GGT 307 decided to cosplay as Lightning

uhhhhhhh I'm pretty bored I'm so bored I think I want to study

nvm I think its almost over

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lagging even on medium damn twitch sucks

eh poor justin pick a better team asshole

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I'll never forgive Kevin Vanord. What a terrible person.
Such a rude person you are.

That Toejam and Earl intro. I should just quit. I'll never animate anything that good.
That was some top notch stuff, I never see you getting past that level in a million years.

Whaaat? Why was this not more publicized.

Rock Band Blitz was a good price. I hope we'll get something better tonight, though. I want cheap shit.
Porbably because of how many different end of the world scenarios there have been, people are sick of them lol.

I also want cheap games that are good!

I keep having this recurring element in my dreams where when I'm driving a car and I'm on the brakes, the car still continues to roll forward.

Can you guys explain this to me and how it correlates with the things that are happening in my life?

Okay, guys this has been really helpful so here's my second out of two reoccurring dream elements.

So like I'll be either walking or running and sometimes I'm caring something like a backpack or just something in my hands and sometimes I'm not carrying anything and then suddenly it gets really hard to take the next step. I'm still moving but I get very focused on why it's so hard to move. Sometimes it's cuz whatever I'm carrying got very heavy or my legs just get heavy and sometimes it's just for the fuck of it.

I can relate. I have very similar recurring dreams.

1. Maybe you don't have full control of what's going on in your life, but I'm gonna take it from a different angle. You are always moving forward toward your goal. So much so that you don't ever come to a complete stop to just rest and energize, to motivate yourself again, or to simply look back at what you've accomplished. You're driven to a point you don't have control.
[customspoiler=♫ Riiiiise to the top, I got to make it to the top, I keep on workin never stop, Gonna keep on pushin. ♫]

2. This may be the antithesis to the former. You just need to [customspoiler=Slow Down.][/customspoiler]

Yin and Yang.

Yang. Final Fantasy IV.
Should be studying but this story about this double amputee hot woman swimmer chick...
I almost dated an amputee once. I based the fact that I liked her entirely on how she took a joke I made about her giving me a no-handie with her nub, though. Turned out she was kind of a bitch. Probably kind of deserved the no hand thing somehow.
Are you guys the 'Ice Truck Killer?' No spoilers.

I can relate. I have very similar recurring dreams.

1. Maybe you don't have full control of what's going on in your life, but I'm gonna take it from a different angle. You are always moving forward toward your goal. So much so that you don't ever come to a complete stop to just rest and energize, to motivate yourself again, or to simply look back at what you've accomplished. You're driven to a point you don't have control.
[customspoiler=♫ Riiiiise to the top, I got to make it to the top, I keep on workin never stop, Gonna keep on pushin. ♫]

2. This may be the antithesis to the former. You just need to [customspoiler=Slow Down.][/customspoiler]

Yin and Yang.

Yang. Final Fantasy IV.
I like these responses.

I'm going to hit the Like button on this post to exemplify that further.

I can't believe Twitch caught Zapdos with the master ball.

Had to blow 30 bucks on a new laptop battery, struggle gets ruggled

True Detective first episode was SOOOO good, that dinner scene alone was GOLD

I've had the same pair of shoes since I was in high school, so I'd say probably 5 years now......just a pair of black Vans, really comfy

I can't believe Twitch caught Zapdos with the master ball.

Had to blow 30 bucks on a new laptop battery, struggle gets ruggled
Yeah, I have no idea how they did it but I was impressed at that as well!

Dang, last time I needed a laptop battery it was like $120+

would you wear those while indidawg slept next to you?
I don't wear shoes when I sleep... but I'd wear them while Indignate was on my bed.


I can totally see you rocking those when we go watch Guardians of the Galaxy together like we've made plans to.
I totally got them because I thought they went well with the release of the GotG trailer, and I'll totally rock them when we go to see the movie. :grouphug:

On a gaming related note, check out how ridiculous the armor in Xenoblade is:

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Polished off Strider on hard. Solid 8/10. The last boss fight has
absolutely terrible controls which make it super frustrating (on hard, at least)
. Got all of the achievements except beat it in under 4 hours and beat it on Normal (the difficulty achievements don't stack in case any of you guys were wondering).

