Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

[quote name='The 7th Number']Is there a way to know you are host?[/QUOTE]
Besides the obvious score difference, you're not supposed to be able to melee after the round is over if you are host.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Is there a way to know you are host?[/QUOTE]

Shoot the ground or a wall. Are you shots coming out instantly or is there a delay? That answers it for me every time.
[quote name='lordopus99']I would rather it be setup like the first one. At least I could constantly play without waiting about 5 minutes between matches.[/QUOTE]
Uh... I used to have to wait 45 minutes for games to START on Gears 1.
I heard that when the maps are being voted on that if you see a sixth vote (instead of the usual five) on the winning map you are host.
I still don't get the problems you guys have.

My connection isn't that great (Like 1.5mbps) and I get into matches constantly, lag free and quickly.
Anyone else horrible with the shotgun? Its really annoying because they seem so powerful. I always get one shot killed by them, not always head shots, and they seem to have pretty long range. Yet when i try to use them, they suck. I shoot guys in the face and they dont die. I even had one time where a dude was standing still, i walked up behind him and shotgunned his head from behind and he didnt die. To me the shotgun is way more annoying than chainsaws.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Anyone else horrible with the shotgun? Its really annoying because they seem so powerful. I always get one shot killed by them, not always head shots, and they seem to have pretty long range. Yet when i try to use them, they suck. I shoot guys in the face and they dont die. I even had one time where a dude was standing still, i walked up behind him and shotgunned his head from behind and he didnt die. To me the shotgun is way more annoying than chainsaws.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to Gears 2 multiplayer.

Netcode = awful.
The netcode isn't the best by any means. When you are host it is fun because you dominate. Ways to tell: if the zeros beep 2x during countdown, grenades spin when thrown, can't melee after match are how I tell.
Well i went from 31 to 38 during this double xp weekend.

As for being the host, i did see that i was host for a couple games. I seen the 6 when voting, couldnt melee after the match. However i cant say it helped me much. First game i hosted i went 4 kills 6 deaths. The second match i had 10 kills and 7 deaths. So i dunno.
I thought MP had been fixed more than this. Discovered the 2xp yesterday and since I had been meaning to check on the changes made to MP I hopped online. What a lagfest, plus I had to wait a long time for matches on what should have been a busy weekend. Just as I was getting hyped about the All Fronts Pack. . . It did remind me that I should be playing hoarde more often and I might as well coast through "insane."
wasn't really able to take advantage of the double experience except for an hour on Friday.

anyone see some downtime on LIVE the past few weeks? It would take probably no more than 30 seconds to end up in the lobby with the two teams. since a few weeks ago it takes maybe a few minutes, though bad not nearly as bad before TU2 (which is around when I started). Last week the first match I started (was doing VERY well too) I got d/c'd from Live (only second or third time while playing) and couldn't find matches until I played a few Friday.

Epic needs to improve their network code and Microsoft needs to learn how to keep Live more streamlined and smooth. also doesn't help that my setup (how I get 360 on the internet) is kinda unstable. The wireless adapter thing shows 1 to 3 (red to green) bars, never all 4
Whats up with the frags i cant pick up? Sometimes i see some frags on the ground, but when i walk over them, it shows a sign of a circle with the slash through it, like i cant pick it up. Why not?

Man one thing i hate is the stuttering moves when you try to chainsaw someone and they shoot you. Then you end up stuttering backwards for 3 seconds while the other person has open field on you. Maybe they didnt want a chainsaw fest so they added that, but its not really fare when most people can one shot you with a shotgun. I mean its not like you can kill someone really fast with a lancer within close range. Shotgun always wins unless you chainsaw them.
So I hadn't played Gears 2 since close to launch, but I decided to start playing it again over this weekend. However, I was having internet problems so I kept getting disconnected during matches.

Well earlier today I discovered that I was at negative 4735 experience points. :lol:

That really sucks though. I wasn't trying to quit during matches, I just kept loosing my connection. It is gonna take for ever just to get to level 2.
[quote name='darthbudge']So I hadn't played Gears 2 since close to launch, but I decided to start playing it again over this weekend. However, I was having internet problems so I kept getting disconnected during matches.

