God of War III -- Gen. Discussion

Even though I've already got them on ps2, it seems like a great deal to get them at $40 with the new trophy support.

Count me in.
[quote name='Ecofreak']I would absolutely explode if SotC were remastered -- I want to replay it but not on my HD TV.[/QUOTE]

It's not that bad it's widescreen and 480p. I tried it out a month or two ago.
Damnit, I already own both GoW titles, and so does my girlfriend. But, I'll probably pick up that 2 pack because they're my favorite games.
[quote name='mis0']The remastered release looks good. Kind of wish the price was at the sweeter $29.99.[/QUOTE]

Just wait. I'm sure it will drop like most everything else.
"God of War Collection will feature reworked versions of both God of War® and God of War® II on a single Blu-ray Disc™ at full 1280 x 720 resolution. Both critically acclaimed games, which were originally developed for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, have been remastered with anti-aliased graphics running at 60 frames per second for a smooth gameplay experience on the PS3 system."

Wow... hope it's not just a resolution change but increased texture maps and polygon count would be nice, too!

Parts of the IGN interview about the extra disc for GoWII and the GoWIII demo rumor:
IGN: Going back to the content, one thing that was great about the original releases of both games is that they were essentially huge collector's editions in the regular package, with all sorts of behind-the-scenes stuff, documentaries, a museum where you could walk around and see models that weren't used, the Challenge of the Gods... Is all that stuff returning?

John Hight: All of the content that was in God of War 1 was in the playable image, and that will be in there. With God of War II, we actually had a separate DVD that had some bonus content in it, and what we're exploring with that is... We didn't want to just put a DVD on a Blu-ray disc. We thought that that would be kind of lame. So what we're exploring is putting that content in what's called a media file, so you'll be able to use your PlayStation 3 XrossMediaBar, go over into the Media area and have all the functionality of that to view those movies. So, one of the benefits is that you'll now be able to stop the stuff, rewind, fast-forward, so you'll treat them just like media files. So that's pretty cool.

The only thing is that we're a little concerned that because it's not in the same directory as the game itself that consumers might not realize that that content is there, so we will have a little menu item that says "Additional Bonus Content for God of War II" and it'll direct them to the Media section of their XrossMediaBar. We just felt like why should we reinvent a movie player when there's this awesome one on the PlayStation 3.

IGN: Moving on to two other games in the God of War franchise… Firstly, there were rumors going around before the compilation was made official that a demo for God of War III might be on it. What's the case on that?

John Hight: That is unlikely at this juncture. First and foremost, we want to be able to have this available for this holiday, and we don't have a demo available yet that we feel is release-ready. I know a lot of people played the E3 demo and dug it and everything but, as far as our standards, it's not ready to go into everybody's home. So we wouldn't want to hinder our efforts to get God of War 1 and 2 out. We felt like the fans were pretty outspoken as far as, "Man, I want to play now" and "I want to play this Christmas", so we put the emphasis on that.
Why to people ask for poly count increases like it's something that can magically and easily be done?

The IGN interview also revealed that there will be "double the trophies" for the disc, due to two full games being on there. That's awesome.
[quote name='mykevermin']The IGN interview also revealed that there will be "double the trophies" for the disc, due to two full games being on there. That's awesome.[/QUOTE]

Yah, that just makes the game that much sweeter. I cannot wait to get my hands on this thing. Imagine Kingdom Hearts 1/2/COM in HD with trophies for each! ZOMG!!
[quote name='blitz6speed']Yah, that just makes the game that much sweeter. I cannot wait to get my hands on this thing. Imagine Kingdom Hearts 1/2/COM in HD with trophies for each! ZOMG!![/QUOTE]

totally forgot about that game combo. It would be perfect and I hope this would be talked about as soon as they see the response for GOW collection.
[quote name='soccerstud652']Will the remaster have trophy support?[/QUOTE]

Yes, there will full trophy support for BOTH games.
[quote name='SynGamer']Yes, there will full trophy support for BOTH games.[/QUOTE]

In that case, I'm sold. I never really finished either game first time around.
[quote name='mwynn']

Augh!:bomb: Thanks for posting a picture but what's with all the repackaged games first Metroid and now this. I bought a 60GB PS3 so I wouldn't have to rebuy my games, damn trophy whore that I am my wallet is going to be bled dry:cry:.
I had the GOW Collection pre-ordered at Amazon and they just sent out an email about the arrival date changing. It had down 01/03/10 as the original arrival date, though now it's listing it as 11/16/09 in the email. Checking the Amazon site shows as the release date as 11/10/09, and that's mirrored on the Gamestop site as well.
[quote name='bob330i']Just wait. I'm sure it will drop like most everything else.[/QUOTE]

youd think that but this is something i see being released in limited quantities i dont know why but i really think it could be which is why i plan on buying it for 40 asap.
^It'll drop.

