Resistance 2 - Out Now - Get your co-op on!

I only maxed out soldier, but it takes a lot of games...a lot. You have to reach level 30, and obviously, as you go, it takes more and more XP to level up. Thankfully, though, after you get the backlash berserk, things get a little easier. You can rack up a massive amount of XP and kills by just waiting for an area with a ton of hybrids. As long as you have a decent spec ops guy, you can just activate the backlash and let him supply you with ammo.

As for levels, if you haven't noticed yet, they are composed of a number of sections that get randomly selected each time you play. So, that is why level length will vary.
Inf Shini what happened to you last night? We were having a great co-op run, first with just the three of us, and then a few more, and then I noticed you were no longer playing (after I kept calling you out for not supplying ammo!). Did you get dumped out? I had fun with who ever else was in our group.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yeah, you are right. There are some other tough sections, but they usually are the endings of the level, so they don't come up nearly as much as the stupid ambush in Iceland. I actually never, ever came upon the Bryce Canyon, stop the steelheads from reaching the control room. Holy shit, we got completely destroyed.

Oh, and it seems that the network for R2 is down. I can't get into anything, and I checked GFaqs, and everyone over there is having the same problem.[/quote]
Preventing the Steelhead from reaching the top is the one objective where you REALLY have to have everyone coordinated and ready for the attack. Spec Ops plant mines, medics ready with chloroform, berserks ready, soldiers all geared up, and still you might lose. The main goal is to kill the two-starred guy, but his back up tends to get in the way.

[quote name='Zyzomys']
Inf Shini what happened to you last night? We were having a great co-op run, first with just the three of us, and then a few more, and then I noticed you were no longer playing (after I kept calling you out for not supplying ammo!). Did you get dumped out? I had fun with who ever else was in our group.
I was watching the football game yesterday so I would pop in and out, then I had to go to other stuff, so I couldn't get back to the game in time.

I just got done with Superhuman, pretty easy compared to R1. All I need is the Salute Me, all comp. trophies, and Specter Officer.
I have faced over 10 Stalkers as a Soldier and never had the killing blow to them. How do you guys make sure you have the killing blow? Its hard to imagine that of my spraying bullets, not one has landed the final hit on them.

Where can we face a Madadur in Coop?
[quote name='Breakpoint']I have faced over 10 Stalkers as a Soldier and never had the killing blow to them. How do you guys make sure you have the killing blow? Its hard to imagine that of my spraying bullets, not one has landed the final hit on them.

Where can we face a Madadur in Coop?[/quote]
You can fight Marauders in Bryce Canyon and I believe Axebridge.
I played the first Resistance when it first came out, and thought it was average. I started playing Resistance 2, and at first the story/stages was really boring to me,but after playing it over 2 hours it gets way better or is it just me? :)
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']If you see the red XP number above their head, you'll know that you got the killing blow on them.[/quote]

I get that part, Im just curious is their a way to get it most of the time besides your teammates for Stalkers.
[quote name='Breakpoint']I get that part, Im just curious is their a way to get it most of the time besides your teammates for Stalkers.[/quote]
I don't think there's any sure way to get the killing blow, just the luck of timing really. I've managed to get killing blows on everything but a Marauder so far and did nothing special for any of them.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Core Control (Capture the Flag) really stinks in this game.[/quote]
Yeah core control seems like a gay capture the flag or something.
Also the skirmish mode doesnt work as good as I expected.
The game is badass though and I haven't even tried co-op yet.

If you want to play some games my ID is swavage415, .
I'm also kind of sick and tired of playing regular death matches. Sorry, I know a lot of people seem to think they are an actual test of skill, but to me, they require as much luck as they do skill. And I wouldn't be forced into them if they would fix the stupid matchmaking. If I actually try to pick a particular game type, I have to wait five minutes to find a game, so I just put "any."
core control is ok if you got a good group. a lot of the times your teammates are just clueless. its so frustrating to steal and bring back the core to find out that the other team has your core. and your teammates aren't willing to get your team's core back. ... and you die holding the stolen goods.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I'm also kind of sick and tired of playing regular death matches. Sorry, I know a lot of people seem to think they are an actual test of skill, but to me, they require as much luck as they do skill. And I wouldn't be forced into them if they would fix the stupid matchmaking. If I actually try to pick a particular game type, I have to wait five minutes to find a game, so I just put "any."[/QUOTE]


why dont make everything ranked (... like COD4?). then you get tons of games and choices.
Yeah, seriously. Doesn't even make sense why they don't. If you want to keep ranked games on the up and up, all you do is disable the ability to change the settings on ranked games. It's that easy.
True that, Warhawk did it! It makes basically zero sense to have all these unranked competitive games and then the one option for ranked games.

