Resident Evil 5 -Gen. Discussion - Lost In Nightmares & Desperate Esacpe DLC Out Now!

[quote name='lolwut?']Haha, will do. Apparently she doesn't understand the concept of headshots, or killing the lone "zombie" with your knife and saving the ammo.[/QUOTE]

give her the command 'cover' and not-too-bright AI Sheva will conserve ammo. set on command 'attack,' and she'll deplete everything.

most frustrating part of numb-nut AI Sheva was the *spoiler free* encounter before the monarch room. my lord, every single time I cringe thinking about it.

as mentioned, disarm by giving her the stun rod asap. Sheva, nominated for most useless AI of 2009; sarcastically.

edit: another thing, the aim is still right-trigger between RE4 and RE5; gamecube vs xbox360, but the 'fire' and 'reload' buttons were switched; respectively. Thanks, Capcom; reminds me of the megaman compilation mix-up.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']Text[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I noticed there is no good middle ground with Sheva. I just leave her with the handgun and no more than 20 bullets and try to keep her from getting killed. I also noticed she never liked to help you when you're down right until you're about to die, even if she is standing right next to you.

And I know the controls are all fubar'd; I'm not even using the scheme with RT to aim; I'm using the "new" old one, where LT and LB are your gun and knife.

I have a couple questions though, regarding the weapons in the game. Right now I have the Handgun, the Pump Shotty, the Sub-Machine Gun, and the Bolt Action Rifle.

I'm not sure what's worth keeping and what I should sell. I notice that the machine gun is nearly useless like the TMP was in RE4, so I'm thinking I should sell it, but I didn't know if it would be worth upgrading. Also, I wasn't sure if I should hold off on messing with the rifle in case a better one pops up soon, a la RE4.

And one last thing; is the melee vest worth it?

Edit: I lied, one more: Is there combining of treasures in this game? I'm holding off on selling all the smaller gems incase there is.
[quote name='lolwut?']Yeah, I noticed there is no good middle ground with Sheva. I just leave her with the handgun and no more than 20 bullets and try to keep her from getting killed. I also noticed she never liked to help you when you're down right until you're about to die, even if she is standing right next to you.

And I know the controls are all fubar'd; I'm not even using the scheme with RT to aim; I'm using the "new" old one, where LT and LB are your gun and knife.

I have a couple questions though, regarding the weapons in the game. Right now I have the Handgun, the Pump Shotty, the Sub-Machine Gun, and the Bolt Action Rifle.

I'm not sure what's worth keeping and what I should sell. I notice that the machine gun is nearly useless like the TMP was in RE4, so I'm thinking I should sell it, but I didn't know if it would be worth upgrading. Also, I wasn't sure if I should hold off on messing with the rifle in case a better one pops up soon, a la RE4.

And one last thing; is the melee vest worth it?

Edit: I lied, one more: Is there combining of treasures in this game? I'm holding off on selling all the smaller gems incase there is.[/QUOTE]
Add me if you still need some assistance. I can lend a hand.
[quote name='Ma12kez']Add me if you still need some assistance. I can lend a hand.[/QUOTE]

Will do. Are you down to play right now? lol
[quote name='lolwut?']Yeah, I noticed there is no good middle ground with Sheva. I just leave her with the handgun and no more than 20 bullets and try to keep her from getting killed. I also noticed she never liked to help you when you're down right until you're about to die, even if she is standing right next to you.

And I know the controls are all fubar'd; I'm not even using the scheme with RT to aim; I'm using the "new" old one, where LT and LB are your gun and knife.

I have a couple questions though, regarding the weapons in the game. Right now I have the Handgun, the Pump Shotty, the Sub-Machine Gun, and the Bolt Action Rifle.

I'm not sure what's worth keeping and what I should sell. I notice that the machine gun is nearly useless like the TMP was in RE4, so I'm thinking I should sell it, but I didn't know if it would be worth upgrading. Also, I wasn't sure if I should hold off on messing with the rifle in case a better one pops up soon, a la RE4.

