My slumlord sued me: A cautionary tale; UPDATE: Life in prison. The end.

[quote name='ITDEFX']why do I have the feeling you won't see shit while he's behind bars?[/QUOTE]
because all this guy's money will go to his legal defense and such...and knowing scumbags like him, he'll just declare bank and hope the judge rules that his creditors cannot collect their monies from him for the 7 years or whatever. (i'm not sure if this civil lawsuit would make ol buddy a creditor since he won his judgement against him)
One has to wonder if it wouldn't have been better to taken any money he was going to offer the OP, verses dragging this on and now potentially not getting anything at all from the guy.
I'm ok with no money. The victim could use it a helluva lot better than we could. It's nothing to lose sleep over.

Couldn't help myself. Posted a lolpic in the original post.
[quote name='speedracer']I'm ok with no money. The victim could use it a helluva lot better than we could. It's nothing to lose sleep over.

Couldn't help myself. Posted a lolpic in the original post.[/QUOTE]

dude...after all this drama...are you telling me you want to walk away from this without ANY MONEY? Damn!!! He has put you thru hell..there has got to be some way for you to get some money before this prick goes to jail!
[quote name='mtxbass1']One has to wonder if it wouldn't have been better to taken any money he was going to offer the OP, verses dragging this on and now potentially not getting anything at all from the guy.[/QUOTE]

I think the point is, any settlement the landlord "offered" would have been dodged the same way. I mean, if he can just ignore a court's ruling, what would have stopped him from renegging on an agreement? He's been refusing phone calls, ignoring mailed documents, etc. Considering that his initial stance had speedracer OWING money on top of not getting the security deposit back, I don't think this is the kind of guy who would voluntarily give up money. I'm sure seeing this douchebag get what's coming to him is better than the $1500.
You got his name in that last quoted section, speedy. Since you're trying to keep it outta there.

digitally penetrated


Edit: OH I get it now.

Edit 2: Hmmm that makes the smiley somewhat juxtaposed.
Thanks Strell.

My brain is going to explode. He's going to be on the news tonight fo sho. I emailed the journalist with a list of his properties, his aliases, and what he was doing yesterday at the court house prior to his crime spree.
If this guy's given bail, and he shouldn't, expect him to flee to Mexico or kill himself. I like how the article I found said it's currently unclear how he makes a living. We know!
The former Brookline Elementary third-grade teacher resigned from Houston Independent School District in January 2001, days after allegations surfaced that he digitally penetrated a 10-year-old student several times under a blanket during different “movie times.”

Lord knows I know that any child crime is a horrible thing...but how the fuck do you "digitally penetrate a child"???????
[quote name='Strell']Sweet frydaddy Christ. I read one story on this site and thought I might not ever be happy again.[/QUOTE]

yes it's terrible, and they only get worse. the worst one i have ever read is Christine Schurrer. sick fucks on that site.
[quote name='mitch079']If this guy's given bail, and he shouldn't, expect him to flee to Mexico or kill himself. I like how the article I found said it's currently unclear how he makes a living. We know![/QUOTE]
No bail. They've already said. And he's looking at 25 years JUST for the assault with no possibility of parole. He's gonna do 30 or 40 when it's all said and done.

Digital = digit = finger.
[quote name='strongpimphand']Lord knows I know that any child crime is a horrible thing...but how the fuck do you "digitally penetrate a child"???????[/QUOTE]

maybe he had one of those tron setups that lets you digitize people and do stuff.
This is the best thread I have ever read. This tops the asspube net, the wangsock, the guy who slept with a 500 lb woman he met on myspace and everything else I have ever read on the internet. Bravo sir. This should be a book.
Oh my god, PYSIH is a crazy site especially the Fujii lady and the key puncher guy (yes the other people are probably worse, its just his stood out a lot). Also, I would like for God to have a line for us to get into where we can personally punch these people in places where they ... well you get the idea. I would be first in line
what a horror story. In any case, every god damn landlord I've ever had has been a god damn crook and tried to shake me down on my deposit (I always take pictures and have them sign off on damage that were present before I moved in). Hell one of my landlords was a big shot lawyer in Chicago...Shockingly he too was a fucking con-artist trying to rip us off a grand. When we had my roommate's dad call him up (who also is a lawyer) the guy changed faced and gave us all our money back.

In any case, I had a landlord try to rip me off of $2000 once (seriously landlords must think that once they get the deposit it's theirs). Thank god the renter/tenant laws in chicago heavily favor the renter and all burden of proof falls on the landlord (you can accuse them of any number of violations without proof in some cases and they still have to defend themselves). Basically any charges you bring up on him he has to prove himself innocent of those charges. Seriously I had a landlord try to take my whole deposit without telling me why (which was illegal and in violation of renters laws). I reminded him of the money I was owed and the fact that if he didn't return my deposit back I was due back double to triple the amount under current Chicago tenant code (I also had a lawyer friend advise me on the matter). Needless to say I got my deposit back minus $50 (which was fictitious dumpster fee). I didn't feel like fighting over $50 dollars so I let the matter be. In all honesty that $50 dollar fee could have cost my landlord 2 or 3 grand if I filed suit over it.

