MLB 2010 Discussion Thread

[quote name='dmaul1114']Braves blanked 3-0 by the mets...but I'll take a 4 game division lead at the all star break![/QUOTE]

THANKS TO THE HEAVENS it wasnt a sweep lol. The Mets need the AS break. Pelf looked completely gassed and the offense has been anemic the past couple games. Johan came up strong today and Parnell looked great.

I dont know who is more surprising...The Texas Rangers or the Atlanta Braves. Both teams are just putting a tear in the league.

Edit: Rest In Peace Bob Sheppard! Sad day for Yankee Nation and the Major Leagues
Yanks looking pretty midpoint of the season. I wish they tried getting Cliff Lee. He is awesome! Should be the next 30 game winner if he ever gets some run support.

Mets only hope is a wild Card this year. Beltron is the key factor.
[quote name='JoeJohn']Yanks looking pretty midpoint of the season. I wish they tried getting Cliff Lee. He is awesome! Should be the next 30 game winner if he ever gets some run support.

Mets only hope is a wild Card this year. Beltron is the key factor.[/QUOTE]

The Yankees were in on Cliff Lee. Hell, they are even bitching about how the Mariners handled it.

[quote name='opterasis']Wait... wheres wildcpac ranting about how Ortiz won because he was super jacked up on roids.[/QUOTE]

wildpac is temp banned for his bullshit antics in the NBA thread.
[quote name='opterasis']Wait... wheres wildcpac ranting about how Ortiz won because he was super jacked up on roids.[/QUOTE]
Man Ortiz killed the HR derby.

Young was disappointing but I guess not unexpected, I want to see Mark Reynolds in the HR derby.
[quote name='xpag406']R.I.P. George Steinbrenner.

First Sheppard... now Steinbrenner. I hope MLB will honor him tonight at the All Star Game. (Even it is just a moment of silence.)[/QUOTE]

He will be honored. Despite all the hate the Yankees get, he was the main that got them to be the most hated. Took a small investment and turned it into one of the most powerful and recognized teams in the World. RIP George
Wow, I can't believe George is gone. That really makes last year's title that much more special. It really ended up being "one more for The Boss". That's almost a little spooky now.

On a lighter note, the HRD last night was kinda lackluster. No one outside of Ortiz and Hanley even really showed up. Hart had a good first round, but almost seemed like he could give a crap in the 2nd round. I know he had a long wait between rounds, but damn, at least TRY to get yourself back into rhythm. Kudos to Ortiz, but he just better hope that awkward ass swing he was using doesn't screw up the rest of his season.

I honestly enjoyed the celebrity softball game more than the HRD. Tim Salmon and Rickey Henderson can still mash, freaking MC Hammer hit a home run, and Bo Jackson hit a god damn softball to the real warning track at Angel Stadium! Also, Jennie Finch is freaking adorable. It's too bad women's pro softball isn't more popular. That girl's no joke when she's actually allowed to pitch.
[quote name='opterasis']Wait... wheres wildcpac ranting about how Ortiz won because he was super jacked up on roids.[/QUOTE]

I like to think that he's sitting in banned-land just stewing and saving up his vitriol for when he comes back, more angry than ever.
[quote name='xpag406']R.I.P. George Steinbrenner.

First Sheppard... now Steinbrenner. I hope MLB will honor him tonight at the All Star Game. (Even it is just a moment of silence.)[/QUOTE]

RIP. Even though I hate the Yankees, I have respect for this owner.

Maybe they'll finally put their last names on the back of their uniforms since George was hardcore old school.
[quote name='vlv723']
Maybe they'll finally put their last names on the back of their uniforms since George was hardcore old school.[/QUOTE]

They're the last team in baseball without their names on Road jerseys. The Red Sox and (I believe) the Giants also don't have their names on Home jerseys.