I've been frustrated though, because there are some people who just murder with the Carbine, they can take you out right as you become exposed and still be able to take out another two teammates consistently. Obviously I hate being beaten, but damn, I can't even pull off a kill without half a clip.

Fareye is my weapon of choice, but no scoping with it just feels so weird. Btw, what is the point of the Bellock's secondary fire in competitve? I have yet to see it do some damage, although the gun itself just feels really slow and clunky.
my IG friend says the shotgun r2 is actually worse than the carabine r2. but i have yet to see it. it takes skill, map knowledge and a lot of patience.
Yeah, the Bellock is not that great. It is good, though, if you're playing defense. I like to throw a few rounds down on the ground as enemies approach. Except for that, though, I never bother with the thing.
Going through single player right now and I have to say I think the reviews were pretty harsh on this game. I'm really enjoying this game a lot more than I thought I would. Hopped on a game for some ranked and I had some fun there too. The only thing I hate is when I get to a really hard part in campaign and have to just keep playing and playing over again until I get lucky and beat it. Can't wait to go co-op with some cags with mics. Unless that already passed me up. Oh and add me to your friends list people.
PSN: nuness1988
[quote name='Breakpoint']The highest rank is Level 60 - Supreme Commander Plus 2 PIPs

What does PIPs mean?[/quote]

The stars next to your rank. Military stuff ;)

BTW, shouldn't it be 3 pips?
I gave in a bought this a GS with the 20% off coupon. I could not pass it up for $38.xx I have so much to play, I will eventually get around to playing this. Hopefully any network issues will be smoothed out by time I start playing it.
OMG!!!!!! I just realized that Resistance 2 is missing out on something VERY VERY Important!

Vehicles... WTF happened, even Resistance 1 let you have vehicles, While playing the game, I thought that we would be able to do some flying, or drive some alien vehicle.... but there was nothing to drive - did I miss something?!
I'm now starting to encounter of ton of laggers. During the staging screen, their name disappears, but they show up in the game. You can barely see them, because they just jump across the screen. R2 really pales in comparison to R1 in terms of competitive multiplayer (the co-op is a blast). It's sad, considering the rest of the package is superior.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I'm now starting to encounter of ton of laggers. During the staging screen, their name disappears, but they show up in the game. You can barely see them, because they just jump across the screen. R2 really pales in comparison to R1 in terms of competitive multiplayer (the co-op is a blast). It's sad, considering the rest of the package is superior.[/quote]

That really sucks. I hope they're trying to work out these network issues.
I know. According to them, though, none of this is their fault. It's all our fault. Oddly enough, though, I never have any other network issues with my game consoles. I'm sure most of us are like that, as well. But yeah, it's our fault.
Got the Salute Me trophy at level 27 :whistle2:s

All I need are the Competitve trophies and I'll get my 100%!

10k kills is gonna be a looooong time, maybe even longer than all the co-op trophies combined -_-

I'm cursing every time I play a competitive game, I hate people besting me in FPS >:O
27? LOL. That whole ranking system is messed up. I didn't get it until like 34, I think. And yeah, the 10K kills is going to have to wait a long time. I am already getting a little worn out by competitive, and I am not even to 3000 kills, yet.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']27? LOL. That whole ranking system is messed up. I didn't get it until like 34, I think. And yeah, the 10K kills is going to have to wait a long time. I am already getting a little worn out by competitive, and I am not even to 3000 kills, yet.[/quote]
Heh, in the party list my emblem is completely different than the emblem in my stats, and I was surprised when I saw the trophy show up, checked my level, and was just!

I'm just sticking to Team Deathmatch, easiest and less stressful way to get the kills. Skirmish is a joke, they gotta fix that since objectives will finish as quickly as they start, Core Control is good on particular large maps, but it's just annoying when your team is completely inept and can't work together for crap. If the conditions allow it, you don't even have a chance.

The 5-man squad only seems to be utilized in Skirmish anyways, since everyone just groups up anyways in the other team modes.

They NEED MORE MAPS and they need to make them bigger. I've only played on 1...2....3 maps, and they do the same thing Warhawk did, which is break up the maps into sections for certain games.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Heh, in the party list my emblem is completely different than the emblem in my stats, and I was surprised when I saw the trophy show up, checked my level, and was just![/quote]

Yeah, same here. The entire ranking system is screwed up. I'm just glad my trophy eventually got unlocked. I was beginning to think it was potentially glitched, and that I would never get it.

The medals are like this, as well. There are some medals that I know I have the requirements for, but they aren't unlocked.

I'm just sticking to Team Deathmatch, easiest and less stressful way to get the kills. Skirmish is a joke, they gotta fix that since objectives will finish as quickly as they start, Core Control is good on particular large maps, but it's just annoying when your team is completely inept and can't work together for crap. If the conditions allow it, you don't even have a chance.

