Demolition's wrestling topic

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[quote name='kittie']As far as the wrestling goes, it isn't shitty.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, having better wrestling than WWE doesn't immediately qualify it as "good" wrestling. There are some fantastic wrestlers in TNA (Daniels...umm, Daniels...Raven from time to time, AMW), and then there are overrated spot wrestlers (Styles, Red, Skipper, Petey Williams). Those guys are revered by the internet for innovation, yet their matches don't (to use the tired cliche) "tell a story." Some of these guys would jump off the top of a building, falling 30 feet into a hurricanrana/piledriver combo. They would then get into a Buick and rund their opponent over. Fifteen seconds later, they would both be running the ropes again. I love a good acrobatic match. I just don't want to see guys who just move from spot to spot, shitting their pants in between each.

Oh, and Abyss is a good "monster" character. They have somethings going for them, and they also make the mistake of thinking their wrestlers are the greatest ever.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']They were thinking about it a while back, but it never happened.

I enjoyed the PPV from start to finish. I will have to jump on the bandwagon and say, Awesome/Tanaka was a great match.[/QUOTE]

Sadly,I have to agree with you, even though I hate Awesome (hated him before the whole thing that Joey was complaining about). That was a great match.
[quote name='mykevermin']Sorry, having better wrestling than WWE doesn't immediately qualify it as "good" wrestling. There are some fantastic wrestlers in TNA (Daniels...umm, Daniels...Raven from time to time, AMW), and then there are overrated spot wrestlers (Styles, Red, Skipper, Petey Williams). Those guys are revered by the internet for innovation, yet their matches don't (to use the tired cliche) "tell a story." Some of these guys would jump off the top of a building, falling 30 feet into a hurricanrana/piledriver combo. They would then get into a Buick and rund their opponent over. Fifteen seconds later, they would both be running the ropes again. I love a good acrobatic match. I just don't want to see guys who just move from spot to spot, shitting their pants in between each.

Oh, and Abyss is a good "monster" character. They have somethings going for them, and they also make the mistake of thinking their wrestlers are the greatest ever.[/QUOTE]

It's true!

I have a feeling that in early 2006 when Ted Turner is allowed to start up a new wrestling promotion (I believe this is when he's allowed to) he'll put a quick end to TNA. Turner is the only man with the money and the desire to compete with Vince McMahon, so hopefully he's able to create a new wcw. Just this time he needs to be more careful as to who he puts at the wheel of his ship.
[quote name='MorPhiend']Sadly,I have to agree with you, even though I hate Awesome (hated him before the whole thing that Joey was complaining about). That was a great match.[/QUOTE]

I will say, he sucked in wCw. I really never liked the guy, but damn, they put on a show.

And seeing the flaming table was great.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']It's true!

I have a feeling that in early 2006 when Ted Turner is allowed to start up a new wrestling promotion (I believe this is when he's allowed to) he'll put a quick end to TNA. Turner is the only man with the money and the desire to compete with Vince McMahon, so hopefully he's able to create a new wcw. Just this time he needs to be more careful as to who he puts at the wheel of his ship.[/QUOTE]

Did either Time Warner or Ted himself have to sign a six year no compete clause with the deal or something? I've heard that Ted had thrown the idea of a new fed around, but I thought it was kind of like the thing with Vince throwing around the thought of reviving WCW from time to time. You sound like he is ready to do it, but just waiting for a contract to end. That would be great if it's true. And if he got like a network deal or something, not only would TNA be in trouble, but WWE might have the best competition yet.
I wouldn't go as far to say "WWE might have the best competition yet" the best competition was the nWo when that angle first began, as they took over the ratings for Monday nights for about a year. IF, and that's a big IF, Turner does indeed start a new promotion, he's certain to kill NWA:TNA, but it'll be awhile before he can seriously compete with the WWE. Money talks though, and I'm sure there's plenty of guys that are sick of WWE at this point. The problem is Ted Turner is literally insane, so it's hard to say exactly what he's serious and not serious about doing. We'll see at the end of this year when he's allowed to do whatever he wants regarding wrestling again. The man is a billionaire, so it's not like the money is an issue. Personally I'm hoping he does start up a new promotion, as I'd like to see WWE have some competition again, and have to get a little more serious about their product.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I wouldn't go as far to say "WWE might have the best competition yet" the best competition was the nWo when that angle first began, as they took over the ratings for Monday nights for about a year. IF, and that's a big IF, Turner does indeed start a new promotion, he's certain to kill NWA:TNA, but it'll be awhile before he can seriously compete with the WWE. Money talks though, and I'm sure there's plenty of guys that are sick of WWE at this point. The problem is Ted Turner is literally insane, so it's hard to say exactly what he's serious and not serious about doing. We'll see at the end of this year when he's allowed to do whatever he wants regarding wrestling again. The man is a billionaire, so it's not like the money is an issue. Personally I'm hoping he does start up a new promotion, as I'd like to see WWE have some competition again, and have to get a little more serious about their product.[/QUOTE]

