Super Mario Galaxy - Gen. Discussion & Info.

i hate the racing levels, but it's pretty cool when you just start a level and you see the guy and you're like holy #$%^ it's that #$%^ing penguin again.
[quote name='banpeikun']i hate the racing levels, but it's pretty cool when you just start a level and you see the guy and you're like holy #$%^ it's that #$%^ing penguin again.[/QUOTE]

i didn't much care for any of the underwater racing. i liked racing shadow mario though. and i remember in mario64 you could race shadow mario down that slide. i liked that a lot.

and i also remember that in mario sunshine there was a race where you rode on a blooper thing. i really liked that a lot. i think for the race to be entertaining, you've got to have some sort of unique type of control. and riding the green shell was just too easy.
[quote name='buttle']i didn't much care for any of the underwater racing. i liked racing shadow mario though. and i remember in mario64 you could race shadow mario down that slide. i liked that a lot.

and i also remember that in mario sunshine there was a race where you rode on a blooper thing. i really liked that a lot. i think for the race to be entertaining, you've got to have some sort of unique type of control. and riding the green shell was just too easy.[/quote]

wasn't that sunshine?
[quote name='Rocko']Which would be too simple. Having him spring around, while fitting the theme of a spring, since that's what they do, also balances the powerup of being able to jump really high.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I guess the controls do make sense for the type of power up. So I'll just say that I think it's a lame powerup.

I like my controls to be 100% spot on the whole time, and never get wonky, regardless of if it makes sense for a type of power up.

In the old Mario games there were tons of power ups, and the controls for all were impeccable.

But I guess some like Spring Mario, and don't mind challenge coming from goofy control rather than level design and AI, so to each their own I guess.

Minor nitpick in a very good game, but all these minor nitpicks are probably going to add up to Galaxy not being able to top my list of favorite 3D platformers--doesn't look like it's going to dethrone the first 2 Ratchet and Clank games for me.
1: I like the racing levels. The cosmic comet is my favourite comet of all.
2: I love the ball. That thing's awesome. It's also completely optional.
3: I hereby declare the toy galaxy to be the greatest galaxy ever.
4: Spring Mario's pretty damn neat.
[quote name='The Crotch']1: I like the racing levels. The cosmic comet is my favourite comet of all.
2: I love the ball. That thing's awesome. It's also completely optional.
3: I hereby declare the toy galaxy to be the greatest galaxy ever.
4: Spring Mario's pretty damn neat.[/quote]

Agreed on all points but 2. :lol:

Not even going to comment on the Ratchet and Clank stuff.

I'm 60 stars in on playthrough 2, and am taking a bit of a break in favor of RE:UC and Link's Crossbow Training.
98 stars in, and I continue to be amazed at the variety in gameplay and galaxies. I influenced one of my friends to buy this, as well. :D
[quote name='Foo228']wasn't that sunshine?[/QUOTE]

i looked it up. the level i was remembering was where you were racing a penguin. it was in cool, cool mountain. and the level was called the big penguin race.
[quote name='buttle']i looked it up. the level i was remembering was where you were racing a penguin. it was in cool, cool mountain. and the level was called the big penguin race.[/quote] of my personal favorite levels from a mario game

love how he could tell if you cheated or not

anyways, im at 107 stars now
...dont really know if I can handle getting all the purple coin stars
Just beat the final galaxy & boss. The galaxy itself was awesome, but the boss was a little disappointing.
Loved Bowser crawling out of the wreckage, though.
Got 30 or 40 stars to go. I hope the camera for Flying Mario is better than it was on that gate planet.
Pretty much skipped over all the posts in here (I don't want spoilers).