I actually like that they don't, at least for home jerseys, and I hope that continues.
Not that I'm extremely superstitious or anything, but with Bob Sheppard and George passing so close together, is anybody else worried the "third one" will be Yogi?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Not that I'm extremely superstitious or anything, but with Bob Shephard and George passing so close together, is anybody else worried the "third one" will be Yogi?[/QUOTE]

dont even want to think about that...that would be just surreal.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Not that I'm extremely superstitious or anything, but with Bob Sheppard and George passing so close together, is anybody else worried the "third one" will be Yogi?[/QUOTE]

If I were Yogi or Whitey Ford I'd be looking both ways before I cross the street this week.
Didn't see the HR derby last night and MLB decided not to put highlights on the IPhone app, so how impressive was Holliday's near 500-foot homer last night? That probably would have been my fav moment as seeing Ortiz win made me feel uneasy.
It's days like today that remind me of why I don't bother talking about baseball with random strangers. The few people who post in this thread are generally pretty cool and knowledgeable...the rest of the 'net, not so much. If you are a supposed baseball fan and do not respect what George Steinbrenner did for the game, you're kidding yourself, because you're not a baseball fan.
[quote name='bvharris']They're the last team in baseball without their names on Road jerseys. The Red Sox and (I believe) the Giants also don't have their names on Home jerseys.

I actually like that they don't, at least for home jerseys, and I hope that continues.[/QUOTE]

FWIK, the Dodgers did that when Paul DePodesta was the GM: No Last names on both Home and Away Jerseys.

Just as long they have their last names on their Road Jerseys, I'm okay with that. Otherwise, I'll be like, Who the hell is that in 3rd base? Shortstop? Pitcher?
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']It's days like today that remind me of why I don't bother talking about baseball with random strangers. The few people who post in this thread are generally pretty cool and knowledgeable...the rest of the 'net, not so much. If you are a supposed baseball fan and do not respect what George Steinbrenner did for the game, you're kidding yourself, because you're not a baseball fan.[/QUOTE]

When he was running the Yankees, I couldn't stand him, but that's mostly because I'm a Red Sox fan. Say this about him: No one wanted to win more than he did, and he did everything he could possibly do (sometimes even to the team's detriment) to try and win. As a fan, what more could you ask out of your owner?

He was also a very generous man, I remember reading that every time the Red Sox did any kind of charitable work, Steinbrenner was always there with a large donation.

Love him or hate him, he was a character. It's impossible to deny his impact on the game, for better and for worse, and he'll be missed.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']It's days like today that remind me of why I don't bother talking about baseball with random strangers. The few people who post in this thread are generally pretty cool and knowledgeable...the rest of the 'net, not so much. If you are a supposed baseball fan and do not respect what George Steinbrenner did for the game, you're kidding yourself, because you're not a baseball fan.[/QUOTE]
Steinbrenner became a great owner after he was banned from baseball for a few years (for the Dave Winfield thing). Before that, he was Dan Snyder and Jerry Jones on steroids.

Their dynasty teams were built during that period through the draft when Gene Michael was the GM, he wouldn't have had the patience to do that if he were in control then.
[quote name='dafoomie']Steinbrenner became a great owner after he was banned from baseball for a few years (for the Dave Winfield thing). Before that, he was Dan Snyder and Jerry Jones on steroids.

Their dynasty teams were built during that period through the draft when Gene Michael was the GM, he wouldn't have had the patience to do that if he were in control then.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, sorry, but my post didn't say anything about what he did for the Yankees in terms of championships. That's really only important to Yankee fans. I said what he did for baseball. He resurrected the sport's marquee franchise when it was absolutely in the toilet. His brazen attitude in terms of payroll forced revenue sharing to be a necessity, which has helped all those small-market teams that bitch and moan about the Yankees. He made the Yankees such a popular brand that ANYWHERE they go, they draw crowds and make money. He also was one of the most charitable figures in the sports world and was constantly trying to help out guys like Doc Gooden and Darryl Strawberry when others wanted nothing to do with them.
Braves get Alex Gonzalez from the Blue Jays for Escobar. Other players involved (5 players total counting Gonzales and Escobar). Gives the braves some needed pop in the lineup. Gonzalez has 17 hrs this year, Escobar 0.

