HEROES - super thread...

I'm really starting to get into the show and I totally agree that the pilot was garbage. If there was something else to watch mondays I wouldn't have continued watching. The problems I have with the show is with that indian guy's over acting, he's really the only one that has "Soap Opera" written all over him. Also that guy w/ glasses "Sylar" or watever just doesn't seem villianous or creepy enough to me. They showed his apartment with all the writings in blood on the wall and stuff but I'm not getting psycho evil guy from him, what I am getting is middle-aged pedophile especially when he was watching that cheerleader's tape. Lastly, Ali Larter? the girls with the split personality, anyways her character isn't interesting enough. The writters have made her into a mysterious vixen but do I care, no. It would be nice if she ends up being one of the bad guys.
Earlier in the thread someone said that there was some differences in the pilot form the teasers. There was a pilot show at the San Diego Comic Con.
From an interview on http://thetvaddict.com/?p=959

Tim Kring: With Santiago’s story, we wanted to condense the pilot. In the original version, Santiago’s character cut off his hands. But as we were thinking about it, we didn’t want to have a lead character dealing with a medical issue that major. So we changed it to a drug overdose.

In terms of Greg’s character, Matt Parker was originally introduced through a terrorism subplot [Greg was a cop who discovered the terrorists hiding in the basement of a house]. That subplot isn’t coming back, as we wanted to shy away from the whole issue of terrorism.

Also Sylar and Claire's father are two different people.
Speaking of the dark side, is Sylar a villain HEROES will be following all season long?

Tim Kring: On a show called HEROES, you need a villain, and it’s safe to assume that Sylar has been presented as the season’s major villain. The bodies with heads cut off are not coincidences. There is a method to Sylar’s ‘madness’, and he does present a genuine threat to our Heroes.

Are Sylar and Claire’s father connected?

Tim Kring: There is a connection between the two, which will become clear in later episodes.

With the pick-up official, how many seasons does the HEROES story go?

Tim Kring: We have a general idea of where the story is going for a few years. HEROES is the kind of thing that can keep spinning and spinning. There is not an island to get off of or a time frame where the world ends.

We have the entire story-line plotted out for season one. In terms of season two, we have a framework, but nothing specific. The pilot introduced a prophecy which will take the entire season to unravel. At the end of season one, there will be a resolution to the pilot’s prophecy. Season two will deal with an entirely new issue.

Next Weeks Episode: Hiros...
Matt uses his abilities to help his marriage. Niki loses another lapse of time. D.L. has escaped from prison. Claire tells her father about some of the things she's been through lately. Vegas has more consequences for Hiro. Peter recieves a message.
1) Is it just me or did Niki Sanders get the short end of the superpower stick, I mean her power is essentially to have multiple personalities. Any chance she is a lame duck and Micah is actually the person we should be watching?
(He built a logic board in an hour, she kills a couple people and 'does not remember' and before anyone mentions it, multiple personality disorder is very very rare and the personalities are not supposed to be aware of each other, but the show is called Heroes so lets suspend disbelief here.)

2) What was the picture with Peter Petrelli in it, it looked as if something like locker doors where flying at him. Could Sylar be attacking him? Is that where the scar comes from that future Hiro speaks of?

3) "Save the cheerleader" could this mean that she can die. It does seem that if her brain is damaged, her power is negated. (Probably the reptilian holdbacks from evolution, making her power a spin off of a lizard’s regenerative capabilities) Could this be a clue, if Claire dies, her father might push his powers agenda to the next level, not just simply detaining and study, but extermination.

Well, those are all the ideas/questions I have had so far

[quote name='dwhelan']1) Is it just me or did Niki Sanders get the short end of the superpower stick, I mean her power is essentially to have multiple personalities. Any chance she is a lame duck and Micah is actually the person we should be watching?
(He built a logic board in an hour, she kills a couple people and 'does not remember' and before anyone mentions it, multiple personality disorder is very very rare and the personalities are not supposed to be aware of each other, but the show is called Heroes so lets suspend disbelief here.)

2) What was the picture with Peter Petrelli in it, it looked as if something like locker doors where flying at him. Could Sylar be attacking him? Is that where the scar comes from that future Hiro speaks of?

3) "Save the cheerleader" could this mean that she can die. It does seem that if her brain is damaged, her power is negated. (Probably the reptilian holdbacks from evolution, making her power a spin off of a lizard’s regenerative capabilities) Could this be a clue, if Claire dies, her father might push his powers agenda to the next level, not just simply detaining and study, but extermination.