Only have four stars, even though I picked it up at launch. It will be one of the many games for my month long winter break:

Metroid Prime 3
The Orange Box
Open Season :)lol:)
Super Mario Galaxy
Eternal Sonata (2nd playthrough)

There might even be a couple more I am forgetting. Now I am kinda glad Brawl got pushed back!
Dmaul - did you do the second Kammy Koopa fight? The one on the ghost ship? I could see you hating that one, especially the Daredevil version of it.
[quote name='Vinny']You gotta be fucking kidding me...
so all the red star can be used for is getting around the main area? That's weak! But I guess it does make getting around much faster and damn is it fun. It would've been great as an unlockable bonus to explore the galaxies.:whistle2:(
[/quote]oh that explains why i never got it to work... i never tried in the hub.
[quote name='Vinny']You gotta be fucking kidding me...
so all the red star can be used for is getting around the main area? That's weak! But I guess it does make getting around much faster and damn is it fun. It would've been great as an unlockable bonus to explore the galaxies.:whistle2:(

You can use it to
get 1 ups hidden around the hub
[quote name='The Crotch']Dmaul - did you do the second Kammy Koopa fight? The one on the ghost ship? I could see you hating that one, especially the Daredevil version of it.[/quote]
I was cursing at the daredevil variation, but I took a break from it and went back to it after I beat bowser. Finished it pretty easily.
Why was Bowser such a pushover? I thought it would be because Baby Bowser would avenge his dad's loss, but no dice. I don't recall dying on the actual bowser battle at all.
[quote name='Doomed']I was cursing at the daredevil variation, but I took a break from it and went back to it after I beat bowser. Finished it pretty easily.
Why was Bowser such a pushover? I thought it would be because Baby Bowser would avenge his dad's loss, but no dice. I don't recall dying on the actual bowser battle at all.

I felt the same way. I recall the Bowser at the end of Mario 64 - that was hell. I had to throw his dumb ass off the stage like 15 times to hit that stupid ass flame. Keep in mind - I only beaten the DS version...
[quote name='The Crotch']We established its awesometacularness several posts ago, Rocko.[/quote]

Really? Oh well. I just got through it for the second time when I posted that. It's great.
[quote name='The Crotch']Dmaul - did you do the second Kammy Koopa fight? The one on the ghost ship? I could see you hating that one, especially the Daredevil version of it.[/QUOTE]

Don't think so. I'm assuming that's the boss in the Engine Room. I still need to finish off that dome and then go to the final area.
Deep Dark Galaxy sucked, IMO.

I'm at 105 stars on run 2. All I have left are the Purple Coin missions. I'm in for hell, but it will be oh-so-rewarding hell.
I liked the bit where you shot yourself into the rainbow star and ran through the billion enemies. That was about it, though.

Matter Splatter, however?
[quote name='The Crotch']I liked the bit where you shot yourself into the rainbow star and ran through the billion enemies. That was about it, though.

Matter Splatter, however?
[quote name='Super Maio Fan']Matter Splatter, in my opinion, is the best galaxy in the game. Mario platforming at it's finest.[/quote]

I had so much trouble with that level. On the second part i went left instead of right at one part seven times before i realized they didn't want me to go that way. After that it was a lot less hard. As hard as i found it, it was a well exicuted level.
Toy Galaxy, Luigi's Purple Coins
Mood: Pissed.
They may as well give you no control of the camera, as it's constantly working against you, the rotating platforms are bullshit in that sometimes they are more sensitive than others, and there's a bunch of other infuriating problems I'm too calm to remember.
In conclusion: fuck this game.

Eventually got the star though. After nearly having several heart attacks after failing with 95, 91, and 92 coins. Now at star #99!
I got to 85 stars tonight, and I have to say that Spring Mario is probably my favorite costume. I don't get all the complaining--I thought it was a blast hopping around with that thing.
Game over.

Amazing, amazing game. Love it.

Post 120 spoiler:
Post 240 spoiler:
Post 242 spoiler:
141 deaths with Mario, 92 with Luigi.
[quote name='The Crotch']Yeah, I think it's in the first galaxy of the Engine Room. You're gonna hate it.[/QUOTE]

Was in the Garden rather than Engine room, I had the names mixed up.

