I am so glad I went and got the CE from BB. I'm going to save it and make someone give it to me for my birthday (thanksgiving) or for Christmas. Not dying to play it but it's great to know i have a solid game down the line. I was a huge Baldur's Gate 1&2 fan. I still follow the mods for those games from time to time. From what I understand this game is a true "pause & assign combat tasks to your party members" sort of game and that is exactly what I loved about BG. You'd get slaughtered and think! Jesus this is impossible...but then you'd go back...rethink your strategy...remember you had that wand of web, that oil of speed, scroll of haste. Remember that your druid could shapeshift, etc. And you'd utilize everything to win.
According to the Giant Bomb review, the difficulty is "steep". They recommend your average RPG-er to play on Easy. After the harmless KOTOR games and the tame-as-a-kitten Jade Empire...I am ready to get my ass kicked.