Well, those are all the ideas/questions I have had so far


1. That is a good theory. I was thinking her son had powers too. It looks to me like the older brother is going to be evil and possibly Ali Larter's character too. Hopefully her superpower is banging dudes in hotel rooms for the rest of the season. :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

2. I don't know but that's a good bet.

3. I think she can die but she is able to recover from any wound. I think she was dead but the removal of the stick enabled her to regenerate. Her father is totally creepy - as is that dude he hangs out with.

I love this show so far - very cool!
[quote name='dwhelan']1) Is it just me or did Niki Sanders get the short end of the superpower stick, I mean her power is essentially to have multiple personalities. Any chance she is a lame duck and Micah is actually the person we should be watching?
(He built a logic board in an hour, she kills a couple people and 'does not remember' and before anyone mentions it, multiple personality disorder is very very rare and the personalities are not supposed to be aware of each other, but the show is called Heroes so lets suspend disbelief here.)[/QUOTE]

I think that she has superhuman abilities like strenght when her other side makes an appearance. I also do think that the boy might end up having powers, she keeps saying he's special, and you get the idea that he's super smart for his age.

2) What was the picture with Peter Petrelli in it, it looked as if something like locker doors where flying at him. Could Sylar be attacking him? Is that where the scar comes from that future Hiro speaks of? [/QUOTE]
I dunno, didnt pay too much attention to that picture.

3) "Save the cheerleader" could this mean that she can die. It does seem that if her brain is damaged, her power is negated. (Probably the reptilian holdbacks from evolution, making her power a spin off of a lizard’s regenerative capabilities) Could this be a clue, if Claire dies, her father might push his powers agenda to the next level, not just simply detaining and study, but extermination. [/QUOTE]

I don't think its that she can die, I think by "save the cheerleader" they mean save her because she's been captured or something and she's the only one that can stop whatever is going to happen.
Tonights episode should be good. I want to see how Claire's dad takes what she tells him, will he act dumb (most likely) or say that he knew? Either way it seems that the season is going to be somewhat focused on her story... hence the "Save the cheerleader, save the world" line.
Am I crazy or does Adrian Pasdar (Nathan Petrelli) bare an uncanny resemblance to Scott Bakula of Quantum Leap fame? I thought they may have been brothers when I first saw him .. I had to check IMDB just to be sure.
[quote name='Maklershed']What a fucking awesome show. Sorry Lost, but Heroes is my new favorite.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't apologize to Lost, that show's been on the decline since last season. I'm seriously considering watching Heroes over 24 when it comes back (if they end up both staying in the same time slot) and I've been a 24 fanboy since I first heard about the concept of the show even before season 1 started.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I wouldn't apologize to Lost, that show's been on the decline since last season. I'm seriously considering watching Heroes over 24 when it comes back (if they end up both staying in the same time slot) and I've been a 24 fanboy since I first heard about the concept of the show even before season 1 started.[/quote]

And that's the reason why VCR's were made. :lol:
I wish I hadn't seen any of this show 'cause now I wanna catch it everytime it's on. Looking forward to the DVDs though. Can't wait for that to release.
something that I notice, the tattoo on Nikki's back is the same symbol hanging around the neck of that guy who erases memory. The same symbol showed up earlier when they found the professors usb thumbstick, the symbol showed up in the gaps in the DNA alignments on the laptop. So, I expect that symbol to play an imporant part in the series.
Ok with the younger flying brother being able to paint what does that mean. Are all of the people open to all the abilities, but just everybody came into power with different ones. I could of sworn there was something said earlier about the top villian being totally opened or something to that effect. Is he like the heros but just a little ahead of them and opened all of the abilities up?
[quote name='jlarlee']Ok with the younger flying brother being able to paint what does that mean. Are all of the people open to all the abilities, but just everybody came into power with different ones. I could of sworn there was something said earlier about the top villian being totally opened or something to that effect. Is he like the heros but just a little ahead of them and opened all of the abilities up?[/quote]
Peter's power is that he can take other people's powers by touching them. That's why he was only able to fly after he had touched Nathan and why he could paint when he touched Issac.
[quote name='karsh']
Peter's power is that he can take other people's powers by touching them. That's why he was only able to fly after he had touched Nathan and why he could paint when he touched Issac.

Ah ok I missed that thanks. That makes a lot more sense.
[quote name='karsh']
Peter's power is that he can take other people's powers by touching them. That's why he was only able to fly after he had touched Nathan and why he could paint when he touched Issac.

But what about the end of the last ep when Hiro talked to him in the train? He didn't touch him but was able to walk around. Or do you think that's some advanced trick where Hiro can let someone else stand still in time or something?
[quote name='Pookymeister']
But what about the end of the last ep when Hiro talked to him in the train? He didn't touch him but was able to walk around. Or do you think that's some advanced trick where Hiro can let someone else stand still in time or something?

