Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

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[quote name='Corvin']Sucks for PS3 RB owners but it's stated pretty clear in this IGN article:

"Microsoft has been a great partner throughout the launch of Rock Band in the last year and their continued support is instrumental in supporting the more advanced features and cross title compatibility we will have in Rock Band 2,"[/quote]

Yea, I read that, but it sounds like alot of PR-speak. The XBL service is clearly alot better than the PSN right now, but what does the 360 version of RB have that the PS3 version doesn't have?

I hope the quote above is based on the fact that they are adding some new features (online world tour mode over XBL) that they think will be easier to implement on the 360 and roll out later to the PS3 and not just because of a cash payout or the amount of DLC sold on the 360 vs. the PS3, but I think the later is probably the reason.
I'm gonna get just the game, then the whole bundle for GH4

Because I have a feeling the new drums for RB2 are gonna look a lot like the GH4 set. And based off compatibility w/ each others instruments, GH will work with RB
Could be any of a number of factors.

- developers have made it loud and clear how much MS steps in and helps out on the development side if needed compared to Sony who leaves you out in the cold. I suspect making RB1 DLC work on RB2 and vice versa, not to mention all the peripheral compatibility takes some work. Work that a MS team could handle while the dev team works on the actual game. Plus there could be other features that carry over like your rocker, band and the like that may just be easier to do on the 360.

- they are pushing out this sequel a mere 9 months after the original. That is a lot of work to get done in that time on top of programming 60-100 new songs. Easier to do on a platform that has been heralded to be easier to program for.

- it could definitely be more sales based. I'd even venture to say it's based on DLC sales. They've never come out and shown 360 vs. PS3 DLC numbers, but I suspect a LARGE percentage is coming from the 360. In other words, 360 owners keep the revenue stream coming.

In the end though... who the fuck knows? :lol:
Beyond sexcellent to hear that RB1 songs will work in the sequel. Now I'll wind up downloading more stuff because it won't be gimped in September.
i wonder if the xbox exclusivity has something to do with the guitar hero peripherals working on xbox and how sony blocked it? one of the articles mentioned compatibility with most guitar hero controllers. maybe xbox has some sort of rule allowing compatibility amongst different controllers... but, that's speculation.

i'll almost guarantee that rb2 will not just be an expansion, the big feature will be online world tour. the fact that you'll be able to use the dlc will sell most people. i know that i'm sold regardless...i'd just like to see all rhythm/music games have compatible controllers. i don't want to have all these drums kits sitting around my house.
Y'know, I just got RB1 sent to me from Goozex and should be expecting it today. To hear that they've got #2 in the hopper already is kinda surprising. I figured they'd holiday hype the deal for November. Meh. I'll probably get RB2 after launch. I want to sit back and enjoy the first one before moving along.
[quote name='Regian']o hear that they've got #2 in the hopper already is kinda surprising. [/QUOTE]
No way is it surprising. I've been saying it since GH4 has been announced to be a band game that RB would have a new SKU for holiday 2008. Turns out to be RB2. They had to fire back with something, otherwise RB would be last year's hype versus GH4's shiny new coat. In the end, more games equal more song choices all around so we all win.
As someone who only spends $22 a month on games, I am tempted to start saving up right now for Rock Band 2. Although, I might just purchase the drums and the guitar, and rent the actual game.
[quote name='anomynous']I still want a Rush pack though, w/ Far Cry & Spirit of the Radio[/QUOTE]

honestly.. i won't rest until there is Cygnus X 1 + Hemispheres in video game form.. i want to test my endurance heh..
Its not surprising how 360 is being supported more. It sold better than PS2 and PS3 combined. The 360 version sold 1.62 million copies while PS2 sold .41M and PS3 sold .67M.
Oh, man! GIANT WHO PACK!!! I think it's rather tragic that we won't be getting Baba O' Riley, though. Easily my favorite Who song, but apparently one of the stolen tracks from the album :(
I've been trying to contact the Drumsoft people about my pads I got about a month ago. I've sent them 5 or 6 e-mails in the past 3 weeks and no response. Anyways I have a problem with the outer fabric on the red pad. After the second day the thin smooth layer started to become exposed and now I'm drumming on the inside fabric, which seems to be flaking away a little bit each day. Soon I feel that I'll be drumming a hole into the pads.

If they continue not to respond what should I do? I'm happy with the pads, but I'd like to at least know if I could get a replacement or not.
Wow, this is a lot to take in for today. I'm psyched for Rock Band 2, but I can't say I'll pick up the whole bundle until I hear about how the compatibility between instruments, much like you guys said. I think it's awesome that they decided to just have a Rock Band song marketplace, rather than one for RB1 and one for RB2. Definitely makes me feel safe about my purchase.

I'm not quite sure about this Rush album you guys are all talking about, but I for one want Master of Puppets as DLC. I'm sure it'll be coming with Guitar Hero: Metallica, but I don't want to get my ass kicked by the songs even on Hard, and I'm sure that would happen with Guitar Hero.

