Shipwreck’s Guide To Half-Priced Xbox Live Arcade Games and Marketplace Content

Playign Mantis ~ Doesnt matter with points or codes
jaydepps ~ U need two systems one mem card or one hdd just for the profile.
I've never tried using this technique on map packs. Can anyone confirm that it works the same way? I just want to clarify, thanks.
After moving my profile to a MU, I cant move the Profile back to my HDD, It will just say there's a problem and wont transfer my Profile back.
Has anyone after sharing the purchase of castle crashers, have problems playing with that same person via Xbox Live (2 player game)?

I'm trying to play with a buddy of mine (after sharing the purchase), but can't connect cuz the game kicks us out. I'm just wondering if this has anything to do with the way we purchased the game.

We've both checked to ensure we had open NAT ports and are both on wired connections.

Thanks for the guide. I used this to buy the Lost and Damned....
It's very easy and works for games, map packs, and all kinds of DLC.
Just remember that you have to be connected to xbox live in order to play the game on the second xbox(the one with the purchaser's gamertag).
[quote name='qubikal']Has anyone after sharing the purchase of castle crashers, have problems playing with that same person via Xbox Live (2 player game)?

I'm trying to play with a buddy of mine (after sharing the purchase), but can't connect cuz the game kicks us out. I'm just wondering if this has anything to do with the way we purchased the game.

We've both checked to ensure we had open NAT ports and are both on wired connections.

Q[/quote]Same problem except with puzzle fighter.
[quote name='qubikal']Has anyone after sharing the purchase of castle crashers, have problems playing with that same person via Xbox Live (2 player game)?

I'm trying to play with a buddy of mine (after sharing the purchase), but can't connect cuz the game kicks us out. I'm just wondering if this has anything to do with the way we purchased the game.

We've both checked to ensure we had open NAT ports and are both on wired connections.


[quote name='maigoyume']Same problem except with puzzle fighter.[/quote]

Any feedback on this problem? Are different developers starting to work around the Usage Restrictions that make "sharing" possible?
Does this work if you already downloaded a trial / demo for the game you want to do this for?

Like, I have the SFIITHDR demo on my xbox. Could I purchase this game on a friends xbox and have it work the same, or would my xbox that I tried the demo on count as the original xbox the game was downloaded/purchased on?

Basically, does trying demos screw this process up?
[quote name='playing mantis']Any feedback on this problem? Are different developers starting to work around the Usage Restrictions that make "sharing" possible?[/quote]I just tried Castle Crashers a couple days ago with a friend I shared it with and it works just fine.
Basically, does trying demos screw this process up?
No. At least I don't think it does. Just delete the demo before you buy it if it's bothering you.
Will licensing the game have any effect? Like if I used my profile on a friends 360 to purchase something, and then I decided i want to play offline so i want to license the game to my 360. Will this have any adverse effects on my friend or on myself? Sorry if this has already been asked but I didn't see anyone talk about it on this thread.

Edit: nevermind. That was a very stupid question now that I think about it. They do call it license TRANSFERING for a reason.
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[quote name='qubikal']Has anyone after sharing the purchase of castle crashers, have problems playing with that same person via Xbox Live (2 player game)?

I'm trying to play with a buddy of mine (after sharing the purchase), but can't connect cuz the game kicks us out. I'm just wondering if this has anything to do with the way we purchased the game.

We've both checked to ensure we had open NAT ports and are both on wired connections.


I've had a problem with Castle Crashers with 2 players playing regularly purchased copies. For whatever reason, the game is fine with 3 or 4 people, but has problems with just 2. Not sure if this is still an issue, but it was at least a few months ago.
I want to try this, but don't currently own a memory card and don't want to buy one if it doesn't still work.

So, has anyone tried it in the past couple of days?
[quote name='tsantsa']I want to try this, but don't currently own a memory card and don't want to buy one if it doesn't still work.

So, has anyone tried it in the past couple of days?[/QUOTE]

You don't really need a memory card it's just easier that way. You could recover your gamertag on the other 360 and purchase game and then recover it again on the original 360.
With online multiplayer specific DLC, like map packs or new modes (RE5's Versus Mode), this method is ideal for CAG A, right? I mean, if they weren't connected to XBox Live, they wouldn't be able to use the content anyway, so there's really no downside.

