Red Dead Redemption- Out Now

What is your opinion on getting UN or the all dlc pack for 1600ms points instead? I am interested in picking up undead nightmare and also need to spend an additional 1600 points in oct for the ms points rebate deal. Trouble is tha I don't see myself playing multiplayer hardly at all so I don't know if even getting the multiple pack is worth it vs getting the undead addon for 800 and find another 800pts to spend (most likely the claptrap dlc for borderlands) in order to qualify for the deal.

[quote name='Ruahrc']What is your opinion on getting UN or the all dlc pack for 1600ms points instead? I am interested in picking up undead nightmare and also need to spend an additional 1600 points in oct for the ms points rebate deal. Trouble is tha I don't see myself playing multiplayer hardly at all so I don't know if even getting the multiple pack is worth it vs getting the undead addon for 800 and find another 800pts to spend (most likely the claptrap dlc for borderlands) in order to qualify for the deal.


If you don't enjoy RDR MP very much currently, there's no sense in getting the MP DLCs.

I'm a big Borderlands fan myself -- not a fan of the Undead DLC, and I haven't tried Claptrap, but I can vouch for General Knoxx at least. If you love Borderlands, you may as well get that DLC instead, though. At least that can be played solo, if you wanted. Can't race yourself, or play poker against yourself in free roam... =X
[quote name='matto1233']Does anyone know what happens if town becomes overrun? I would go save Blackwater, but I'm all the way down in Mexico and can't get out.[/QUOTE]
Just go to the nearest save bed and fast travel to Blackwater to take care of those little bastards!!
[quote name='thehuskerfan']Just go to the nearest save bed and fast travel to Blackwater to take care of those little bastards!![/QUOTE]

Yeah, in this DLC you can actually fast travel from Mexico to US.
Okay, I just heard about the Collection last night, so let me get this straight: the downloadable version of the Undead Nightmare Collection contains $30 worth of DLC and is sold for $20, while the disc that's coming out later this month contains the same content and costs the full $30?
[quote name='Matt Young']Okay, I just heard about the Collection last night, so let me get this straight: the downloadable version of the Undead Nightmare Collection contains $30 worth of DLC and is sold for $20, while the disc that's coming out later this month contains the same content and costs the full $30?[/QUOTE]
Yes, but the disc doesn't require owning a copy of Red Dead Redemption to play it. It is a standalone retail release which you can resell when you get tired of it unlike the DLC versions.
[quote name='tcrash247']Yeah, in this DLC you can actually fast travel from Mexico to US.[/QUOTE]

I recall being able to fast travel anywhere in the standard RDR game. You could select any destination from the stagecoach (you had to have visited that area first though), or warp to any random spot on the map as defined by a waypoint. Same worked for setting up a campsite.

[quote name='Ruahrc']I recall being able to fast travel anywhere in the standard RDR game. You could select any destination from the stagecoach (you had to have visited that area first though), or warp to any random spot on the map as defined by a waypoint. Same worked for setting up a campsite.


Yeah, in the retail game you can fast travel to any town or waypoint. In Undead Nightmare, you can only fast travel to towns and you can only do so from a safe house since the campsite option no longer exists.
I just got Legion of Boom legit. Probably easier than I thought, but I hadn't really given it a shot until tonight. Only took like 2 hours lol.

I'm down to 11 achievements to go for RDR!
I might hop on in a few mins if anyone is around and wants to do some RDR. Just shoot me a friend request/game invite.

I'll also be around most of the day Tuesday and Wednesday if anyone wants to game then.
Here's a few tips on some Challenges if anyone needs help:

(and I've heard someone once say that you can only get the last Horse of the Apocalypse at the end of the game, not true I was 50% in when I found him in Tall Trees).

Undead Hunter 4- You have to kill 5 wolves, 3 cougars and 2 bears with your torch.
The wolves and cougars are easy enough (soften them up a bit with a few shots then go in for the kill; the torch just has to deliver the kill blow).