Didn't hate it, had no problems at all. Beat it, and the daredevil run of it, on my first try. :D Had an easier time here since the guy comes closer, made aiming at him easy as you could just run right up to him and throw the shell.

At any rate, polished off the Garden Dome and beat the game with 84 stars. Got the 3 main stars in every galaxy, did all the single star galaxies in domes, all the feed the hungry luma galaxies outside, along with a handful of comet stars and hidden stars.

Definitely a solid game, and easily the best of the 3D Mario games IMO. Right now I'd give it a solid 9.0, with the nitpicks I've mentioned throughout thread (that I won't list again) pulling it down from the 9.5 I'd given it otherwise.

I'll move on to something else now (probably Orange Box) but I'll keep Mario in the Wii and fire it up from time to time. Not sure how serious a run I'll make at 120 stars since I hate races, timed challenges and purple coin hunts, but would like to at least get the other two green stars and do the trial galaxies.
[quote name='pete5883']Level:
Toy Galaxy, Luigi's Purple Coins
Mood: Pissed.
They may as well give you no control of the camera, as it's constantly working against you, the rotating platforms are bullshit in that sometimes they are more sensitive than others, and there's a bunch of other infuriating problems I'm too calm to remember.
In conclusion: fuck this game.

Eventually got the star though. After nearly having several heart attacks after failing with 95, 91, and 92 coins. Now at star #99!
The same except I can't get past 45 coins, lol, although I am not in the fuck this game mode yet.
Don't get me wrong. I really enjoy this game. However I really /really/ hate the 'wiggle the controller' mechanic. It doesn't feel natural to me to do this while jumping. Or to THROW something.

Something about it gives me DS touch pad flashbacks, where it seems like something is shoehorned into a game when it isn't actually needed or ideal.

As a result, unless the extra for getting every star in the game is unbelieveably awesome and NOT available for viewing pleasure on Youtube, I'm going to ignore some of the Wiggle Mechanic oriented stars. Such as one I just discovered that is squarely focused on wiggling to throw items.

Actually, let me just add: Diety of choice bless the internet. It means that I don't /have/ to deal with annoying game modes to see game endings.
Completely finished the game w/ my girlfriend and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. The ability to have the other person screwing around picking up starbits really added a lot for us.
Finished w/ all 242!

And I don't know why everyone is complaining about the
Luigi purple coin star
. I think I did that w/ Mario
and Luigi
within about 5 tries, and I'm FAR from some expert gamer...

Oh well - I guess different people have trouble with different things...
[quote name='BlueLobstah']*snicker* Unbiased review? Hardly. If you want a good laugh, be sure to read the above review, that is if you can make it through without cracking up.[/quote]
I assume you already know this, since it is old news, but just in case a few of you missed it:

What's interesting is that whoever is the genius behind SDF / Wii60, he's BANKING on them Google ads.

Or, he would be if he only gotten them.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']I guess I missed that. That would explain the provocative review however...[/quote]

Cool, I'm glad I edumacated someone.

Now, the really odd thing is that neither of the sites advertise. And honestly, he does a great job satirizing the "partisanship" within the video game community, lampooning it just for what it is. He really should have bought Google Ads, though - he'd be BANKING.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']The same except I can't get past 45 coins, lol, although I am not in the fuck this game mode yet.[/QUOTE]
If I may give you some tips:
1. Leave yourself a way to get back to the square you start on
2. Do the long jumps to the right of where you start first, they're the hardest so once you get past that you are more likely to succeed. I kind of did it the stupid way and got all the easy ones before the hard ones. And only step on a spot if a) there's a coin on it or b) you absolutely have to.
Can I get some input on when you guys actually went and saved the princess. How many stars did you have when you went to seal the deal. I'm at 90 right now and suffering from a vicous COD4 addiction so can't find the motivation to get to my original goal of 100 stars.
[quote name='pittpizza']Can I get some input on when you guys actually went and saved the princess. How many stars did you have when you went to seal the deal. I'm at 90 right now and suffering from a vicous COD4 addiction so can't find the motivation to get to my original goal of 100 stars.[/quote]