Unless, it makes you unable to play the actual game unless you're logged into XBox Live... that's not the case, is it?
I just tried doing this and the gamertag that bought the DLC on the first console can't download it on the second console. My friend also said something about his Halo not working anymore (I bought it on his xbox a while ago). How do I fix this? Isn't there some way to recover the "DRM?" Please help.
Edit: NVM lol It just didn't recognize that it was bought in the first place. Had to give it a little time.
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[quote name='polobearjp']Does anybody know if this works with the new Games on Demand??[/QUOTE]
[quote name='mitchondria']anyone know if this will work on the avatar market place.[/QUOTE]

Whenever you go to buy something, read the license statement (only a few sentences long) that should make it clear. If it says something like... this will work for all accounts on the original Xbox 360 you purchase it on and for the original purchasing gamertag on any Xbox 360, then it will work.
Do you need two consoles for this process or would it work if my friend just brought over his hard drive and we did the whole process on only my Xbox by switching the hard drives instead of switching consoles?
I read the usage restritions for the avatar store, this will NOT work for the avatar store. It say it will only work on the account that buys it (can be used anywhere but only on the one account you buy it with).

It does work for games on demand but remember that you pay for those not with points but with a credit card.

[quote name='Gombay']Do you need two consoles for this process or would it work if my friend just brought over his hard drive and we did the whole process on only my Xbox by switching the hard drives instead of switching consoles?[/QUOTE]

Recover his gamertag (the one with the points) onto your hard drive, and then do it. Otherwise you wont have the item on your hard drive (he can redownload it for free on his own hard drive).
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[quote name='fsunka']I read the usage restritions for the avatar store, this will NOT work for the avatar store. It say it will only work on the account that buys it (can be used anywhere but only on the one account you buy it with).

It does work for games on demand but remember that you pay for those not with points but with a credit card.

Recover his gamertag (the one with the points) onto your hard drive, and then do it. Otherwise you wont have the item on your hard drive (he can redownload it for free on his own hard drive).[/QUOTE]
But you can do the whole process on one system, right?

1. Insert friend's HD into my Xbox.
2. Recover my GT on his HD.
3. Download a game with my points.
4. Remove his HD and replace it with mine
5. Recover my GT again (my HD)
6. Re-download game

[quote name='Gombay']But you can do the whole process on one system, right?

1. Insert friend's HD into my Xbox.
2. Recover my GT on his HD.
3. Download a game with my points.
4. Remove his HD and replace it with mine
5. Recover my GT again (my HD)
6. Re-download game

Since the points are on your gamertag - it will have to be done on his Xbox 360. It goes by Xbox 360 not by hard drive. So if you do your way, whoever is on your 360 can play that game and your gamertag can play that game on any 360 (so he gets nothing except a trial version of the game on his hard drive).
So to get it to work, you will either need to buy the game with your gamertag on his Xbox 360, or he will have to buy it on his gamertag on your Xbox 360.

That may be a little confusing so let me know if you need clarification. The main point is, it goes by Xbox 360 and not by hard drive. The other point is: either your 360 or your gamertag, not both.

I just saw this guide yesterday but been telling people this for nearly 2 years (and using it with my little brothers) though it can be a little confusing to understand at first.

[quote name='cdietschrun']This shouldn't be a problem with Fallout 3 DLC correct?[/QUOTE]

It works for Fallout DLC but for the first two packs I recommend

It installs both DLC packs from that disc (you only have to put in the disc the first time, just like the Oblivion Shivering Isles disc) and has unlimited installs so you can use it on as many 360s or resell.
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I have a question. what if there is a 3rd account involved? like say i have points on an account i dont use then i recover it on my bfs xbox to buy a game then recover it on my xbox and re download the game. will i be able to play the game on my original profile or do i have to be signed in the the 3rd one in order to play?
[quote name='sodipop']I have a question. what if there is a 3rd account involved? like say i have points on an account i dont use then i recover it on my bfs xbox to buy a game then recover it on my xbox and re download the game. will i be able to play the game on my original profile or do i have to be signed in the the 3rd one in order to play?[/QUOTE]

You would have to sign into the 3rd one in order to play.

Though this may or may not work (I have never tried myself) - my friend did it for Splosion man and it worked. He signed into the "3rd one" and started the full game. Once it was loaded he signed out and signed into the original one and was able to play the full game (in this case it was online multiplayer, he never tried the one player) and even get achievements on the original one.
Does this method work for games that come on a MU? I've had a 512 mb MU for 6 months that I haven't popped in yet because I wasn't sure if I could use this method to share the game on it.
Just to clarify:

So the only drawback to doing this would happen if the one with the system license had their console die. (Not that big of a deal to me since I would be doing it with my brother or close friends who wouldn't have an issue with ponying up half the cost to re-download something if I wanted to play it again).

