souls game is in the form of a board game which closes funding in 3 days on kickstarter so jump on it if you guys want one! Poise works, pinky promise. ;)

Official word on poise is "working as intended". Sorry From, it isn't and your game is worse for it. Furthermore, brushing off fans with an explanation of "different" and "situational" is a huge fuck you.

Luckily, the next souls game is in the form of a board game which closes funding in 3 days on kickstarter so jump on it if you guys want one! Poise works, pinky promise. ;)
Well that is shameful. Also, thanks for the reminder. I forget to order that. :D

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Finally received DS3 in the mail.  Was able to grab a collectors edition from Amazon warehouse deals.  Used, but seemed brand new.  Game and cases were all still sealed.

Was a DLC voucher other than the Prima guide originally included?

Anyway, I pranced to the first boss pretty easily.  Did a parry and riposte a couple times, then he transformed and murdered me.  I laughed and took a screenshot of my first death.  Oh Dark Souls.  I'll pick it back up later this weekend.

It seriously was a really good feeling getting back into a souls game.  I'm fresh off Uncharted 4, which was incredible, but I'm ready for a souls game now.  Bloodborne was so great, I hope I feel the same way going back to souls.  I definitely got hit, forward rolled, stabbed, and expected to get health back.  Then I didn't, and I died.

Well that is shameful. Also, thanks for the reminder. I forget to order that. :D
NP! They sprinted over the last few days with another million and change as they push for four. Just 4 hours left now and I'm getting the core game and darkroot basin expansion. I want to get some more stuff but it all seems too expensive for what they are and I'm wary of spending too much on a game I haven't played yet. ;)

If you go look right now, you can watch the money climb in real-time haha.

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Wow...what a fuck patch they pushed out.  At first I thought it was my 7970 and a driver causing me problems until the freezing occurred on my 970 as well.  Stop the cheaters and start freezing them out.  Must say it made watchdogs a bit more interesting.

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I was reading yesterday that the latest PC patch was causing lots of crashes. They really just can't get PC right lol.

They removed the PC patch until they fix it properly. Also, poise apparently works like this:

Your Poise dictates how many iFrames you will lose per hit (invincibility Frames are the visual Frames you prevent you from taking damage while rolling). This will vary depending on the enemy’s weapon (player or monster), but the higher the Poise, the better it will be. Someone in between 30%-70% Equip Load has a base 13 iFrames per roll, and 11 vFrames (Frames during the animation in which you are vulnerable), when you get hit some of those iFrames get taken away until recovered. Your Poise will dictate how many Frames you lose, and how quickly they will recover. Hence, after taking just a few hits, with low Poise, you will likely take damage during your roll if attacked, and staggered. While if you have high Poise, your iFrames will still decrease by 1 iFrame at least (I found 1 iFrame to be the minimum that can be taken per hit), and still open you to take damage. However, it would take multiple hits in a short-time span to stagger a player with high Poise, because they also recover these Frames much, much faster.
I've never been one to fully understand iframes and how they work but in essence this is a stupid change since poise has never affected them in the past, adaptability has from what I recall. This was a lazy change to artificially make the game harder and more fast-paced like Bloodbourne which is a mistake. Miyazaki tried to marry all the ideas connecting souls games and BB into an opus and instead it ruined the stew.

No identity of its own and complete rehash makes this the worst in the series IMO.

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Beat the second boss today.  Starting to do some coop, being brought into other peoples worlds.  Now the game is really fun!  I solo my own world, but farm with others.  

Yeah, by the time I got to Nameless King I was kinda done with the game so I just summoned two people and killed him. I tried beating him legit, was even getting past the first phase no problems but it was too annoying with his unlimited stamina and attacks that I said fuck it; not worth the headache. It's kinda funny because that's the first time I had ever summoned anyone to beat a boss, ever. It also made the fight hilariously easy which just means that yes, the boss was hard for all the wrong reasons once again: big cleaves and unlimited stamina.

So sad they were lazy on boss fights with the exception of a few for this game.