On another note, I was surprised by how hard some of those Queen of the Stone Age songs were; I almost failed Sick, Sick, Sick
help me out folks: I just moved into a new 3rd floor apartment, and after about 10 minutes of drumming, the people below me started pounding on their ceiling. im fairly certain it's the vibrations from the pedal causing the problem. im trying to find a far im thinking some sort of rubber mat, or maybe even a drum riser of some sort, but i don't know if i want to spend that much money.

anyone have any ideas?
[quote name='Rodimus']I've been trying to contact the Drumsoft people about my pads I got about a month ago. I've sent them 5 or 6 e-mails in the past 3 weeks and no response. Anyways I have a problem with the outer fabric on the red pad. After the second day the thin smooth layer started to become exposed and now I'm drumming on the inside fabric, which seems to be flaking away a little bit each day. Soon I feel that I'll be drumming a hole into the pads.

If they continue not to respond what should I do? I'm happy with the pads, but I'd like to at least know if I could get a replacement or not.[/quote]

I was having trouble getting a response for awhile. They said they've been having email issues. Their exact quote:

"First let me apologize for the lateness of my reply. Our internet provider has been making extensive changes in our area and while the orders themselves have not been affected, we have had to recently go through our bulk mail as much of our email was mistakenly sent there. Be be assured that this was a temporary error and will never happen again. Drumsoft is committed to excellence in customer service and we know that not answering emails immediately is inexcusable. "
I finally got my own copy of the game this past weekend! I got a GH2 and GH3 guitar, so I'm good to go with half a band so far.

Old question, but this is one big-ass thread to look through - can a standard XBL headset be used for the microphone? If so, I can deal with that temporarily.

Either way, I'd rather get a "real" mic eventually. So any I hear any USB mic will do... are there any standout mics out there (either especially high-quality, or especially cheap)?

As far as drums go I'm just gonna wait for more info on GH World Tour and Rock Band 2. I figure at least one of those games will offer a drumkit that works with everything.
[quote name='BustaUppa']I finally got my own copy of the game this past weekend! I got a GH2 and GH3 guitar, so I'm good to go with half a band so far.

Old question, but this is one big-ass thread to look through - can a standard XBL headset be used for the microphone? If so, I can deal with that temporarily.

Yes you can use the headset as a mic. You can also use any mic with a USB connector, including ones from PS2 games etc.
Shame about the timed exclusivity, I expect only a month or possibly two.
They're in a rush to take on GH:WT.

Good thing the weekly DLC can keep me afloat while I wait.
I'd like an improved drumset and would sell the old one right away.

This was posted on IGN. Not a bad looking guitar.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Why you buy the Madcatz Drums AND the Rock Band 2 w/drums?[/quote]
Because by then my RB1 guitar will probably be more then fucked. So Madcatz will be main one and RB2 I guess will be backup. I don't know, it makes sense in my head...
The Best of The Who Rock Band Edition”
“Amazing Journey”
“Baba O'Riley”
“Behind Blue Eyes”
“Eminence Front”
“Going Mobile”
“Leaving Here”
“My Generation” (LIVE)
“Real Good Looking Boy”
“Sea & Sand”
“Summertime Blues” (LIVE)
“Who Are You”
“Young Man Blues” (LIVE)
(All tracks utilize the original master recordings)
I can't believe they actually pulled off the Baba O'Riley master. Definitely surprised to see Summertime Blues and Eminence Front in there. Actually, I'm surprised to see most of the lesser-known stuff on the list.
Just read the IGN interview. Nice to see to the IGN guy mention wanting Buzzcocks and Pavement.
Really we hope to see more from Buzzcocks (What Do I Get?, Everybody's Happy Nowadays and Promises would be great)
And I really want anything Pavement!

But it was really surprising to see the Harmonix guy mention Radio Birdman. :pray: for RB DLC
[quote name='porieux']Maybe they are saving Pinball Wizard for the RB2 disc?[/quote]
I'm trying to think of someway to reply back to that, but since I'll be getting RB2 anyways, it really makes no difference. I yield to you fine sir.
[quote name='porieux']Really excited, sounds like Harmonix are doing things right. Can't wait for E3![/quote]

I have the week off that week... lots of getting ripped and watching endless hours of G4
How about Sunny Day Real Estate's Diary album, it isn't as widely renowned but it would be great, and it would put something other than Fall Out Boy (ugh) in the EMO genre...
And I still say Clutch is needed...
[quote name='DestroVega']I have the week off that week... lots of getting ripped and watching endless hours of G4[/quote]

Hear hear!!
[quote name='Corvin']Apparently the whole RB2 setlist will be revealed at E3. That's the word on the street anyway. :)[/quote]
If game is due September, I would kinda hope so or at least a damn good sampling...
[quote name='Corvin']Apparently the whole RB2 setlist will be revealed at E3. That's the word on the street anyway. :)[/quote]

My guess is by the end of E3 you will know everything... what it looks like, how it all works, pricing, the songs... everything. The game is out like 7 weeks later.
I'm a little concerned due to the miniscule window between the first game and the sequel. Something tells me GH4 is going to be a lot more fleshed-out. Rock Band 2 may just have added online world tour and a couple new shirts and hats in character creation mode and called it a would certainly fit the EA model, although maybe not the Harmonix model.

Hope I'm wrong....maybe E3 will really surprise me. Regardless, I'm sticking with the Rock Band series just due to the DLC working on both games and Harmonix nailing down the gameplay a lot better than the current GH developer. I'll probably sell off my drums shortly and hope the ones with RB2 are better.
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