As for Steinbrenner, can't agree about being good for the game. He played the biggest role of anyone of driving up salaries to where even role players make millions. Though it's not his fault the sport hasn't been able to get a salary cap in place which is the main thing that keeps me from being a big fan anymore. Where as it was my favorite sport when I was little.
I think that's a bad trade for the Braves. Gonzalez is having a career year and all, but has been mediocre with the bat before this season. Moving Escobar is a head scratcher, outside of his attitude being poor.
I think that was it. Coaches and teammates were tired of his attitude and lack of effort so they wanted to ditch him. As well as picking up someone who can at least help them in their push to try to win Cox a title in his last year.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I think that was it. Coaches and teammates were tired of his attitude and lack of effort so they wanted to ditch him. As well as picking up someone who can at least help them in their push to try to win Cox a title in his last year.[/QUOTE]

Gonzalez is a good defender. I just hope the Braves don't plan to slot him 3-5. I'm not a Braves fan or anything, but I'd rather see them in the post season, than the Phils or Mets. Especially given it being Cox's last year and all.
Braves starts the 2nd half with a 2-1 win over Brewers behind two third inning solo homers by Prado and Chipper.

Phillies are losing to the Cubs 6-2 in the 7th, Mets play the Giants in a late game.
Beckett and/or Buchholz can't get back soon enough. Wake was terrible last night and the BP had to step in after 2. He needs to go to the pen or retire. He just doesn't seem to have it anymore.
[quote name='GhostShark']Cliff Lee can't beat the Orioles, but he can easily strikeout Pujols. I hate baseball sometimes.[/QUOTE]

I am pretty sure I read that Lee is horrible in Arlington. How are Ranger fans liking the trade? Outside looking it, it seems to be alot for a 2 month rental/playoff run. Especially when the whole world knows that the Yankees are going to offer him top dollar by December 1st.
[quote name='wildcpac']I am pretty sure I read that Lee is horrible in Arlington. How are Ranger fans liking the trade? Outside looking it, it seems to be alot for a 2 month rental/playoff run. Especially when the whole world knows that the Yankees are going to offer him top dollar by December 1st.[/QUOTE]

I think Rangers fans are ok with anything that could even remotely mean a trip to the world series. I'm pretty sure they're one of the few franchises left w/o a world series win.
[quote name='Brownjohn']I think Rangers fans are ok with anything that could even remotely mean a trip to the world series. I'm pretty sure they're one of the few franchises left w/o a world series win.[/QUOTE]

Rangers haven't won a playoff series yet. 1 Playoff win in their franchise. 0-9 since winning the 1st game of the 1996 ALDS.
[quote name='Brownjohn']Carlos Beltran is finally playing again. I'm interested to see how he rebounds.[/QUOTE]

i thought he looked great out there. Sure the numbers werent there but cant expect a guy to go out and hit bombs the first day back. It looks like he hasnt lost any range or speed in the OF and He is making great contact on the ball and he did it off Lincecum who gave him a ton of respect.

I am now worried about Reyes. I hope this injury subsides quick or else the WC even might slip away. That said, RA Dickey is a BEAST!. he nearly outpitched some of the best talent in baseball...he is just getting no run support for it.
Mets offense looks silly without Reyes. I wonder what the future for Dickey is going to be? Does Dickey and Takahashi become the next Chacon, Aaron Small? Mets have decisions to make because they cannot rely on two 35 year olds for the long term.

Pagan looks good though. It's funny how he is having a better season than Bay especially when Pagan is making 1/15 of what Bay is making. I wonder sometimes if players get pissed at their teammates who make more because Pagan should be pissed.
Yeah, really glad the Yanks pulled that one out. I was so pissed when Jeter struck out in the 9th. It boggles my mind how he seemed to completely blow his "walkoff wad" in the first 5 years of his career though. It's been seriously at least 4-5 years since he's had a game winning hit. Swisher had a hell of a game though.
[quote name='wildcpac']Mets offense looks silly without Reyes. I wonder what the future for Dickey is going to be? Does Dickey and Takahashi become the next Chacon, Aaron Small? Mets have decisions to make because they cannot rely on two 35 year olds for the long term.

Pagan looks good though. It's funny how he is having a better season than Bay especially when Pagan is making 1/15 of what Bay is making. I wonder sometimes if players get pissed at their teammates who make more because Pagan should be pissed.[/QUOTE]

I think Dickey will stick around for at least next year and if he has another good season...he will be here until retirement or until the mets find a better option. Tak is just better in the Pen. He will pitch lights out for 5-6 innings and then he has 1 really bad inning and then goes back to lights out again...He is another weird one.