Yeah, by the time I got to Nameless King I was kinda done with the game so I just summoned two people and killed him. I tried beating him legit, was even getting past the first phase no problems but it was too annoying with his unlimited stamina and attacks that I said fuck it; not worth the headache. It's kinda funny because that's the first time I had ever summoned anyone to beat a boss, ever. It also made the fight hilariously easy which just means that yes, the boss was hard for all the wrong reasons once again: big cleaves and unlimited stamina.

So sad they were lazy on boss fights with the exception of a few for this game.
Ugh...yeah man. I'm like wtf is up with this boss. I totally don't mind trying to "git gud," but you're fighting more with the camera than the boss in the first phase and then the second phase is basically a sponge. At least in BB, you could stagger a boss like this. I suppose I could reactive my ps+ account to summon some help; I just feel like I should be able to take this guy down solo with less effort. It's not like I'm under-leveled and my stats aren't a mess.

I think I'm not even going to bother with NG+ and play Doom or Fallout 4 instead.

Ugh...yeah man. I'm like wtf is up with this boss. I totally don't mind trying to "git gud," but you're fighting more with the camera than the boss in the first phase and then the second phase is basically a sponge. At least in BB, you could stagger a boss like this. I suppose I could reactive my ps+ account to summon some help; I just feel like I should be able to take this guy down solo with less effort. It's not like I'm under-leveled and my stats aren't a mess.

I think I'm not even going to bother with NG+ and play Doom or Fallout 4 instead.
Oh right, no PS+ means no online. Damn. The camera for first phase is atrocious and I just learned to time dodges without targeting the dragon at all. It made that part so much easier TBH. But fuck that second phase: I would sit there and block to see his patterns or try to bait attacks and he was so all over the place that I just said fuck it. There is a video out there of a guy beating him without dodging or blocking at all, so you can definitely "git gud" but the question is honestly why bother? Is one boss really worth all that headache? Nopesville.

I didn't bother with NG+ either. Soon as credits rolled I ejected the game and moved on. Uncharted 4 and Dark Souls 2 are so much more satisfying right now that it was the right call.

Dat Video:


fucking hell, this guy. Looks like I can use a little bit of his strategy, but that fight is in no way repeatable in any consistent manner. The final "fuck you" must've been for all the players raging against this boss. He did it for us...LOLZ

Yeah, he was basically saying SEE, IT CAN BE DONE. fuck the haters or something like that lol. I'm sure that took hours of practice though, but he clearly wanted to prove something.

What exactly, I'm not sure. ;)

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Agree with the comments.  He spent numerous hours playing and no way that is his first time through.  Good but had the perfect "lazy" King.  The king in that video looked easier than Aldrich (all dick is my though) the first 3 times I died to him.  He hemorrhaged both his arrows and soul spear like they were quickly going out of style.  

Dark Souls III patch 1.07 brings weapon and matchmaking change

  • Dark Souls III will be updated to Regulation Version 1.07. The update will improve the Password matching feature.
  • Adjusted the efficiency of the Great shield category
  • Adjusted the consuming FP of the Magic Spell Category
  • Adjusted the efficiency of the categories:Dragon Slayer’s Axe, Crescent Axe, Dark DriftWashing Pole, Moonlight Great Sword
  • Fxed the shield penetration rate of some attacks in the scythe category
  • Fixed the stamina attack of some weapon categories.
  • Improved the matching of the Blade of the Darkmoon and the Blue Sentinels covenants.
  • Improved the password matching rate
  • Improved other game balance
  • Several game flaws fixed
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I finally beat that fucking boss last night. Had to respec to goto the soft caps on life, endurance, and dex though. I used an ember and all of my estus to get him down to 2 hits with me having a slither of health left, but I got that bastard. No lie, I spent maybe 8-9 hours on the boss. fuck YOU NAMLESS KING AND THE WYVERN YOU RODE IN ON!

In terms of bosses that were more difficult than they should be, asshole is up there with Radec from Killzone 2 on the hardest difficulty.

bread's done