God of War III -- Gen. Discussion

[quote name='lokizz']why should it have been released on the wii or the 360 too ? im glad they waited to put it on the ps3. that way theyd have the tech to make a really amazing game. the scale of each game increases alot with each version so much so that they needed the ps3 to make the game the way they really wanted to. they could pull a nintendo and do one per console life how theyve been known to do with their flagship titles. and you know damn well if they had released gow3 on the ps2 and it wasnt up to your "expectations" you along with alot of the other gow haters would be whining about how shitty it was and what a letdown it was.

they waited and gave the game the time and attention it deserved to come out with an optimal product that would make fans of the series happy. if the fact that it was released on the ps3 bothers you so much dont buy it hell maybe youll get lucky and they will release a gow collection for the ps4 with all 3 games on one "insert future game medie name here".[/QUOTE]

:roll: Way to overreact there. But what I meant was that the first two games on the Playstation 2 were damned fine games for their time and many fans of the series were anxious to see what the third one would bring. However, once it was revealed it'd only be on the PS3, it made many of us resent Sony a bit.

Mind you, I know they need to sell consoles and all, but what about the millions of fans of the GOW series who are still unable to afford the PS3? I guess they're screwed until Sony decides it's time to drop the price again?

As for a GOW collection on the PS4, if they make the next Playstation with some other new media format which drives the price of the PS4 up to $600 or over, Sony can go fuck themselves. I'm NOT paying that much for a game system.

They can doubly go eat shit if they go all digital download next gen. I'll stick to the PS3/360/Wii generation if that happens, unless one of the other big three go with a physical media format.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
Mind you, I know they need to sell consoles and all, but what about the millions of fans of the GOW series who are still unable to afford the PS3? I guess they're screwed until Sony decides it's time to drop the price again?


they save up their money until they can afford one same way I did the same way a number of people here did. I could have bought one when they first came out but 600 was way too much for me so i waited till the mgs4 bundle came out and i got one then.

sony didnt screw anybody they created a console with alot of options and as we all know the more you add into something the more is going to cost. if you want bc and extra usb ports and card readers you pay the premium. if you just want to play ps3 games and blurays you buy the slim for 299.

even the slim as is has more going for it than the other consoles ( as far as more bang for your buck goes) so this whole attitude that sony is screwing gamers is stupid. you get what you pay for and if you cant afford it right off you figure out a way to get it and in time you can proudly go up to whatever store you want and buy your new console.

and if when its all said and done they still cant afford a ps3 go to a friends house who has one and play there or watch the videos on youtube.
[quote name='lokizz']they save up their money until they can afford one same way I did the same way a number of people here did. I could have bought one when they first came out but 600 was way too much for me so i waited till the mgs4 bundle came out and i got one then.

sony didnt screw anybody they created a console with alot of options and as we all know the more you add into something the more is going to cost. if you want bc and extra usb ports and card readers you pay the premium. if you just want to play ps3 games and blurays you buy the slim for 299.

even the slim as is has more going for it than the other consoles ( as far as more bang for your buck goes) so this whole attitude that sony is screwing gamers is stupid. you get what you pay for and if you cant afford it right off you figure out a way to get it and in time you can proudly go up to whatever store you want and buy your new console.

and if when its all said and done they still cant afford a ps3 go to a friends house who has one and play there or watch the videos on youtube.[/QUOTE]

Tell me again, what position is Sony in this gen? And what put them there?:D If not for free online play and better reliability than the 360, I would've bought a 360 since it did everything I wanted a GAME console to do.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Tell me again, what position is Sony in this gen? And what put them there?:D If not for free online play and better reliability than the 360, I would've bought a 360 since it did everything I wanted a GAME console to do.[/QUOTE]

and yet you continue to buy sony games and products. i dont care what position theyre in i like my ps3 and the games i have for it and im excited about gow3. youre the one whose always whining about the ps3 one minute you hate this and that then you end up buying whatever theyre selling.( like you did with the gowc).

if you are so miserable get rid of it and get a 360 right now you just come off like an abused wife who wants to leave her husband but you cant because you love him so much and think you can change him.

i personally hated the direction nintendo went with the wii as a result i have never even played one. ever. you seem to hate sony with such an obsessive passion but yet what system do you do most of your gaming on?
[quote name='lokizz']and yet you continue to buy sony games and products. i dont care what position theyre in i like my ps3 and the games i have for it and im excited about gow3. youre the one whose always whining about the ps3 one minute you hate this and that then you end up buying whatever theyre selling.( like you did with the gowc).

if you are so miserable get rid of it and get a 360 right now you just come off like an abused wife who wants to leave her husband but you cant because you love him so much and think you can change him.

i personally hated the direction nintendo went with the wii as a result i have never even played one. ever. you seem to hate sony with such an obsessive passion but yet what system do you do most of your gaming on?[/QUOTE]

Again, I would have just bought a 360 instead of a PS3 if not for the hardware issues. As for buying the GOWC, I bought it with cheap GS credit, so it didn't cost me MSRP in my eyes.