Yeah Pagan looks great out there...he has been one of the more under the radar OFs this year. Great season but no one knows because he is playing for The Mets.

Yeah The offense looks like utter crap without Reyes. Its been proven that they can't win without his presence in the lineup. Every knows what he provides and to lose that...just sucks.

It showed tonight. Any pitcher in the league could have shut this lineup out with Tejeda leading off and bay second.....really?? so we have ultra speed at lead off and than go to a sluggish tank at the number 2 slot. Its getting painful to watch roadtrips because the outcome just seems so obvious. We couldnt muster a run in 18 innings and only have 1 extra base hit in 18 innings. With Cain up tomorrow..i wont be surprised if the Giants go 3-3 on us and the Mets fall behind more to Atlanta and the WC. At this rate, The mets will take themselves out of contention by 2nd week of august.

Edit: Bay looking like Free agent SUPER BUST right now.
.264 6hr 44RBI

Your telling me thats worth 60 million. I know a player has struggles but Bay should have been out of it a LONG TIME AGO. He just looks utterly lost out there

John Niese although has been spectacular. No run support tonight. i feel bad that he has to take another tough luck loss because the Mets Offense looked like a tea ball team tonight.
Bay is wishing he stayed in Boston. His offensive numbers would be somewhat up there at the very least, 10-15 HR's, 50-60 RBI's getting half of his games in Boston.
[quote name='wildcpac']Bay is wishing he stayed in Boston. His offensive numbers would be somewhat up there at the very least, 10-15 HR's, 50-60 RBI's getting half of his games in Boston.[/QUOTE]

yeah his power isnt built for citi

This is one of the yankee fans. The Boss can be funny lol

unfortunately i dont know how to post hulu links on Cag as a video so here is the link. Classic stuff.
[quote name='integralsmatic']I think Dickey will stick around for at least next year and if he has another good season...he will be here until retirement or until the mets find a better option. Tak is just better in the Pen. He will pitch lights out for 5-6 innings and then he has 1 really bad inning and then goes back to lights out again...He is another weird one.

Yeah Pagan looks great out there...he has been one of the more under the radar OFs this year. Great season but no one knows because he is playing for The Mets.

Yeah The offense looks like utter crap without Reyes. Its been proven that they can't win without his presence in the lineup. Every knows what he provides and to lose that...just sucks.

It showed tonight. Any pitcher in the league could have shut this lineup out with Tejeda leading off and bay second.....really?? so we have ultra speed at lead off and than go to a sluggish tank at the number 2 slot. Its getting painful to watch roadtrips because the outcome just seems so obvious. We couldnt muster a run in 18 innings and only have 1 extra base hit in 18 innings. With Cain up tomorrow..i wont be surprised if the Giants go 3-3 on us and the Mets fall behind more to Atlanta and the WC. At this rate, The mets will take themselves out of contention by 2nd week of august.

Edit: Bay looking like Free agent SUPER BUST right now.
.264 6hr 44RBI

Your telling me thats worth 60 million. I know a player has struggles but Bay should have been out of it a LONG TIME AGO. He just looks utterly lost out there

John Niese although has been spectacular. No run support tonight. i feel bad that he has to take another tough luck loss because the Mets Offense looked like a tea ball team tonight.[/QUOTE]

So our manager benches Pagan for Francoeur even when Reyes isn't playing, puts Tejada in the lead off spot, Bay in the 2 hole, and then wonders why the team is not hitting?
[quote name='DomLando']So our manager benches Pagan for Francoeur even when Reyes isn't playing, puts Tejada in the lead off spot, Bay in the 2 hole, and then wonders why the team is not hitting?[/QUOTE]

It's not the Mets fault.

It's just The Franchise and B Easy were filthy.
[quote name='ph33r m3']It's not the Mets fault.

It's just The Franchise and B Easy were filthy.[/QUOTE]

Took Zito long enough to adjust. Is he in a contract year or something?
Clueless Joe 2.0 shows his stupidity more and more and more. Lets throw out the piece of shit BJ up against the 2nd place Rays at home on Old Timers Day. BJ has given up 3 runs so far in the first 2 innings, all coming with 2 outs and nobody on base. What a disgrace to the uniform and 99.999999 of the men who have worn it.

