Most Over Rated Game of All Time

Halo 2 was the most overrated by far, especially since it couldnt live up to the halo name. The sad part is, i was one of those people who wasted $55 to buy a collectors edition of a game that sold more CE's than originals. I'd also have to agree with that spinter cell being overrated. It was a good game, but not that good.
[quote name='psiufoxx2']I just don't get it. You'll gladly pay $8 for 2 hours of entertainment at the movies.

$8 x 6 = $48 = roughly the cost of Fable at launch.
2hours x 6 = 12hours of entertainment, roughly Fable's length.

Does my math not add up? You admit this game has an "awesome world, with rich history and characters", but you simply think it was "THE MOST OVERRATED GAME OF ALL TIME" because it lasted ONLY as long as the price of admission?

I would much rather play a FANTASTIC game for 10-12 hours than some mediocre POS for 50. But that's me.

I just don't get it.[/QUOTE]

The math equation is dumb. A lot of people pay $100+ for 3-4 hours of "entertainment" at a football or basketball game. Does that make every game that has ever been released and is over 4 hours long a great buy?

Compare a game to a game - and 12 hours is unusually short for a game that is supposed to be "epic" and especially gets as much hype as this one did. If you want to talk about movies, what if you went to see Lord of the Rings at the theater and found that they cut all three movies down to 1.5 hours. It would fall WAY short of most people's expectations and certainly of the broad praise and hype it was given.

Remember, this thread is about disappointments and whether or not a game met expectations/"ratings". Games like Fable, these days, are expected to last a lot longer than 12 hours and I think someone who was disappointed that it didn't has a valid point.
[quote name='bobo2k4']Halo and Halo 2

Both these games suck money balls.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you on Halo 2, but I actually still enjoy playing the first game. Halo wasn't/isn't anywhere near as overrated as Halo 2.
I'm gonna say Final Fantasy VII. Great game in its own right, but everyone treats this thing like it's the holy grail of RPGs and there's much better stuff out there.

Halo and Halo 2. Just becuase you (then) puberty-bound Xboxes owners never touched a PC FPS doesn't mean Halo is the best. They're good games. But only that: good.
I'm goint to say Halo 2 is overrated. I just think that the single player game was overlooked in the final scores. If you rated it purely on the multiplayer aspect, then yes, it deserves the scores it received or close to them, but if you factor in the 1 player game, bleh, I think it got rated a little too high. Maybe I'm just especially bitter about Halo 2 not having hang'em high as a multi-player level. Crazy developers, what were they thinking? ha. And about MGS2, I mean, I dunno, I feel like games should now have a "storyline" rating category from every reviewer. It seems to make sense since video games are becoming so cinematic. So MGS2 - 9+ for gameplay, not above a 5 for storyline. So whatever, maybe it seems like I jumped on the I hate Halo bandwagon.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']don't listen to him, it is the best game of this generation bar none, and one of my favorites of all-time (SF II is my favorite game, but this is probably second). The story is perfect for the material it tries to tackle, the gameplay is extremely tight, and the music is amazing.[/QUOTE]

Metal Gear Solid 2 is the MOST overrated game bar none. As I played it, I kept saying WTF?? People think this is fun??

MGS3 will have to drop to $3 before I gamble my hard-earned on it.
I don't understand why people like any racing games at all. I'm sure fans have good reasons but every time I play a racing game, it just feels like I'm watching graphics move on a screen and am not really playing anything.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Try Burnout 3. The crashes alone make the game fun. The sense of speed is intense too.[/QUOTE]

I was gonna mention that I like that one alot, especially the team crash mode, but I figured it didn't count as a racer.
[quote name='Apossum']I was gonna mention that I like that one alot, especially the team crash mode, but I figured it didn't count as a racer.[/QUOTE]
? Why not? Of course it's a racer, I don't really see why it wouldn't be one.
I'll go out on a limb and say Pac Man. It was a good game, but did it deserve a 'Top 10!" pop music hit? Did it deserve 25 terrible knock offs? Did it warrant a Saturday morning Cartoon? Did it deserve a Breakfast Cereal? and blankets, and and and.....