There's plenty of people (Sony knows this) with interest as either they a) don't have a compatible ps3 with the previous god of wars b) have had no taste of the revered god of war series (and probably want to experience before the big deal that god of war 3 will be) c) want to play it in hd/this gen (most don't like going back a gen) d) want trophies/other ps3 specific features e) all of the aforementioned.

I want the remastered, but I cannot wait for GOWIII :hot:
I just got a PS3 Slim and heard about the Collection. I sold both my GOW I & II games on Goozex in anticipation of buying it since I never beat the originals and would like the Remastered versions + Trophy support.
[quote name='mykee98']The GOW collection will include the E3 GOW III demo:

This doesn't make much sense. Why would they give you a voucher to DL the demo rather than include it on the disc? They state that it will be ready to use on day of purchase, but does that really mean the demo will be ready for DL?

Originally, the demo wouldn't make the cut due to not being ready in time for a holiday release. And if it's being released on PSN, why not just give it to everyone? That said, I get the feeling it's just another timed exclusive, since they'd be idiots to hold something as hot as this back from potential customers.
[quote name='Jodou']This doesn't make much sense. Why would they give you a voucher to DL the demo rather than include it on the disc? They state that it will be ready to use on day of purchase, but does that really mean the demo will be ready for DL?

Originally, the demo wouldn't make the cut due to not being ready in time for a holiday release. And if it's being released on PSN, why not just give it to everyone? That said, I get the feeling it's just another timed exclusive, since they'd be idiots to hold something as hot as this back from potential customers.[/QUOTE]

To promote people buying the Collection new, duh. It'll become available later at some point, but that'll be after the pre-order for exclusive demo promotion that they'll do.
[quote name='Jodou']This doesn't make much sense. Why would they give you a voucher to DL the demo rather than include it on the disc? They state that it will be ready to use on day of purchase, but does that really mean the demo will be ready for DL?

Originally, the demo wouldn't make the cut due to not being ready in time for a holiday release. And if it's being released on PSN, why not just give it to everyone? That said, I get the feeling it's just another timed exclusive, since they'd be idiots to hold something as hot as this back from potential customers.[/QUOTE]

The demo will be available to everyone eventually, its just a bonus for people that are buying this collection.
[quote name='Jodou']This doesn't make much sense. Why would they give you a voucher to DL the demo rather than include it on the disc? They state that it will be ready to use on day of purchase, but does that really mean the demo will be ready for DL?

Originally, the demo wouldn't make the cut due to not being ready in time for a holiday release. And if it's being released on PSN, why not just give it to everyone? That said, I get the feeling it's just another timed exclusive, since they'd be idiots to hold something as hot as this back from potential customers.[/QUOTE]

I would guess it was a last minute call and was too late for addition to the 1&2 disc. That would be my best guess. I know the demo is ready, I played a few times on Wed night while I was in KC for the BBY event. All I can say is it was awesome and I did not want to stop playing it.
This is probably gonna be yet another clearance buy for me once Kmart or Sears drop it to about $10 on their clearance schedules. Definitely not worth it to me to repay for games I already owned.

As for the demo thing, they damn well fuckin' better put it up on the Playstation Store and not make it exclusive to this collection.

The way it is, I feel a bit cheated by the ending to part 2 on the PS2, so God Of War III is also going to be a used/clearance buy for me. fuck Sony.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']This is probably gonna be yet another clearance buy for me once Kmart or Sears drop it to about $10 on their clearance schedules. Definitely not worth it to me to repay for games I already owned.

As for the demo thing, they damn well fuckin' better put it up on the Playstation Store and not make it exclusive to this collection.

The way it is, I feel a bit cheated by the ending to part 2 on the PS2, so God Of War III is also going to be a used/clearance buy for me. fuck Sony.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, you're going to die an early death with all this hate.

And it's over such trivial things in the greater picture of...well...life.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Seriously, you're going to die an early death with all this hate.

And it's over such trivial things in the greater picture of...well...life.[/QUOTE]

And why pretell did you have to respond? What does my disdain of this business practice have to do with you personally? As for it being 'hatred', I hate everybody and everything equally. It's my MO.:razz:

They should've made the demo available to all and allow the 'collection' to sell on it's own merits. But I think they know that that's the only way some suckers will pay $30+ for two old games with purty graphics to them.
Well.. Then it's not aimed towards you. Why blame Sony? I don't know if anyone has pointed it out, but there was a survey awhile back asking what fans wanted. It appears a God of War 1 + 2 re-release was the winner. Also, I'm one of those who missed out during the PS2 days and would love to play these before making a decision on the 3rd.

