HEROES - super thread...

[quote name='Pookymeister']
Looks like Linderman has powerz too. And might have been using them for good until people turned on him?

Thats funny, as that was the main headline on Yahoo.com a little bit ago. I was like geez, if I hadn't already known, I'd probably be kind of pissed off.
Man, I need to start being more pessimistic. This episode really underwhelmed me, to predictable.... again. Maybe to many promos, who knows.
I enjoyed today's episode (aside from the lack of Hiro), but I read some general spoilers for the next episode in the new issue of Wired and I thought it was today's episode, so I was a little disappointed, since the next episode sounds really cool.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Didn't realize this was still on. NBC has been killing it's shows this year. CBS, too.[/quote]
Heroes is one of, if not the highest rated show on NBC.
[quote name='Kaijufan']
Heroes is one of, if not the highest rated show on NBC.[/QUOTE]

When it takes a month or two off, you tend to move on to other things.

Or maybe I'm unconsciously boycotting it because of Studio 60.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']When it takes a month or two off, you tend to move on to other things.

Or maybe I'm unconsciously boycotting it because of Studio 60.[/quote]

The Real Wedding Crashers pwns
last night was alright...the best part of it was that it was back on the air....what really sucked was the fact that my local comcast can't seem to air that station on its HD channel, so I had to watch it in sd...

the ratings break down had this in 3rd, behind dancing with the stars and 2 1/2 men/king of queens....there numbers were a lot lower then any point that I remember them being...
[quote name='Pookymeister']The Real Wedding Crashers pwns[/QUOTE]

I liked how the 2 hosts of the show even looked like Owen Wilson & Vince Vaughn..............

and last night's episode of Heores kicked ass
I thought last nights ep was great, maybe not quite as good as my personal fave "Company Man" but it was really good.

I made sure I switched over as soon as it finished, wouldn't want NBC thinking people were watching that piss-poor wedding crashers garbage.

I can't believe someone at NBC thinks thats gonna get higher ratings than Studio 60.
[quote name='benjamouth']

I can't believe someone at NBC thinks thats gonna get higher ratings than Studio 60.[/QUOTE]

People.. sheesh...

It's not if it gets more viewers if it gets more money. Studio 60 has actors and writers and all kinds of things. The Wedding Show has none of that.
no wedding crashers didn't get good ratings, but lets not kid ourselves either did studio 60...the black donnellys avg the same pathetic numbers that studio 60 did, but probably cost a tenth of what the bloated budged of studio 60 cost
Does anyone else think that
Peter's mom has any special powers?

I didn't understand that part when Niki pulled up in the car after Micah went with Linderman. Are Candice and Niki working together?
[quote name='shieryda']Does anyone else think that
Peter's mom has any special powers?

I didn't understand that part when Niki pulled up in the car after Micah went with Linderman. Are Candice and Niki working together?[/QUOTE]
I think they were just showing you that Niki was not there at the time Candice was at the house.
[quote name='DomLando']I think they were just showing you that Niki was not there at the time Candice was at the house.[/quote]

Oh, so
Candice tricked Micah into thinking that she was his mom?
Last night's episode was cool, and it had a LOT of potential to finally do something really cool in the short battle between Sylar and Peter, but it did kind of feel like a letdown ... like they could have done so much more with that scene alone. I will say that it was reassuring to see they could pull off some cool, movie-quality fight scenes; I was beginning to wonder how or if they were ever really going to have any face-offs.

But I'm still hooked, so here's to next week.
[quote name='shieryda']Does anyone else think that
Peter's mom has any special powers?


i think its pretty obvious she does at this point. my guess is that she used to work with linderman as he eluded to having some sort of super team back in the day until the groups idealogy changed... at least in part of the group. since everyone else is tied together one way or another id say thats how they are connected.

really, i think last nights episode was ok, and really wouldnt have been needed if the show didnt take 2 damn months off. best scene was ...

the break out scene with parkman, bennet and the nuke guy (i still dont know his name)
[quote name='jaso']Last night's episode was cool, and it had a LOT of potential to finally do something really cool in the short battle between Sylar and Peter, but it did kind of feel like a letdown ... like they could have done so much more with that scene alone. I will say that it was reassuring to see they could pull off some cool, movie-quality fight scenes; I was beginning to wonder how or if they were ever really going to have any face-offs.

But I'm still hooked, so here's to next week.[/quote]

Yea thought the scene would be neat after Peter psi-threw Sylar and went invisible. But it went insta-lame when Sylar shot the glass and hit Peter in the back of the head....Why was Peter not facing Sylar? Why was Peter not standing BEHIND sylar? Though I wonder if Peter can only use one ability at a time, that would limit him a bit.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']best scene was ...

the break out scene with parkman, bennet and the nuke guy (i still dont know his name)

Ted Sprague.

