Game of Thrones discussion thread - Season 5 debuts April 12th

[quote name='dmaul1114']A bastard is just a child borne out of wedlock basically, and in older times it generally was used when the father is married to someone other than the mother as they were thus excluded from their inheritance as they weren't a pure blood noble.[/QUOTE]

thanks for the info this whole bastard issue has been bothering me.
[quote name='Clak']But wouldn't that still make him a Stark regardless of who his mother was?[/QUOTE]

No. In this story (and that medieval era of history in real life IIRC) you didn't get to take your father's name if you weren't born of his wife.

You got a "bastard name" like Snow to indicate that you weren't a legitimate heir.
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Ah, that makes sense. Wish I'd waited instead of heading to wikipedia. Man I'm going to be really sad when/if some of that stuff happens in the show....
[quote name='lokizz']yeah john snow is a bastard. his dad is lord stark[/QUOTE]


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[quote name='Clak']Ah, that makes sense. Wish I'd waited instead of heading to wikipedia. Man I'm going to be really sad when/if some of that stuff happens in the show....[/QUOTE]

Again, I'd really suggest picking up the books and reading them, especially if you've already spoiled some major events.

They're a great read and the show will be much easier to follow. You'd only have to read the first book (A Game of Thrones) to be read through this season.
[quote name='Anexanhume']


Really? I've read the books and didn't notice any hint that Ned may not be his father.
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[quote name='dmaul1114']Really? I've read the books and didn't notice any hint that Ned may not be his father.[/QUOTE]
Seriously? They practically beat you over the head with it. In fact at this point I don't how anyone can even argue that
Rheagar and Lyanna aren't the parents.
[quote name='dmaul1114']
You got a "bastard name" like Snow to indicate that you weren't a legitimate heir.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, there's other names too. Sand, Stone, Flowers, Storm, etc. Pretty much for whatever locale you are from. Dorne is kinda like Mexico, so the bastards are named Sand, the Eyrie (which will probably be in the next episode) is in the mountains so the bastards are named Stone, etc.

As far as Jon's mother, I'm going to spoil the shit out of it: MAJOR SERIES SPOILER
Seriously, I'm not kidding...this is some heavy shit I'm about to lay down...
Rhaegar (Dany's oldest brother and direct heir), was married to one of the Martells but supposedly had a secret affair with Ned's sister Lyanna. Rhaegar won a tourney and had to proclaim a woman to be the "queen of love and beauty" and he surprised everyone by picking Lyanna instead of his own wife. Afterwards, it's implied they ran off together, but rumors spread (probably from a jealous Robert) that he kidnapped her and raped her and all this nonsense, getting everyone so enraged that it resulted in Robert's Rebellion because everyone believed the bullshit rumors.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']
As far as Jon's mother, I'm going to spoil the shit out of it: MAJOR SERIES SPOILER
Seriously, I'm not kidding...this is some heavy shit I'm about to lay down...
Rhaegar (Dany's oldest brother and direct heir), was married to one of the Martells but supposedly had a secret affair with Ned's sister Lyanna. Rhaegar won a tourney and had to proclaim a woman to be the "queen of love and beauty" and he surprised everyone by picking Lyanna instead of his own wife. Afterwards, it's implied they ran off together, but rumors spread (probably from a jealous Robert) that he kidnapped her and raped her and all this nonsense, getting everyone so enraged that it resulted in Robert's Rebellion because everyone believed the bullshit rumors.

Book spoilers.

Ah I do recall that mention of that bit from that tourney now that you mention it.

I tended to kind of gloss over a lot of backstory stuff like that when reading (consequence of generally only doing leisure reading in bed which isn't ideal for detail oriented books like these since I'm tired), so I missed the significance of it and never really gave it any thought beyond her death being motivation for Robert's Rebellion.
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[quote name='crunchb3rry']Yeah, there's other names too. Sand, Stone, Flowers, Storm, etc. Pretty much for whatever locale you are from. Dorne is kinda like Mexico, so the bastards are named Sand, the Eyrie (which will probably be in the next episode) is in the mountains so the bastards are named Stone, etc.