Out of all of the revisions Sony made to the PS3 since launch and all of the SKU's they've released, I would've rathered a 'vanilla' base model with the ability to play games and ONLY games for a reasonable(read: NOT $300-400)price.

As for most of my gaming, I think you mean all, since my original Xbox has been collecting dust since I got the PS3.

Either way, whether or not Gamestop has a B2G1 this weekend is the deciding factor IF I get GOW3 or not. Right now, it's looking like I might keep the pre-order.:cry:

But I gotta ask....why does it bother you so much that I have such disdain for Sony but still play the PS3? I own a game system for the GAMES, not for who it's made by. Most of my games are NOT first party shit exclusives. The only 'exclusives' I liked were the two Uncharted games. Otherwise, everything else that's been 'only on PS3' has been shit imo.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Again, I would have just bought a 360 instead of a PS3 if not for the hardware issues. As for buying the GOWC, I bought it with cheap GS credit, so it didn't cost me MSRP in my eyes.

Out of all of the revisions Sony made to the PS3 since launch and all of the SKU's they've released, I would've rathered a 'vanilla' base model with the ability to play games and ONLY games for a reasonable(read: NOT $300-400)price.

As for most of my gaming, I think you mean all, since my original Xbox has been collecting dust since I got the PS3.

Either way, whether or not Gamestop has a B2G1 this weekend is the deciding factor IF I get GOW3 or not. Right now, it's looking like I might keep the pre-order.:cry:

But I gotta ask....why does it bother you so much that I have such disdain for Sony but still play the PS3? I own a game system for the GAMES, not for who it's made by. Most of my games are NOT first party shit exclusives. The only 'exclusives' I liked were the two Uncharted games. Otherwise, everything else that's been 'only on PS3' has been shit imo.[/QUOTE]

why do you waste your time complaining about a console but yet readily suporting it? like i stated before i hated the wii and wiimote so i never bought or used one. i dont know if you notice it from your posts or not but you complain alot and it can be annoying.its your right to do it free speech and all but it can make it hard to enjoy the post or diff posts when you shit all over one with your sony hate.

its the equivalent of me going out of my way to post in the wii boards how much i think motion controls suck or how it sucks that they did what they did with the wii because im a life long fan of many of nintendos flagship titles. most times youre pretty cool person but the hate can be much.
[quote name='lokizz']why do you waste your time complaining about a console but yet readily suporting it? like i stated before i hated the wii and wiimote so i never bought or used one. i dont know if you notice it from your posts or not but you complain alot and it can be annoying.its your right to do it free speech and all but it can make it hard to enjoy the post or diff posts when you shit all over one with your sony hate.

its the equivalent of me going out of my way to post in the wii boards how much i think motion controls suck or how it sucks that they did what they did with the wii because im a life long fan of many of nintendos flagship titles. most times youre pretty cool person but the hate can be much.[/QUOTE]

This is really getting us nowhere, as neither of our opinions will likely change. So let's just agree to disagree, since I'll never understand why people get so hyper over someone having a differing opinion.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
Other than that, it's a damn fine machine.[/QUOTE]

see you wont burst into flames if you show it some love man lol. nothing is perfect in this world especially not consoles but for all their faults and flaws they each have some good shit to them. and i make a prediction whenever it is that you play gow3 you will love it. whether you get it full price now or on a discount months down the road youll love the game.
[quote name='FrankySox']I have an extra Apollo Skin code that I'll give to the first person that wants it.[/QUOTE]
I like to have it if possible, please.
Oddly enough I thought the combat felt better in I and II compared to III. Am I alone on that? Maybe it was just the demo but the combat didn't feel like it had any feedback whereas I and II made you feel like you were kicking ass. III kind of feels like your just cutting warm butter. I still have it preordered but just thought I'd throw that out there
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Oh god what is CheapestGamer talking about in this thread... #-o[/QUOTE]

I think he's saying he would've gotten God of War III on 360 if he had a 360...despite the fact that God of War is a Sony owned IP.