For the bears: get on Pestilence. Since he's near unkillable, the bear will have a hard time taking him out so he can't get to you (make sure you're not on any elevated land, sometimes it WILL hit you). So just swing your torch at him while on the horse.

Undead Sharpshooter 3, 4, 5:

For 3 you need to kill 5 flaming Undead in the same Dead Eye. The easiest way to do this:

Go to Jorge's Gap (it should be to the left of McFarlane's Ranch on the map). Note: Don't go THROUGH the gap. It's damn near suicide. Instead stand on a cliff on either side. Use Phosphorus Coating (you can make it or you might have been saving it for such an occassion) and immediately enter dead eye and target at least 5 zombie heads (I'd recommend more in case you miss target and aim for a non-lethal area). This will give you the challenge.

For 4 you need to kill one of each Undead in one Dead Eye.

Go to El Presidio. The gate SHOULD have all the zombie types, if not, leave and revisit. Target the headshots and bam.

For 5 you need to kill 5 Undead in 8 seconds with a sniper rifle without Dead Eye.

If you don't have the sniper rifle, save Manzanita Post. Then go back to Jorge's gap. Don't actually enter the gap, but stay down on the path that leads through it. This will give you a better shot at killing them instead of firing from them above on the small cliff. There really isn't much to say about this one. Keep firing at the heads, and there are zombies a plenty. Eventually you'll get it (took me no more than 3 minutes [ which includes pesky zombies trying to attack me ])

If anyone needs help on a challenge not mentioned, let me know; I've already gotten the costume/achievement for getting all the Challenges ;)
[quote name='The Holy Pretzle']Here's a few tips on some Challenges if anyone needs help:

(and I've heard someone once say that you can only get the last Horse of the Apocalypse at the end of the game, not true I was 50% in when I found him in Tall Trees).

Undead Hunter 4- You have to kill 5 wolves, 3 cougars and 2 bears with your torch.
The wolves and cougars are easy enough (soften them up a bit with a few shots then go in for the kill; the torch just has to deliver the kill blow).

For the bears: get on Pestilence. Since he's near unkillable, the bear will have a hard time taking him out so he can't get to you (make sure you're not on any elevated land, sometimes it WILL hit you). So just swing your torch at him while on the horse.

Undead Sharpshooter 3, 4, 5:

For 3 you need to kill 5 flaming Undead in the same Dead Eye. The easiest way to do this:

Go to Jorge's Gap (it should be to the left of McFarlane's Ranch on the map). Note: Don't go THROUGH the gap. It's damn near suicide. Instead stand on a cliff on either side. Use Phosphorus Coating (you can make it or you might have been saving it for such an occassion) and immediately enter dead eye and target at least 5 zombie heads (I'd recommend more in case you miss target and aim for a non-lethal area). This will give you the challenge.

For 4 you need to kill one of each Undead in one Dead Eye.

Go to El Presidio. The gate SHOULD have all the zombie types, if not, leave and revisit. Target the headshots and bam.

For 5 you need to kill 5 Undead in 8 seconds with a sniper rifle without Dead Eye.

If you don't have the sniper rifle, save Manzanita Post. Then go back to Jorge's gap. Don't actually enter the gap, but stay down on the path that leads through it. This will give you a better shot at killing them instead of firing from them above on the small cliff. There really isn't much to say about this one. Keep firing at the heads, and there are zombies a plenty. Eventually you'll get it (took me no more than 3 minutes [ which includes pesky zombies trying to attack me ])

If anyone needs help on a challenge not mentioned, let me know; I've already gotten the costume/achievement for getting all the Challenges ;)[/QUOTE]

Thanks! Gonna use these tips. I was kinda putting it off, but seeing how easy it is to get #3 with phosphorous, I'll get it the next time I play.

Also gonna bug Hydro for some zombies or somethin'.
Finished up 100% on UN. I'm 5 achievements from completing RDR. Prolly need to boost a couple of the multiplayer achievements. Hold your own games and Gold rush games suck. I like the coop MP stuff but the competitive game types are garbage with auto aim and dead eye.
[quote name='Rhett']Thanks! Gonna use these tips. I was kinda putting it off, but seeing how easy it is to get #3 with phosphorous, I'll get it the next time I play.