And one last thing; is the melee vest worth it?

Edit: I lied, one more: Is there combining of treasures in this game? I'm holding off on selling all the smaller gems incase there is.[/QUOTE]

You'll want to hang on to all of the original weapons because upgrading them fully unlocks some more weapons. The vests drop damage taken by half for their specific type. It is up to you to decide if you need them. Finally, you cannot combine treasure so feel free to sell whenever you like.
[quote name='namster1337']Whew, finally beat Pro yesterday, getting me 1000 gs :D. I'm too cheap to buy the DLC though :p[/QUOTE]

Congrats! May I ask how many play-throughs it took?

Getting all the weapons and fully-upgrading every single one seems lengthy.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']Getting all the weapons and fully-upgrading every single one seems lengthy.[/QUOTE]

I forget which chapter it is, but the quickest way without duping eggs is to run through that one hallway full of lickers over and over.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']Congrats! May I ask how many play-throughs it took?

Getting all the weapons and fully-upgrading every single one seems lengthy.[/QUOTE]

I played through a total of 3 times. Once on amateur, veteran, and professional. I duped rotten eggs to build up money, and yes it is the fastest way. Professional was so frustrating sometimes cause you die so quickly. Even playing in coop was frustrating cause some people just seem to not think too clearly. Like when a whole squad of zombies is chasing you and you decide to pick up some gold lol. But I was glad when I finally finished pro, and never have to touch it again :D. do you want to play it? Do you want to be the Steroid using jock or the 'we're not racist, seriously, signed Capcom' pack mule?

Because if I was hosting it, we could blow through it in about 5 hours on Professional because of my infinite ammo perks and infinite rocket launcher.
Yeah, we could play it that way, Broly. I'll look you up later.

Question about local play co-op: Does the game not save player #2's weapon/money?

My GF and I were playing and we beat the first chapter and turned the system off for a break. When we went to play again we both logged into our Gamertags (mine gold, hers silver). When we started she had been player #2 as Sheva and she didn't have all the phat loot that we had from the killer first act.

God damn the menu system is shit. We just put the game down and started up GoW2
[quote name='ChernobylCow']Yeah, we could play it that way, Broly. I'll look you up later.

Question about local play co-op: Does the game not save player #2's weapon/money?

My GF and I were playing and we beat the first chapter and turned the system off for a break. When we went to play again we both logged into our Gamertags (mine gold, hers silver). When we started she had been player #2 as Sheva and she didn't have all the phat loot that we had from the killer first act.

God damn the menu system is shit. We just put the game down and started up GoW2[/QUOTE]

she's gotta log in to her own gamertag, and you gotta make sure you save both profiles when a chapter is complete. im playing with my roommate, its saving all his stuff
Wow it sounds like their trying to breath live back into RE5. Man I havent played this since I beat it on the hardest setting (its been so long I forgot what the name of the setting is) and unlocked unlimited rocket launcher. Man I kind of want to play this now.
[quote name='Ma12kez']

I'm curious as to what you guys think about this. Is it a re-release, or DLC? I'm leaning more towards it being a whole repackaging of everything.:bomb: If so, then I'd like to trade in my copy of RE5 before it plummets in value.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can just see them re-releasing the game with the VS DLC included plus some extra chapter/mission for like $30-$40. I was actually a little interested in getting the VS DLC for the achievements and interaction but I heard the MP was pretty dead which is not too surprising given that it's basically Mercenaries just with another team you're competing against.