But that's just a guess.
[quote name='jman619']2 days left! I'll either be able to get it Tuesday or Thursday at the latest. I hope to god they get it in on release day.[/QUOTE]

from what most people are saying most stores already have the game in stock they just cant release it until the date. got my code to sign up for a code for the gs gow3 skin and i really cant wait to play this game already. have they said yet anywhere whether or not these skins will have special abilities?
[quote name='lokizz']from what most people are saying most stores already have the game in stock they just cant release it until the date. got my code to sign up for a code for the gs gow3 skin and i really cant wait to play this game already. have they said yet anywhere whether or not these skins will have special abilities?[/QUOTE]

Only thing I got sadly is a Walmart. Sometimes they actually have it early and put it out on release date,but it seems like If its something I really want it comes in Thursday or Friday. >_
[quote name='jman619']Only thing I got sadly is a Walmart. Sometimes they actually have it early and put it out on release date,but it seems like If its something I really want it comes in Thursday or Friday. >_
[quote name='jman619']Only thing I got sadly is a Walmart. Sometimes they actually have it early and put it out on release date,but it seems like If its something I really want it comes in Thursday or Friday. >_
What did I just say in the prior post, lokizz? I picked up the GTA IV Special Edition for PS3 by being at a WalMart at midnight on the day of release.

So for the bigger games, they may well do a midnight release of it, but probably without all of the bs of going to one at Gamestop.

I loved how they told me that 'all of the SE versions are for pre-orders only and you'll NEVER find one on release day if you didn't pre-order'. I was SO tempted to go over by GS and wave my SE box out the window, but that damn thing was so heavy I was afraid I'd drop it. Plus, it was rainy that night.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I assume it's a 24 hour Supercenter? If you have free time from Monday into Tuesday, you could try there around midnight Monday night into Tuesday morning. That's how I picked up my GTA IV Special Edition on release day.[/QUOTE]

Yes it is. I can call Monday. If it is one of two guys I know that work there. They will at least tell me If they have it and when exactly they are putting it out.
Has anyone tried entering their amazon costume code yet? I keep getting an invalid code message, should I just assume it's because they aren't activated until Tuesday?
just saw this .GIF image on NeoGAF (via @Gamespot)

lol @ Dante

[quote name='opterasis']Has anyone tried entering their amazon costume code yet? I keep getting an invalid code message, should I just assume it's because they aren't activated until Tuesday?[/QUOTE]

did you register the code at the gow website first ?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Oh god what is CheapestGamer talking about in this thread... #-o[/QUOTE]

Something something "I DON'T ACCEPT PAYPAL" something something :lol:
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Something something "I DON'T ACCEPT PAYPAL" something something :lol:[/QUOTE]

Hey. So I'm old fashioned and don't like them thar internet payment program thingies. I especially don't like having to pay them X% of every payment, so cash and money orders work really, really well by comparison.:D:booty:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Hey. So I'm old fashioned and don't like them thar internet payment program thingies. I especially don't like having to pay them X% of every payment, so cash and money orders work really, really well by comparison.:D:booty:[/QUOTE]

I'm glad you didn't take that as an insult.
I was worried as it's hard to convey a joke over type! :D
[quote name='lokizz']did you register the code at the gow website first ?[/QUOTE]

Yes, that's where I'm getting the invalid code message. Sorry, I should have been more clear, it's obviously too late for my brain to function properly. lol
[quote name='opterasis']Yes, that's where I'm getting the invalid code message. Sorry, I should have been more clear, it's obviously too late for my brain to function properly. lol[/QUOTE]

ive done 2 diff codes so far and after i signed in you get a message over where you inputed the code saying code accepted or something. try doing it again and if it doesnt work id contact amazon and let them know your code isnt working and they may give you a replacement or something. although it could be the site acting up too. if everyone is getting their codes now it could be busy. hope you get this situated.
[quote name='lokizz']ive done 2 diff codes so far and after i signed in you get a message over where you inputed the code saying code accepted or something. try doing it again and if it doesnt work id contact amazon and let them know your code isnt working and they may give you a replacement or something. although it could be the site acting up too. if everyone is getting their codes now it could be busy. hope you get this situated.[/QUOTE]

Did you use the same account, or two different ones to redeem 2 different codes?
Damn you Final Fantasy XIII for not allowing me to pop in my copy of God of War III that I got early!


*continues to play Final Fantasy XIII
[quote name='The 7th Number']Did you use the same account, or two different ones to redeem 2 different codes?[/QUOTE]

2 diff ones. theyve been saying here you can only redeem one per account and since i have a few diff ones i used those.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I have the ultimate edition from amazon with 1 day shipping and when i view open orders, it says estimate delivery date, March 18th. Though im hoping for it on the 16th or 17th![/QUOTE]

I also have mine pre-ordered from Amazon with 1-day shipping and it says estimated delivery date March 18th. Why would they ship it on Wednesday? I really hope it shows up Tuesday or Wednesday.

Sorry if this has been answered, but does anyone know if the game included in the Ultimate Edition is the same as the regular edition (as in same sku/etc)?? Cause if Amazon wont arrive till Thursday I'll get the regular edition Monday at midnight at WalMart and return my sealed copy from Amazon. Any help is much appreciated!!