Any teams interested in Jeter? He got really old really quick. Guy swings and grounds out weakly on the first pitch 90 percent of the time now. Good luck getting that last big payday old man.
[quote name='wildcpac']Clueless Joe 2.0 shows his stupidity more and more and more. Lets throw out the piece of shit BJ up against the 2nd place Rays at home on Old Timers Day. BJ has given up 3 runs so far in the first 2 innings, all coming with 2 outs and nobody on base. What a disgrace to the uniform and 99.999999 of the men who have worn it.

Any teams interested in Jeter? He got really old really quick. Guy swings and grounds out weakly on the first pitch 90 percent of the time now. Good luck getting that last big payday old man.[/QUOTE]

Dude, you just got back from your temp ban, and it hasn't calmed you at all? Girardi started AJ because it was his turn to pitch. Yeah, I guess he could have juggled the rotation coming out of the break, but Burnett has to pitch eventually, and doing that basically shows him you're giving up on him the rest of the season. What good is going to come from that?

As for Jeter, I still contend that he's hurt and has been for some time. Back in May when 3/4 of the team were either hurt or not hitting, Jeter was one of the few guys hitting well. If I were the Yanks, I'd find a way to get him a 15 day DL stint to rest up for the stretch run.

Seriously though, tone down your insult laden, reactionary rant posts. I don't think there's a whole lot of tolerance for your schtick around CAG anymore.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Dude, you just got back from your temp ban, and it hasn't calmed you at all? Girardi started AJ because it was his turn to pitch. Yeah, I guess he could have juggled the rotation coming out of the break, but Burnett has to pitch eventually, and doing that basically shows him you're giving up on him the rest of the season. What good is going to come from that?

As for Jeter, I still contend that he's hurt and has been for some time. Back in May when 3/4 of the team were either hurt or not hitting, Jeter was one of the few guys hitting well. If I were the Yanks, I'd find a way to get him a 15 day DL stint to rest up for the stretch run.

Seriously though, tone down your insult laden, reactionary rant posts. I don't think there's a whole lot of tolerance for your schtick around CAG anymore.[/QUOTE]

That is pretty funny coming from someone who got the Tecmo Bowl League thread locked due to his amount of fighting with others.

And your comment about the rotation doesn't hold water. CC last pitched on Sunday and then on Friday. CC started the last 2 games for the Yankees. Yankees have an off day on Monday so CC is able to go again on Tuesday against the Angels. They play the Royals after that. They could have easily have held off on BJ til the Royals. This is the Yankees team who loves to baby pitchers. Same team that has babied Joba last year, Hughes this year. Hell the Yankees babied Javy when he stunk the first month.

To throw BJ up against the 2nd place Rays in a game that counts as 2 is just beyond stupid to me.

Jeter is 36 and showing his age. The guy swings and grounds out on the first pitch 90 percent of the time. He strikes out swinging on balls in the dirt. It's time to give Brett a chance in the leadoff spot.
[quote name='wildcpac']That is pretty funny coming from someone who got the Tecmo Bowl League thread locked due to his amount of fighting with others.

And your comment about the rotation doesn't hold water. CC last pitched on Sunday and then on Friday. CC started the last 2 games for the Yankees. Yankees have an off day on Monday so CC is able to go again on Tuesday against the Angels. They play the Royals after that. They could have easily have held off on BJ til the Royals. This is the Yankees team who loves to baby pitchers. Same team that has babied Joba last year, Hughes this year. Hell the Yankees babied Javy when he stunk the first month.

To throw BJ up against the 2nd place Rays in a game that counts as 2 is just beyond stupid to me.

Jeter is 36 and showing his age. The guy swings and grounds out on the first pitch 90 percent of the time. He strikes out swinging on balls in the dirt. It's time to give Brett a chance in the leadoff spot.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't Friday have been CC's start anyways? 4 days off in between starts seems normal. Giving AJ the start lines him up to pitch on against the Royals, instead of the Angels. I think I'd take a start against the Royals, over one against the Angels. But as a Red Sox fan, whoever beats him around is good for me. Not that the Red Sox are helping themselves by losing.
bread's done