Rainbow Six: Vegas - Gen. Discussion & Info

I just got this and i was hooked on multiplayer but man the single player game fucking rocks too. I had to start it on realistic so i get the most out of the game and man its tough as hell. I've been playing all day and just got inside the casino finally.
[quote name='Maynard']I just got this and i was hooked on multiplayer but man the single player game fucking rocks too. I had to start it on realistic so i get the most out of the game and man its tough as hell. I've been playing all day and just got inside the casino finally.[/QUOTE]

Yea I got this game last week, I loved loved every Rainbow Six game I have ever played, and this is my favorite. I am trying to beat the game first before I get really in to the Multiplayer. l am at the Freemont Streets I think its called. I dig the way the missions are so damn long. Also this game looks great on my 19 inch (small I know) VGA 720 HD Monitor.
Single player in this does rock. I'm at Dante's now, and as soon as I finish up the single player mode, I'm going back online with it.
it seems like no one ever wants to fill up a dedicated 16-player server... I want those five points damnit!
[quote name='nasum']it seems like no one ever wants to fill up a dedicated 16-player server... I want those five points damnit![/QUOTE]

I agree. That achievement is awful.

I also don't like the "complete all the t-hunt maps in splitscreen". Why are they specifying i have to do it splitscreen? I should think it'd be enough to complete all the t-hunt maps online.
The achievements in this game seem far too difficult to get. I've played for a couple hours and still have not gotten one. Fun game, though, and I think I'm going to go on a little marathon and play through the campaign over the next couple days.
Well Just got the Rainbow Six Legend achivement, by beating the game on realistic difficulty. My wife stared at me in alot of bad ways when I was whining like a two year old getting cheaply killed left and right.

I think most of the multiplayer achivements look pretty doable without too much problem except the True Identity and 16-player achivement. TI because I don't feel like burning $40 on a webcam just for a achivement, and 16 players because you gota host a dedicated server and get lucky.

Now time for the hard ass t-hunt by myself on realistic difficulty achivement :( I did the first map and got pwned, but had no trouble getting the co-op t-hunt achivement with the wife on normal difficulty.
[quote name='Logg']Hey I think just for hell of it, on Mulitplayer on Live, we should all put CAG in front of our names.[/QUOTE]

I already do
OK I will start tonight I will be on sometime today, I think I am going to try and finish Call of Duty 2 first.

But if I am on any game and you cats want to play just throw me a invite.
[quote name='jlarlee']finally rented this and I'm loving it. My face scan was pretty damn good except that it makes me look like im balding[/quote]just throw on a cap on your character.;)
[quote name='Kendal']I need help. I am at the end and I can't beat the game. I need to kill someone and it says that they get away. HELP![/quote]A little more description would help so that we know what exact part you're stuck at. I'm betting it's
, and you're either chasing after her, or she's still locked in the bulletproof room above you where the guys just rappel down and ambush you. If that's the case, place your guys in the middle of the room (bottom floor) right before the rappel lines behind some boxes. Go to where you need to hack (by yourself) then hold "A." That should trigger the event where the guys drop down, and your teammates should be in a flanking position (even though they are moving towards you). Just be sure to cover them, and you should be good. Doing it this way will allow for both your teammates to provide cover instead of just one.

If this wasn't the area you were stuck at, please give us a better description.
[quote name='Ma12kez']A little more description would help so that we know what exact part you're stuck at. I'm betting it's
, and you're either chasing after her, or she's still locked in the bulletproof room above you where the guys just rappel down and ambush you. If that's the case, place your guys in the middle of the room (bottom floor) right before the rappel lines behind some boxes. Go to where you need to hack (by yourself) then hold "A." That should trigger the event where the guys drop down, and your teammates should be in a flanking position (even though they are moving towards you). Just be sure to cover them, and you should be good. Doing it this way will allow for both your teammates to provide cover instead of just one.