if he does start one, it would probably be something he would fully devote himself to since he pretty much owns nothing
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Have you so soon forgotten the Atlanta Braves? And what about Montana, Casey? Turner does still own the majority of that wonderful state![/QUOTE]

99 and 9/10ths percent sure he no longer owns the Braves

and yea I know he owns much of Montana and the Buffalo burger businesses, but I mean like big high maintainence businesses
:lol: Casey... you do have a point though, Montana ha ha ha

I don't know if Turner has the mental capacity to run a serious business anymore. All I know is the man loves wrestling, and has billions of dollars at his disposal.

You're probably right about the Braves too, I really don't pay much attention to baseball anymore, it's too hard in this area, all-star game or not.
a year or two and Detroit is going to be one of the best teams in baseball. They have the money and they have a good team. When they start to get a little more respect they are going to be a top tier franchise again
[quote name='CaseyRyback']a year or two and Detroit is going to be one of the best teams in baseball. They have the money and they have a good team. When they start to get a little more respect they are going to be a top tier franchise again[/QUOTE]

True, though they'll still exist under the shadow of the Pistons and Red Wings.

Heaven help us all if the Lions ever get thier act together...
I don't see how the Lions can't get it together now, once again "in two years" the Lions will have the best receiving group in the NFL. If Joey can't get the job done there should be plenty of QBs lining up for a chance to throw to my cousins the Williams boys(I don't care if they're black, we're related I say) and Rogers (assuming he isn't really made of porcelain). As for the Tigers, I try to stay hopeful, but it's hard after more than a decade of futility.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']I wouldn't go as far to say "WWE might have the best competition yet" the best competition was the nWo when that angle first began, as they took over the ratings for Monday nights for about a year. IF, and that's a big IF, Turner does indeed start a new promotion, he's certain to kill NWA:TNA, but it'll be awhile before he can seriously compete with the WWE. Money talks though, and I'm sure there's plenty of guys that are sick of WWE at this point. The problem is Ted Turner is literally insane, so it's hard to say exactly what he's serious and not serious about doing. We'll see at the end of this year when he's allowed to do whatever he wants regarding wrestling again. The man is a billionaire, so it's not like the money is an issue. Personally I'm hoping he does start up a new promotion, as I'd like to see WWE have some competition again, and have to get a little more serious about their product.[/QUOTE]

Do you think that JJ and his promotion has the capacity to become "the next ECW," should the hypothetical big two just disregard the little guy again? I don't see how he could do it, but nobody reguarded Heyman as a threat either.

And I know it would take time, but the things you said are all very valid points for him being big competition in time. And if he got a big deal with a network, that would be access to a true national audience, unlike the cable stations. That in itself would be a big boost to any upstart company, no matter how much money and big name, big talent talent (that is a weird double word) they have. And yes, the birth of the nWo was the best of times for prowrestling ratings, but who's to say it won't be beat some day? The conditions just need to be right.

(So, is it a no compete clause then?)
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Problem for Jarrett is no one is helping him, like Vince was with Heyman, and he's already in financial disarray.[/QUOTE]

Oh, so Vince helping Heyman was real? (I have had long stints of no wrestling. Pardon my ignorance.)
Ya, ECW did an invasion type of deal on an episode of Raw, probably 10 years ago or so now. RVD even wrestled Jeff Hardy on that show! This was back when Jeff was a jobber though, wrestling guys like the 1-2-3 Kid and Razor Ramon himself.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Ya, ECW did an invasion type of deal on an episode of Raw, probably 10 years ago or so now. RVD even wrestled Jeff Hardy on that show! This was back when Jeff was a jobber though, wrestling guys like the 1-2-3 Kid and Razor Ramon himself.[/QUOTE]