I still need to go through the campaign on Professional but given how much of a pain in the ass certain parts were :bomb:
(i.e. shooting that beast from the back of the Hummer)
on just the next difficulty down I'm not at all looking forward to it.
Its not to bad if you have a good co op partner or if your playing with someone who has unlimited rocket launcher and unlimited ammo. I havent played since earlier this year but if you want to give it a go just send me a FR and a message stating what game and day and time.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']It looks like the Director's Cut version is tied in with the Sony motion controller so it may not even be released on 360.[/QUOTE]Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks for clearing that up. Maybe I'll hold onto my copy then. Hopefully they'll release the new content excluding the motion controls as DLC for the X360, but it doesn't seem likely if it's exclusive to the PS3.
There has not been much info around the "Directors Cut" Alternative version of RE 5. Magazine Famitsu got to interview the RE5 producers to get more details. Here is the interview paraphrase and translated:

If you don't want to read, I will highlight that the extra Jill/Chris Mission WILL NOT BE DLC, but a standalone release similar to Super Street Fighter IV

And since this is the 360 forum, here is an important fact from the interview

"Capcom is preparing the Xbox 360 version in a different form, and asks gamers to wait for more information on that in the future".

here is the interview:

  • Capcom came up with the name "Alternative Edition" because the term "Complete Edition" didn't seem appropriate when considering the adequacy of the original package.
  • Capcom wanted to place the new content in the original release, but felt that the game was adequate already, and wanted to get it released soon.
  • When the original game was released, players expressed their desire to play as Jill.
  • Capcom originally proposed to make the new content downloadable, but there was too much content for that.
  • The game begins at the entrance of the Spencer Mansion featured in the flashback of the original game, but fans of the original Biohazard will certainly love the new content.
  • The Spencer mansions in Biohazard and Biohazard 5 are indeed separate.
  • The game is intended for the PS3 Motion Controller. The series' combat system warranted the addition of the motion controls. The game uses the Dual Shock 3 to move the characters, while the Motion Controller is used for attacking and other functions.
  • All the DLC content for the original release can be enjoyed on the Biohazard 5 Alternative Edition disc. Players can play with or against players of the original Biohazard 5.
  • Owners of the original can transfer their game saves, trophies, etc. to Alternative Edition.
  • Capcom is thinking about adding new costumes and game modes as well.
  • The blood in the main hall of the mansion symbolizes that an incident has occurred, and gamers will understand as soon as they step in what that incident was.
  • The original Biohazard was a game that did not have a cooperative aspect to it, though Biohazard 5 Alternative Edition will have it in spite of their similar environments.
  • The behind-the-shoulder camera will be used, although if you noticed from the screenshots, there are no enemies present…
  • When asked whether the enemies with be majinis or zombies, with regards to this chapter, Capcom is making preparations for the type of enemies to be included, especially since the setting is Spencer's mansion, with him actually living there.
  • Capcom believes the game will have the types of rooms and locations fans are expecting.
  • Takeuchi finished just Jill's episode in 1 hour and 40 minutes, but that is because he is an experienced player. New players should take around 2 hours the first time. Of course, this isn't the only new content being included…
  • Capcom understands that there are varying tastes for the Biohazard series up to this point.
  • Players who both played through Biohazard 5 and have yet to try it will enjoyed Alternative Edition. Capcom would like buyers of the new PS3 Slim to try the game out, as well.
  • Capcom is preparing the Xbox 360 version in a different form, and asks gamers to wait for more information on that in the future.

Also here is a trailer, and screenshots for the new RE5 Jill/Chris story:

Screenshots/Scans from Famitsu Magazine(from

Trailer (VERY POOR QUALITY) taken from TGS presentation:
Thanks for the update Tenzor. Looks like I'll be trading in my copy for sure then. Along with Fallout 3, Street Fighter IV, etc. You start to wonder if even buying a game on release these days is even worth it since developers will always release a GOTY edition some time down the line.
[quote name='Ma12kez']Thanks for the update Tenzor. Looks like I'll be trading in my copy for sure then. Along with Fallout 3, Street Fighter IV, etc. You start to wonder if even buying a game on release these days is even worth it since developers will always release a GOTY edition some time down the line.[/QUOTE]

yeah I agree with you there. Double dips for games and movies are much more common these days. Early adopters for games and electronics are always getting the short end of the stick. You support the developer/publisher by buying the game day 1, then 6-8 months down the road the developer releases a better version in hopes the early adopters buy it again, while getting new people to buy it also. It gets annoying, but hey what can you do right? We could just wait for them to release the better version, but part of the fun and enjoyment is being able to experience a good game as soon as possible.

