Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

[quote name='Corvin']That's because multiplayer is beyond broken. Who wants to sit and wait for a match for 10 minutes?[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Ive played hundreds upon hundreds of hours of Gears 1 online, but have 0 desire to play gears 2 online because its so insanely broken. I already cleared the campaign twice, and going to go through it again on Insane, otherwise i doubt ill get much use out of gears 2.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Finally finished the game.

Loved the blood spray from chainsawing iron cables in the last act :roll: . Kind of sad that the hammer of dawn is a no show for 95% of the game too (same with multiplayer). And I only saw one seeder, at the end.
that's weird, i got sparks.
[quote name='Corvin']Take the right path. I found it much easier to take out the Brumak that way as it was harder for him to hit me.[/quote]

Yea this is what I did in single player. Unfortunately in co-op, someone has to take the shitty way. :headache:
Ohh and rolling makes you run faster for those that dont know. Took a team beating us by a mile to weapon spawns to figure that out. On Gridlock the other team was rushing our side of the map to get the boomshot every round. By the time we got to the cars near the boomshot they had it picked up after going through our side of the map.... So yes it is that much faster
[quote name='-BigC-']Ohh and rolling makes you run faster for those that dont know. Took a team beating us by a mile to weapon spawns to figure that out. On Gridlock the other team was rushing our side of the map to get the boomshot every round. By the time we got to the cars near the boomshot they had it picked up after going through our side of the map.... So yes it is that much faster[/QUOTE]

Good to know... assuming MP gets fixed anytime soon. :lol:
[quote name='depascal22']I was going to download it to the hard drive until I saw the file size.[/QUOTE]

Almost all games are around that size.
Yeah, I'm just not bothering with the installs since I only have a 20gb HDD and the noise doesn't bother me enough to buy a bigger drive since I don't need the space otherwise.
[quote name='zewone']Almost all games are around that size.[/quote]

That's the problem. I was hoping they would be between 2 and 3 so I could put a couple games that I'm always playing on there. As it stands, I can put one game on there and have zero space for new demos or anything else.
Hey all! So for anyone that's interested, the Gamertag: CAG GofW2 has been created so that any CAG can send a friend request and find other CAGs online! Feel free to send a friend request. :D

Also, we will be starting a group GOW2 Wednesdays! (thread to be started soon). Feel free to join in if you just want to have some fun with other CAGs!
[quote name='Shan82']Hey all! So for anyone that's interested, the Gamertag: CAG GofW2 has been created so that any CAG can send a friend request and find other CAGs online! Feel free to send a friend request. :D

Also, we will be starting a group GOW2 Wednesdays! (thread to be started soon). Feel free to join in if you just want to have some fun with other CAGs![/quote]

I am in. Anyone who wants to invite me to a private Horde match I am game (level 30+) I want to get to 50.
God fucking dammit! Playing co-op Insane and it really shines on how bad the buddy AI is. So many times I see Tai either run right past an enemy or be on the wrong side of cover (and getting blasted and just crawling to the opposite side of where I am) or just run right into a group of enemies and get blasted.
[quote name='Shan82']Hey all! So for anyone that's interested, the Gamertag: CAG GofW2 has been created so that any CAG can send a friend request and find other CAGs online! Feel free to send a friend request. :D

Also, we will be starting a group GOW2 Wednesdays! (thread to be started soon). Feel free to join in if you just want to have some fun with other CAGs![/quote]Thanks Shan, since matchmaking is in the toilet right now it seems only a very few of my friends are playing this in MP instead of CoDW so it'll be cool to get a group together to make it easier to find a match or at least to do horde. I tried horde last night with 3 other randoms w/o mics and 2 dropped by round nine, then the other guy dropped in the middle of round 16 and I didn't know he no longer was there watching my back. Anyway, I'm down for Horde, Co-op, vs if it'll work.

Also, did everyone else find this game to be way easier than the first? I never really got stuck in this game and I also found the final level to be cool, but anticlimactic.
[quote name='jdawgg76']
Also, did everyone else find this game to be way easier than the first? I never really got stuck in this game and I also found the final level to be cool, but anticlimactic.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I think it's easier as well. I got through my solo play through on normal much easier than I did my Gears 1 solo play through. I'm also about halfway through a local co-op play through on hardcore with a buddy who played through the first on Hardcore and insane over the summer and we both noted that we were getting through it with less sticking points compared to the first.
[quote name='help1']Has NXE altered this game in anyway?[/quote]

Maybe it's just coincidence, but my wait times were about half for games tonight.
Party chat will ruin this game in my opinion, even though I do it the idea of party chat is horrible for online shooters. Just played games where neither team ever had a mic movement next to there name, and nobody ever got suprised by any tactics once a team member died.
[quote name='-BigC-']Party chat will ruin this game in my opinion, even though I do it the idea of party chat is horrible for online shooters. Just played games where neither team ever had a mic movement next to there name, and nobody ever got suprised by any tactics once a team member died.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they need to kill the camera system. Just have it stay behind the back of the player like Gears 1.
Good games to everyone that was on last night. JEKKI might actually be a baby for we know but he was getting kills with that boomshot.