And yeah.. That really is a lot of unnecessary hate.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']And why pretell did you have to respond? What does my disdain of this business practice have to do with you personally? [/QUOTE]

Your disdain has nothing to do with me personally. But I've known a lot of people who have a similar MO as you, and sometimes, they needed someone to point out their behavior. Maybe they change, maybe they don't. But I'm willing to take ~2 minutes of my life to take a shot.
Thanks for the effort, Dr. Freud. As for blaming Sony, Invin, the demo should be available to those who already HAVE a PS3(ie me and millions of others) and not only exclusively to those people who buy the compilation.

It's actually quite a smart business move on their part, but don't many PS3 fan(boy)s cry about the Wii getting 'ports of old games' all the time. Yet now it's acceptable for Sony to do the same?

I know I'm not the audience they're trying to reach with this, since I'm too fuckin' cheap to pay MSRP for two OLD games.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']This is probably gonna be yet another clearance buy for me once Kmart or Sears drop it to about $10 on their clearance schedules. Definitely not worth it to me to repay for games I already owned.

As for the demo thing, they damn well fuckin' better put it up on the Playstation Store and not make it exclusive to this collection.

The way it is, I feel a bit cheated by the ending to part 2 on the PS2, so God Of War III is also going to be a used/clearance buy for me. fuck Sony.[/QUOTE]

You need to find god. Seriously. No doctor on this earth can help you at this point.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']And why pretell did you have to respond? What does my disdain of this business practice have to do with you personally? As for it being 'hatred', I hate everybody and everything equally. It's my MO.:razz:

They should've made the demo available to all and allow the 'collection' to sell on it's own merits. But I think they know that that's the only way some suckers will pay $30+ for two old games with purty graphics to them.[/QUOTE]

dude its hard to pass by one of your rants and not respond. we all know nothing we say will sober you up to the reality that if you hate sony so much then dont bother with them ( like how i feel about the wii i hate it thus ive never touched one and never will) but you as much as you say you hate what sony does you continue to support them by buying heir stuff whether on the cheap or not you do.

that said im all for the demo being in the gow collection and why shouldnt they add in something extra for those willing to buy the collection in the end that demo or some kind of demo for gow3 will end up free for everyone much the same way the uncharted 2 demo will be so relax.

i own gow 1 and 2 and i still want the collection but i can see why people wouldnt buy it but you have to admit for once you have a company adding in something extra to reward those who buy their stuff. if you do wait till it goes clearance i hope the redemtion code will still be valid so you can enjoy the demo a day or so before the game releases or maybe months after depending on how long it takes the price to drop to your satisfaction.
[quote name='blitz6speed']You need to find god. Seriously. No doctor on this earth can help you at this point.[/QUOTE]

The two games aren't worth more than $10 combined to me and the demo should be FREE for all from the moment it releases, not just because you pay for this compilation. So why do I need 'help', since I'm just being a real Cheapassgamer for not wanting to overpay for OLD shit.

And lolkizz, since I joined CAG I've learned to be patient, since what I want will eventually drop to the price I only want to pay. Even if it's a 'day before the full game releases', who cares? I still get to play it and I get to play it at MY price.

As for why I continue to play on a PS3 and don't get rid of it if I 'hate Sony so much', it's because the only other choices are the 360 or Wii. I dislike the games on Wii and I don't wanna deal with the hardware failures on the 360. Otherwise, I would've bought a 360.

But I'm not about to sell the PS3 and get nothing for it, then have to rebuy some of my favorite games on 360.
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[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']The two games aren't worth more than $10 combined to me and the demo should be FREE for all from the moment it releases, not just because you pay for this compilation. So why do I need 'help', since I'm just being a real Cheapassgamer for not wanting to overpay for OLD shit.

And lolkizz, since I joined CAG I've learned to be patient, since what I want will eventually drop to the price I only want to pay. Even if it's a 'day before the full game releases', who cares? I still get to play it and I get to play it at MY price.

As for why I continue to play on a PS3 and don't get rid of it if I 'hate Sony so much', it's because the only other choices are the 360 or Wii. I dislike the games on Wii and I don't wanna deal with the hardware failures on the 360. Otherwise, I would've bought a 360.

But I'm not about to sell the PS3 and get nothing for it, then have to rebuy some of my favorite games on 360.[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure it'll eventually be on psn for free. I don't see why you have to see everything as a negative for you instead of a positive bonus for people who buy the game. It's like getting into a beta for subscribing to qore.
Well, it is a negative for me and anyone else who has already played these games. Why should those of us wanting the demo be forced to wait until everybody who's buying the compilation have had the chance to play it?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Well, it is a negative for me and anyone else who has already played these games. Why should those of us wanting the demo be forced to wait until everybody who's buying the compilation have had the chance to play it?[/QUOTE]

Seriously bro, this is whining and bitching at its worst right here.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Why should those of us wanting the demo be forced to wait until everybody who's buying the compilation have had the chance to play it?[/QUOTE]

Because they're willing to pay for it and you're not.
How is it whining that everybody should be able to get the demo at the SAME time? The demo should've been released a long time ago, if you ask me, since it was already available at E3, right? Demos have never been shit you had to pay for to get access to before, unless you bought a subscription to the Playstation or Xbox mag.

