Noby Noby Boy - Gen. Discussion & Info

This thing is too awesome. Great for winding down. The youtube integration is great too, I've just been setting up little things to do so I can upload them online.

This is my 1st one, where I steal an old guy. I dont get him till the 2 min mark, was just messing around on this one.


This one shows that BOY doesn't care about history.


Lastly, this one is BOY screwing up housing development. Probably the weakest of the 3.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']All you need to do is post the link since html doesn't work on CAG.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, found that out and was spending time fixing it. It's all good now, thanks. :)
Well, I had no idea this game was so funny but of course my boys laughed hysterically for about an hour as they just ate stuff and shot it out boy's butt. That shit is gold for the 6-10 year-old boy demographic ;). But then they got more into it and trying to stretch and do different things. My youngest is still playing - now he's trying to combine people with animals and fruit to see what the combos look like. Maybe some day I'll get a turn...

I also had no idea that you broke in half and the way to fix it was to find and eat your own butt. More hilarity ensued when the kids figured that one out!
[quote name='io']Well, I had no idea this game was so funny but of course my boys laughed hysterically for about an hour as they just ate stuff and shot it out boy's butt. That shit is gold for the 6-10 year-old boy demographic ;). But then they got more into it and trying to stretch and do different things. My youngest is still playing - now he's trying to combine people with animals and fruit to see what the combos look like. Maybe some day I'll get a turn...

I also had no idea that you broke in half and the way to fix it was to find and eat your own butt. More hilarity ensued when the kids figured that one out![/quote]

That's awesome, it really is a game of exploration.
[quote name='bordjon']

I can't find the prince - but I haven't looked on every world I've been to - also didn't realize he looked like that - I was looking for the more typical prince.[/QUOTE]

Clearly you haven't played a Katamari game. He looks exactly like I expected after reading that trophy description. Well, except for the chin - that seems out of place for the Prince.
Am I the only one who tried to rotate the roof of my house the wrong way? I tried to wrap BOY around the chimney and rotate it that way. I managed to do a full 360 but I got no trophy. Then realized I could just go into the house and use the right stick to rotate it. /facepalm.
[quote name='io']Clearly you haven't played a Katamari game. He looks exactly like I expected after reading that trophy description. Well, except for the chin - that seems out of place for the Prince.[/QUOTE]

Haha - that's what is funny - I own and have played them all. But the pics posted sometimes he's fuzzy faced looking and one he has a double chin - I guess I was expecting an EXACT version of him - more vivid green and purple too. Well I'm not a trophy whore so I haven't studied all that too in-depth. Like I said I just haven't noticed him but haven't looked too hard.
[quote name='metaly']OK, here we go:

I started out just twisting around some trees and trying to make a knot, but then I noticed he was flying towards the screen and decided to go with that. If you watch till the end you can see me rope together the clouds. LSD trip message courtesy of smog. :lol:[/quote]

Hey man .. I'm looking at the progress to girl and you're wearing a big Pac-Man head. I wish I could take a screen shot to show you.

I was just browsing through and saw that and thought, "Wait a minute .. the name metaly sounds familiar". :lol:
[quote name='io']I also had no idea that you broke in half and the way to fix it was to find and eat your own butt. More hilarity ensued when the kids figured that one out![/quote]
Or you hold down triangle to be pushed out of the chimney of Boy's house.

I imagine the fart sound along with whatever object you ate shooting out of Boy's butt would be enough to keep most kids interested.
Holy crap. I just started the game again and am in a cops and robbers level with a lot of policemen and robbers around in this neighborhood full of houses, which most of the people had destroyed before I could do much. :lol: I'll take a few picks to post later.

Edit: Girl is up to 190 million meters, so we're about halfway to the moon now.
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[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Holy crap. I just started the game again and am in a cops and robbers level with a lot of policemen and robbers around in this neighborhood full of houses, which most of the people had destroyed before I could do much. :lol: I'll take a few picks to post later.[/quote]

I found a level that was underwater themed and a level that was a very thin rectangle. Instead of the usual square it was a long thin rectangle.
I gave the prince a ride and didn't even know it until the trophy thing popped up there - I had to zoom in all the way. They were tiny on this level. These didn't have double chin things. They also had a different character here too (second pic.) This level also had katamari balls and even a BOY TOY for lack of a better description. Looked just like BOY but with two green balls as the body (third pic.)

How do I get Dallow's stupid message off of boy? ;)

I found one level with Katamari in it, but that's as close as I've gotten to finding the Prince yet. That's the last trophy I need to have 100%.

Girl is up to 223 million meters now, so there's about 150 million meters left until we reach the moon.