Also gonna bug Hydro for some zombies or somethin'.[/QUOTE]

I know this was posted yesterday but if you want to slay some zombies today, I'm more than up for it. Not much going on until this afternoon.
[quote name='matto1233']Question for the quest with the movie guy. Not really a spoiler, but whatever...
So you need to hogtie a wretcher? I'm confused because I went to Tumbleweed remembering that there were a lot of wretchers in the graveyard. I killed all of the zombies but one wretcher. I lassoed and hogtied him, then it told me the graveyard was complete. I then went to pick him up and he exploded. Maybe it was because it was in a graveyard? Any tips on where to find a wretcher just roaming around?
[/QUOTE]Don't know if you still need this, but try the road southwest of rathskittler (or whatever) fork. Or just that general area, I saw a bunch there last night.
I just finished my last quest today. What an incredible ending. The bit
down in the crypt was kind of weird, though. That girl was basically an Aztec goddess or something, right? What I really loved was John coming back as a zombie. So good :lol:
. Easily the best DLC I've ever played on 360. Now I just need to find all the extra stuff for 100%.
I finished today but I don't think I'm gonna bother going for 100%. It got boring in the main game, I'd imagine it would in this one as well.
I finished the Undead DLC tonight. Better than I thought it would be, being a zombie-themed addon. I liked the story and was glad there was finally some more single player RDR content. I'm at about 91% completion now all I have to do is just go back and finish the Fort Mercer rescue missions.

Marston keeps on saying he recognizes the girl (aztec goddess?) in the very end, but where from? I can't tell exactly but was she maybe the one you saved from the zombies at the Pleasance House? (first survivor rescue mission at Fort Mercer)

Regarding the ending
I like the tie-in to the ending of "real" RDR where Marston dies, and then he comes back from the grave but man it's kind of annoying. First in the real RDR you can't play the endgame as John Marston, instead getting his kid. Now in the DLC you have to play the endgame as undead Marston? It's humorous and all but freaking annoying that he can only make zombie sounds and not talk

I didn't really like
how you had to keep saving the towns. Sure it makes sense and all but it gets a little annoying eventually. You'd be doing something else like trying to hunt undead bears or something and all of a sudden you have to stop, ride back to the nearest town, fast travel to the town under attack, save it, fast travel and then ride out back to where you were before just so you can continue what you were doing. Granted you could probably let the towns fall again but once I saved one, I guess I didn't want to risk letting it fall again.

The other thing I found really hard was
losing your horse. If it dies you only get the crappy undead one back that fights you. That's not so bad except I found it really difficult to obtain another "living" horse to replace it. You basically had to go to a bigger town, wait around till a survivor rides by, and hijack his horse. Since all the wild horses are undead and you don't come by the mythic ones that often. And since it's the zombie world and whatnot there are not that many survivors riding around on normal horses. This was solved once I found all 4 mythic horses and could recall them on command but that was right near the end of the game. Fortunately the mythic horses are pretty tough and I was able to keep "War" for most of the DLC before he accidentally died once somehow.

An interesting DLC and content wise, actually pretty worth the $10 price. This one and General Knoxx I don't feel bad for paying the retail price for. But seeing's how I bought the undead collection pack with all the DLC, there is a little bit more single player content in the standard game that I will go back and finish up. Even though it was enjoyable to play through, I admit I am looking forward to going back to a normal "healthy" RDR world :).

