NHL 09 CAG Team 2.0 - CAG Hockey Night - On Hiatus - Have a great summer! :)

I think the pens hate him more. He really screwed the pens over. At least atlanta was able to make a trade for him. They didn't get anything. Pens got nothing! We kept waiting for him and he said he was going to be a pen. Then jumps ship at the last second!


Anyways game recapps

game 1

Game 1 starts out a very exciting playoff experience for mr_hockey and chunky. There are some amazing hits. Amazing desperation saves. New jersey with mr_hockey at the helm can not stay out of the penality box. New jeserseys pk was top notice though and managed to kill off two 5 on 3 situations in the 1st period.

The game quickly developed into a defensive battle. Neither Mr_hockey or chuncky could generate quality scoring chances. There were a couple of one timers on both sides but the goalies played brilliantly. In chunky got a hit mr_hockey followed up with one of his own. If chunky got a shot mr_hockey followed up with one as well.

The stats were near identical. Hits for hits and shots for shots. Mr_hockey had a slight lead in faceoff wins but could not get in deep to get quality shots on the canaidians goalie.

Quickly the game went to the 3rd period and neither team had managed to light the goal lamp.

The crowd was getting tried of the defensive battle and let the players know it! After every hit they would cheer or get quite depending on the player doing or recieving the hitting. The 3rd period quickly broke out into a street brawl! Hit after hit!

The game goes to ot with a 0/0 tie! How exciting! 1st goal will win it!

The shoot out starts like any other shoot out. Patrik Elias #26 skates in dekes, goalie bites, he shoots HE....Dosn't score! PING! off of the post. Now chunky gets a shoot. Alex Kovalev #27 skates in he dekes, goalie bites, He Shoots, He dosn't score!

Round after round the skaters try to get that elusive first and last goal of game 1!

16 rounds later a fourth liner named micheal rupp( Who you ask? I know. I don't even know him and hes on my team) manages to sneak a puck off the pads into the bottom left corner. Just barely past the amazing canadians goalie. The new jersey Devils take game one!!!!

Game 2

Game 2 starts out were game one ended. As soon as the opening face off is dropped, the hits and the defensive battle begins. The chances are there but the goalies again play like they were goaile gods! Stop this shoot, stop that shoot. Nothing can or will go in. Both chunky and mr_hockey had shoots that would have just barley been goals but they either dove backwards onto the puck or the trickled out just to the side and out of reach of the skaters reach.

The game again goes to the 3rd period in a 0/0 tie!

With 3:59 left in the third period. Chunky skates in on Brodeur. Deke to the right, Deke to the left! He shoots! HE SCORES!!!! Top Shelf! Water bottle goes flying! The candiains fans go crazy! They have seen a goal! The devils bench is desimated! Holy shit! We have but one choice! Pull the goalie!!!!!

The face off is dropped and mr_hockey scoops up the face off. Brodeur races to the bench! Mr_hockey skates in deep into the candians zone. Just wait. Pull back wait for the the play to get set up! Mr_hockey cycles the puck. Center, back to d. D to d. d back to front! Then a briliant poke check pops the puck out! Its heading all the way back down the ice!!!!! No one is there! Brodeur races back to the goal! The puck squirts just wide of the net! The candians reach the puck first and fire off and quick shoot to the left corner! Brodeur just manages to make a save as he is diving back into his goal!!!

The devils gather up the puck and head back into the candians zone. Brodeur is exhausted after two mad dashes to and from the bench! Now he has to make a thrid trip back over.

He starts to skate over but clearly is taking his time!!!!

Mr_hockey tries to set up the play and get the 6th man out there but to no avial. Chunky lays out a nasty hit. It made mr_hockey want revenge! Mr_hockey goes for a giant hit at open ice. He pulls back lining up the brilliant hit. If Im going to lose Im going to take your ass out! The devils player thinks to himself! Just as the hit was about to happen chunky makes an amazing pass right down the center of the ice to a waiting team mate! He skates in nearly untouched and burries and empty netter with Devils players diving and getting hit into the net as well. Chunky Begins to celebrate with less then a minute left and the score is now 2-0

The game isn't over yet!

Mr_hockey is a sore loser and decides he wants to have a good ole fashioned beat down after the faceoff. Mr_hockeys player is stroking his shaft off his stick trying to gode chunky into a brawl! The candians end up drawing a penality in the closing seconds. This forces a faceoff deep in their own zone. MR_hockey senses a 6 on 4 setting deep in the offensive zone and has no choice to pull the goalie again.

The opening faceoff goes to chunky! He manages to break out of his zone and again skates down the ice and burries another empty netter with 3 seconds on the clock! Its all over but the crying! The canadians take game 2 with a 3-0 score!

