Destiny (PS3/PS4) Official Thread

They need to add a party finder like FF14 had.

Basically a public board where you can form parties to tackle dungeons/raids/etc.

Also maybe improve server a bit so they can funnel more people in one place? The world seems pretty dead considering how many people play this game. 

PvP needs a bare bones playlist or maybe a legit lobby where you can ban certain guns/disable specials etc. 

They need to add a party finder like FF14 had.

Basically a public board where you can form parties to tackle dungeons/raids/etc.

Also maybe improve server a bit so they can funnel more people in one place? The world seems pretty dead considering how many people play this game.

PvP needs a bare bones playlist or maybe a legit lobby where you can ban certain guns/disable specials etc.
wanna help me do the weekly heroic strike and nightfall strike now?

maybe later snake, bout to log

also, just did a vanguard tiger strike and it dropped a exotic. Was this always a thing? or is it because of the new patch? 


PvP needs a bare bones playlist or maybe a legit lobby where you can ban certain guns/disable specials etc.
Yeah. My main problem with PVP are the super abilities, especially hunters and titan. I very rarely lose a 1v1 gun fight and understand I will probably lose when I get double, triple, or quad teamed, but getting killed by a super is incredibly frustrating and happens way too often. I constantly see people get free triple and quad kills with these, not to mention the times where I'm the only guy in the room, but they use it on me anyway.

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There should be a mercenary system in which u hire people to help u for strikes in exchange for glimmer or something. 

Merph I went the Digital route since I don't have a PS4. I was planning on buying day one, but it would be nice to be able to trade it in and pick it up again once things get a little more balanced. It all comes down to getting to level 26 I guess 

He has an exotic helm engram. Is that guaranteed to be an exotic? Or is it going to turn into a blue like 95% of the purples I get (I got 3 more tonight, 2 right in a row while just fighting normal guys - both ended up being blue weapons...).

Even if it is I'm wondering if I should wait till next week on that. I kind of like the Queen's Guard Helm thing that I have now.

I'm like 2 coins short of getting one of his weapons. Hopefully I can get those tomorrow before he disappears.
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He has an exotic helm engram. Is that guaranteed to be an exotic? Or is it going to turn into a blue like 95% of the purples I get (I got 3 more tonight, 2 right in a row while just fighting normal guys - both ended up being blue weapons...).Even if it is I'm wondering if I should wait till next week on that. I kind of like the Queen's Guard Helm thing that I have now.I'm like 2 coins short of getting one of his weapons. Hopefully I can get those tomorrow before he disappears.
It's a guaranteed exotic but it could be for any class... still a gamble I'm afraid.
I was gonna take a swing at an exotic engram this weekend, but I think I might hold out for an exotic chest piece. Especially since I'm noticeably slowing down and likely won't be coming by motes as often.

Anybody who wants to farm strange coins from the weeky strikes with me at around 8PM EST shoot me a PM or add me on PSN. My username is the same on there and I play PS4.

Also I'll turn level 26 by the end of the night so if anyone is putting a raid together count me in. Hunter class.
Anybody who wants to farm strange coins from the weeky strikes with me at around 8PM EST shoot me a PM or add me on PSN. My username is the same on there and I play PS4.
Also I'll turn level 26 by the end of the night so if anyone is putting a raid together count me in. Hunter class.
Sent you a FR. I should be on later tonight and am always down for farming weeklys, nightfall, etc.

I've tried the raid twice. Both times it was with a group who had never done it so it was more about figuring out how the encounters work. I will say this... if you want to raid: Void weapons ARE A MUST. When you come across them, hold on to them! I really wish I had a void fusion rifle right now.
Finally started raiding last night and holy SH!T it is awesome!!!

All my buddies were getting kickass gear and weapons and of course with my luck all I got was ascendant materials, which are nice, but then also the all white armor shader which looks really sick.

I cant wait to raid more now!!

He has an exotic helm engram. Is that guaranteed to be an exotic? Or is it going to turn into a blue like 95% of the purples I get (I got 3 more tonight, 2 right in a row while just fighting normal guys - both ended up being blue weapons...).

Even if it is I'm wondering if I should wait till next week on that. I kind of like the Queen's Guard Helm thing that I have now.

I'm like 2 coins short of getting one of his weapons. Hopefully I can get those tomorrow before he disappears.
Yes but it might not be for your class. I now have an exotic helm for a Warlock. I'm currently a Hunter.

Dang. I got some missions from the Queen after doing bounties and was only lvl23. I went after it anyway hoping some randoms would join me, but I was solo trying to do the Gate Lord and got my ass kicked. Worked my way up to lvl24 and went back. It was suddenly doable but wow, some excruciatingly difficult sections.

My saving grace was finding a sniper rifle on the way to lvl24 that does INSANE damage. I killed the Gate Lord in 4 hits to his weak spot and didn't have to worry about any of the minions he summons. got the Queen's Helm, which is infinitely better than any other equipment I had. Doing it solo was actually quite exciting and required lots of planning. THAT is the kind of fun challenging stuff I've wanted from this game and finally, one mission delivered.