As far as Jon's mother, I'm going to spoil the shit out of it: MAJOR SERIES SPOILER
Seriously, I'm not kidding...this is some heavy shit I'm about to lay down...
Rhaegar (Dany's oldest brother and direct heir), was married to one of the Martells but supposedly had a secret affair with Ned's sister Lyanna. Rhaegar won a tourney and had to proclaim a woman to be the "queen of love and beauty" and he surprised everyone by picking Lyanna instead of his own wife. Afterwards, it's implied they ran off together, but rumors spread (probably from a jealous Robert) that he kidnapped her and raped her and all this nonsense, getting everyone so enraged that it resulted in Robert's Rebellion because everyone believed the bullshit rumors.

You gloss over the fact that
Lyanna was betrothed to Robert, and that the rebellion didn't really start until the Mad King decided it would be a good idea to cook Ned Stark's father in his armor in front of the whole court.
But other than that, yeah.

[quote name='dmaul1114']
Ah I do recall that mention of that bit from that tourney now that you mention it.

I tended to kind of gloss over a lot of backstory stuff like that when reading (consequence of generally only doing leisure reading in bed which isn't ideal for detail oriented books like these since I'm tired), so I missed the significance of it and never really gave it any thought beyond her death being motivation for Robert's Rebellion.

She died at the end of the rebellion (in childbirth, it's implied). The death of Ned Stark's father and brother were the direct motivations for the rebellion.
Google image search for
game of thrones dragon skulls
provided some interesting images from future episodes and props.
[quote name='Magus8472']
She died at the end of the rebellion (in childbirth, it's implied). The death of Ned Stark's father and brother were the direct motivations for the rebellion.

Book spoilers.

Yeah I much more distinctly remember Ned's father being cooked in his armo, and his brother's death as well since he was orginal betrothed to Catelyn, and those being a part of the motivation for the rebellion.

I didn't remember much about Lyanna other than Robert being betrothed to her, and her having died before they were married. I don't much recall that the the death was from child birth and had forgotten the flashback to the tournament with Rhaegar choosing her etc.

Like I said, I glossed over some backstory parts and other exposition, so I guess I missed that detail or it just didn't stick out and stay in my mind. :D
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Goddammit, you guys are driving me nuts with the Spoilers. This partial spoiler stuff where you say, "Hey, about Jon Snow, MAJOR SPOILER HERE," is not cool. You're clearly referring to the books when the thread is supposed to be about the HBO series (at least the thread title and OP give that impression).

You guys need a SoIaF thread already for full-on, spoilerific discussion. I'm not hatin', just reminding you guys that putting a spoiler tag in a post doesn't absolve you of being dickweeds with this nod and a wink bullshit.
I suggested the separate thread idea earlier, but the general consensus seemed to be to leave it here and people to clearly indicate when spoilers were from books rather than the show. That we seem to have stopped doing recently, myself included. I'll go indicated that my last couple were book spoilers and not stuff covered in the show to date.

But seriously, anyone who hasn't read the books really should. They're a great read and it would help people understand the show more cut down on a lot of questions which are just things that get glossed over quickly in the show and are explained in detail in the books.
Yeah, I saw that, dmaul. And your use of spoilers is appropriate, as it is for some others.

It's the earlier stuff, particularly Anexanhume's. My hope is those guys will delete their posts. He responded to a VERY fucking specific question about the TV series with a comment on the books (this aside and smiley face), and it's enough of a bad apple to potentially spoil the barrel for those of us who are partially through the first 4.

I'd second your idea about a separate thread for spoilered discussion. I think that the temptation to spoil future events in the series with material from the books is too strong, people should agree that all discussion should use series only events. If the temptation to discuss the series using book events is too strong, at the very least the ENTIRE response should be spoilered as a book spoiler.