Anyways, I hope Capcom won't charge full price for this, but according to that interview they have another things plan then just the Chris/Jill story. That makes me think they will be adding other scenarios, or gameplay modes. If that is the case I can see this being sold at $59.99 instead of a budget $39.99 release that Super Street Fighter IV is rumored to be.
It's weird they punish people who support a game early on.

Also, I don't know how many times I've waited for a rerelease that's complete, only then that's not complete and I wait for the second rerelease, etc.
Ok so I am a little confused. Will this "Alternative" edition feature the original RE5 singe player/co-op game?

Or will it be just back story and goodies, at what better be a budget price?

"Alternative" makes it seem like it won't be including the original game.
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Ok so I am a little confused. Will this "Alternative" edition feature the original RE5 singe player/co-op game?

Or will it be just back story and goodies, at what better be a budget price?

"Alternative" makes it seem like it won't be including the original game.[/QUOTE]

I'm wondering this as well. I also want to know what will be different between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']Ok so I am a little confused. Will this "Alternative" edition feature the original RE5 singe player/co-op game?

Or will it be just back story and goodies, at what better be a budget price?

"Alternative" makes it seem like it won't be including the original game.[/QUOTE]It states that you can transfer your save files, etc. from the original game, so I'm assuming it'll have the original packed in as well...right? Ugh, I don't know. It has "Resident Evil 5" in the title, so it has to be in there. Damn, now I don't know if I should trade it in then.:bomb:
I would assume that it includes the original game with a Jill/Chris part tacked on (possibly RE4 Seperate Ways style?); at least that's what it sounds like.

I doubt I will sell off my copy of the original though; I got the CE on the cheap
[quote name='lolwut?']I would assume that it includes the original game with a Jill/Chris part tacked on (possibly RE4 Seperate Ways style?); at least that's what it sounds like.

I doubt I will sell off my copy of the original though; I got the CE on the cheap[/QUOTE]I'm willing to bet they'll throw in a Jill/Josh separate ways as well (or a flashback of Sheva/Josh).

Looks like that CE came equipped with:

fuck it. I'm trading in my copy.
The Alternative Edition WILL HAVE everything in the current Resident Evil 5 (360/PS3) plus the new content with Jill and Chris.

interesting statement from the interview

  • The game is intended for the PS3 Motion Controller. The series' combat system warranted the addition of the motion controls. The game uses the Dual Shock 3 to move the characters, while the Motion Controller is used for attacking and other functions.

I predict this will be a timed exclusive for the PS3 first, then make its away to the 360 later. One theory behind that is because they are really pushing for this "PS3 Motion Control" with this re-release.

Ma12kez, a US release date has not been confirmed, but the Tokyo Game Show mentioned a PS3 Japanese Release Date of Spring 2010. Who knows how long it will take for a PS3 US Release let alone a 360 US Release to come here. Maybe not until Summer/Fall 2010. If you don't plan on playing RE5 for that long then sell your copy now to get the most value.
So...PS3 owners get to simulate punching a rock into lava?