Just at about 57% in and hit Mexico. I encountered a glitch where the survivors from a town just disappear and whenever attacked it is instantly overrun. Seems that nothing can be done about it. Pain in the ass if it's a big town though. For me it's MacFarlane's Ranch which means I have to fill the meter five times and then kill the rest. Uggh. Does NOT affect the spinning plates achievement BTW.
Freaking shaq-fu. Fired up RDR today to finish up the DLC to 100%. I'm at like 98% (just 1 or 2 survivor rescues away) and my 360 gets RROD. Guess the undead are having the last laugh now!
[quote name='Ruahrc']

The other thing I found really hard was
losing your horse. If it dies you only get the crappy undead one back that fights you. That's not so bad except I found it really difficult to obtain another "living" horse to replace it. You basically had to go to a bigger town, wait around till a survivor rides by, and hijack his horse. Since all the wild horses are undead and you don't come by the mythic ones that often. And since it's the zombie world and whatnot there are not that many survivors riding around on normal horses. This was solved once I found all 4 mythic horses and could recall them on command but that was right near the end of the game. Fortunately the mythic horses are pretty tough and I was able to keep "War" for most of the DLC before he accidentally died once somehow.


I didnt think that was a problem. There is always someone with a horse at a town like Armadillo.
curious: if you shoot and kill wildlife, does it ever respawn?

I was doing some of the challenges and killed a herd of (animals) only to find out it was the next animal type on the list. I did hear that specific animals once they're gone are gone forever.
[quote name='100xp']curious: if you shoot and kill wildlife, does it ever respawn?

I was doing some of the challenges and killed a herd of (animals) only to find out it was the next animal type on the list. I did hear that specific animals once they're gone are gone forever.[/QUOTE]

The only animals i think never respawn are the
. Unless you are talking about the undead nightmare game, then i dont know.
yeah I know those don't respawn, thanks though. I'll probably restart for the heck of it. I'll get undead nightmare when it goes on many games
[quote name='62t']I didnt think that was a problem. There is always someone with a horse at a town like Armadillo.[/QUOTE]Agreed. You may have to put up with an undead nag for a little bit, but I saw lots of riders in and around saved towns especially. Are there wanted levels in UN if you rob or kill a living? I'm such a goodygoody I didn't try any shenanigans.

[quote name='100xp']curious: if you shoot and kill wildlife, does it ever respawn?

I was doing some of the challenges and killed a herd of (animals) only to find out it was the next animal type on the list. I did hear that specific animals once they're gone are gone forever.[/QUOTE]No reason to restart, the only animals that don't respawn in the main game were already mentioned.

I finished SP of UN last night and definitely agree that the end was really cool. I advise people to save after the second nun mission though, not before doing the Reyes mission.

Tried some undead overrun and just some free roam last night and had a blast. I had fun with some of the matches a few months ago, but hated free roam cause as soon my peon would spawn some fully leveled dick would blast. Rinse and repeat. So friendly free roam was a nice change.

If anyone would like to posse up and conquer free roam and/or overrun or mp matches LMK.
Just did my first game of Undead Overrun. Probably the funnest time I've had playing this game and that sudden death round is awesome. Anyone looking to join up for a few games feel free to add me.
Well I think if you shoot people in UN, the townsfolk get mad at you and start shooting at you. I know if you're trying to save a town and you accidentally hurt a townsfolk, they will all start shooting at you too (usually ending in your death and you having to try it over)

100xp, there is only one animal I know of in the game that doesn't respawn, but it is not needed to complete the hunting challenges so whatever you killed, you should be okay.

If you don't know what it is already, it's the
Buffalo. You need to kill at least one to get the "kill one of each species" achievement, and there is a secret achievement
where you kill all the Buffalo, and then there will be no more Buffalo in your game anymore

I have a question for people who've completed the game (proper retail)

I've just completed that mission where Dutch dies, so now i'm doing missions for my family? When does the game actually end?
[quote name='saunderscowie']I have a question for people who've completed the game (proper retail)

I've just completed that mission where Dutch dies, so now i'm doing missions for my family? When does the game actually end?