Pacman---is the most overrated game of all time, you folks that answer Halo, or Half Life, or burnout or Grand theft need to get some perspective :)

Back in the day every video/computer set up HAD to have for some reason a pac man clone--it didn't help the system but everyone just felt they HAD to let their consumers play pac man.
My vote for second most overrated, Donkey kong (the overratedness comes from the Colecovision... yes it was very close to the arcade version... but at 25 cents a play it was much cheaper to play at an arcade than to put down the major money to be able to play it at home.

3rd most overrated......
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']? Why not? Of course it's a racer, I don't really see why it wouldn't be one.[/QUOTE]

It seemed to be more about the crashing and causing destruction then racing. I guess the world mode does focus on races...
[quote name='Mr.Answer']I'll go out on a limb and say Pac Man. It was a good game, but did it deserve a 'Top 10!" pop music hit? Did it deserve 25 terrible knock offs? Did it warrant a Saturday morning Cartoon? Did it deserve a Breakfast Cereal? and blankets, and and and.....

Pacman---is the most overrated game of all time, you folks that answer Halo, or Half Life, or burnout or Grand theft need to get some perspective :)

Back in the day every video/computer set up HAD to have for some reason a pac man clone--it didn't help the system but everyone just felt they HAD to let their consumers play pac man.[/QUOTE]

don't mean to start an argument, but in case your wondering-- pac-man was the most advanced and engaging game at the time it came out, so it didn't have much to compete with. it's also about as original as it gets. there's some perspective for ya ;-)
[quote name='Apossum']It seemed to be more about the crashing and causing destruction then racing. I guess the world mode does focus on races...[/QUOTE]
You're still racing with them, which constitutes a racing game. Many racers include various modes of play that can go outside of racing, but it doesn't stop them from being called racing games.
[quote name='demomanTNA']Easy answer... Halo 2. Way overhyped, and certainly didn't even get close to meeting most people's expectations.[/QUOTE]

Overhyped, yes. Overrated, not so much.
Half Life 2 overrated? Hardly... it earned the reviews.

Doom 3 was crap that got high scores because of the hype and nostalgia value. It was not a good game as it had too many deficiencies: AI, lighting, gameplay issues over fighting whether to use a flashlight or a gun with no duct tape in sight, etc...
[quote name='demomanTNA']Easy answer... Halo 2. Way overhyped, and certainly didn't even get close to meeting most people's expectations.[/QUOTE]

Highlighted for truth. can't believe I spent 50 on it.
Overrated: FF7, Chrono Trigger (CT is still a good game, just not the best ever. FF7 sucks hard though), Halo 1 and 2

Overhyped & Overrated: Soul Calibur II (WTF that game sucked so bad. Play VF4. If you still say SC2 is a good game, you are a liar), Jade Empire

Overhyped: Shenmue (still a good game though), Fable, Driv3r
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Overhyped & Overrated: Soul Calibur II (WTF that game sucked so bad. Play VF4. If you still say SC2 is a good game, you are a liar)[/QUOTE]
I guess I'm a liar as I loved both games.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Overrated: FF7, Chrono Trigger (CT is still a good game, just not the best ever. FF7 sucks hard though), Halo 1 and 2[/QUOTE]

Halo 2, at least, was overhyped as well. In the weeks leading up to its release it seemed one couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a slobberying fanboy in a Master Chief suit.

It also got an entire day's worth of programming devoted to it on what was then G4TechTV (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas got the same treatment). I don't watch X-Play for a 30 minute review of a game for a system I don't even own. There were other games worthy of review that X-Play had not already covered. The whole review should have taken 5 minutes.

Here's how the review could have been shortened: "HALO 2: More of the same. The story continues. More weapons. Graphical update. XBox live support. GTA-inspired vehicle jacking. Now, let's move on."
[quote name='Scrubking']Halo and Halo 2 are by far the most overrated games of all time. It is just another multiplayer FPS in the sea of FPS's - and on a console no less. .[/QUOTE]

It may JUST be another FPS in a sea of FPS's - but that doesnt mean that the genre sucks or that Halo isnt the best. Halo is the best FPS for consoles in everyway.