Thank god that in chicago if a landlord fucks with you the city sends over a building inspector on top off your lawsuit. I don't think a single building I've ever lived in has been up to code. That threat alone makes dealing with landlords out of court a lot easier. Seriously building violations can tally up to the tens of thousands in Chicago. And if their is one thing I know about Chicago is that the city loves giving out tickets. Seriously this city loves to fuck over landlords. The cheapest building code violation ticket I've ever seen is $500-$1000 dollars (sometimes a day till its fixed). The norm is anywhere from 2-5 grand.
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I've said "what the fuck" out loud more in the last 12 hours than I have the rest of my lifetime combined.

Thanks for not naming him punklivz. I appreciate it.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I think the point is, any settlement the landlord "offered" would have been dodged the same way. I mean, if he can just ignore a court's ruling, what would have stopped him from renegging on an agreement? He's been refusing phone calls, ignoring mailed documents, etc. Considering that his initial stance had speedracer OWING money on top of not getting the security deposit back, I don't think this is the kind of guy who would voluntarily give up money. I'm sure seeing this douchebag get what's coming to him is better than the $1500.[/QUOTE]
That's exactly right. And since the multiple plaintiffs in the sexual assault cases are certainly going to sue his ass, well, it makes what we went through with him small and insignificant. He stiffed me for a security deposit. Comparatively in the great scheme of life, it's nothing. They can have it.

Trust me, I'm satisfied. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a complete asshole. The money would have been nice for sure. But sometimes, when the person you sued yesterday evades police, carjacks and kidnaps a woman, jumps from the moving car, and get arrested in a motel on charges that will put him away AT LEAST until 2035, well...

fuck it man. Gotta let it go. We'll hang around and file our lien and make sure the bank doesn't walk away with it all, but that's probably the end of it.
[quote name='keithp']You should go visit him in the pokey and tell him you stopped by to collect your money.[/QUOTE]
My wife said no before I had the chance to tell her I was going to go. I want to so badly. Goddamn woman. This is why I can't have nice things.

Just totally nonchalant about it. Like "Hey guy, so when can we wrap this thing up? Perhaps a payment plan? Want to meet at Starbucks and talk about it?"

I'm just sitting here hitting F5 on the Chron website. I'm waiting for the an hero story that will make this thing complete.
[quote name='speedracer']My wife said no before I had the chance to tell her I was going to go. I want to so badly. Goddamn woman. This is why I can't have nice things.[/QUOTE]

Now now, it's may also be because of her that you all weren't shafted by that clause he hid until the end, so it's because of her you get to still have nice things. (Yes it's possible the judge would have brought it up herself, but on the other hand, why would we need lawyers if judges remembered everything important?)
That last bit about him teaching will lead everyone to his name, just by doing a quick Google search.

Only way it gets any crazier is if he has some mob ties or something.....
What a scumbag. I hope he's more than "digitally penetrated" during his time in prison... from what I hear child molesters get it pretty rough in the pen.
[quote name='craven_fiend']That last bit about him teaching will lead everyone to his name, just by doing a quick Google search.[/QUOTE]
At this point, I don't see any reason to protect his identity. I just don't want this thread linking on a name search. It's pretty obvious how to find him.

Dood. Iron Man 2 wasn't that bad.
As if this thread couldn't get any better, it delivers in spades.

speedracer, I don't think you could script how this has gone down any better if you planned on it.

That's some ridiculous updates in the last 24 hours.
Been following this thread since it was first created... OMG hahahaha awesome turn of events. This can be made into a great short story.
[quote name='strongpimphand']Lord knows I know that any child crime is a horrible thing...but how the fuck do you "digitally penetrate a child"???????[/QUOTE]

It ain't rocket science. Fingers, thumbs, and toes are also known as digits. Figure it out.
I wouldn't exactly call it karma :/ I mean children were hurt, if he had got sued for something himself, or had to pay a large sum of money for any reason, THAT would be karma. 2 little innocent girls were hurt, i hope karma doesn't work like that :p I don't mean to be rude, I just was kinda bothered by that comment. Personally I believe that anyone who assaults a child (whether sexual or not) deserve to have their right as a human being taken away, because real humans don't get off touching or hurting little boys/girls. It sickens me how it works, and if it wasn't for his previous charge (with the 5 year old) he would probably only do a few years, and get out on parole. Do you know if he was already sentenced? I wonder if he will be in general population, one could only hope (in prison that is)
Yeah, I'd definitely stay away from knocking on neighbors doors etc. Stick to the court system to go after him.

If he's willing to run from the cops, try to kick down a neighbors door, car jack someone, and had a gun (an a concealed carry permit) you don't want to provoke him. Even with him behind bars--and probably for a long time--he'll get out eventually.
Sell your rights to the TV movie NOW! At the least contact the writing team behind Law and Order SVU! I can read through the whole thing again and see it in action!
bread's done