Not too long after that. The game is officially over once the credits roll, so keep that in mind.
thanks for all the reinforcing advice given. ironic, I'm just getting used to and having fun roaming around and trying to hunt/skin etc. I forget I have deadeye all the time too. hopefully I don't run out of ammo :)
I don't get avatar of death I've not died twice and even shut out the opponent from getting an objective without dying but it won't unlock. Does everyone on the team have to live?
[quote name='GUNNM']I don't get avatar of death I've not died twice and even shut out the opponent from getting an objective without dying but it won't unlock. Does everyone on the team have to live?[/QUOTE]

Its only for a round so the easiest way to do it is to get with someone else and if you are defending, have them jump in the water in thieves landing til they use up the lives. If you're still having trouble message me and I'll help you with it after around 6pm pst.
Finished Fable III so I came back to this game. Just finished the Sasquatch mission and lol I loved it. I also had just liberated Armadillo but didn't get a horse of the Apocalypse so I went back to the plains and found one (then did the Sasquatch mission). It's a lot better than a zombie horse that's for sure.
[quote name='Spybreak8']Finished Fable III so I came back to this game. Just finished the Sasquatch mission and lol I loved it. I also had just liberated Armadillo but didn't get a horse of the Apocalypse so I went back to the plains and found one (then did the Sasquatch mission). It's a lot better than a zombie horse that's for sure.[/QUOTE]You can always find some mope in town and jack that punk's horse if you need to, but the apocalypse horses are pretty cool. Too bad they weren't added to mp free roam. How badass would it be to posse up with a bunch dudes riding War? Pestilence seemed meh, so I kept War till the end. Death is great to take through Jorge's Gorge. Oh the humanity. Haven't found the last one yet. Are they all in the Tall Trees area? A mythical creature appeared in Mexico around Sepulcro, but I couldn't locate it.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']Not too long after that. The game is officially over once the credits roll, so keep that in mind.[/QUOTE]

So after the credits roll you can't keep playing?
You can still roam around after the end of the story as much as you want, like to get 100%. It's just the story isn't truly over until the credits roll.
[quote name='GUNNM']if anyone wants to do papapapa poker ace or compulsive liar count me. Also that 8 player land grab achievement too[/QUOTE]Count me in. I'm down for any online stuff as I've just started playing online for the most part.

- the golden guns code, do they actually earn you more fame when you use them?
- do I have to kill targets w/the actual golden gun(s) to earn more fame?
- can I have the golden revolver holstered, but use my rifle for everything and earn fame?

- Lastly, is there any way to get the Deadly Assassin's outfit outside of GS.

thanks in advance.
[quote name='100xp']Questions:

- the golden guns code, do they actually earn you more fame when you use them? yes
- do I have to kill targets w/the actual golden gun(s) to earn more fame? dunno
- can I have the golden revolver holstered, but use my rifle for everything and earn fame? yes

- Lastly, is there any way to get the Deadly Assassin's outfit outside of GS. no

thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]vvsasgfer
[quote name='100xp']Questions:

- the golden guns code, do they actually earn you more fame when you use them?
- do I have to kill targets w/the actual golden gun(s) to earn more fame?
- can I have the golden revolver holstered, but use my rifle for everything and earn fame?

- Lastly, is there any way to get the Deadly Assassin's outfit outside of GS.

thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]

Not sure about your first 3, but no, the Deadly Assassin's Outfit was Gamestop Special Edition exclusive.
I finally picked this game back up last night after a months long hiatus and am having fun with it again. I think because I was trying to do *everything* before, I had gotten burnt out. Now my plan is to always use campsites to skip all the riding to and from, even though doing that sometimes turns up side quests, and mostly stick to the main storylines, though I do like the Wanted poster side quests. I wish the campsite just jumped me to a menu of choices, or at the very least they should let you skip the campsite animations. I'd rather there just wasn't any animation for it as that would avoid the loading time. I also wish they didn't have the rule that you can't use campsite if you're in a town/hideout. But these are just nits. Definitely a fun game, but I'm going to try to streamline my experience of it from now on.

I've got the Deadly Assassin outfit as I'd gotten my copy from Gamestop. Definitely a nice thing to have, regenerating dead eye faster.
bread's done