One of my friends mentioned that he stopped doing this because he had a lot of problems playing online with friends. Anyone else have an issue with online play on XBL with games "purchased"/installed in this manner?
[quote name='henhowc']One of my friends mentioned that he stopped doing this because he had a lot of problems playing online with friends. Anyone else have an issue with online play on XBL with games "purchased"/installed in this manner?[/QUOTE]

I bought Battlefield 1943 through my account on my friend's console. Neither of us have ever had any problems while playing the game; most of the time we even played the game together in the same squad.
[quote name='Razzuel']I bought Battlefield 1943 through my account on my friend's console. Neither of us have ever had any problems while playing the game; most of the time we even played the game together in the same squad.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I'll chock this up to one of my friends being dumb. :D
[quote name='Ma12kez']Thanks for the link. I had no idea that Microsoft addressed this issue.[/QUOTE]

I haven't tried it myself...since they usually do this for you before they return your system after a RROD repair or replacement. Can you confirm that this works in this particular situation?
I've had 2 RRODs and 2 gamertags (my first one just stopped working about a month into it, couldn't recover it nothing would work so I just started another) not everything transferred automatically, I think they transferred the first gamertag even though everthing was done through the second one, so I had to transfer it manually and it worked fine.
[quote name='fsunka']I read the usage restritions for the avatar store, this will NOT work for the avatar store. It say it will only work on the account that buys it (can be used anywhere but only on the one account you buy it with).

It does work for games on demand but remember that you pay for those not with points but with a credit card.

Recover his gamertag (the one with the points) onto your hard drive, and then do it. Otherwise you wont have the item on your hard drive (he can redownload it for free on his own hard drive).[/QUOTE]
You can pay for games on demand with points just press Y. You obviously need a lot of points as well.
[quote name='M1C13']You can pay for games on demand with points just press Y. You obviously need a lot of points as well.[/QUOTE]

Oh good.

Half price games people! Though not much selection last time I checked and some overpriced like Oblivion (was $29.99 when I checked, I got mine years ago for $20 something used).
Awesome, I just did this with Shadow Complex and Trials HD. Forget that 800 reward for getting all the games, I took these two at half price and saved my money.
Question. I bought some of those shady xbl points off ebay last week. I received a gamertag in an email which contained points attached to it. I downloaded the games with that gamertag and am able to use them on my "real" gamertag just fine. My question is, if I want to download the games again on another xbox can I just recover the "fake" gamertag on that xbox and play the games with my own gamertag?
[quote name='n4styn4t3']Question. I bought some of those shady xbl points off ebay last week. I received a gamertag in an email which contained points attached to it. I downloaded the games with that gamertag and am able to use them on my "real" gamertag just fine. My question is, if I want to download the games again on another xbox can I just recover the "fake" gamertag on that xbox and play the games with my own gamertag?[/QUOTE]

No, it will show it as a trial game.

You can try this, but I can't gurantee it will work: start the game with the "fake" gamertag then sign out (while on the main menu of the game) and sign into yours.
[quote name='n4styn4t3']Question. I bought some of those shady xbl points off ebay last week. I received a gamertag in an email which contained points attached to it. I downloaded the games with that gamertag and am able to use them on my "real" gamertag just fine. My question is, if I want to download the games again on another xbox can I just recover the "fake" gamertag on that xbox and play the games with my own gamertag?[/QUOTE]

good luck and to anyone/everyone reading this, don't ever do this. I did this about almost 2 years ago and bought an xbl 1 year account with almost 5000 ms points on it and now can't use it and can't recover it. I got rid of my old 360 that had no hdmi to get a new 360 arcade and now the gamertag shows up as corrupted profile and I can't use any of the dlc. I called ms but they couldn't help me since the account had been moved to a silver and they didn't say much but i'm guessing the person who sold the account to me on ebay used a stolen credit card. On another account my ex roomate had, I was trying to play xbl arcade games and now it says there's no content on the account even when I try to do the drm license transfer tool. What a waste..
Heres a question....

if CAG A has a game that CAG B doesnt, can this method be used for for CAG B to get the game that he doenst have - the reason i ask is i`m trying to get a delisted game (double dragon) - it still sits on ms`s servers for people to redownload it.

Is it possible or wishful thinking

please let me know thanks!:)
i know this is a stupid question but was just wondering, is it possible to use a usb stick instead of a memmory card?
[quote name='darkforce97']Heres a question....

if CAG A has a game that CAG B doesnt, can this method be used for for CAG B to get the game that he doenst have - the reason i ask is i`m trying to get a delisted game (double dragon) - it still sits on ms`s servers for people to redownload it.

Is it possible or wishful thinking

please let me know thanks!:)[/QUOTE]

I would be nice if it does work. So this is working for all DLC? I would like a map pack and so would my friend.
It should work for all DLC. You don't even need a memory card. Just recover you profile on your friend's Xbox and download it there. You can then go back to your own and download it again.
bread's done