Yeah, I think that was more Hiro doing that then Peter. Considering it was future Hiro, who knows what he's learned to do with his power at that point.
[quote name='Pookymeister']
But what about the end of the last ep when Hiro talked to him in the train? He didn't touch him but was able to walk around. Or do you think that's some advanced trick where Hiro can let someone else stand still in time or something?

Hiro was alot older I'm thinking it was because he learned how to use his ability better. Why are we using spoiler tags for theories?
[quote name='Pookymeister']
But what about the end of the last ep when Hiro talked to him in the train? He didn't touch him but was able to walk around. Or do you think that's some advanced trick where Hiro can let someone else stand still in time or something?

Future Hiro probably is able to exempt others from the effect.
[quote name='karsh']
Yeah, I think that was more Hiro doing that then Peter. Considering it was future Hiro, who knows what he's learned to do with his power at that point.

Plus he's not speaking Engrish anymore.:)
[quote name='karsh']
Peter's power is that he can take other people's powers by touching them. That's why he was only able to fly after he had touched Nathan and why he could paint when he touched Issac.
I disagree. I was watching closely this episode and I never saw Peter touch Issac. I'm going to assume it's more of a proximaty thing.
hiro rules

if it wasn't for him i might have stopped watching

but i'm glad i didn't...

great ending again last ep - every time i think they are gonna cheese out, they come through with something either interesting OR at least well acted/written

i feel like i can see where the season finale is heading but hopefully i'll be surprised
[quote name='sonderiaom']
I disagree. I was watching closely this episode and I never saw Peter touch Issac. I'm going to assume it's more of a proximaty thing.

Touching, being in proximity, it's still the same basic power. He steals other powers. Just depends on how close he has to be, whether it's touching or being near them. I thought I saw it more as Issac touched him when they were standing near the painting and that's when Peter started painting it.
[quote name='karsh']Touching, being in proximity, it's still the same basic power. He steals other powers. Just depends on how close he has to be, whether it's touching or being near them. I thought I saw it more as Issac touched him when they were standing near the painting and that's when Peter started painting it.[/quote]

True enough, they could've touched when offscreen as well. However that brings another point; does he really steal the power or does he just mimic the power? I know that when he's used others powers, the others haven't used them or became weak.
[quote name='sonderiaom']True enough, they could've touched when offscreen as well. However that brings another point; does he really steal the power or does he just mimic the power? I know that when he's used others powers, the others haven't used them or became weak.[/QUOTE]

peter = rogue
I'm leaning towards more of a mimicking than absorption power because he didn't have to shoot up like Isaac in order to paint.

Reairs Friday on scifi?
[quote name='Jedi1979']damn, my DVR ran out of space with 15 mins left to go ...damn HD shows, anybody know when it airs again?[/quote]

I think Friday nights at 9pm and Monday night at 7pm on Sci-Fi
[quote name='phatbunbao']I'm leaning towards more of a mimicking than absorption power because he didn't have to shoot up like Isaac in order to paint.

Reairs Friday on scifi?[/quote]

Exactly. And as well, none of the people whom he used the powers of turned weak as they would have with a rogue-type power.

And as for seeing it, there's the torrent option or the Offical Website.
I just started laughing out loud when I realized Peter had powers like Rogue. It's pretty cool actually and it could lead to some very interesting storylines.
it is proximity, and I believe it reairs on sci fi at 7pm on friday. They have dr who at 8pm and battlestar at 9pm iirc. It might be 8pm, but I am fairly sure it is 7pm
[quote name='Jedi1979']damn, my DVR ran out of space with 15 mins left to go ...damn HD shows, anybody know when it airs again?[/quote]

According to Zap2it.com:

Yesterday's episode "Hiro's" is supposed to air on Friday 10/27 on SCIFI at 7 PM and again on Thursday 11/2 at 2 AM.

I'm surprised at how consistently good this show has been from the start and I think it's easily the best show of the new season and I hope it's able to keep up the intrigue.
Next episode:
"Better Halves"
Leonard Roberts joins the cast as D.L. Hawkins, Niki's fugitive husband, who has special powers that make it nearly impossible for authorities to track him down. Also, in Las Vegas, Hiro and Ando are made an offer they can't refuse; Claire hopes meeting her birth parents will lead to answers about her indestructibility; and Mohinder prepares to leave New York---and Eden---so that he can lay his dead father to rest in India.