Yeah, I try to play a lot of TDM, as well, but obviously, the crap matchmaking doesn't always allow it.

Core Control can be all right, but like you said, it really depends on the maps and teammates. Obviously, the teammates' issue would arise in any game, but the maps can be a complete joke. The Chicago museum makes me laugh. You can run right through the museum, take the core, and run right back. The map itself should make it a little challenging to get from point A to point B.
Well, yeah, that's a major issue, as well. I've just mentioned it so many times in this thread, I didn't want to sound like a completely broke record. It would also be nice if they balanced the team a little more evenly, as well. Kind of tired of playing with a bunch of privates against highly-ranked players.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yeah, I try to play a lot of TDM, as well, but obviously, the crap matchmaking doesn't always allow it.

Core Control can be all right, but like you said, it really depends on the maps and teammates. Obviously, the teammates' issue would arise in any game, but the maps can be a complete joke. The Chicago museum makes me laugh. You can run right through the museum, take the core, and run right back. The map itself should make it a little challenging to get from point A to point B.[/quote]
I usually set the type to TDM, but if it's taking forever I'll just go with whatever.
The Chicago map is exactly the map I was thinking of. Just activate the camo, run back and forth, rinse and repeat.
I'm really getting tired of the completely unbalanced games. They need to release a patch for this. And I'm also kind of tired of having to go through the launch screen of a clearly unbalanced game, just so that I can quit once the game starts.
This is the first first person shooter I have ever played online and am loving it. My favorite level is the small forest one. The lamest thing about the game is the marksman and the auger gun that shoots through walls. I love killing the homos using those guns. Its also not really cool expecting to play a 20 on 20 games and having it be something like 4 on 3 or worse yet 5-1 which is another reason I have died so many times.
I think I am holding up well for a rookie, I just got the Lark and decimated 5 homo snipers with one shot.
That's the only other thing I don't like about the multiplayer. In R1, you started with the Carbine as a human and the Bullseye as a Chimera. That was it. All of the other weapons were spread out in the level at particular spawn points.

Now, I know we all have the ability to start with a sniper rifle or Auger or whatever, but I don't know. It just feels cheesy playing with those weapons all the time. It's stubborn and stupid, I know. It's just the way I am. That's certainly not going to change, I'm sure, so there is no point in getting pissy about it, I suppose.

At the very least, I do like that you actually have to earn the LAARK and Pulse Cannon. I'm sure all of the R1 vets remember what a lot of matches would degenerate into: people just hanging out around the LAARK spawn. Boring.
Wow, I'm getting REALLY tired of the Marksman alt. fire in competitive.

It either needs to be gone, restrict the player from shooting while it's still going, let you shake it off, let you shoot it, or something.

As it stands, it's quite annoying. You can't do anything about it, and even the very way it inflicts damage and affects your screen is bothersome beyond belief. More and more people seem to be doing it as well.
Yeah you pretty much have to just run for cover at an angle when you come up against a marksman or are being shot by an auger. Nothing is more satisfying than turning around and shooting them in the eye. Once you learn how to avoid those 2 guns and the grenades better you will have much more fun.
I guess you can't pick what grenade you want?
[quote name='Mr. 420']Yeah you pretty much have to just run for cover at an angle when you come up against a marksman or are being shot by an auger. Nothing is more satisfying than turning around and shooting them in the eye. Once you learn how to avoid those 2 guns and the grenades better you will have much more fun.
I guess you can't pick what grenade you want?[/quote]

No, you can't. I also think it sucks that the marksman is paired with a hedgehog while the fareye is paired with an air fuel, but I guess I can see why.
[quote name='Vanigan']You can shoot the marksman's secondary fire orb, it'll explode, but that stops it.[/quote]

OK cool, but do you know if the explosion hurts you or not? I still would like a better solution, but I'd be happier if you can shoot it without it damaging you.
So, rather than continuing to complain, I decided to try a weapon I feel should be an extra. I used the Wraith for a few rounds. I still feel like these things should be earned. I most certainly played a lot better with it, especially in skirmish games, where I could play defensively. Just sat there, with the barrel spinning, and waited for idiots to feed me. And obviously, it's a great advantage to have some guy shooting at you, being able to throw up the shield at the last second, have them have to reload, and then I blow them away.
Carbine is my weapon of choice along with the L23 Fareye. Frags w/ Carbine + Secondary fire helps, and I'm getting better with the Fareye and Headshots on the fly.
Is there seriously no one playing this game?? Every time I play online with a friend, the most people in the game is ten. What ever happened to those promised massive games? The rooms barely fill up. What is going on?
bread's done