This was a bummer, to read all this today.
I agree there should be a separate thread for the books. I'm currently reading them myself (halfway through book 2), and while I've avoided the spoiler tags, I had no reason to
question Jon's parentage at the point in the books I'm at, and now I do, and that tidbit was not spoilered.

I don't see any harm in having a separate thread for the books, provided there's enough interest in discussing them (which there certainly seems to be).
Thanks, dmaul.

Again, I don't have a problem with book spoilers here, I know it's bound to happen, but I hope that people would at least do it responsibly: put the spoiler tag around your ENTIRE response, including whatever post you're quoting.
The problem is that it's hard to consider something a spoiler when the issue is put in doubt from the very first book and is repeated again and again throughout the series without an actual conclusion.

It's kind of like saying "there might have been a second shooter" to someone who doesn't know anything about the JFK murder yet. You're not really spoiling something in the same way as "Snape kills Dumbledore" because what you're offering them isn't a conclusion in and of itself.

By telling someone it, you're not ruining the plot in that you're just asking them to pay attention to a specific part.

Regardless, I've spoilered the original post. If dmaul does the same for the quote, it should be fine.
There's no hard feelings, anexanhume, I singled you out just because your post was a good example of losing sight of the fact that the question was asked in the context of the series. As far as the series goes, the thing you responded to is not in question at all, that should be the beginning and end of it.

The basis for answers to questions in this thread (and we know there will be a lot of them) should be what's known in the series. It doesn't need to be prefaced with "as far as we know" -- it's understood that this is the TV series ONLY.

Responding otherwise (with teases or stuff like, "Well, in the books...") risks spoiling the books for people who might be inspired by the first season to go and read the first 4 or 5 books of SoIaF. And that's not a good thing to do, because the way GRRM subverts all kinds of fantasy conventions means there are lots of little surprises in the books if you're unspoiled.

Again, there's no hard feelings on this, I think it was bound to happen given the level of enthusiasm for the books and the TV series.
Spoilered the quote as requested.

I do agree with dothog. The spoilered discussion definitely hasn't been hinted at in the TV series yet, even if it is in the books a lot.
I'm loving this series so far. I read Song of Ice and Fire and never found the time yet to read Game of Thrones yet (I guess I was burned out on fantasy after catching up on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series and then reading LOTR for like the tenth time back in 02).

I definitely like the idea of two separate threads. As I watch the show some stuff comes back to me but, it's been so long I have forgotten most of the main plot points and don't want them spoiled.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']I'm loving this series so far. I read Song of Ice and Fire and never found the time yet to read Game of Thrones yet ....[/QUOTE]

Huh? Song of Ice and Fire is just the name of the series, not a book. Game of Thrones is just book 1 of the series.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Huh? Song of Ice and Fire is just the name of the series, not a book. Game of Thrones is just book 1 of the series.[/QUOTE]

From what he said I think he meant to say again based on his second paragraph (forgot main plot points).
ok i just watched the 4th episode again and i think ive figured out some thing so if you know let me know if im right or not.

lord arron ( the previous hand of the king) was poisoned by the queen because hed been looking around at proof against the queen namely the fact that all her kids werent king roberts but were in fact her brothers.

lord arron researched this in a book of lineage hence the whole " the seed is strong" line and upon doing some digging around in town found a bastard child of roberts who obviously didnt have blonde hair.

the knight who was killed during the joust was the squire of lord arron and he may or may not have known this truth as well so he was promoted so he could quickly be dealt with which may or may not be why the made sure to have one of these contests for ned.

so none of king roberts kids are his outside of the bastard he had theyre all the queens brothers kids. the only people who knew about his bastard kid were the old hand and maybe his squire and now only ned and his right hand man know and im assuming the lannisters dont know or else hed be dead already.
[quote name='lokizz']ok i just watched the 4th episode again and i think ive figured out some thing so if you know let me know if im right or not.