Edit: I ended up just writing a bunch of spaces on Boy and that got rid of the message. A "Clear Boy" option would be nicer than that.
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Found and compiled what I think is a complete list of controls in my FAQ

For anyone just joining the game here they are ::

L1 (hold) + TILT up/down : camera zoom out/in
L1 (hold) + d-pad left/right : camera move
L1 + R1 (hold) + TILT : cameras orientation
L1 (tap) : camera rotate clockwise
R1 (tap) : camera rotate counter-clockwise
L2 : eat (tip: hold L2 half way down to keep Boy's mouth open)
L2 (tap) : Jump/Fly head
R2 : poop
R2 (tap) : Jump/Fly rear
L Stick : move head-end
R Stick : move rear-end
L3 : shrink head-end
R3 : shrink rear-end
X : ok / continue
Square (hold) : record video
Triangle: Shoots boy out the chimney of the house
[select] : in-game manual
[start] + L3 up : report to GIRL
[start] + L3 down : send messages
[start] + L3 right : see your stats

Manual controls
L2: Eat letters/pictures (tip: eating letters of a topic in index takes you directly to that part of the manual)
R2: Poop

If any are wrong or there are additions let me know and I'll update this.
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You have L2 where the second R2 should be and you should add some of the controls for the manual:

Triangle: Turns on/off ability for Boy to interact with words/pictures
L2: Eat letters/pictures (tip: eating letters of a topic in index takes you directly to that part of the manual)
R2: Poop

For the regular part of the game:

Triangle: Boy is spat out of the chimney of Boy's House in one piece
Woo hoo! I finally got the last trophy where you have to give The Prince a ride. There were about four or five Princes on this one level with a couple rotating things, Santa Clauses, tractors, hippos, rhinos, and Boy replicas.

Then I combined a Prince with a hippo and another Prince with a rhino.
No princes here. Anyone else see the desert level? I also got a weird level that was in permanent night time and it consisted of bare trees, ghosts, crows and skeletons. Pretty rad.
No western here either, some levels even have tornadoes.

I got the spooky ghost level too. It had the crows, skeletons, angels, and spirits.
I made a crow-angel, crow-spirit, and crow-skeleton. :)

Hehe, and like you said, it was always night and had tiki fires burning.
Oh, and a big rainbow. :)
I have a question.. when you go tin house to pick a new map does it let you choose map or does it take you to a random one?
[quote name='dallow']Always random.

We're close to the moon. I really wonder what is going to happen. I'm excited.[/quote]

Yeah me too. I think we are going to get there either tomorrow or Monday.
Wierd, I don't know what else to say.

Just gotta figure out how to combine thing *wink wink*

Gameshared I gotta say it was worth the $1 I spent though
[quote name='jeremiahkd']How do you split him?[/quote]

you can see it in the video early on... it's basically when you have something force itself through you when you can't stretch further... it happened to me twice with cars ramming into me while I was tied to stuff.
It can also happen if you stretch off the edges and let either end fall and swing underneath - the edge of the world can chop you in half ;).

Is the only way to get to new areas to use the "move" option from within the house? Didn't I see someone post about flipping the house over? WTF is that about?

My and the kids moved all over but still no Katamari type stuff (balls or the Prince). I just want to make sure we aren't missing something.
The screenshot feature blows. By time you can actually take the screenshot, everything has moved. And you can no longer control anything once you have the ability to take it.

Eggplant with wheels.
I was at a weird level last night with fish and sharks swimming in the air. All the fish wanted to go for a ride on my back. :)

When you guys say about combining things .. what do you mean? Do you hold two things in your belly and then poop it out and it becomes one thing? And has anyone else been able to lift stuff? It says in the menu if you put your upper body on something and hit L2 that you'll pick it up, but no matter what I do L2 always controls my mouth.
If you eat a fruit and a person or animal and person and then try to poop them out, they'll be combined into one person.

Maybe I need to stay small since making Boy bigger seemed to keep putting me into levels of larger items.
[quote name='Maklershed']I was at a weird level last night with fish and sharks swimming in the air. All the fish wanted to go for a ride on my back. :)

When you guys say about combining things .. what do you mean? Do you hold two things in your belly and then poop it out and it becomes one thing? And has anyone else been able to lift stuff? It says in the menu if you put your upper body on something and hit L2 that you'll pick it up, but no matter what I do L2 always controls my mouth.[/quote]

I can't lift anything.
How does one make their head small, and the rear large?
I've tried for an hour just eating stuff, stretching, and pooping stuff out, but it only makes my head bigger. :mad:
bread's done