**EDIT** Nevermind, just got done talking to customer service. They said my order is being shipped today and will be delivered tomorrow.
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Well I shot amazon an email over my costume code...and they gave me a $10 credit. They must have thought I was talking about the $10 preorder credit. Oh well, I'll gladly take that over a costume.
[quote name='KingBroly']Damn you Final Fantasy XIII for not allowing me to pop in my copy of God of War III that I got early!


*continues to play Final Fantasy XIII[/QUOTE]

You have it early and your not even playing it?... Seriously! Go play it. Some of us is dieing to play it! :whistle2:#
[quote name='KingBroly']Damn you Final Fantasy XIII for not allowing me to pop in my copy of God of War III that I got early!


*continues to play Final Fantasy XIII[/QUOTE]

Seriously! Go play it now! Some of us is dieing to play it! :whistle2:#:bomb:

[quote name='smiggity']So is this out at midnight tonight or midnight tomorrow?[/QUOTE]

Its tonight. You really should have known this or figured it out yourself. If it was tomorrow night. That would be like the release for Wensday instead of Tuesday. ;)
[quote name='opterasis']Well I shot amazon an email over my costume code...and they gave me a $10 credit. They must have thought I was talking about the $10 preorder credit. Oh well, I'll gladly take that over a costume.[/QUOTE]

thats a pretty good deal then for something im sure will at some point be dlc.
I know it's not totally logical thinking, but using the $20 credit from BFBC2 on the initial purchase, the 10$ credit I'll eventually get for preording, and the $10 credit they just gave me for the code screw up lets me pretend I got this game for about $16, with free release day shipping from my free 3 month prime trial.
[quote name='opterasis']Well I shot amazon an email over my costume code...and they gave me a $10 credit. They must have thought I was talking about the $10 preorder credit. Oh well, I'll gladly take that over a costume.[/QUOTE]

Did you get the regular or Ultimate edition?
I've been reading through this thread but I haven't found any mention of it so I'm sorry if it's already been discussed, but I overheard my local GS' manager talking about the Phantom of Chaos skin and he said that earning trophies are disabled while wearing it (or any preorder skins for that matter), has anyone heard anything about this?

I'm hoping not.. I've got all the skins now (except Dominus) and I really wouldn't want to use them if I couldn't get trophies.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I've been reading through this thread but I haven't found any mention of it so I'm sorry if it's already been discussed, but I overheard my local GS' manager talking about the Phantom of Chaos skin and he said that earning trophies are disabled while wearing it (or any preorder skins for that matter), has anyone heard anything about this?

I'm hoping not.. I've got all the skins now (except Dominus) and I really wouldn't want to use them if I couldn't get trophies.[/QUOTE]

Well you cant use the skins until you beat the game once anyway. But i was able to get god of war collection trophies while wearing the extra outfits you unlock after beating it once, or beating challenge of the gods/titans. So i dunno, maybe that guy doesnt know what he is talking about.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Well you cant use the skins until you beat the game once anyway. But i was able to get god of war collection trophies while wearing the extra outfits you unlock after beating it once, or beating challenge of the gods/titans. So i dunno, maybe that guy doesnt know what he is talking about.[/QUOTE]
I know that the trophies were still unlockable in one and two while using the costumes so I thought it was weird that they'd be locked if you're using a skin in this one. I hope he was talking out of his ass.. It'd suck to have them locked. I could see that the Phantom of Chaos skin would be very helpful in gaining lots of XP to get the inevitable max out everything trophy.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I know that the trophies were still unlockable in one and two while using the costumes so I thought it was weird that they'd be locked if you're using a skin in this one. I hope he was talking out of his ass.. It'd suck to have them locked. I could see that the Phantom of Chaos skin would be very helpful in gaining lots of XP to get the inevitable max out everything trophy.[/QUOTE]

I thought the skins in GoW3 were just for his appearance. They add stats??
[quote name='flameofdoom666']I thought the skins in GoW3 were just for his appearance. They add stats??[/QUOTE]
That's what I understood from the GameStop pre-order commercial because at the end it says that you "use it to get stronger faster" which makes me think that it gives extra XP.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']That's what I understood from the GameStop pre-order commercial because at the end it says that you "use it to get stronger faster" which makes me think that it gives extra XP.[/QUOTE]

It could just boost your attack damage by 200-400% or something. I know i read stats on the different outfits from GOW1 a while back. Couldnt find the stats for GOW2 outfits though.

GOW 1 outfit stats.

Chef of War

Damage Power
Defense Power 100%


Damage Power
Defense Power
Magic 150%


Damage Power
Defense Power
Magic 100%
Health 100%

Dairy Bastard

Damage Power 50%
Defense Power 100%
Experience 200%
Dairy Bastard has infinite magic supply.

Ares Armor

Damage Power
Defense Power 400%
Experience 200%
bread's done