Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

And Y2J simultaneously playing the heel AND chewing out Charles after the match. "He (hurt/broke) his fucking ankle. I told you. I TOLD YOU."

Straddling reality and unreality at the same time. Woah.

Shame this one's so cheesy, the Ambrose one was cable-movie quality.

Matanzas can show the Wyatts how to rock a jumpsuit with authority.
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Holy shit the finish to LU tonight, I did not see a new champ coming. I don't see Fenix retaining now that Aztec Warfare is for the title. Interesting how they beat WWE to the "large match for the title" this year, although we didn't know it until tonight. I'm curious how much Rey does in-ring next week, I thought he was still hurt late last year.
I decided to watch parts of the Spring Breakout 1999 edition of Nitro since I had fond memories of the show. When Michael Buffer was doing ring introductions for the main event, I just heard him refer to Rey Mysterio as "the master of the Latino Frankensteiner". Apparently, Latinos stole the move from Scott Steiner.
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Put that one on WCW. Lord knows Buffer didn't know a thing about pro wrestling, and probably just read the cue cards he was handed.

Missed opportunity for a Ron Burgundy-esque prank on that one.

I'm a little pissed that Brian Pillman, Tim White, Iron Sheik and Muhammad Hassan couldn't be in that trailer.

Well, today my wife and I go to our consultation for surgery. Very high possibility that she has breast cancer. Raise a beer and a picture of P.N. News for this fat kid for luck.

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Apparently Wyatt is hurt as well. Back issue. That's why he stayed out of the Lesnar match.

I guess that would explain why they've done fuck-all with him as far as a Wrestlemania build-up in the last couple weeks. Well, that and the company is clueless about what to do with him.

I'm a little pissed that Brian Pillman, Tim White, Iron Sheik and Muhammad Hassan couldn't be in that trailer.

Well, today my wife and I go to our consultation for surgery. Very high possibility that she has breast cancer. Raise a beer and a picture of P.N. News for this fat kid for luck.
I hope you guys got a good report and that it's treatable. Oh, one other thing...


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This wrestling forum I used to post at had a user named "PM Noodz". He had a PN News avatar and his gimmick was- of course- to ask people to private message him nude photos of themselves.

That forum also had a Dr. Venkman. Speaking of which: Dr. Venkman, I hope everything went well for you and your wife at the consultation.
Next week the jury will decide punitive damages. Something tells me that they're going to try to tack on a lot more since the Gawker guys were just so absolutely insane on the stand. 

I think the verdict will stand, but Gawker / Hogan will probably settle for an undisclosed amount.

Verdict is the verdict, so they're unlikely to appeal except to reduce the settlement amount.

The Libeack vs Mcdonald's case (the one everyone oversimplifies as the "hot coffee" case) ended up settling for pennies on the dollar for what was initially awarded.

I see no way Gawker goes under as a result of this (and why would any sane human being want to see a business go under as a result of the US justice system?).

I'm pretty sure there's no single way you could have rephrased that response to make me find it any *more* disagreeable. Ha.

Can someone explain the Shane/Undertaker thing (I know, I know) that tries to make sense of it? I just read that if 'Taker wins Vince gets "full control" of the WWE - okay, doesn't he have that already? Aside from the absurd logic (Taker siding with Vince? Huh? Are we supposed to cheer Shane and boo Taker? Buh?) - yeah, it's REALLY BAD writing. But I just don't understand what's "on the line" in this match. Did Shane come in as a mystery investor or somesuch?

For as much excellent writing as there is in serial television these days (side note: I just started watching Daredevil on Netflix - not season 2, but season 1), the horrible, inane writing in WWE blows my mind sometimes. It's a series of illogical deus ex fucking machinae. Or, like, McMahon ex machina, rather.

Shane supposedly possesses a lockbox that contains things Vince doesn't want anyone to find out about. So Vince gets that if Undertaker wins. If Shane wins, Shane gains "full control of Raw". That's the confusing part since there is no more brand split. The commentators have alluded to the notion that "controlling Raw essentially means controlling the entire WWE!" so I don't fucking know.

Well, I appreciate the attempt. I hadn't paid enough attention to the storyline to notice any mention of the "lockbox" part of it.

So now I'm supposed to cheer for the babyface who is...bribing his father for a portion of the company, and will give it up unless he beats the most popular, legendary guy in the company, who is inexplicably in the employ of the evil boss?

Why am I supposed to dislike Vince now?

Oh, FFS. I mean, thank you for trying. Sincerely.

Shane supposedly possesses a lockbox that contains things Vince doesn't want anyone to find out about. So Vince gets that if Undertaker wins. If Shane wins, Shane gains "full control of Raw". That's the confusing part since there is no more brand split. The commentators have alluded to the notion that "controlling Raw essentially means controlling the entire WWE!" so I don't fucking know.
What's weird is that they only mentioned that lockbox once, the night of his return. I think they are totally shelving that part of the angle.

I still feel that the only way to make this a somewhat exciting match (especially with the crippled roster) is for Shane to announce that he's having Finn Balor fight for him.

I'm gambling on a Roman Reigns heel turn due to his change of entrance and continuously failed face runs; would love to see Samoa Joe with him but I doubt that's happening.

How in the hell are they even going to have an Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal this year? I don't even count 30 active, uninjured wrestlers (sooperstars) on the roster.

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Verdict is the verdict, so they're unlikely to appeal except to reduce the settlement amount.

The Libeack vs Mcdonald's case (the one everyone oversimplifies as the "hot coffee" case) ended up settling for pennies on the dollar for what was initially awarded.

I see no way Gawker goes under as a result of this (and why would any sane human being want to see a business go under as a result of the US justice system?).
Substantial evidence was suppressed due to good lawyering and a favorable judge, about how easy the settlement with the other parties went. They've already announced they've been working on the appeal, I give them a rather good chance at having it overturned.
How in the hell are they even going to have an Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal this year? I don't even count 30 active, uninjured wrestlers (sooperstars) on the roster.
Oh, come now. They have about 80 people in Florida alone. (Granted, I'm including the people who don't even get seen on Breaking Ground, like La Sombra.)

We're not going to see, say, Hugo Knox in the Battle Royal. WWE has a large enough roster, I assure you. That's where you put in your Damien Sandows, Fandangos, and so on. Maybe it's a cavalcade of "woah, <this wrestler> still works here?!?!?!" - but they can probably fill it out without digging to the well too much.

In possibly significant TNA spoilers:
Bobby Roode and Eric Young have requested their release from the company.

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How in the hell are they even going to have an Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal this year? I don't even count 30 active, uninjured wrestlers (sooperstars) on the roster.
Just announced to only be 20 this year instead of 30. Haaaa

In other related news, looked at my cool commemorative WWE cup today (which I grabbed out of the trash at a recent event, in true CAG style) and 6 out of 8 of the people on the cup are out with injury. Hilariously sad.

We have the ending for the Shane match, setting up for next year! Probably not, but possibly.

I hope to not see either of those two in WWE. Maybe Young if hardcore title was still a thing.

I would almost trade a Roman Reigns chair for a cup. Not really, but why'd the one event I go to have him on the chair?
bread's done