Also, if anyone in here is trying to sell Super Mario 3D World for Wii U let me know, I have been meaning to play it.

remember when people begged capcom for phoenix wright?
And no one ever, ever picks him. He's not even fun to mess around with.

Call me when Wong wins with Iron Fist.

Actually don't, who cares.

Think I may be done with SoulCalibur2 for right now except for randomly jumping online to wreck people with Nightmare. There's almost nobody online so I just ran into the same guy 3 times and he rage quit every goddamn time before my wins would register.
360 or PS3? I have it on 360.

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Polished off Strider on hard. Solid 8/10. The last boss fight has
absolutely terrible controls which make it super frustrating (on hard, at least)
. Got all of the achievements except beat it in under 4 hours and beat it on Normal (the difficulty achievements don't stack in case any of you guys were wondering).

Also, if anyone in here is trying to sell Super Mario 3D World for Wii U let me know, I have been meaning to play it.

And no one ever, ever picks him. He's not even fun to mess around with.
been too busy studying to play strider :( I got reflect powerup and that was it.

I'm gonna need a guide there's so much shit you can skip

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I've had the same pair of shoes since I was in high school, so I'd say probably 5 years now......just a pair of black Vans, really comfy

Yeah, I have no idea how they did it but I was impressed at that as well!

Dang, last time I needed a laptop battery it was like $120+
yeah i have a piece of shit HP so i guess i win there

I finally started Bioshock Infinite, pretty neat. Weird to get used to playing one of these where my character has a voice/personality/etc. Only got to the next area after you first get vigors/a gun to fuck people up with but the world seems cool, though not nearly as atmospheric as my clearly-perfect memory of Rapture.

Okay, guys this has been really helpful so here's my second out of two reoccurring dream elements.

So like I'll be either walking or running and sometimes I'm caring something like a backpack or just something in my hands and sometimes I'm not carrying anything and then suddenly it gets really hard to take the next step. I'm still moving but I get very focused on why it's so hard to move. Sometimes it's cuz whatever I'm carrying got very heavy or my legs just get heavy and sometimes it's just for the fuck of it.

Sounds like you may feel like you over commit to things and can't finish them or that you're feeling like things you take up quickly overburden you to the point that you can't finish things, even if they seem as simple as walking. It's likely somehow related to the other dream. The fact that you focus so much on why things get difficult may also have some relevance as it could show that you worry too much about how difficult it is to complete your tasks in life.

At any rate, you sound like you need some real relaxation, man.

For those that asked, I have SC2HD on 360 and I would love to play sometime.
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As a kid I had a constantly reocurring dream where I would be in a car with a parent or family member, and they would park  the car on a hill and get out to do something, leaving me inside, and the car would start to roll backward or forward down the hill, plummeting toward an inevitable crash, and I would be stuck trying to open the door (which usually wouldn't open) and get out.

The Lego Movie was good.  It had feels at the end.

I'm not sure if I should pick up DK Tropical Freeze now or wait for sale.

I haven't seen Frosty in FFXIV.  I am sad.

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I'm getting sucked onto the smash bros hype train :/
What's sucking you in? I'm pretty stoked too.

I'mma start reading the stuff you sent me tomorrow, btw. Sorry I took so long to get to it. The last week has been hectic, so I've savoured any time I could play games.
I don't wear shoes when I sleep... but I'd wear them while Indignate was on my bed.
Rude. On two accounts: Shoes on bed. Teasing Indiggy.

As a kid I had a constantly reocurring dream where I would be in a car with a parent or family member, and they would park the car on a hill and get out to do something, leaving me inside, and the car would start to roll backward or forward down the hill, plummeting toward an inevitable crash, and I would be stuck trying to open the door (which usually wouldn't open) and get out.
RIP Mikey.

What's sucking you in? I'm pretty stoked too.

I'mma start reading the stuff you sent me tomorrow, btw. Sorry I took so long to get to it. The last week has been hectic, so I've savoured any time I could play games.
dont sweat it. I was just playing Brawl with some people the other night and it got me excited to have a new game to play around with.

been too busy studying to play strider :( I got reflect powerup and that was it.

I'm gonna need a guide there's so much shit you can skip
It's not too bad, I got everything without a guide except for 2 costumes. Just a note, which I didn't realize till I was almost done, is that you don't actually need to collect the little POWs that give you concept art and challenge rooms. I assumed that was an achievement, but it isn't.

bread's done