The goal of 100 stars is silly. I suggest either going for 120 - which you can't get until you saved the princess once (though the payoff is way worth it) OR just beating the game now when you can, and leaving it be, until you come back IF you feel like doing it 100%.
[quote name='pittpizza']Can I get some input on when you guys actually went and saved the princess. How many stars did you have when you went to seal the deal. I'm at 90 right now and suffering from a vicous COD4 addiction so can't find the motivation to get to my original goal of 100 stars.[/QUOTE]

I had 84.

My goal was to just get all the main stars (i.e. all but the comet and hidden stars) and I pretty much did that.

So that was the 3 main stars in the main galaxies in all the domes, all the single star galaxies in dones, all the boss galaxies in domes and all the feed the hungry luma galaxies outside. Did all those and got a decent handful of hidden stars that I stumbled across and did a few of the comet challenges here and there.

I did it that way as that would ensure that I saw most of the game (since the main stars usually entail doing different sections of a galaxy) and I wouldn't miss much since the comet stars and hidden stars are just redoing certain areas of a galaxy for the most part.

Doubt I'll ever push for 120, so figured playing this way got the most out of the game in the time I was willing to devote before moving back to Halo 3 and some other games in my back log.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I had 84.

My goal was to just get all the main stars (i.e. all but the comet and hidden stars) and I pretty much did that.

So that was the 3 main stars in the main galaxies in all the domes, all the single star galaxies in dones, all the boss galaxies in domes and all the feed the hungry luma galaxies outside. Did all those and got a decent handful of hidden stars that I stumbled across and did a few of the comet challenges here and there.

I did it that way as that would ensure that I saw most of the game (since the main stars usually entail doing different sections of a galaxy) and I wouldn't miss much since the comet stars and hidden stars are just redoing certain areas of a galaxy for the most part.

Doubt I'll ever push for 120, so figured playing this way got the most out of the game in the time I was willing to devote before moving back to Halo 3 and some other games in my back log.[/quote]

Seems like this is the way alot of Wii-Sixty owners such as ourselves will play this game. With Ass Creed just finished, and my suffering a serious COD4 addiction right now and Mass Effect on teh way, I should prob take your advice and just save her already.
Yep. It's not that Mario isn't great or anything, just that I'm not a fan of timed challenges, coin collections, etc, so I don't really have much desire to push for 120 vs. moving on to something else.
sorry to bump the thread, but I'm loving this game. My favourite galaxy is a toss up between toy time and freeze flame. freeze flame's ice skating is suberb, and toy time's mecha koopa's and 8- bit mario made me cry nostaglia
X-box Live being down for the second straight afternoon/evening gave me an excuse to fire this up and working on getting some more stars.

Got sucked in a played for 4 hours, and got 17 more. Up to 101 now. Think I have all the hidden stars now (unless there are any more I have to wait on Luigi to find and send the picture) and I did all the trial galaxies.

The Loopdeswoop galaxy was a pain in the ass. Just hate the controls for the ray surfing. Didn't have too much trouble with the ball or bubble stages though. I guess on the bright side, there were so many 1ups in the Loopdeswoop track that by the time I finished I was +45 lives from when I started. :lol:

Great game. Still don't know if I'll push for all 120. Desire dropping since all I have left (I think) are the comet challenges, and most of those are fairly annoying IMO.
1: With the exception of the one on the Toy Time galaxy, those purple coins were really easy. I imagine they'll be harder with
, but I'll save that for when my backlog shrinks.
2: The thing with the Loopdeswoop galaxy is going a million times slower than you think you should. I was crawling through the last 2/3s of it, and still came in at about 1:40.
bread's done