If this wasn't the area you were stuck at, please give us a better description.[/quote]

Can I hack the comp myself? Or does the asian guy with the computer hacking skillz have to do it?
[quote name='Kendal']Can I hack the comp myself? Or does the asian guy with the computer hacking skillz have to do it?[/quote]Jung will have to hack it, but by positioning both your teamates as specified eariler away from the computer (before ordering Jung to hack) will force them to move in unison towards the computer (eliminating hostiles as a priority on the way). Jung will not assist you throughout the entire ambush, but it makes things a lot easier.
This 16 player achivement seems impossible. I've been on the dedicated host server forever and not more then one person has joined.
Need help from anyone who beat the game. Spoilers for those still in Mexico.

I am still stuck at the latter part of the dam. Jung hacks the computer and Michael is a pussy and dies damn near everytime. Ok so I am killing terrorists, Jung hacking then the POI changes to upstairs. I clear the lower floor of terrorist sons of bitches. I head towards the stairs and BAM! You fail at life, please reload. What the hell am I doing wrong?
[quote name='Kendal']Need help from anyone who beat the game. Spoilers for those still in Mexico.

I am still stuck at the latter part of the dam. Jung hacks the computer and Michael is a pussy and dies damn near everytime. Ok so I am killing terrorists, Jung hacking then the POI changes to upstairs. I clear the lower floor of terrorist sons of bitches. I head towards the stairs and BAM! You fail at life, please reload. What the hell am I doing wrong?

I had this same issue a couple of times. And then I did something slightly different. For the life of me, I can't remember what I did to not get that message though. It might have something to do with a small cutscene type thing with your team, that gets triggered somehow. I remember they had to tell you something and then you could go upstairs. I imagine this post has been terribly helpful.
[quote name='Kendal']Need help from anyone who beat the game. Spoilers for those still in Mexico.

I am still stuck at the latter part of the dam. Jung hacks the computer and Michael is a pussy and dies damn near everytime. Ok so I am killing terrorists, Jung hacking then the POI changes to upstairs. I clear the lower floor of terrorist sons of bitches. I head towards the stairs and BAM! You fail at life, please reload. What the hell am I doing wrong?

Wait until he is finished hacking the computer before you go up the stairs. When you go up the stairs early the woman you are trying to capture sees you and escapes before Jung can lock her in the room...

Hopefully that helps...
Also if you are having trouble protecting Jung use smoke grenades for cover. Sit in the smoke and use your thermals to pick off the terrorists. This part was a pain on realistic.
[quote name='Kendal']Need help from anyone who beat the game. Spoilers for those still in Mexico.

I am still stuck at the latter part of the dam. Jung hacks the computer and Michael is a pussy and dies damn near everytime. Ok so I am killing terrorists, Jung hacking then the POI changes to upstairs. I clear the lower floor of terrorist sons of bitches. I head towards the stairs and BAM! You fail at life, please reload. What the hell am I doing wrong?

Make sure you hear the dialouge before you go upstairs. If you never hear it, run around the warehouse untill you make more enemies spawn. The key is the dialouge. Oh, and also, when you do hear the dialouge and go upstairs, be careful ;)
I don't mean to threadcrap or anything, but I just don't really get this game.

I played through the entire single player campaign, and while kinda fun, wasn't really all that strategic or anything. It was basically just running from point A to point B commanding your squadmates to take out targets ahead of you, then taking cover and occasionally popping out to shoot terrorists. In fact, it there was surprisingly little urgency to the game since the enemies never came out to rush you like they do in GoW. The game had moments of brilliance, like when you have to use smoke or flash grenades to blind targets and take them out before they kill any hostages, but the rest of it was just too simple.

So then I tried mutliplayer, because everyone says that's where it's at in Rainbow Six. And maybe I just suck (a lot), but I couldn't get into multiplayer either as you can't take much damage at all and people can hide behind cover. As a result, it seemed like I was constantly getting picked off without even knowing where the damage came from. I gave it several hours, but I'm still unable to understand where the strategy and tactics come into play beyond the usual capture the flag style of teamwork.