That and it does make me curious if they're going to integrate the QTE with motion controls. It'll make the Jill Valentine "pull the mind controlling device off her chest" boss battle more...uh, interesting.
[quote name='tenzor']Ma12kez, a US release date has not been confirmed, but the Tokyo Game Show mentioned a PS3 Japanese Release Date of Spring 2010. Who knows how long it will take for a PS3 US Release let alone a 360 US Release to come here. Maybe not until Summer/Fall 2010. If you don't plan on playing RE5 for that long then sell your copy now to get the most value.[/QUOTE]Actually, I think I'll hold off for now since I just realized that Takeuchi stated that the content will be coming to the Xbox 360 "in a different form" (when compared with the PS3 version). Here's hoping it'll just be DLC.:pray:
[quote name='Ma12kez']Here's hoping it'll just be DLC.:pray:[/QUOTE]

I don't think my 20 Gig HDD can hold anymore. I've deleted all the videos, and most of my demos.

I've got: GTA IV's Lost and Damned, Burnout Paradise's Big Surf Island, Fallout 3's first 4 expansions.

Oh yeah, I've also got Gears of War 2's All Fronts Collection to squeeze in next week.

I'm sorry Microsoft and Publishers, your hardware limitation is impacting my cheap ass ability to buy more DLC at affordable prices. A new 120 Gig HDD on clearance would look really good about now.
[quote name='Wolfpup']I'm confused by this whole thing, which means no sale for Capcom :whistle2:/[/QUOTE]

HAHA! That's how I feel. Whatever this is or wherever it ends up, it's just gonna be a rental for me, and I am a big RE fan.
I'm really hoping that the new Alt. Edition is DLC for 360. I purchased all three versions of RE4, and I'd rather not do that again, but if I seriously have to, I probably will, since the Resident Evil series has been good to me over the years.
[quote name='Trakan']There's no way this isn't coming out for the 360 in some form.[/QUOTE]I just hope it's not in the form of a new game.
[quote name='Ma12kez']I just hope it's not in the form of a new game.[/QUOTE]

that's what I'm hoping as well...but then I think about Capcom making Super Street Fighter IV and my hopes disappear. :cry:
[quote name='progman3']that's what I'm hoping as well...but then I think about Capcom making Super Street Fighter IV and my hopes disappear. :cry:[/QUOTE]

they interview posted on the previous page did mention

Capcom originally proposed to make the new content downloadable, but there was too much content for that.
However, that could just be mentioning the PS3 version because of the motion controls, but you are right, this is CAPCOM, and a whole new version seems more accurate to Capcom's standard game practices.
If you guys haven't already, vote over here to maybe help sway their decision of the new content being in physical or digital form. I know the results won't solidify it, but hopefully it'll do something.
[quote name='Ma12kez']If you guys haven't already, vote over here to maybe help sway their decision of the new content being in physical or digital form. I know the results won't solidify it, but hopefully it'll do something.[/QUOTE]Looks like the poll worked and influenced the decision to make the extra content into DLC instead of repackaging the entire game. Awesome news!:applause:
Darn, too bad. Oh well, I plan on picking up the new version on whatever system it's offered for. (They could just release an expansion pack...)
I was stoked to hear about that. I hate having to rebuy the same game more than once (ie: Fallout 3, RE4) because they decided to change controls/add content.
[quote name='mcgavin27']I guess I will have to buy a copy again then. I sold it in preparation of getting the new edition.[/QUOTE]
I did, too...

Sucks, too. I was all set on buying a new edition.

The upcoming Alternative Edition DLC for Resident Evil 5 is going to include much more than motion controller support for PS3 and the "Lost in Nightmares" flashback episode. The latest issue of Japanese mag Famitsu (via Andriasang) notes that Capcom has two additional surprises for players: new costumes and new characters for a revamped "Mercenaries Reunion" (seen above), as well as an extra, yet-to-be-revealed chapter.

All this content will be released as four separate DLC packs:

  • "Lost in Nightmares" Episode - 400
  • Costume Pack 1 - 160
  • Costume Pack 2 - 160
  • Additional TBA Episode - 400
These prices are only confirmed for Japan, but it's unlikely the US release will be too different.
Really? $4 Costume Packs? Might as well bundle it with everything else. Why am I not surprised...
bread's done