I agree with refused on the Party Chat. I was in Party Chat for a couple rounds without even realizing it.

But I disagree with zew on the camera. I like being able to swing the camera around anywhere I want. Besides, if you don't like it, you can still use the triggers to follow guys on your team. Unless you're talking about during the gameplay.
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']for some reason gears takes forever to find games... I am hating it.[/quote]

Hopefully they fix that
Solo matchmaking has been pretty good tonight, about 1-3 minutes per match.

Just to add, it was quick for me all night.
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[quote name='BoneMonkey80']I need one person to beat the WHOLE GAME WITH ME on CO - OP ANY DIFFICULTY! PLEASEEEE[/quote]

I still need Act 5.
[quote name='BoneMonkey80']I need one person to beat the WHOLE GAME WITH ME on CO - OP ANY DIFFICULTY! PLEASEEEE[/quote]

I need someone to beat the game with someone also. Is there any particular day and or time you have in mind?
I made it as far as level 20 with CAGs a while back. If you see me on Gears (and not in a party) next time you're trying send me an invite.
I like using the chainsaw because it pisses people off and gets them off their game. It's the next best thing to trash talk on the playground.
Yeah, I love the chainsaw. I suck at online death match games largely because my aim is shoddy, so the chainsaw gives me one easy kill method! :D
Chainsaw is not that hard to avoid, just stop thinking like your playing Gears 1. If someone is close to you and has a lancer out role away. Dont think your gonna knock them out of it because it isnt as easy to do as it was in Gears 1.
Hey my fellow COGs, I'm looking for a few friends to play horde, or if we are good enough, face off against others. I'm looking for nice people, but people who don't suck suck, and then again, I don't want some pro belittling us for not rolling at the proper time or missing a sniper shot to the head. My gamer tag is Pardone moi. If anyone's interested in a game ASAP, that'd be swell.
I want to chainsaw people. :cry:

I got Gears 2 LE sitting here collecting dust because of my RRoD.

Couple more weeks, couple more weeks.
[quote name='Moses144']Hey my fellow COGs, I'm looking for a few friends to play horde, or if we are good enough, face off against others. I'm looking for nice people, but people who don't suck suck, and then again, I don't want some pro belittling us for not rolling at the proper time or missing a sniper shot to the head. My gamer tag is Pardone moi. If anyone's interested in a game ASAP, that'd be swell.[/quote]

Same here, I tried playing Horde online and no one had a mic on so whenever I yelled WATCH OUT!! or PICK ME UP!! no one would hear me:cry:.
I can't play until after 5:00 PST tho.
[quote name='-BigC-']Chainsaw is not that hard to avoid, just stop thinking like your playing Gears 1. If someone is close to you and has a lancer out role away. Dont think your gonna knock them out of it because it isnt as easy to do as it was in Gears 1.[/QUOTE]

Eh, in an ideal environment, yes that works. But a lot of areas are too cluttered with cover to successfully roll away.

But more and more, there are always 2 or 3 people in a match that do absolutely nothing but one or both of the following:

-Hide behind a corner, waiting for someone to run by, and jump out with the chainsaw.

-Sneak around looking for anyone in cover, try to sneak up on them with the chainsaw.

-Just generally run into any battle chaos with the lancer out and run in circles.

- Chase people down, roll around them with the lancer, pressing the B button every other roll.

It's just getting really annoying as to how many matches devolve into this. I'm so disgusted with it that I have not used the lancer in the last 25 or so matches. Hammerburst only. I'm at a clear disadvantage, and that's lame, but I'd rather lose than use the chainsaw at this point.

Basically, if you are ever within a 5 foot radius of ANYONE with a lancer, you are fucked. In games like territories, it's absurd.

I would give anything for a "disable chainsaw" toggle for matches. I think matches would be much more fun without the chainsaw at all. Hopefully they address this in some way though. At the very least, I'd like to see your chainsaw degrade or lose it's effectiveness every time it's used in a round.

Edit: Also, does anyone else wish that smoke grenades have to be found? The fact that everyone spawns with one makes too many matches "Throw smoke, charge, die, spawn. Throw smoke, Charge, die, spawn - repeat.
The hammerburst gives you a huge advantage actually, it outshoots the lancer in every 1 on 1 fight and drops people very fast+being able to melee. I do chainsaw quiet a bit because in certain situations people still havent adjusted to the new game. Your obviously not playing on a team that talks because you shouldnt get people flanking and chainsawing you. Hiding behind a corner isnt realistic either, you should be checking around corners for smoke grenades anyway so I dont know if you have adjusted to the new game either...
I've friended a bit of you guys. Trying to organize a game tonight, so if anyone wants to horde, let's do it soon. Will organize or join groups if you guys have four people already. Again, my name is Pardone moi.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Well in Counterstrike, if you got close to someone they'd most likely knife you, close combat melee has been around for a while.[/quote]
Nooo they def' wouldn't, the knife is weak as hell in CS
bread's done