lord arron ( the previous hand of the king) was poisoned by the queen because hed been looking around at proof against the queen namely the fact that all her kids werent king roberts but were in fact her brothers.

lord arron researched this in a book of lineage hence the whole " the seed is strong" line and upon doing some digging around in town found a bastard child of roberts who obviously didnt have blonde hair.

the knight who was killed during the joust was the squire of lord arron and he may or may not have known this truth as well so he was promoted so he could quickly be dealt with which may or may not be why the made sure to have one of these contests for ned.

so none of king roberts kids are his outside of the bastard he had theyre all the queens brothers kids. the only people who knew about his bastard kid were the old hand and maybe his squire and now only ned and his right hand man know and im assuming the lannisters dont know or else hed be dead already.

Roughly correct on everything (a few details are off here or there) except the spelling of Jon Arryn's name.. ;)
[quote name='bvharris']Roughly correct on everything (a few details are off here or there) except the spelling of Jon Arryn's name.. ;)[/QUOTE]

ive always been bad at remembering peoples names but im glad i was right. man that kingdom is fucked up. and wtf is with the
king that he cant notice the truth in front of him.
btw what was i wrong on?
[quote name='dmaul1114']Huh? Song of Ice and Fire is just the name of the series, not a book. Game of Thrones is just book 1 of the series.[/QUOTE]

Oops :lol: one of my friends always refers to it as "Song of Ice and Fire part 1" so I got confused. He did the same with Wheel of Time. Okay, so then yes I read the first book Game of Thrones several years ago and the next one is Clash of Kings right?
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Oops :lol: one of my friends always refers to it as "Song of Ice and Fire part 1" so I got confused. He did the same with Wheel of Time. Okay, so then yes I read the first book Game of Thrones several years ago and the next one is Clash of Kings right?[/QUOTE]


A Game of Thrones
A Clash of Kings
A Storm of Swords
A Feast for Crows
A Dance with Dragons (comes out in July)

With two more books to come.
I thought he'd said what the last two books were going to be called.

Last one has Winter in the title I think.

EDIT - From the Wiki

  • The Winds of Winter (forthcoming)
  • A Dream of Spring (forthcoming)
[quote name='benjamouth']I thought he'd said what the last two books were going to be called.

Last one has Winter in the title I think.

EDIT - From the Wiki

  • The Winds of Winter (forthcoming)
  • A Dream of Spring (forthcoming)

At one point one was going to be "A Time for Wolves" but either that was too obvious, or plans changed :D
I heard he was going to call one book A Time to Be Born, with the one coming after it A Time to Die. He had plans for A Time to Laugh but let's face it, that wouldn't fit in.
So that's how it'll end. Winds of Winter means winter has come. A Dream of Spring means the Starks win because they're tough Siberian type people and everyone else freezes to death. The Lannisters get pwned by mother nature. Although (BOOK 4 SPOILER)
With the last book, it seems like Cersei is up shit creek, Jaime is done with everything, and Tyrion just wants to chill and ride Danys dragons. The Lannisters are pretty much done already, so who is the real enemy now? Tommen? The known threat of the Greyjoys and the unknown threat of the Others are the only real threats at this point. That and maybe whatever Littlefinger has planned.
[quote name='Strell']Good episode. Therefore I look forward to people complaining about it.[/QUOTE]

Great episode indeed.

One scene I was surprised by
was the one between Renly and Loras. I definitely remember the nature of their relationship being implied in the first book, though I don't remember it ever being explicitly stated that they were lovers. Certainly not as plainly as in the show. I'll have to keep a clearer eye out for that as I continue reading book 2.
[quote name='bvharris']Great episode indeed.