I dunno, maybe it's because I don't have any friends with the game on Xbox Live, or maybe it's because I've been playing on a 13" SDTV, or maybe I just need to play it a lot more until I can gain far better understanding of the maps (and obtain new items), but the supposed brilliance of this game seems to elude me. Or is there something vital that I'm missing here?
I think you are trying to play it gears of war style on not tactical style.

you complain about people hiding behind cover and picking you off and not getting rushed by enemies. To play the game you should do what the other people that kill you do. Take cover and plan out a strategy, not just run forward looking to get killed. Maybe try playing on realistic and you'll see how to play the game.

and buy a bigger TV you bum.
It was the ranking system in online that really hooked it for me. Try playing some defense first off, get a good cover spot and maybe use the mp7 with rifle scope - it's considered the most "unfair" weapon.
[quote name='mr ryles']I think you are trying to play it gears of war style on not tactical style.

you complain about people hiding behind cover and picking you off and not getting rushed by enemies. To play the game you should do what the other people that kill you do. Take cover and plan out a strategy, not just run forward looking to get killed. Maybe try playing on realistic and you'll see how to play the game.

and buy a bigger TV you bum.[/QUOTE]

I do hide behind cover, but the game often just seems like a big snipe fest. Like if you are the one being sniped, you often won't see your attacker until it's too late. OR, if you're the one doing the sniping, someone can just sneak up behind you and start shooting and you'll die too quickly to properly defend yourself. I feel like GoW is more tactical, because you really have to not be paying attention in order for someone to sneak up on you with a chainsaw, but in R6 your enemies can pick you off from 20 ft away with only a couple shots from a submachine gun. Some people say this makes the game more realistic, but to me it just makes things less fun because you're always too succeptable to getting killed.

Got my GameBrudge the other day, took a vid of multiplayer, playing as a sniper(I dunno why, I love playing as a sniper). This is a full 10-minute match, so thats why the file is so large. For the lazy, here's a summary:
First minute or so: A glitcher. Apparently theres somewhere you can hide, but not be seen when you pop out, as you can see by my crosshairs, which is where the shooter SHOULD be, because of the tracers.
1:55- Well, down goes glitcher, and a pistol to the chest.
3:00- Miss a guy couple times, I see an opportunity for a double kill, but barley miss the close guy. Follow up with a frag kill
3:40- A nice incenerary kill. Barley see the guys head.
4:15- How NOT to play as a sniper. Got greedy and stood out in the open
5:00- Stupid pipe. Aim was perfect, but there just HAD to be a tupid little fragment of the pipe that saved this guys as several times, but eventually I got him.
5:28- Just lucky timing. I decide to pop out, he decides to pop out right after. Bam, +1 for me.
6:10- Just another frag, not that special
6:40- Lawl, I just BARELEY miss couple times, lucky guy. The last shot, way off, I know, I just got pissed and fired off a round for the hell of it.
8:10- Cross nading, good straegy to ward of "spawn" campers. Also, a horrible pistol kill by me >_<

Overall, 9 kills, 6 deaths. Not too bad considering we had 3 snipers on our team. Which is also why we barley lost in the last few seconds- they finally got to our porch/sides.
I'm at the part where Jung is hacking the computer inside of dante's casino, and I need to protect him while 30 fucking terrorists rush from throughout the theatre room. I have 1 smoke grenade, so I can't hide him for too long. It's bullshit that the computer will explode after a few hits. This shit is fucking impossible, as I've restarted probally over 50 times. I've loved the game up to this point, and it's sad that this broken shit is preventing me from playing the rest of the game. I've never gotten so pissed off about a video game in my life. Is there something I can do?
I just beat the game on realistic...arg...anyway what you need to do is send michael near the box that holds the automatic machine gun and you need to go to the left side of Jung behind the other brownish/tan box...
[quote name='Kendal']Need help from anyone who beat the game. Spoilers for those still in Mexico.