Wow. I had no idea they had something like that happen. So, the help was pretty much through all of ECW's really big years (from the beginning of)?
I don't know how much money Vince actually invested. I'm pretty sure Heyman still controlled the product 100% of course, and Vince simply provided a bit of a financial assist, and used ecw as a grounds for making better wrestlers, kind of like OVW, but a bit more advanced.
What happened at the Matt Hardy ROH event:

ROH Results (7/16): Matt Hardy Shoot Promo & In-Ring Return!
Date Added: July 17, 2005
Story By: Matthew Boone
The following report was written by, based on live calls from Mike Johnson:

Nigel McGuiness pinned the debuting Claudio Castognoli.

Homicide defeated Kevin Steen. Dixie, and Azrieal.

Austin Aries defeated El Generico.

ROH champion CM Punk did a promo ripping on James Gibson. Gibson came out, and Punk hit him with a chain and busted him open.

ROH Tag Team Champions Carnage Crew won an ultimate endurance match over Dunn & Marcos, Cheech & Deranged and Fast Eddie & Excess 69.

AJ Styles pinned Roderick Strong with the Styles Clash.

Pure Champion Samoa Joe defeated Jimmy Rave.

Matt Hardy cut a promo putting over ROH saying that if WWE wanted to know how to put on good shows, they needed to watch some ROH DVDs. Hardy said it was a pleasure to be in a locker room with guys who love the business, not some 300 lb. musclehead hired by Johnny Ace. The crowd chanted "F*** Johnny Ace". Hardy said he wasn't there to talk about that "piece of s*** Adam Copeland" or "that whore Amy Dumas". He said he came to ROH to have his working boots on and thanked the crowd for allowing him in their ring.

In a good back and forth match, Matt Hardy defeated Christopher Daniels via submission. CM Punk came out and punched Allison Danger. After a ref bump, Punk hits Daniels with a chain. Hardy got a two count with a Twist of Fate. Hardy then locked in a choke and scissored Daniels, who submitted.

Punk claimed that was the end of the show because James Gibson couldn't work due to loss of blood. Gibson's music played and he came to the ring for the match.

ROH Champion CM Punk defeated James Gibson by holding the ropes in a great match. Daniels stole the ROH belt afterwards.

WWE's Steven Richards was at the show visiting.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Ya, ECW did an invasion type of deal on an episode of Raw, probably 10 years ago or so now. RVD even wrestled Jeff Hardy on that show! This was back when Jeff was a jobber though, wrestling guys like the 1-2-3 Kid and Razor Ramon himself.[/QUOTE]

Wasn't it around 1997?
5/12/97 would be the Raw you are looking for (ECW Invasion)

The WWE Smackdown show in Frederick, Md., began promptly at 7:30pm in the outdoor venue Harry Grove Stadium (home of the class A minor league baseball Frederick Keys).

Booker T beat Christian with the ax kick (Christian seemed to have lost some change in the ring as he bent over and scrutinized the canvas at length so Booker T could deliver the finisher). Then Sharmel encouraged Booker to do the spinarooni!

Then Teddy Long came out to review the purported card that was to include Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey MIsterio, MNM vs. H&H (Holly and Heidenreich or Horrible and Horribler - take your pick), and Batista vs. JBL.

Next match was Super Crazy and Psicosis over Nunzio and Big Vito. Vito looked like a monster with those three in the ring but his clotheslines were loving and delicate. Crazy pinned Nunzio with a Lionsault (Crazysault?).

Then in came The Boogeyman! He ranted some but at the rant's climax where he exclaimed "I am The Boogeyman!" a huge clap of thunder pealed and lightning flashed in the distance. And when he then yelled "And I am your worst nightmare!" the heavens opened up and it poured. He obliterated Danny Basham in about 15 seconds in the rain.

The real crime is that there were no TV cameras. There are probably few special effects masters who could have provided that eerie thunderstorm atmosphere and timed the thunder and lightning and rain so perfectly. The heck with the match, this guy had perhaps the greatest ring entrance ever! I don't think I'll ever be caught in a storm again without "I am The Boogeyman!" bouncing around in my head.