"Nothing to Hide"
Nathan receives some campaign help from his wife, Heidi (Rena Sofer); a crisis involving Micah prompts Niki to reveal her personal struggles to a friend; Matt finds himself immersed in the investigation of another bizarre murder possibly committed by Sylar; Hiro comes to doubt his own heroism; and Claire discovers the whereabouts of her missing tape.
There are some interesting things coming up in the next two episode (see spoilers above). DL should be interesting addition, he has the power to phase through things ( at least that is what has been listed on most sites I have read). and with the ending of last nights episode with him in the house which was eing watched by the cops, it seems right. As much as everyone seemed to hate Claire, it seems she is the focus of the show for now. Things should be real interesting with the hapenings of "Nothing to Hide".
[quote name='thesilentshadow30']There are some interesting things coming up in the next two episode (see spoilers above). DL should be interesting addition, he has the power to phase through things ( at least that is what has been listed on most sites I have read). and with the ending of last nights episode with him in the house which was eing watched by the cops, it seems right. As much as everyone seemed to hate Claire, it seems she is the focus of the show for now. Things should be real interesting with the hapenings of "Nothing to Hide".[/quote]
Well, the "coming next week " trailer showed DL's power, which was exactly that.
Just went back and was reading some of the thread....

Peter has the ability to MIMIC the abilities of others he is close to. He does not drain, absorb or retain the abilities. Remember the stick drawing he did after meeting Issac (the artist), his jump off the roof, his walking off the ledge of the building into the air and not being froze in time when the future Hiro came back to talk with him (he knew of Peter's ability of course which would be why he stopped time, only he and Peter would not be froze in time).
[quote name='thesilentshadow30']Just went back and was reading some of the thread....

Peter has the ability to MIMIC the abilities of others he is close to. He does not drain, absorb or retain the abilities. Remember the stick drawing he did after meeting Issac (the artist), his jump off the roof, his walking off the ledge of the building into the air and not being froze in time when the future Hiro came back to talk with him (he knew of Peter's ability of course which would be why he stopped time, only he and Peter would not be froze in time).[/QUOTE]
you could be right but there's no way to say definitively until some more eps air

could be MIMIC could be ABSORB
imo it doesn't make much difference....but if he absorbs it, then why couldn't he fly on his ownn after the accident...it it is a temp absorbption, it starts to get very technical...either way at this current point, it doesn't make much difference
Do you all think (without me having read the entire thread, sorry if opinions have already been posted) that Syler is someone we've already met, or someone yet to be seen and has hit minions doing his dirty work (i.e Claire's "dad" and his buddy)?

Edit: Stupid typo
[quote name='ryanbph']I am under the assumption that slyer is the blondes girls husband. He has been on the run.[/quote]

I am kind of leaning towards Claire's father, but that would seem to be too obvious.
[quote name='craven_fiend']I am kind of leaning towards Claire's father, but that would seem to be too obvious.[/QUOTE]

I agree, I think that is too obvious. I think Claire's father is more like Henry Gyrich from Marvel. I think Sylar is going to be someone who is unknown because he has been able to work with Mohinder's father in the open.

I think DL has been painted in a bad light to make him a bad boy character, not only that but it seems awfully convenient that Nikki knewn about the mass grave, but DL is the killer. How is that possible?

If I had to guess DL wanted his son to grow up with a mother, so he took the fall. But that is my impression.
[quote name='dwhelan']I agree, I think that is too obvious. I think Claire's father is more like Henry Gyrich from Marvel. I think Sylar is going to be someone who is unknown because he has been able to work with Mohinder's father in the open.

I think DL has been painted in a bad light to make him a bad boy character, not only that but it seems awfully convenient that Nikki knewn about the mass grave, but DL is the killer. How is that possible?

If I had to guess DL wanted his son to grow up with a mother, so he took the fall. But that is my impression.[/quote]

So whats the deal with the eclipse? Is that what triggered everyone to suddenly get powers? DL wouldn't have to take a fall if he can walk thru walls
[quote name='dwhelan']I think DL has been painted in a bad light to make him a bad boy character, not only that but it seems awfully convenient that Nikki knewn about the mass grave, but DL is the killer. How is that possible?

If I had to guess DL wanted his son to grow up with a mother, so he took the fall. But that is my impression.[/quote]

yeah, I think he is totally innocent and her other self was the one committing crimes. I don't think he took the fall though - I think she genuinely believes he is a killer and he was convicted.
I was reading in TVGuide that towards the end of sweeps there's gonna be an episode that flashes back 6 months prior and explains how they all got their powers.
that sounds cool about the flashback...

I wouldn't be suprised if the blonde with multiple personalities (or whatever her power is) and slyer are the cheerleaders parents. We know that she isn't from her current parents.
OOO I should have known there was a Heroes thread. I haven't missed an episode yet. I'm sure this has been touched upon somewhere in the thread but did anyone catch the one scene where the cheerleaders future SuperHero name was revealed?......Miracale Girl
bread's done