Well earlier today I discovered that I was at negative 4735 experience points. :lol:

That really sucks though. I wasn't trying to quit during matches, I just kept loosing my connection. It is gonna take for ever just to get to level 2.[/QUOTE]

WTF you lose exp when you lose connection to the host? I thought that only did that when you hit the guide button and left. Because once i did that and at the end of the next game it showed a little bar saying -1500 points for quitting or something. But i havent seen any from losing connection to the host.
Just had an insane submission game. LOL I never though it would end.

Just got this for $10 through MS Expert Zone and I'm excited to play it again. I tested it for Microsoft a month before it came out and got to play through the whole co-op career. Some missions were glitched so I'm definitely going to have to go through it again.
[quote name='Nealocus123']Just got this for $10 through MS Expert Zone and I'm excited to play it again. I tested it for Microsoft a month before it came out and got to play through the whole co-op career. Some missions were glitched so I'm definitely going to have to go through it again.[/QUOTE]

can non Microsoft employee's get in on that program (for free)?
[quote name='Gamer SDP']can non Microsoft employee's get in on that program (for free)?[/QUOTE]

Oh it's actually not for Microsoft employees. It's for any retail chain that carries Microsoft products. I just so happen to work at Best Buy. Toys R' Us, Gamestop, Gamecrazy, Circuit City (used to), Sears, etc. all get it.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I don't mind the one-shot kills as much as the 99% of people who two-piece.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of two-piecing...I found it more effective to just beat the person down or take careful aim and one-shot them.
Ive reached level 40 now. Im getting tired of it though. The lag in most games is the main reason. It just isnt fun when you get screwed over because 1 second lag.

I might just put it on the shelf until that map pack thing comes out in july.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']I don't mind the one-shot kills as much as the 99% of people who two-piece.[/QUOTE]

These days I've noticed unless you're hosting players actually have to either luck out or work hard to pull one off. Eh, maybe it's just me. Anyway... it's the people who Bounce Shot (wall bounce then shoot for a flawless one shot while in pursuit or evading), Corner Camp (failed two-piecers who deliberately place themselves in a corner during a scuffle to guarantee a one shot) and double melee that piss me off the most.

I honestly should take another extended break from this game but I swear some days it just keeps calling to me. ;(
[quote name='LinkinPrime']What's up with the people disappearing on are they doing that?[/QUOTE]

apparently there's a glitch that warps a player out of the map. I hear that Subway also has a similar issue. I never experienced the glitch yet but from what I read it's done mostly on guardian (to rake exp).
I seen someone inside the wall in the Gridlock level. Where you start out, he was on the outisde wall, but inside it. But he was killed. I dunno if it was a glitch or he meant to go in there.

One time in the level River, i went into one of the grenade houses and got blown up, and i was stuck inside the roof. I couldnt move much, then someone shot me dead.

I used to not care about chainsaw, maybe cos no one really did it to me that much. But lately it has been pissing me off. But not as much as 2 melee hits and i go down. Thats so cheap.

[quote name='KingBroly']

'bout time![/QUOTE]

What exactly are they talking about?
[quote name='The 7th Number']What exactly are they talking about?[/QUOTE]
Removing the concussive stun effect of the smoke grenades and replacing it with the cowering back motion that friendly explosions make you do.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']Removing the concussive stun effect of the smoke grenades and replacing it with the cowering back motion that friendly explosions make you do.[/QUOTE]

Ohh. i guess thats good. The way it is now makes for easy kills. People who fall have no chance to defend themselves.

But personally i would make melee attacks stuns, not able to down an opponent with 2 hits. And i would completely remove the dumb back steps you do after being shot when trying to chainsaw someone.

[quote name='robpe36']sorry, but you're beat.


Wow, looks like i am. lol.
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Tank christ on that stun note, that's two of the biggest no-no's in game making:

1) Taking control away from the player in intense situations
2) Resorting to spam and mechanical tactics
I hate having to change the way i play after every update. i was awesome after the second patch. i'm finally getting good at the new patch and now it changes again. Well at least there's always variety.
[quote name='The 7th Number']4x4? is this to reduce lag or just something different?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='KingBroly']I'm guessing to see if it reduces lag since the netcode is pretty bad. Every little bit could help I guess.[/QUOTE]


It's the Gears 1 weekend.

Gears of War 1 was only 4v4.
bread's done