[quote name='Scrubking']And I want to say something about all the GTA haters. Do you realize that GTA is the only game on a console that is pioneering open-ended gameplay? No other game does that so that automatically makes this series unique and underrated. If GTA died open-ended gameplay wouldn't exist, but a lot of gamers are too dumb to see that.[/QUOTE]

GTA feels like a tech demo, and open ended play?? Missle command or Pacman had open ended play.

If you took out the pain in the ass part of having to drive everywhere to get new missions, you would have nothing more than a broken 3rd person shooter.

All you do is do the same mission over and over again. "TAKE OUT THESE PEOPLE!" , now "TAKE OUT THIS PERSON!"

Whatever, GTA sucks. GTAIII was new and a cool idea...but once the gimmick wore thin, it sucked. People only bought it so they could run all over town killing people.
Super Mario 64. It was a boring platformer that I gave so many chances to lure me in and it did nothing for me. I enjoyed platformers like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon and others much more around this time as they were interesting and fun to say the least.
I know! I know!
You get to the end of Halo 3, and Master Chief takes of the armor.... and you learn that Master Chief is a woman!

I love how topics like this bring out the worst in people. Usually CAG is a nice place to share your opinions on stuff, but the topic of overhyped games comes up and it's "if you don't think this is the most overrated game you're a moron and nobody can argue with that" kind of BS arguements come up..

The whole Splinter Cell series is THE most overrated series of all time, in my opinion. I just don't get the appeal of waiting around for guards to get int he right spot then shooting 15 light sources out and then you step on a twig cause you didn't pick the one right path out of 10 that the developers wanted you to so you have to re-do everything again. fuck that trial and error gameplay. Playing splinter cell is like someone telling you "im thinking of something in the room that's not a duck" and you guessing until you happen to get it right. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Im sorry, I just really, really, really, really hate Splinter Cell. No game has ever pissed me off so much.

I say that Gran Turismo 4 was very overrated, they didn't do much new at all. I tired of the series with GT3. The need for speed series also has been typically overrated, just because of it's popularity.

Recently, Conker on Xbox has been wayy overrated. the loading after every cutscene change, the poor quality audio, and extra censorship really shows that Rare has gone down the tubes.
Madden also is a very overrated series.. reviewers never seem to get sick of it, like the rest of us do. (oh wait, the rest of us don't get paid to play it, or paid/threatened by EA to give it the thumbs up)

And I can't agree with MGS2 more. That's the game that got me to sell my PS2. I think the PS2 in general is pretty overrated. The system, the game library, everything.

I don't see how people are saying Soul Calibur 2 is overrated? what exactly were your problems with it? I think thats a game I'll never get sick of playing, as long as there's another good player around.

And the halo haters need to chill. It's so easy to hate on that game, but there's nothing like getting some halo players together for a night of system link play. The multiplayer is what will have people playing that game years from now. XBox live play kinda sucks, but that's not Halo's fault, its the fault of all the 10 year olds(and 40 year olds that act like them) that like it.

I think it's pretty odd that I love almost all of the "overrated" games people pick. SC2, Halo 2, and San Andreas are some of my all-time favorites.
I don't get the hate for Soul Calibur 2. It felt awfully like SC1 to me, for the brief time I got to play it (my fighting game playing buddy moved to a different state). SC2 rocks just as much as SC1 IMO.

My choice: Halo 2. Honestly I got the Xbox and I picked this up, ASAP, in January - I'd been hearing about Halo for years. A decent FPS but the story is nothing special (the old "aliens fucking with Earth" thing) plays well on dual analog, but honestly I don't see the appeal, even online. Guess I'm used to computer FPSs. I'll take Quake 2 multiplayer or maybe UT2004 over Halo 2 multiplayer any day...although I am still playing Halo 2 online, and it's pretty rowdy in co-op mode.

Just not worthy of all the frickin' 10s and praise I hear for it. I'm not a big fan of FPS in single player mode (a touch boring). The single player mode is better than most but nothing outstanding...story is decent but nothing groundbreaking...gameplay is standard FPS...Just not seeing the perfect 10s, etc that they hand out for this.
bread's done