I am still stuck at the latter part of the dam. Jung hacks the computer and Michael is a pussy and dies damn near everytime. Ok so I am killing terrorists, Jung hacking then the POI changes to upstairs. I clear the lower floor of terrorist sons of bitches. I head towards the stairs and BAM! You fail at life, please reload. What the hell am I doing wrong?
That was the hardest part of the game for me. I had no idea why I was losing.
[quote name='rly723']i just ordered this game for $47, is this a good deal? or should i wait for a further price drop anytime soon?[/QUOTE]

I tried to get it for about that price but the coupon expired.
[quote name='chaarlieee']Deepdiscountdvd?

I tried to get it for about that price but the coupon expired.[/QUOTE]

yeah i ordered last night, checked the status that it was on backorder so i cancelled it. i'll just use the BB $10 off coupon or get it from play asia once its in stock
EGM did a 1 page write up in the newest issue with small details about the GRAW-esque DLC that's coming out in a couple of months, has it already been mentioned?
I got the info from the latest OXM:

Rainbow Six Vegas: Player's Pack
* To Be released March
*10 New multiplayer Maps
* New game modes: Assassination (escort), & Conquest (territories)

Price Not yet revealed.
I sold my copy of this game. I didn't like it to much, plus the online component sucked if you had a low rank no one wanted to play with you. Doesn't help that they shipped this game broken either.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I got the info from the latest OXM:

Rainbow Six Vegas: Player's Pack
* To Be released March
*10 New multiplayer Maps
* New game modes: Assassination (escort), & Conquest (territories)

Price Not yet revealed.[/quote]

This makes me very happy. Any CAGs that play this feel free to send me a friends invite i'm usually on every night. I'm on my invisible bar before I rank up from captain so maybe I might catch some of you on tonight.
[quote name='sj41']I'm at the part where Jung is hacking the computer inside of dante's casino, and I need to protect him while 30 fucking terrorists rush from throughout the theatre room. I have 1 smoke grenade, so I can't hide him for too long. It's bullshit that the computer will explode after a few hits. This shit is fucking impossible, as I've restarted probally over 50 times. I've loved the game up to this point, and it's sad that this broken shit is preventing me from playing the rest of the game. I've never gotten so pissed off about a video game in my life. Is there something I can do?[/QUOTE]


It was an annoying part I agree, it took me like 3 or 4 tries. Just remember the enemy patterns, and shoot them in the sequence you remember them. Like, I'd always shoot the two in the middle, the two to the right, then to the left, then shoot them as they came. Also, if you have any more frag nades, be sure to just chuck them down onto the floor when they start rapelling in and coming through the main entrance. I also hid to the left of the computer, behind one of those black boxes.

Also, I'd love to get some online going. Anyone who wants to add me can.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']LOL.

It was an annoying part I agree, it took me like 3 or 4 tries. Just remember the enemy patterns, and shoot them in the sequence you remember them. Like, I'd always shoot the two in the middle, the two to the right, then to the left, then shoot them as they came. Also, if you have any more frag nades, be sure to just chuck them down onto the floor when they start rapelling in and coming through the main entrance. I also hid to the left of the computer, behind one of those black boxes.[/QUOTE]

Also, I'd love to get some online going. Anyone who wants to add me can.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I got the info from the latest OXM:

Rainbow Six Vegas: Player's Pack
* To Be released March
*10 New multiplayer Maps
* New game modes: Assassination (escort), & Conquest (territories)

Price Not yet revealed.[/quote]

pretty sure it will be way over priced just like Graw =(
[quote name='rly723']yeah i ordered last night, checked the status that it was on backorder so i cancelled it. i'll just use the BB $10 off coupon or get it from play asia once its in stock[/QUOTE]
lol, did you post that in the dvdtalk thread? I think I saw somebody post they bought it yesterday.
bread's done