So I guess no one actually shares my opinion that this is total bullshit that Sony is giving early access to the people buying this compilation when they should have had this demo released a long time ago to build up the hype for the game, which is due out in March of 2010.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']How is it whining that everybody should be able to get the demo at the SAME time? The demo should've been released a long time ago, if you ask me, since it was already available at E3, right? Demos have never been shit you had to pay for to get access to before, unless you bought a subscription to the Playstation or Xbox mag.

So I guess no one actually shares my opinion that this is total bullshit that Sony is giving early access to the people buying this compilation when they should have had this demo released a long time ago to build up the hype for the game, which is due out in March of 2010.[/QUOTE]

You must lack even the slightest understanding of how to run a business. Why give the demo out for free now, when you can get people to buy your product because it's included? You may not like it but it will help sales for the collection which Sony is totally justified to do. The game isn't out until March 2010 and most demos are released no more than a couple months from release. Getting the demo early by buying the GoW Collection makes good business sense and is a nice bonus for those who are going to buy the Collection.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']How is it whining that everybody should be able to get the demo at the SAME time? The demo should've been released a long time ago, if you ask me, since it was already available at E3, right? Demos have never been shit you had to pay for to get access to before, unless you bought a subscription to the Playstation or Xbox mag.

So I guess no one actually shares my opinion that this is total bullshit that Sony is giving early access to the people buying this compilation when they should have had this demo released a long time ago to build up the hype for the game, which is due out in March of 2010.[/QUOTE]

nope. this is seemingly the norm now people getting accesss to certain things when preordering or purchasing something.. you dont have to buy it you can wait for a general release like im sure many will and thats cool. in the end business is business you may not agree with it but they have every right to do this it.

i dont recall you getting upset over the uncharted 2 betas that came with infamous and then when you preordered uncharted 2. the only reason this pisses you off is you want to play the demo but you dont want to buy the gow 2 pack at full price. dont be pissed at sony because youre cheap ( as your screen name clearly states). nowdays you have to pay extra for the good stuff.

its just like ce of games you dont have to buy them but if you want to the options there.
Ahhhh whatever. While it is theirs to do with as they please, they are sure to piss off more of their customers who are like me and have already played the games and just want the fuckin' demo.

[quote name='lokizz']
i dont recall you getting upset over the uncharted 2 betas that came with infamous and then when you preordered uncharted 2. the only reason this pisses you off is you want to play the demo but you dont want to buy the gow 2 pack at full price. dont be pissed at sony because youre cheap ( as your screen name clearly states). nowdays you have to pay extra for the good stuff.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I didn't give a shit about the Uncharted 2 beta or InFamous, since I played Prototype and the game was similar to InFamous. Plus, I didn't really like the first Uncharted, since I thought it was just Tomb Raider with a guy in the lead role versus Lara Croft.

As for me being cheap, I thought that was the whole point of this site?

Anyway, I'm done, but it IS unfair to those just wanting the demo to have to wait. If the demo was good enough for GOW3, I'd gladly go out and plunk down a fully paid pre-order. But I guess I'll have to wait and by then I'll forget all about the game.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']How is it whining that everybody should be able to get the demo at the SAME time? The demo should've been released a long time ago, if you ask me, since it was already available at E3, right? Demos have never been shit you had to pay for to get access to before, unless you bought a subscription to the Playstation or Xbox mag.[/QUOTE]

You have an odd sense of entitlement.

Despite what you say, paying for demo access isn't exactly a new concept (I didn't buy Tobal No.1 for its intriguing gameplay mechanics). I don't see why it should go away just because more efficient content delivery mechanisms exist so long as people are still willing to fork over the money.

And even buying your premise that demos have "never been shit you had to pay for," markets change. It wasn't that long ago when people thought the idea of paying for television was ridiculous.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']How is it whining that everybody should be able to get the demo at the SAME time? The demo should've been released a long time ago, if you ask me, since it was already available at E3, right? Demos have never been shit you had to pay for to get access to before, unless you bought a subscription to the Playstation or Xbox mag.

So I guess no one actually shares my opinion that this is total bullshit that Sony is giving early access to the people buying this compilation when they should have had this demo released a long time ago to build up the hype for the game, which is due out in March of 2010.[/QUOTE]
Wow. Are you for real?

Why GoW3? There are tons of demos that are available at E3, PAX, TGS, GDC, Blizzcon that aren't available to download online.

You can't be that dumb. Did I just misread what you said?
bread's done