The stage is set. What will happen? Who will win? Stay tuned to find out!
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Nice recap, Mr. Hockey.

Both games were pretty depressing and made me think that neither of us are fit to play forward. I'm hoping for a high scorer in game 3.
I can not score for the life of me! If I can get one goal I can clamp it down. I just have to score that one and First goal!

Let me know when you want to knock out the playoff decider. Tonight after 8 would be perfect if you could. I just don't want another late night tonight though. Im beat!
m getting on now. just send me a message when your ready

game 3 recap!

Game 3 back in new jersey. The fans are excited and nervous at the same time. Will we see our team come away with a win and advance two round two? Or will we be sent home? Nothing but golf left.

The game starts where the other two left off. DEFENSE DEFENSE DEFENSE!

The devils start of again in the box. Chunky has a good cycle game going. Passing back to the d-men and getting some good shots off! Mr_hockey makes a great pass all the way up the ice and hits bobby holik by him self short handed. Bobby skates in by himself. Mr_hockey is thinking here is that first goal. Bobby shoots! HE DOSN"T SCORE!!!! DAMN IT!!!! Mr_hockey yells!

Now its chunkys turn. Mr_hockey kills the man advantage. Chunky then takes a penality. The same play happens again. this time its reversed. Chunky makes the long pass down the ice. Skates in by himself. Mr_hockey is again yelling DAMN IT!!!!!.

Chunky skates in shorthanded. HE SHOOTS! HE DOSN"T SCORE!!!!!!!( noticing the theme here?)

This ends the first period. The devlis are on full attack. Mr_hockey has 13 shoots and 10 hits. Chunky has 5 shots and15 hits. The game continues on as all the other games have. Hits and defensive play on both sides. Neither can score even with decent scoring chances for both teams.

The game AGAIN goes into a 0/0 tie going into the third.

At the end of the third, Mr_hockey manages to get a 2 on 1 breakaway. With a quick pass back and forth # 14 bryan gionita gets the puck back and shoots a one timer which sails past the goalie! Mr_hockey66 takes the 1-0 lead with 1:30 left on the clock.

Chunky makes it very interseting at the end and really had me shitting my pants. chunky skates down the ice and unleashed a wicked wrist shot form brodeurs right. Brodeur misses the puck and the puck goes right across the goal line but a half an inch wide.

Mr_hockey manages to barley holds on to the lead for this last 1:30.

A very great game. Im sorry it had to end that way. I give chunky the upmost respect and Im glad I got to play you in this league/playoffs. It was very tough and could easily have turned out ALOT different. I look forward to more games against you! Thank you!


:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
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Ugh...the one goalie I didn't want to face in these playoffs in Brodeur...

I can probably knock out two, if not three games tomorrow night Mr Hockey...say starting at like 730ish? Let me know if that's cool.
Sometime in the afternoon tomorrow work? I'll likely be back from work around 3 or 4 EST. If I am on and not playing RE5, I'd be willing to play.
Doesn't have to be exactly then. Just saying that basically any time after that works, though I will likely hop on RE5 with a friend at about 9EST
Ugh, fucking xbox...

Played all "3" against Sean. Game one, Avs won 4-2. Oddly, immediately after the game, my disc somehow fucking ejected itself, but I still got the win. A few minutes into game 2, my disc ejected AGAIN, giving me a forced loss. Sean won game 3 3-1 (or was it 4-1?) to advance to the finals.

Hope my Xbox isn't getting possessed or something.
There's no way to undo the result of a game like in the 2K Sports games? If so, that sucks. Playoff loss on a hardware malfunction is a kick in the nuts.
[quote name='moojuice']Ugh, fucking xbox...

Played all "3" against Sean. Game one, Avs won 4-2. Oddly, immediately after the game, my disc somehow fucking ejected itself, but I still got the win. A few minutes into game 2, my disc ejected AGAIN, giving me a forced loss. Sean won game 3 3-1 (or was it 4-1?) to advance to the finals.

Hope my Xbox isn't getting possessed or something.[/QUOTE]

Ya thats sucks man, if you find a way to replay the game we should do it. Hopefully you find out what is wrong with your xbox, since its on your harddrive the only thing I can think of is something messed up with the dvd drive.
Good games otherwise man. It seems whoever got more B.S. penalties in each game lost.
Hockey, I'm gonna eat some dinner right now and do some emailing, I should be ready by 8. So I'll see you around 8 oclock, I'll try to be there 8 sharp!
Yeah Sean, it seemed like nearly every goal scored was on the PP.

Played a couple hours of COD5, and no mysterious disc drive ejections. Hopefully it's just something up with the game itself. It just makes no sense. *crosses fingers that nothing goes wrong on Friday*
Well, the finals are set. But how?