Sent you a FR. I should be on later tonight and am always down for farming weeklys, nightfall, etc.

I've tried the raid twice. Both times it was with a group who had never done it so it was more about figuring out how the encounters work. I will say this... if you want to raid: Void weapons ARE A MUST. When you come across them, hold on to them! I really wish I had a void fusion rifle right now.
Thanks for the tip, added you. See you online later!
I was set on using my motes of light on the engram, but now I think about it, I'll pass. I already got an exotic chest from last week that is almost fully upgraded. If I switched to the helm I'd go back down to 27 and I'd be stuck there for a while since ascended material are hard to come by now..

I was set on using my motes of light on the engram, but now I think about it, I'll pass. I already got an exotic chest from last week that is almost fully upgraded. If I switched to the helm I'd go back down to 27 and I'd be stuck there for a while since ascended material are hard to come by now..
So what else are you going to use it on? Just dismante for the ascendant material.

Will be doing the raid at 6PM EST. Have 3 in the group so far. Myself, a 28 Sunsinger, a 27 Sunsinger, and a 27 Defender. Need 3, level 27 minimum. Send GThirst a friend request.

So what else are you going to use it on? Just dismante for the ascendant material.

Will be doing the raid at 6PM EST. Have 3 in the group so far. Myself, a 28 Sunsinger, a 27 Sunsinger, and a 27 Defender. Need 3, level 27 minimum. Send GThirst a friend request.
I suppose you wouldn't take another Sunsinger with you ? :lol: I have a friend who's a lvl 28 Hunter. We could fill up two. Haha

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Sad that Suros Regime is the Xur Weapon of the Week. I thought I was one of the special people who have it but now everyone else will. :(

Oh man, I need to hurry up and finish that Pocket Infinity bounty. Thanks to the gunsmith finally selling blue fusion rifles, I just have the 200 kills in nightfall left.

Oh man, I need to hurry up and finish that Pocket Infinity bounty. Thanks to the gunsmith finally selling blue fusion rifles, I just have the 200 kills in nightfall left.

I just got this gun last night but havent gotten to the auto part of the upgrade. But it does suck in pvp, and i dont really like the way it looks while aiming down the sights. Feels like it blocks too much of my view.

Speaking of pvp, is this game designed to have your enemy shoot at you for 2 seconds after you delivered the final blow to kill him or is it just really really laggy? Seriously i can shoot guys with my fusion rifle, then they shoot me back 2 seconds and then they die after no one doing any other damage to them except that initial fusion rifle shot. Its like that all the time. I can kill someone and i end up dying too because they can still get shots off at me for a second or two before they actually die. Curious if this is a PS4 thing, is it any better on xbox 360 or xbox one?

Im up to level 28, and im pretty much good to go for a raid or anything. I am just trying to get a legendary or exotic auto rifle. I have enough crucible points, but im still about 800 xp away from getting to rank 3 to actually buy the gun. I saw that Xur has an exotic auto rifle today and would love to have that but i only have 11 coins and can only add 9 more via the weekly challenge. So i would still be 5 short. If anyone wants to do the weekly challenge on level 26 or 28 let me know, i could always use more strange coins.

I have 56 motes of light to buy the helmet engram but dont think its worth the risk. LOL. Probably get a titan or hunter helmet.

So it is confirmed that it rewards more than just the legendary chest/helm?

What are the prices? I read 23 coins for the rifle, that true?, I only have 12 and no time to play this weekend.
23 for the rifle yeah and then I believe 12 for the individual armor pieces? I am going for the rifle because I am loving my sunsinger gauntlets from before still!

*kill3r7 corrected me (thank you) and I was one shy! Individual armor pieces are 13 coins!

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7th: I never noticed lag til Wednesday night. Played a ridiculous game of Clash in which the other team could survive anything. My record was one sprinting melee attack followed by 5 regular Titan melee attacks- all on the same guy- and he still killed me. I saved the video.
Trying to get kills with a hand canon or scout rifle feels so under powered. By the time you get 1 or 2 of 4 shots needed to get a kill out, you are dead to a shotgun or auto rifle because they kill you in one shot or less than a second. Even if you are getting headshots it still takes at least 4 hits to get a kill.

Trying to get kills with a hand canon or scout rifle feels so under powered. By the time you get 1 or 2 of 4 shots needed to get a kill out, you are dead to a shotgun or auto rifle because they kill you in one shot or less than a second. Even if you are getting headshots it still takes at least 4 hits to get a kill.
I think Bungie is well aware of this issue but it's not easy to blance these weapons. IMO, they would should switch to a 2 headshot kill model and change the fire rate to hair trigger for the (Hand Canon and Scout Rifle). Outside of that I'm not sure what else they could do. One hit kills would be too overpowered in my opinion.