Is Petrellis' dad really dead, or could it be Linderman?
Everything is *finally* coming together now. That was a pretty freaking amazing episode, the break-out, face-off, and Nathan's dilemma were all worth watching.
I guess I failed to see what was so great about last nights episode...the face off between peter and sylar was pathetic....nathan doesn't really have much of a dilema...hiro was barely in it,...the painter guy who knew that sylar was coming wasn't really ready for him...the breakout was sorta expected, did you really think all 3 were going to stay locked up? The best part of last nights episode was that the show was back
[quote name='ryanbph']no wedding crashers didn't get good ratings, but lets not kid ourselves either did studio 60...the black donnellys avg the same pathetic numbers that studio 60 did, but probably cost a tenth of what the bloated budged of studio 60 cost[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but it's entertaining. That's what I cared about.
[quote name='ryanbph']the new comic sort of comes out and tells you who the bomb man is
Dear God why did I click on that spoiler? Don't open it people, it is Pandora's Box. :cry: :lol: :cry:
[quote name='Kendro']Dear God why did I click on that spoiler? Don't open it people, it is Pandora's Box. :cry: :lol: :cry:[/quote]

Well we all (should) know by now that it was one of these three people [/spoiler]Sylar, Peter, or Ted[/spoiler] that blows up NYC. I want this next episode to be totally awesome, especially since it is a "future" episode.
[quote name='ryanbph']the new comic sort of comes out and tells you who the bomb man is
I knew it. On the preview for next week, they show a TV screen with a split picture one of
and the other one of the explosion, with a caption that says "America Remembers". A big hint was also given by the artist when he said I draw how you die and he gets knocked down and falls on that exact painting.
[quote name='bobo2k4']
Niki is just as useless in the future as she is right now.

Am I right or am I right?[/quote]

yea does she even have a part in this? except being super hot
[quote name='bobo2k4']
Niki is just as useless in the future as she is right now.

Am I right or am I right?[/quote]
Amen. I have hated her character from ep 1 esecially because she got so much air time. I never really found her hot either, plus her voice/ crying annoys the shit out of me.
Theres a good amount of holes in this ep...though i guess you could assume certain things happen to explain them away...

For instance, if Sylar wins against Peter he can look at Hiro's brain and totally pwn
[quote name='Pookymeister']Theres a good amount of holes in this ep...though i guess you could assume certain things happen to explain them away...

For instance, if Sylar wins against Peter he can look at Hiro's brain and totally pwn
Interesting episode overall.
I look like an idoit with my comment from earlier. Especially after seeing the scar on Peter's face, there it was for all of us, and realizing that Hiro has to slash him to save the world, or atleast that world. What doesn't make sense, is that the scar should be nonexistant due to his healing ability, but its there.

And the whole "Nathan"/Claire scene at the Petrelli's mansion was pretty cool, until Sylar shows his head.

Also, did Parkman know that it was Sylar, I mean it would be hard for him not to know, what with his ability to read minds.

This leads to questioning, what happened to Nathan? And who would be stupid enough, Mohinder, to let Sylar get close to the shape shifter


Next week looks promising, especially from the preview of
of Hiro slicing towards Sylar, lets just hope Sylar doesn't kill Hiro, that would just be an insane mistake. Though I do have a feeling he may kill Ando and cause Hiro to go apeshit on him, stopping time and playing games with him
[quote name='craven_fiend']
of Hiro slicing towards Sylar, lets just hope Sylar doesn't kill Hiro, that would just be an insane mistake. Though I do have a feeling he may kill Ando and cause Hiro to go apeshit on him, stopping time and playing games with him

Yea, but didn't Sylar's eyeball flip over? Seems like he might be immune
[quote name='Pookymeister']Theres a good amount of holes in this ep...though i guess you could assume certain things happen to explain them away...

For instance, if Sylar wins against Peter he can look at Hiro's brain and totally pwn
Does Sylar's brain examination powers work on dead people? I don't know if they ever have shown him using his power on a dead person.
Even if Peter would start to loose aganist Sylar, he could always freeze time and kill him. ;)
[quote name='Kaijufan']
Does Sylar's brain examination powers work on dead people? I don't know if they ever have shown him using his power on a dead person.
Even if Peter would start to loose aganist Sylar, he could always freeze time and kill him. ;)

See my above comment about Sylar's eye moving when Hiro had time frozen in the trailer for next week
[quote name='Pookymeister']
See my above comment about Sylar's eye moving when Hiro had time frozen in the trailer for next week
I must of missed that part. I wonder if he actually has powers similar to Hiro, or if he's just immune.
[quote name='Kendro']Dear God why did I click on that spoiler? Don't open it people, it is Pandora's Box. :cry: :lol: :cry:[/quote]

Turns out it was wrong anyway eh?!
Great episode last night..badass peter was pretty cool...my only complaint about this episode is that imo, it spent way to much time with claire and her fiance and nikki and her emotions of losing her son and not enough time with the fight...that end fight scene lasted about 5min or so...imo the show could be so much more if they showed a longer/better action sequences.
Sylar's eyes moving wasn't really a spoiler they showed that for scenes on the next episode after the show. Can't wait til' next week 3 more episodes!
Oh man that episode was fucking great!!! Sucks that the season is almost over. I'll definately be purchasing the Season 1 set on HD DVD when released.
bread's done