The hard rain created a delay, and persistent lightning forced the show to halt.

It was announced that the event was "postponed". Fans were to "hold onto your ticket stubs for when we rebook a visit to Frederick, Md." (I think that's WWE for "so long suckers, but we won't tell you you only got a three-match show so we can get out of here without a fight").

Personally, for The Boogeyman's awesome entrance arrangement with Mother Nature, the abbreviated show was well worth it. The crowd of maybe 2200 may not agree.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']97-ish sounds about right to me, as I said about 10 years, 97 would be 8, so that's fairly close, no?[/QUOTE]

I was just makin sure.
[quote name='Scorch']5/12/97 would be the Raw you are looking for (ECW Invasion)[/QUOTE]

Hasn't even debuted on tv, and hes already screwing things up :lol: IKIK.
Damn, at first glance I thought the rain and thunder was part of this Boogeyman's entrance. Outdoor arena or not, WWE should find a way to incorporate that into his entrance, that'd be crazy as hell.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Damn, at first glance I thought the rain and thunder was part of this Boogeyman's entrance. Outdoor arena or not, WWE should find a way to incorporate that into his entrance, that'd be crazy as hell.[/QUOTE]

:lol: Well, they already do that occasionally with Undertaker, don't they?
True... but this is THE BOOGEYMAN!!!

By the by, who the fuck is the boogeyman? And why is Damaja jobbing to him? Off camera or not, that's pretty fucked up.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']
By the by, who the fuck is the boogeyman? [/QUOTE]

Boogeyman is that buff guy that was cut from Tough Enough for lying about his age (he's 40 and said that he was 30), I believe.

Sounded like an awesome entrance. I didn't think Vince had enough cash to hire God as his pyro guy. :)
Was the Ryan Reeves (?), the frickin' super huge muscle dude?

He's the only one I can think of who could have feasibly been 30 and 40.

And I was under the impression that Danny Basham was Raw talent, not Smackdown. Perhaps the poster was wrong (not hard to do, I guess) about which basham it was.
7/17/2005 8:40:32 AM

Rhino To Attend Tonight's "No Surrender" Pay-Per-View PPV Previews has confirmed that Rhino will be in attendance at tonight's TNA "No Surrender" Pay-Per-View to finalize contract negotiations.

Rhino revealed in a recent interview that he was one of the new talent in talks to enter TNA and that he would be at the Pay-Per-View to meet with TNA officials. has also confirmed the star is already in Orlando.

Further information on Rhino will be provided during the "No Surrender" Pay-Per-View.
Now this is interesting. From

"Matt Hardy is scheduled to fly to Orlando, Florida today with the idea that he would make an appearance on tonight's TNA No Surrender PPV to augment his current "WWE Outsider" storyline. As of yesterday, the only holdup to Hardy's appeance would be whether TNA management would sign off on his appearing, which we haven't confirmed one way or the other. "
[quote name='mykevermin']Was the Ryan Reeves (?), the frickin' super huge muscle dude?

He's the only one I can think of who could have feasibly been 30 and 40.

And I was under the impression that Danny Basham was Raw talent, not Smackdown. Perhaps the poster was wrong (not hard to do, I guess) about which basham it was.[/QUOTE]


This is what he looked like in OVW.
[quote name='ace25one']Now this is interesting. From

"Matt Hardy is scheduled to fly to Orlando, Florida today with the idea that he would make an appearance on tonight's TNA No Surrender PPV to augment his current "WWE Outsider" storyline. As of yesterday, the only holdup to Hardy's appeance would be whether TNA management would sign off on his appearing, which we haven't confirmed one way or the other. "[/QUOTE]

so wait, WWE treats TNA like shit and then expects them to help them out with a story?

they should tell them to fuck off, but knowing that it will increase buys, I am sure that they would have no problem letting him show up.
You know, I actually miss some of the matches that WCW did....
I mean, I can't remember the last time that there was an interesting, well worked cruiserwieght match in the WWE.
[quote name='JSweeney']You know, I actually miss some of the matches that WCW did....
I mean, I can't remember the last time that there was an interesting, well worked cruiserwieght match in the WWE.[/QUOTE]

You need to watch Velocity more often then. Well, when it was on. :(

The last good PPV cruiserweight match I can recall was Malenko/Scotty Go Potty like 4 years ago. Oy.
[quote name='kittie']If Vince actually allows a WWE contracted worker on a TNA PPV... he's insane.[/QUOTE]

This IS Vince McMahon we are talking about.
If anything Jeff Hardys probably hoping Matt will show at the PPV more than anyone, so they don't fire his arse. I still don't see TNA firing him though, despite whata unreliable worker he is.
[quote name='kittie']If Vince actually allows a WWE contracted worker on a TNA PPV... he's insane.[/QUOTE]

I would think...
but does TNA have a weekly product that could be considered competition, or would any WWE talent or upcoming talent rather go there than the WWE?