I think Bungie is well aware of this issue but it's not easy to blance these weapons. IMO, they would should switch to a 2 headshot kill model and change the fire rate to hair trigger for the (Hand Canon and Scout Rifle). Outside of that I'm not sure what else they could do. One hit kills would be too overpowered in my opinion.
I think it's less that those weapons are underpowered than it is that shotguns are overpowered. With full health and shields, shotguns are generally one hit kills whilw every other weapon isn't, except maybe snipers which aren't in the same league in terms of engagement.
I think it's less that those weapons are underpowered than it is that shotguns are overpowered. With full health and shields, shotguns are generally one hit kills whilw every other weapon isn't, except maybe snipers which aren't in the same league in terms of engagement.
Yeah it isnt really a thing of making the other things stronger but lessening the intensity of the shotguns and auto rifles.

I am all over it right now using my auto rifle and shotgun in PvP but would much rather utilize a scout rifle and have a distinct advantage over auto rifle users by having better accuracy

Dang. I got some missions from the Queen after doing bounties and was only lvl23. I went after it anyway hoping some randoms would join me, but I was solo trying to do the Gate Lord and got my ass kicked. Worked my way up to lvl24 and went back. It was suddenly doable but wow, some excruciatingly difficult sections.

My saving grace was finding a sniper rifle on the way to lvl24 that does INSANE damage. I killed the Gate Lord in 4 hits to his weak spot and didn't have to worry about any of the minions he summons. got the Queen's Helm, which is infinitely better than any other equipment I had. Doing it solo was actually quite exciting and required lots of planning. THAT is the kind of fun challenging stuff I've wanted from this game and finally, one mission delivered.
Hopefully I can join you tonight, I turned in some bounties for the queen and want to jump on some of her missions, but being level 23 I have been too chicken to even try :whee:

So I did the Black Garden solo last night and I just wanna say fuck that final area.

I'm still stuck at Lvl 21 but cruising thru for the most part with my Scout, Sniper & RL... have a bit of trouble in one area but really my fault for trying to bumrush the area.

I get transported to the final area and just get mauled. Scout rifle just isn't a good choice for the intro bit and there's no safe haven where I could swap out. I died like 15 times until I worked out a good plan... then come the statues.

1st one goes easy, 2nd is tougher since I ran out of ammo for Snipe & RL. Third was the worst having to rely on the Scout and scavenging like crazy for ammo... ANY ammo :lol:

But man it felt good to take out that last sucker. I will say, that experience really captured the old feeling of the NES days. You know, where you're struck by that AHA moment and get past the roadblock.

Odd part is that I thought I chose the mission as part of a Strike; don't remember if it was the daily or just random strike. But when I look at my profile, it's listed under Story mission. Guessing that happened since I still haven't progressed the story past the Moon.

Also got that pulse rifle from the stranger at the end of the mission.

Trying to get kills with a hand canon or scout rifle feels so under powered. By the time you get 1 or 2 of 4 shots needed to get a kill out, you are dead to a shotgun or auto rifle because they kill you in one shot or less than a second. Even if you are getting headshots it still takes at least 4 hits to get a kill.
Yup. I gave up on those bounties because you just don't stand a chance. The only way I see getting those headshots would be poaching kills from your teammates and I try to not do that sorta stuff.

But it IS a great way to get the Assists bounty. I cleared that in 5, maybe 6 matches. I'd whittle down the health far enough before I was killed that a teammate would eventually come by and finish off for the kill

Yup. I gave up on those bounties because you just don't stand a chance. The only way I see getting those headshots would be poaching kills from your teammates and I try to not do that sorta stuff.

But it IS a great way to get the Assists bounty. I cleared that in 5, maybe 6 matches. I'd whittle down the health far enough before I was killed that a teammate would eventually come by and finish off for the kill
I just got the scout one, took a bit of time. Best advice i can give is try to shoot them from long distance. Then i turned in 3 crucible bounties and now im about 300 xp from rank 3 but the only crucible bounty i have left is this damn fusion spree deal. Not going to even try that. I think winning matches adds +25 but im tired of playing this so maybe just complete it tomorrow.

I bought two exotic helmet engrams and i got a titan helmet and the warlock helmet, so im happy. Didnt need to use my strange coins to buy the warlock one. I need 15 vanguard marks to buy some legendary gloves and then i can use this helmet. Looks pretty cool since my character is a female.

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Is there anyway to increase the magazine size of the Suros Regime? I miss having a 67 bullet magazine in my Auto Rifle and 33 doesn't feel right to me :(
No. The ones with 67 generally have a very low impact. Suros has a higher impact rate, causing the magazine being 33. I'm assuming of course.

No. The ones with 67 generally have a very low impact. Suros has a higher impact rate, causing the magazine being 33. I'm assuming of course.
Yeah I have not run across anything that increases clip ammo size. I wouldnt put it past Bungie to have something like that in there but as far as I have seen there is nothing.

Is there anyway to increase the magazine size of the Suros Regime? I miss having a 67 bullet magazine in my Auto Rifle and 33 doesn't feel right to me :(
Nope but when you get to the bottom half of your magazine, SR returns health and does more damage which is a pretty nice perk. Also, the stability on this thing is unreal. You basically just point hold the trigger and get kills.

bread's done