One scene I was surprised by
was the one between Renly and Loras. I definitely remember the nature of their relationship being implied in the first book, though I don't remember it ever being explicitly stated that they were lovers. Certainly not as plainly as in the show. I'll have to keep a clearer eye out for that as I continue reading book 2.

B2 sp

It's been theorized they are establishing Renly's motivation for his campaign for the throne.
This show is awesome. I'm 2 eps behind but I LOVE it so far. I never read the books but now I might have to. I love me some beheadings and titties!
I caught up on Ep 4 on Friday night and was extremely impressed with how they started to bring items they laid the groundwork for in the first three episodes into the fourth episode.

Watched Ep 5 last night and think it's the best one yet, and it certainly had some items for the people complaining about the lack of action in the previous episodes. I recommend people watch the intro sequence for Ep 5 and see if they notice any differences between that intro sequence and the previous ones.

If Peter Dinklage doesn't get an Emmy nod for his work in the show, it'll be a high crime of ridiculous proportions. I hope the show also gets lots of Emmy nods as well.

To those that didn't see Ep 5 yet, HBO will offer Ep 7 streaming online via after Ep 6 airs next weekend, for the entire week before it airs on HBO.
[quote name='Strell']Good episode. Therefore I look forward to people complaining about it.[/QUOTE]
My only complaint: DONGS. Lol, I'm actually really impressed with how hardcore they're making this show and it has been too long since they had a series like Rome. I was really worried from the last episode that the momentum was dying off, but last night was easily the best so far.
^Rome!? fuck Rome... Spartacus!

Anyway, that was a pretty good episode. They should call this show the Adventures of the Midget. lol

Still have no damn clue what's going on...
i didnt like last nights episode as much but alot of the surprises were interesting,. btw i wonder how old that kid was because all i can say is hes got the best damn job ever. wonder how you put that on your resume......

really enjoyed seeing the dog fight his brother the guys got some serious skills makes you wonder if he could take him.

also liked the fight at the end damn shame that guy was killed though he was a pretty cool character.

ned stark is the fuckin man you cant help but respect that he never bends in what he feels is right even if it pisses off the king.

also are the lanisters looking to kill ass of the kinds bastards or is it someone else?

also could have done without the cock slurping noises too especially when eating ice cream.
[quote name='shrike4242']I caught up on Ep 4 on Friday night and was extremely impressed with how they started to bring items they laid the groundwork for in the first three episodes into the fourth episode.

Watched Ep 5 last night and think it's the best one yet, and it certainly had some items for the people complaining about the lack of action in the previous episodes. I recommend people watch the intro sequence for Ep 5 and see if they notice any differences between that intro sequence and the previous ones.

If Peter Dinklage doesn't get an Emmy nod for his work in the show, it'll be a high crime of ridiculous proportions. I hope the show also gets lots of Emmy nods as well.

To those that didn't see Ep 5 yet, HBO will offer Ep 7 streaming online via after Ep 6 airs next weekend, for the entire week before it airs on HBO.[/QUOTE]

he should get one hell a number of them should but they wont.
[quote name='shrike4242']
If Peter Dinklage doesn't get an Emmy nod for his work in the show, it'll be a high crime of ridiculous proportions. I hope the show also gets lots of Emmy nods as well.

As an astute watcher of the TV industry, I can tell you that the Emmys almost never give any respect whatsoever to actors who appear in Fantasy or Science Fiction shows. Lost is a notable exception, but John Noble has been deserving of an Emmy three years running for his work on Fringe and has yet to even see a nomination.
[quote name='bvharris']As an astute watcher of the TV industry, I can tell you that the Emmys almost never give any respect whatsoever to actors who appear in Fantasy or Science Fiction shows. Lost is a notable exception, but John Noble has been deserving of an Emmy three years running for his work on Fringe and has yet to even see a nomination.[/QUOTE]When it comes to broadcast TV, that might be the case, though I'm hoping with all of the accolades Game of Thrones has been getting, they might reverse the trend you mentioned.
bread's done