I would think this hurts TNA even more. Vince gets to way around the buyrate in front of the smart marks and advertisers and say: look... with my talent, they get one of thier highest buyrates ever.
anyone else bought that wwe 24/7 subscription? It's $9 a month on my Insight Cable. It's pretty weak but it just started so hopefully it'll get better. The best stuff on it was WCW stuff, they only had 1 wcw ppv though the one where hulk hogan came out as hall and nashs partners against sting luger and macho and they became the NWO. Hell the whole deal only has 3 ppvs on it: that one, wrestlemania 7, and some nwa ppv from 86.
[quote name='kittie']You need to watch Velocity more often then. Well, when it was on. :(

The last good PPV cruiserweight match I can recall was Malenko/Scotty Go Potty like 4 years ago. Oy.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can't find it on my listings either.
Someone on another board had just told me about an great Benoit/Regal match that was just on recently. I guess WWE thinks that Raw and Smackdown are better served by insipid storylines and poor workrates.
[quote name='JSweeney']I would think...
but does TNA have a weekly product that could be considered competition, or would any WWE talent or upcoming talent rather go there than the WWE?

I would think this hurts TNA even more. Vince gets to way around the buyrate in front of the smart marks and advertisers and say: look... with my talent, they get one of thier highest buyrates ever.[/QUOTE]

It's very unlikely that TNA will ever become serious competition for WWE... but why help out the only wrestling company that's trying to compete with you? TNA may not have a TV deal now, but if the Spike rumors end up being true, they move up quite a bit in the food chain.

Plus, if it was someone like Funaki, well whatever... but this is Matt Hardy who has major popularity right now, short-term as it may be. This will drastically raise the amount of people watching TNA. Seems very counterproductive. Unless Vince purposely wants competition again... which would do nothing but good for the wrestling business.
[quote name='$hady']anyone else bought that wwe 24/7 subscription? It's $9 a month on my Insight Cable. It's pretty weak but it just started so hopefully it'll get better. The best stuff on it was WCW stuff, they only had 1 wcw ppv though the one where hulk hogan came out as hall and nashs partners against sting luger and macho and they became the NWO. Hell the whole deal only has 3 ppvs on it: that one, wrestlemania 7, and some nwa ppv from 86.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I have it. $7 a month over here and for $7 a month it's worth it. I like watching the house show's that they have on. A few week's ago they had bret hart vs ricky steamboat and dam was it a great match. I hope they put some older wcw stuff on there though.
It's very unlikely that TNA will ever become serious competition for WWE...
but why help out the only wrestling company that's trying to compete with you?

Exactly. The only reason it seems like Vince may enjoy it because he could gloat about a huge spike in buyrates when one of this workers is on thier show.

TNA may not have a TV deal now, but if the Spike rumors end up being true, they move up quite a bit in the food chain.

True, and Matt Hardy working thier PPV could either really help or hurt them, depending on how effectively they manage it, or how effectively Vince spins the facts.

Plus, if it was someone like Funaki, well whatever... but this is Matt Hardy who has major popularity right now, short-term as it may be. This will drastically raise the amount of people watching TNA. Seems very counterproductive.

I really don't know who this is playing up to though... the internet fans, the smart marks? There were people that were watching both WWF and WCW during thier fueding days. So long as there is enough talent, I'd think the viewership could support more than one fed... and at the moment, the WWE is still the 500 pound gorrila.

Unless Vince purposely wants competition again... which would do nothing but good for the wrestling business.

One can hope... WWE's writers have gotten terribly lazy.
Actually, the whole Matt Hardy thing, if its either a shoot or a work, is one of the most inspired things they've done in a long while.
Sure beats another long boring drawn out HHH storyline.
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