Game one in the Wings/Devils series took place in Detroit. The teams were very tough and defensive in the first period, not giving up any room for the other to get a good scoring opp.

In the second period, just as a power play expired, Detroit found an open defensemen, who took a good high shot, which was then deflected by Pavel Datsyuk, and Detroit took a 1-0 lead. The game continued to be very close, but after two more Detriot goals, The wings took game 1 by a score of 3-0. But believe me, the game was much closer than the score lead all to beleive.

Game two was back in NJ. 90 seconds in, the evil evil Marian Hossa skated down to the left side and put a centering pass over to Pavel Datsyuk. The pass however knocked off the back of Martin Broduer's skate, and trickled back into the goal to give Detriot an early lead.

Again the matchup was quite defensive for the rest of the first period. In the second, on a beautiful one timer, the Devils tied things up by dropping Curtis Joseph on the ground with a cross ice pass that went high over his shoulder.

Not wanting to have this game be settled in OT, the Wings came back hard, and 60 seconds later, scored on a wrist shot from point blank range after a winger found an open man right in front of the goal. 2 - 1 Wings.

And that was all she wrote. After an open net goal by Mr. Zetterberg, the Wings advance to the finals against the top seed SeanAmI Thrasers.

It'll be 1 against 2. And who can forget this very writer's reaction to the first time these teams met? Will Sean pound Wpark for a second straight time, sending him crying to the showers? Or can Wpark pull off an upset? As Arnold says in Predator...

...Stick Around.
By the way, Sean...I think the earliest I'll be able to play is Saturday afternoon...I might have some free time then. That, or maybe Sunday afternoon between like 1 and 3.

OR if you see this message in like, the next 15-20 minutes, we could just play right now. Shoot me a PM if that's doable.
good luck guys! Sean it looks like I don't have to play you in the playoffs after all! So parks go! At least i could say I get beat by the champs. It just was night my time. I got pissed after ringing the posts 3 times!!!
I didn't see your post Wpark. I might people to play Saturday, not sure though. Sunday is a better possibilty, I'll let you know.

Thrashers will get revenge on Hossa with some hip checks and hopefully an injury :p
Haha, as a Penguins fan, I should sit Hossa. But as a contender, gotta let him play.

Alright, so we'll shoot for sometime this weekend then. I'll keep ya updated.
what are the feelings on a new season? we could actually set up a new league to start running right now, because the finals players could still play their series even with a new league open
im up for it. but i think we should wit till the end. So we can pick teams with the champ picking last. We have some new guys who want to join as well.
I'd definitely join, although I also can't score. On that note, there's no special trick to picking up a loose puck, is there? When I'm going for rebounds and stuff, I hold down the left-trick and up on the right analog stick, but it still seems like even if I have three guys camped DIRECTLY in front of the net, the opponent's goalie can pass it through them all no problem. My goalie, of course, can't even manage to complete a pass to my defenseman standing all alone in front of the net.

I'm sure I'm just biased because this game is SO INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING sometimes, but there's nothing more annoying than standing over a loose puck for two seconds and then having somebody else skate by me at full speed, pick it up, and flip it into the net. I am in no way an angry person, but this game is going to give me a stroke.
I'm definitely in. I'll keep an eye out for a thread about season 2. I'm going to try and make it this Friday but it's a lot harder since im on the west coast.
Ok, so here's the interest list from what I can remember from the last few days (sorry if I missed anyone or added the wrong people, just drove home through a blizzard and spent nearly two hours shoveling, so my mind isn't really working with me right now). I'm only listing the people who explicitly said they'd be up for a new league, and not assuming that everyone already in the league still wants to do another:

Mr. Hockey

Once I have a close to final number, Ill make a new thread.

Just want to gauge how many people want in so that I know if I need to make a new league with more players and create a team selection order.
[quote name='moojuice']Ok, so here's the interest list from what I can remember from the last few days (sorry if I missed anyone or added the wrong people, just drove home through a blizzard and spent nearly two hours shoveling, so my mind isn't really working with me right now). I'm only listing the people who explicitly said they'd be up for a new league, and not assuming that everyone already in the league still wants to do another:

Mr. Hockey

Once I have a close to final number, Ill make a new thread.

Just want to gauge how many people want in so that I know if I need to make a new league with more players and create a team selection order.[/QUOTE]

Could you also please include me if there is a open spot for season 2.
Hell to the yeah!

Who won?

I bet its safe to say nate, vulcan, and chunky will be in the next league as well
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[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Hell to the yeah!

Who won?

I bet its safe to say nate, vulcan, and chunky will be in the next league as well[/quote]

Sean and I haven't played yet. But I wanted to let them know I'm down for another.

Speaking of, Sean...how does Sunday around noon sound to you?
bread's done